Artie Dental on Monday


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
As the title states, Artie is scheduled for a dental on Monday. I feel so bad for him. I am also a bit anxious about it.  He is 12 years old....He has a functional heart murmur, but no one can hear it one... it is as if it disappeared! 

strange...and had some early kidney disease, however his BUN and Creatinine are normal...his blood tests have really improved since being this novel protein diet...high protein, low carb...wet food

He has bad teeth, and had been drooling for a few months. He seems to have stopped that but, he swallows a lot..and is such a messy eater now.. I have to wash the food off the wall...

As you know he has IBD and is on a lot of medicine for it.

He was eating great and then there was a bit of a change in it. The specialist and I do not think it is from the IBD. He has not vomited since we started treatment. 

She looked at his mouth and said he has a lot of resorptive lesions; and to schedule him for extractions because they are painful.

His blood tests are good. 

He is going to have  a full mouth series of x-rays before they do the dental and will extract all the teeth that seem to need it. Things can be going on below the gum line...

I am certain of at least 3 teeth...I feel so bad for my guy...

and I am scared.

He cannot have any food after 11pm on Sunday--only water...and none of his medicine for IBD..pepcid, steroid, or cisapride (for bowels)..

I have no plans for the week. I want to be watching him. I am also scared of hurting him, when I have to give him his meds the night of the surgery...I may ask the Vet to do so before I take him home...

kind of scared..

He had a tooth removed a couple years ago...

You all know me as a venter, and here I go. 

I have to fast him from food when he is the hungriest.. he eats during the night. I know he will be keeping me up all night asking for food...he will be breaking my heart even more than it is now.....


I will be bringing in his novel protein food for the Vet to give him after the dental. She said all cats wake up ravenous after the surgery....

I can pick him up late in the day.. early day drop off..
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I hope everything goes well with Artie.  
  I would worry, too - anyone would.   He's your dear boy and he's about to have surgery.
   The worst part will probably be Sunday night when Artie is meowing piteously for his food and keeping you awake so you can't sleep your worry away!   It's great you can keep an eye on him the week after his surgery.  
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I hope everything goes well with Artie.  
  I would worry, too - anyone would.   He's your dear boy and he's about to have surgery.
   The worst part will probably be Sunday night when Artie is meowing piteously for his food and keeping you awake so you can't sleep your worry away!   It's great you can keep an eye on him the week after his surgery.  
Thank you... yes, I am planning on getting a nap in on Sunday so I will be ready...

He will be coming home to a clean litter box!! I plan to dump, wash the box and the bathroom it is in. It will keep me busy, and close to the phone...

I was supposed to go in for training with the Humane Society, but I think I will postpone it again...for another week...

Sorry I posted, but I knew the people who have gotten to know me, would understand my anxiety... and I do have anxiety...

The worst part will be Monday morning--he will be starving.. Instead of waking me at 7am....he will be tap-tapping my shoulder at 2am!!!

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  • #5


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
for Artie. You'll both be in my thoughts come Monday
Thank you----yes, it is scary not knowing how many teeth are effected...

I have faith in my Vet...I really do... the specialist trained her... Yes, they were at the Same Vet school....I really like my smart, kind, gentle...explains everything...and has been following Artie very closely with his appointments with the specialist... The entire staff at my Vets know him (and me)...I feel very comfortable there...I just walk in and they have us checked in and immediately placed in a waiting in the waiting room for us...

They are very sweet there...and have a good rep, I think.....


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
You are such a good mom to that precious boy [emoji]128149[/emoji]
It's very understandable that you are anxious about this procedure and talking about it is a very healthy thing to do! :hugs:

As you know we love each other's kitties and our hearts are connected! You are such a loving and supportive member of this community and we want to do the same for you! Artie has stolen my heart since I saw a picture (I think Halloween maybe?) and there was just something in his eyes that spoke to me!

Vent as much as you need, we are here for you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
You are a great mom to Artie. You will both be in my thoughts. It sounds like you have a great vet. It is understandable that you are worried. Monday is my day off. I will check here to see how you are doing. Please feel free to PM me if you need to talk.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Wishing Artie many good vibes.
I hope the surgery goes great and he heals well. 

I totally understand the worry. I would also worry if one of my babies had to go into surgery for their teeth. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
Just wanted to add our strongest calming and healing vibes for your Artie- praying everything goes smoothly. It is great that you have faith in your vet, plus that's good news on his B/W improving too.
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  • #13


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
awww...thanks to all of you!! I really mean it...

Artie has gotten really lovey lately...

Wouldn't you know it..we are expected to have a snowstorm on Monday!  During the time I have to drop him off and pick him up.....We just had a storm of 7 inches on Friday! 

Now another one on Monday, with predictions of 4-7 inches! 

I am kind of undecided on whether or not to re-schedule his dental--at the last minute...

The snow will be hitting during the commute time!! and the pick up time....sigh...

I am not afraid of driving because the Vet is on a main highway. I can go the long way and get behind a plow. 

It is getting in and out of my apartment building. The entrance is on a short alley way-dead end street, which gets plowed in from the mini-highway...

Maybe if I take it slow and put my car (not 4 wheel drive) in D1 or D2 I can get thru it....

Last time Artie was scheduled for a snowed every time he had it scheduled. I had to postpone it 6 times.....

Don't know what to do....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Sending lots of good thoughts from here and all paws are crossed. 

I hope everything goes well for him! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
awww...thanks to all of you!! I really mean it...

Artie has gotten really lovey lately...

Wouldn't you know it..we are expected to have a snowstorm on Monday!  During the time I have to drop him off and pick him up.....We just had a storm of 7 inches on Friday! 

Now another one on Monday, with predictions of 4-7 inches! 

I am kind of undecided on whether or not to re-schedule his dental--at the last minute...

The snow will be hitting during the commute time!! and the pick up time....sigh...

I am not afraid of driving because the Vet is on a main highway. I can go the long way and get behind a plow. 

It is getting in and out of my apartment building. The entrance is on a short alley way-dead end street, which gets plowed in from the mini-highway...

Maybe if I take it slow and put my car (not 4 wheel drive) in D1 or D2 I can get thru it....

Last time Artie was scheduled for a snowed every time he had it scheduled. I had to postpone it 6 times.....

Don't know what to do....
When I had a ford focus, I would always shift my car down to make getting through snow easier. I'm so glad that I now own an AWD Subaru. I would say try it and if you feel it is too dangerous cancel then. It seems we are "supposed" to have snow at specific times, and it comes late practically always. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I hope all goes well for dear Artie!  Are you going to stay there while the cleaning is done? 
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
New York, I always downshift my car when I drive in nasty snow..I can downshift from D to D1, or D2 or D3....It does help a lot. I swear the next car I buy is going to have 4 wheel drive, if I can afford it; and a back up camera.

Ginny, No I am not staying there. I have to drop him off at 8:30am, the Vet will call me after the dental, when he wakes up; around 2:00pm. I think I can pick him up after 4pm....they have it all planned out.

I guess they want to wait to see how he is after he wakes up, before they call me. The later pick-up is to make sure he pees and eats; and to medicate him. 

I have driven in a lot of snow, in my lifetime. I was an essential employee, (hospital worker). I like to follow behind a plow if it is really bad...yes, very slow, but safe...I do not care if people pass me..

I have had my share of skids....hate driving in snow...

The issue is just getting in and out of my little dead end street. It is off a highway. We always get plowed in by the state. 

Getting to the Vet is all state highway..It is just this little area which is bad...

If worse comes to worse, I will just have to leave him there overnight...which I do not want to..but, it is an option. 

Artie knows something is up! I am delaying his meds a bit today, because he cannot have any tomorrow morning. I wanted to keep some of them in his system least a bit...

This morning, instead of me grabbing him and giving him his pill first thing in the morning, I asked if he wanted to eat--and fed him.. He could not believe his ears...seriously, he was looking at me, head tilted, as if to say, "You said WHAT??"""

He is too smart...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
It's good to hear that you know how to drive in the snow. I know how scary snow driving can be though. I always drive slower than anyone else on the road. My mother has a mantra for when it is snowy or icy: "Never go faster than you are willing to hit something." I hope that you'll be able to get to the vet and pick up Artie after his surgery. If not, there is at least the option to have him stay there.

I don't know about where you are, but where I am 4 wheel drive is actually unhelpful since the weight of the car makes skids faster. 4 wheel drive or awd only helps if at least one tire has traction. I have a small car with awd so i have the benefits of a light vehicle with the added power of awd.

Artie sounds like a smart kitty. He knows when his routine is disturbed.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Please be careful, if the weather is too bad I would reschedule. It is not worth risking you or Arties's safety  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hope all goes well. If there are heart issues most vets use a different type of anesthesia. You can always ask them tomorrow. They usually have a person whose job is monitoring air intake/vitals as well as the vet who is preforming the surgery. I see your baby already figured out something was amiss with the schedule.

As far as the snow, I see we are in the same area....the downshifting helps because the engine is being used to slow down and this saves the tires from slipping. What you do is very helpful. Someone explained it to me how the engine down shifting slows down has fast the drive shaft is spinning or something like this which is so you don't have to stomp on the brakes as much,..I agree with the statement above about 4wd only makes more problems when you have to stop. it doesn't help you stop faster it just helps you move around. I have 4wd and rarely use it. I only use it when I am at a stoplight and theres snow covered helps me get traction to move-I have a push button on the dash so when I am done turning etc I just pop it back into 2wd. Also when the snow is slippery and temps are in the 30s that's when its slipperier. I actually prefer it in the 20s and under-the snow isn't as sticky and less sliding around..I know it sounds weird but I love driving in snow when the temps are in the 20s=less sliding around and usually its powdery and blows off the road anyways. Its the heavy wet stuff that new England is known for that is a pain.

I don't know how much you got last week but they originally called for only 3-5" and we got almost a foot! I hope all goes well!! Keep us posted...or you can lurk on here in the middle of the night-always someone on here :)