Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Artie is doing well enough, certainly not suffering and as long as he has an interest in life then kee on going, but, i think you need to think about not taking your cousin's calls or setting up some boundaries that he isn;t allowed to offer opinions.
I agree with this. He can call one of us instead. We'll let him know how much his opinion is valued.  


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Yes, Artie is dying - which is to say, he has a chronic, progressive illness that will eventually end his life. That same sentence applies to my Pixie (who's having a rough time at the moment too) That does NOT mean that either of them are suffering now. I had to have the 'quality of life' talk with my vets yesterday. He had a very helpful take on it (one of his dogs is nearing the end, so he was speaking from a personal standpoint as well as a professional one). With sick and elderly animals, the way you judge quality of life shifts - just as you'd see in people. After all, you wouldn't expect someone in their 80's to be doing the same as someone in their 50's, but that does NOT mean that the 80 year old has no enjoyment in life! Yes, they will have bad days, but so long as more days are good thanks bad (which certainly seems to be the case with Artie), then life is still enjoyable and worth having.
Very well said. From what I've read, you've had more positive days than negative days. That needs to count for something. At some point it will reverse and Artie will not be as bright-eyed or "happy". At that point, it will be time to revisit this.

Here are a few "quality of life" scales for you to look over:

Based on what you've posted, Artie easily passes. Bookmark these though and refer back to them as his condition changes.

I'm fairly certain that my Molly wouldn't have passed the last few days of her life. While that thought bothers me, we were also waiting for test results to hopefully tell us what was wrong and maybe help her. Tests were inconclusive and the vet was out of ideas. Deep down though, I know we tried everything we could and did the tests we could. That is important. Know that you are doing everything you can for Artie so when the day comes, be gentle with yourself. In my opinion this isn't the day.

Your cousin is a jerk and I know plenty like him. :(


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
From reading your posts, I don't think Artie is near ready to go
.  He's just having a bad day.  Sounds like he was just really, really backed up, and now something has caused it to come out, which once it's done will be a huge relief to both of you. 

In the meantime, can you just drape yourself in a beach towel or something when you pick him up to protect yourself, then fold it up and unfold it and reuse it each time, then just wash it once a day or something? 

In the meantime, did you ever get a chance to review that thread I provided a few days ago?  I know you said you cannot feed him Chicken, but can you substitute something else?  Can you get your hands on rabbit anywhere?  What other proteins will he eat?  You want it to be something easily digestible (not beef I don't think)  How about he allergic to that?  But realy, it's the rice that's what helps with the diarrhea here, along with the probiotics, etc.  

Do you think Artie would wear a Cat Diaper?  They do make them!  That could solve a lot of issues with you and the floors and bed, although you would still have the issue of cleaning HIM up
,just until you canget this situation resolve. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Truly, it is a dark day for the entire world.  But we must go on, and we will go on, with compassion, kindness, intelligence, and caring as our values and our intentions, yes?

If we want to be brutal, everyone born is, as Bob Dylan once put it, "busy dying".  That does not mean we should all pull the plug!  We all have good and bad days, and as part of the aging process, things do weaken and wear out.  Again, that does not mean we should pull the plug and give up.  

My personal beliefs, based on a life of loving many cats, people, and others, is that it is not our right to end life unless there is irremediable and irreversible suffering of such intensity that it is inhumane to continue.  As long as my loved ones eat and enjoy life, they are living, and we treasure each day, each hour, each moment.  We don't have to take it out farther than that.  

This is a nice site, so I won't say what I think of your cousin.  I think others posting definitely agree.  Let him go to Europe or do whatever.  I'd just let the machine pick up his calls, and delete them.  

Please do not give up on Artie.  Treasure your time with him, and love him wholeheartedly.  


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
My Darlin Girl, Artie is having more ok, good, and better days than bad and worse days.  And when you get to it, that's all ANY LIVING CREATURE with a chronic disease can ask for.  I call it a win.  I am totally convinced that HE will let you know when it is time.  He still enjoys his time with you (a WHOLE LOT on occasion, LOL), he is enjoying his food, let him do his thing.  I know how hard the constant cleaning is for you, and only wish I were close enough to help!  HUGS!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Artie has been getting better, in spite of what your cousin says. Sometimes with these things it's two steps forward and two steps back. How can your cousin say he is suffering when Artie is so amorous? Tell that cousin of yours to bug off. Artie is getting back to being himself, and you are taking wonderful care of him.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I slept through most of the day and everyone has already said everything I was thinking, and probably much more eloquently than I could.  I do think you should sic @Kat0121  on your clueless cousin. 
   You obviously have been making the right decisions all along with Artie since he is still enjoying life, sometimes "A WHOLE LOT" as @Mamanyt1953  pointed out.  The cleaning, though, heavens above, the constant cleaning!  I, too, wish I lived closer and could help you with that.  

Here is hoping that you are able to head that illness off at the pass.  
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  • #390


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
todays update, so far, in case anyone is interested...

Yesterday, Artie had a total of 4 episodes of diarrhea.. Yes, 4... and 2 episodes of small poop before that. 

Poor baby..

Artie woke me up at 4:30am... I turned over, he was content to cuddle for a bit.. but at 6:45 he started to really bother me.. I managed to hold him off until 7:30am... He followed me right into the bathroom and was at my feet. As soon as I left the bedroom, he made a beeline to his litter box, yowling.. He had to poop... 

Yes, another episode of diarrhea.... what is going on?? 

I know he is exhausted. He ate about 1 1/4 small cans of food last night.. not much today.. only a few licks.. not even a 1/4 of a can. poor thing.. 

I am going back to his doses of the meds today.. including the miralax.. I am afraid to not give it to him, even for a day. 

Today was also a sub-q day.. I was fearful of giving it to him, thinking it may cause more diarrhea, but with all he had yesterday, I do not want him to get dehydrated. 

Artie was so good. He was on my bed, sleeping... I went over, put the bag on the hook above my pillows, and just poked him.

He was kind of on his side so it was hard for me to get a good spot.. At one point the flow stopped. I tried to reposition the needle a bit, but alas, I had to re-stick him.  Artie was so good.. he moved a bit, but not much.. what a good cat.. what a good boy... He was fighting his meds a bit, but he took the sub-q's so good.. 

Before he went into his quilt tent, he looked at his yarn ball on the floor.. He went over to push it around a couple of times. And he loves his little 'fishy'... I need to get him a new one.. the head is the perfect size to fit in his mouth, so it is all black and has tons of holes in it from his fangs...but he loves it...

He did get some smears on the bed cover sheet. That is washing right now, along with a couple of pad that I used when I steam washed the great room this morning..

I could not stand looking at the poop spots on it.. and the smears.. I have tried to keep up with spot cleaning, but I had to do the entire floor. So I did a quick vacuum in the great room, took the steamer out, and did the floor twice.. once with the scrubby pad, the second time with the regular pad.. The floor is spotless now!  That is until Artie gets up...I did cheat and not move the furniture.. I just did around it.. I was soaking wet after that.. still kind of fighting a cold.. I am taking it easy the rest of the day..

I was thinking of calling the S Vet to update about the diarrhea, but what is she going to tell me that I do not already know??

I did withhold one dose of the cisapride (she would tell me to give it) and I did give only one dose of the miralax (she would tell me to stop that).. I did it differently.. but we are right back to his regular doses today. 

I am giving him sub-q's, so he will not become dehydrated.. that is a big issue with diarrhea-- I the that covered.. 

I will wait, if he is not improved by Monday, I will call the hospital.. the S Vet will not be in (off Sunday and Monday or she is Off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, but works Saturday of that week).. I would have to deal with a different Vet. 

No, I will not take him to the ER for this.. 

I know, I am projecting.. but I guess I am bored, by staying in the house... and I really do want Artie to be back to normal...sigh...

even a new normal I would take.. but a normal... all of this cleaning, and him having all these issues is really exhausting for me-- I cannot imagine how he feels...

So I am marking today as a bad day....unless, he turns around later... if he begins eating, then it will be a so-so day...sigh...

2 bad days this week...but he is alert... he is exhausted. I can tell by his face.. His face is so expressive ~~ it is as if he can speak through his face, his expressions...

Talked to my older friend last night. She is on my side. She is not fond of cats, but she understands ...she also feels that you cannot let them suffer and if there is something you can do to help them, you have to.. She said I will know when it is time.. she said that my cousin's remarks would have upset her also.. She has met him.. 

Gotta go put the stuff in the dryer now.. and put the other clothes and towels away... 

Trying to air out the house from the poop and bleach smells.. sigh.. that does not help my asthma either.. 

I have never used so much bleach in my life!! 

and Nature's Miracle.. I must have used a gallon over the past month.. 

thanks for listening to me vent.. 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I slept through most of the day and everyone has already said everything I was thinking, and probably much more eloquently than I could.  I do think you should sic @Kat0121  on your clueless cousin. 
   You obviously have been making the right decisions all along with Artie since he is still enjoying life, sometimes "A WHOLE LOT" as @Mamanyt1953  pointed out.  The cleaning, though, heavens above, the constant cleaning!  I, too, wish I lived closer and could help you with that.  

Here is hoping that you are able to head that illness off at the pass.  
I'll take him on. @Alicia88  and I can do a conference call. Anyone else want in? Remember the party lines from back in the day? We can take turns going off on him. Never underestimate the power of a clowder of cat people. 

Much love to Cindy and darling Artie today. I hope today is a very good day for our sweet boy. 

Feel better soon Cindy! I woke up with a sore throat so It looks like I may be climbing into that boat too. 


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Cindy, I guess I need to go back to the very beginning with this.  Artie started out with IBD with constipation, NO diarrhea.  Now his issue is diarrhea.  What has changed for him, besides that enema in late December.  Food?  Meds?  (increases, decreases?)  Sub-q? 

WHY does Artie have a regular Vet and a Specialist Vet?  Just from reading, it seems you like your Regular Vet so much better, and they seem to have a good handle on things, just curious as to what the S-Vet does.

Did you ever try to adjust Artie's food to EXCLUDE carrageenan and/or Guar Gum?  I know he's a picky eater, but just wonder, as it was mentioned way early on in this thread. 

WHAT are all the meds that Artie is on and how much, including stuff like Miralax ?  Is he on one specifically for his gas buildup?  There are meds for that  (for cats)...both RX and OTC. 

Did they ever test him for Pancreatitis.  I know that twas mentioned earlier in this thread too, and it can cause lots of gas. 

I"m just wondering if ALL his meds might be interacting somehow and revolting

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  • #394


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
OMGosh,, where do I begin...

I adopted Artie 5 years ago this March. He was 8 yrs old.. 

Right from the beginning he seemed sick.. vomiting, not eating much, and plagued with bad teeth and an unknown heart murmur. 

He never really had daily poops.. It was more like every other day, or every 3 days. He was raised in grocery store canned food. I tried Blue Buffalo. He loved the dry. The wet food was so so with him. I eventually tried every food on the market. He kept vomiting and his appetite was horrible. 

He kept vomiting, and it was a job to get him to eat. I tried all the food I could find at Petsmart and Petco. I finally ended up selling on Fancy Feast because he seemed to love that brand. I stayed with the classics. 

He has had 3 dentals. His heart murmur is a functional one--echo done about 4 years ago. 

Kept vomiting, Finally his Regular Vet told me that we had exhausted all possibilities and he needed to see a Specialist, strongly suspecting IBD. In the meantime, I started researching and noticed he was vomiting immediately after eating chicken. Each time I fed him chicken, he would come out of the kitchen and vomit right in front of me. He was also having bowel moments every 2-3 days.. not daily and did they stink.

Artie had an endoscopic biopsy. He was put on the IBD Meds: Cerenia, Pepcid, Prednisolone, Reglan, Zofran for the days off of Cerenai.... for about 2 months, along with a novel protein diet. I tried a ton of different protein sources, and he finally settled on Rabbit. This was what he seemed to eat a lot of. I tried Hound and Gatos Lamb and even Pork.. he ate each protein for a bit and then stopped. He could not afford to lose weight. His vomiting stopped as soon as I stopped feeding him chicken.. 

I also tried Wild Calling Rabbit. The specialist told me to pick a protein and stay with it.. not to vary the protein.

I finally tried the Natures Variety Line. He is not crazy over the NV Rabbit, but he will eat it occasionally.. He loves the Pride Rabbit. So that is what he has been eating. 

I have Solid Gold Tuna in the house for emergencies.. he loves the tuna with mackerel.

After about 6 weeks on the IBD med Protocol, He was taken off the daily Cerenia, Zofran, and the Reglan.. I was happy to get him off the Reglan because he hated taking it. 

He has since become more and more constipated-- going only about 3 or perhaps 4 times a week. He had either monthly exams with the Specialist, Internal Medicine, or an appointment every 3 months ....

When I pointed out he was pooping only 3 or 4 times a week, the specialist suggested Cisapride.. twice a day.. 

That was good for a while..pooping daily with it.. and a ton each time. 

This lasted for several months.. then he started not going very often. So the specialist increased the dose to 3 times a day.

His meds at that time were: Cisapride three times a day; pepcid 1/2 tablet daily; Provable probiotic, and Cerenia for flares.. There have been 3 times last year that he seemed to have a flare when he just did not eat.. no vomiting, but wanting to eat but not eating much.. He has been losing weight over the past year.. 

In late November, he was noticed to have lost more weight. The specialist has been doing routine blood work twice a year. The last one was great.. She did not want to see him lose anymore weight, but he was ok..

He had an appointment with a new regular Vet, because last one left practice, He lost even more weight and I noticed his appetite was less. The Regular Vet wanted me to touch base with the Specialist because it could be severe IBD vs Lymphoma--at this point..I also noticed he was not eating quite as much as he had been.. down a bit..

The specialist prescribed Cerenia daily... His appetite seemed to increase a bit with this...

Then a week later, Artie could not poop. He was in his litter box, once at nighttime and twice the next morning.. Immediately took him to R-Vet who felt him to be constipated and did an enema and hydrated him at the same time..

OMGosh I get confused at this point. Artie became very lethargic at home, wiped out. Called R Vet who suggested more fluids to perk him up. Upon exam, he was still constipated.. She prescribed lactulose, hoping to avoid another enema. She also did an x-ray and saw what looked like concrete stool.. not dilated bowel, just stool.. she was hoping he would pass it.. It was higher than where the enema would reach, so the lactulose. With the decreased appetite, the R vet tried a tiny dose of Valium.. it worked, until it wore off...

The R vet also consulted with the S Vet.. The S Vet suggested a stronger dose of Cisapride three times a day.. and continue with the Cerenia daily...

I was in daily contact with the Regular Vet with updates. Artie never seemed to come back from the enema.. the R Vet hydrated him again, felt one tiny piece of poop left to come continue lactulose and

The R vet suggested an appointment with the Specialist to make sure he was ok.

The Specialist did not feel he was constipated, but did an ultrasound and an x-ray. The ultrasound could not really show the center of the abdomen because he was so gassy. 

They did the x-ray and still saw poops in him!! He was still constipated!!

They did another enema (his second one). I do not think they hydrated him after it.. 

The specialist discussed him with the Radiologist, coming to the conclusion that he has a motility issue which can lead to MegaColon. 

The specialist prescribed Reglan.. 

He went really downhill after this.. pretty much shut down. The Reglan seemed to be the worst offender; making him too spacey... He was in a constant meatloaf position, refusing all food.. I took him off the Reglan.. he went back to the Specialist for hydration. They showed me how to do sub-q's. The Specialist is strongly disagreeing with me about stopping the Reglan. I felt Artie was being overmedicated... and was a zombie...and shutting down. She told me that by not giving him the Reglan, I was risking him being repeatedly hospitalized for obstipation.... not constipation...

At Christmas, it was the worst.. Christmas Eve, I was in tears syringe feeding him..

Christmas Morning, right after mass, I took him to the ER. I was thinking that I would have to put him down..They prescribed cyproheptadine for his appetite, twice a day..

That is where and when this thread began. I started posting in the Whats on you Mind thread, but the moderators felt I could get more support with my own thread.

Right now Artie is on: Cisapride three times a day, Pepcid, Cerenia, Proviable, Prednisolone, Cyproheptadine twice daily..and daily Miralax 1/4 twice a day... I have the lactulose for emergencies. 

We are hoping to somehow get into some kind of routine where he will have an appetite and normal poop...

That is where we stand now... 

When I ask about cutting back on his meds, I get a big NO from the Specialist.. 

I am trying to switch him to the Prescription Rabbit so we will all be on the same page with something. I do feel that Natures Variety is a good food, but I wonder if the natural clay they add to it, is adding to the constipation. I know it is good for IBD cats with diarrhea..

I have even tried the Hound and Gatos Pork and the Lamb again.. he turns his nose up at it.. I have tried the Wild Calling Rabbit..same thing.. he just loves the Pride line...sigh

This is his story....

He does not vomit.. his issues are inappetence, weight loss, and constipation...

so long....

Artie will be 13 yrs old on Feb 8......

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I know it must feel like you are getting bombarded with advice, I hope you don't take offence to all  of the suggestions and questions.  It's just that we want sweet Artie to get better. Have you tried feeding him a commercial raw diet?  Stella and Chewy's has a rabbit one. 
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I have not tried a raw diet.. I am afraid of one.. that is the big issue.. Artie is free fed.. I worry about contamination..and spoilage... and I have a very small apartment refrigerator with the freezer on top.. If I had a free standing freezer, then that would eliminate one issue...


He has been better the rest of the day; after this morning..

Only the one diarrhea this morning.. Artie has been sleeping in his tent/quilt all day.. He did come out later this afternoon to eat.. so he is picking up... I will change this to a  "So-So" day, in his calendar...(yes, I am charting his bad days---I need t know and keep a record of them~~ just for me...if anything has to happen in the short future).....I need confirmation that I am doing the right thing..

He did try to cuddle with me while I was dozing on the recliner.. Artie did not care for the position I was in and for the blanket I was using....I hate to disturb him while he is so peaceful.. I do love this little guy so much...

I guess I am putting too much emphasis on Artie.. after all, he is cat~~ a pet... but I think so much more of him.. perhaps I am putting human attributes onto him.. and making myself crazy by doing so....


No, I do not get offended with all the advice.. I really appreciate all the support and love we have been getting here.. I love the people on this site.. @Anne  needs to know that she has put together and has kept a wonderful forum.. I love the people here.. thank you so much.. and @Anne, You are awesome at keeping this site so friendly, caring and loving.. I feel as if I have a family here...thank you..

love and ((hugs)) to all who read this...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Stella and Chewy's raw food is freeze-dried. . .you don't need to keep it in the freezer and it shouldn't spoil any faster than canned food. So if you want to try it I think it could work. It is expensive though :/. You could also consider a home-cooked diet, if you think he's sensitive to something in the food. Poor guy, he's really been through the wringer :(.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
:vibes::vibes::vibes: That Artie eats tonight.
Yes, try & take it easy as much as you can the rest of the weekend. I'm sure you're both exhausted.

If you can get some olive leaf capsules, that would be good for you to head anything off. Olive leaf is antibacterial, antiviral, &
Antifungle. Anytime I feel like I'm coming down w/ something I take them, & they work. Send emergen-C pkts in your water will help too! ;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
That's an awful lot of drugs for one little man who's not even a teenager yet!  

And as I've said, to my family and to me, cats are not "pets" and never "just cats".  They are beloved FAMILY members.  And anyone who isn't okay with that, I invite to see the other side of the door and my hand pushing it.

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