Artie and his Issues

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Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Good afternoon, Darlin.  Glad to hear that Artie continues to have good days!  This is wonderful news!  And now I'm going to state the obvious, but sometimes you have to when someone is in the middle of this sort of thing...I know you wish he would eat more, and be consistent about it, but where he is, and has been for a few days, is SO much better than some of those days that made me afraid to open this thread!  He's GENERALLY having better days, even if some are not AS BETTER as others.  Fact is, none of us have the same appetite every day.  That's just how it is.  You are doing wonderfully well with him, and he is doing wonderfully well under your care.  Hugs to you, skritches to Artie, and Hekitty sends headbonks and purrs, as always.

Praying always for his continued good days!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO

I will copy and print this up to remind myself..

I am hanging out for a few minutes before I leave for noontime Mass. I need it..

I will come home, and then call the new pharmacy to see if the Lactated Ringers has come in.. I am in no hurry, but she said it may be in today...I want them to know that I am really interested in it.

I left and update for the S Vet., Got an immediate call back from the Vet Tech. She said the S Vet is very pleased with the results of the past week. She said that a 2 inch poop twice a day is good for him.. and to call if any changes. They are also faxing the LRS script to the new pharmacy... phew... a relief...

I would just like to have him poop a bit more and eat a bit more.. looking back, last week he was eating 3 cans a day.. now it is 2 1/2... but I am giving him more of the prescription food. I am not changing his meds at all.. will just go broke buying them.. 

I guess this is our 'new' norm........sigh... 

Artie is really talking to me. I tried to engage him in some play this morning.. no go.. he seemed interested for a split second and then just ignored me.  He came into my bedroom after I showered and crunched.. I kept asking him if he had a tummy ache? nothing from him... I told him to go get nummy,-- again nothing...I said both things a couple of times while I was getting dressed... nothing.. no movement from him.. 

Finally, I said, "NUMMY???"  "Is that it? "You do not like your food?"   and he answered with a "owwwYullll".....and walked away!

.that was it...he does not like his food. I went over to the dish... he took a taste of it, (mostly prescription food) and walked immediately over to tell me he did not like it....

Yes, these are the interactions we have always had. We have conversations. He keeps me such good company...

The members here are all so wonderful.. everyone who is following this thread, who reads it occasionally, the people who comment on it, the PM's I am getting ---- well, my heart is overflowing with love for and from all of you... thank you so much...

We are not out of the woods yet.. I will keep watching his poops constantly for changes.. and still be anxious.. right now I will be anxious until we have a few days of his new norm....but I have a feeling I still have to tweak things around, a lot.....

One Day at a Time....

and it is out of my hands right now.. it is in a higher authority... I have done all that I can.. I cannot do anymore.. I am drained but so glad to see some light.. 
I can't blame Artie for not eating stuff he doesn't like.  I won't either.  I would prefer to enjoy my food, rather than just eat out of necessity.  And he's doing much better with his meds than I used to.  When I was a kid and needed medicine - cough medicine or whatever, my mom literally had to tackle me and pin me down.  She had to sit on my legs and use her knees to hold down my arms, pinch my nose to make me open my mouth, pour the medicine in, and hold her hand over my mouth until I swallowed so I wouldn't spit it out.

Looking back, I think I may have been a bit stubborn.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
@Alicia88  - is right.  Or  at least I think so from my experience.  My two kitties ate what they enjoyed.

Also like us humans, I believe cats and animals are like us in many ways with eating.  And my thought on that is, if we or I eat more one day, I may eat less the following day.

So even though it would be great if Artie was consistent with eating the same everyday it's not totally terrible for him to eat a 1/2 can or so less the next.

My biggest concern for him is the interest in food in general.  As long as he has the will to eat, he has the will to survive.  With what you've told us for the past few days, it seems like he's going to be chatting up a storm with you for a long while to come

You really are doing a wonderful job caring for your sweet boy, and he knows it, believe that.

Big Hugs xoxo Hope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
You're doing great.  And so is Artie.

I've been through so much tough stuff in my life and times when I even said out loud that I didn't know how I could endure.  A friend said, "You MUST."  And so, I did.  Other times, I didn't know if I'd wake up the next morning from stress or illness or sadness, and each time, I did.  You have faith -- it is different than mine, but it is the same Almighy we put our trust in.  Sometimes, to paraphrase the old cliche, you must let go and let the Almighty, who knows your needs before you do.  You know that Serenity Prayer?  That's a good one to keep close for those times when you are in a rough spot.  

You are doing great, the two of you.  You make a great team.  Go team GO! 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Actually, most cats & dogs are naturally lactose imtollerant, so would do the opposite. Although very small amounts are fine, I'm sure.
As to why they put it in pet foods, I don't know. It's irritating to me that companies that are making food for pets should know this!
Don't trust companies. That is zillion dollars business and there is difficult to prove that a certain food killed a pet. And who does perform independent analyssi of the pet food?! 
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  • #366


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, I am waiting for Artie to poop!!! NO poop today!!! none!! That has me a bit concerned.. I know if he does not have any tonight, then tomorrow I will give him 0.5 cc of lactulose.. or up the miralax.. it depends if I see him straining..

He has been very vocal today.. all about his food.. 

I came home from the pharmacy, a bit more than I thought because of what, I do not know.. but I am not going to complain.. still a lot cheaper than $22 dollars.. 

Even though it was warmish out for this time of year, I could not warm up once I came home. I covered up on the recliner, Artie of course, came right over.. He was HAPPY again---twice!!!! man,  I am thinking I am a sex object to him!! Yes, he was neutered when he was still a kitten...

I did doze off a bit.. Artie had no choice; he was starving, I did not change his food, so he had to eat it!! I got up to see the food almost all gone.. Gave him new food; he is playing that game again.. 

Saw a couple of poop smears..sigh. a new norm...  

I still feel bone chilled. I put the heat up, am really covered up.. feel warmish, but bone chilled.. hard to explain. Hope I am not getting sick.. just have to pick up some gatorade, apple juice, ginger ale, ginger root, and a bag of chips--to keep in the house for this time of year.. perhaps tomorrow.. 

Wishing for poop!!!! fingers crossed....

Yes, Artie is really much improved than he was when this thread began. I have been so afraid... He looks so healthy now...

He ran out of the apartment, wanting to go over my neighbors!! He went halfway down, actually 4 footsteps and stopped, but still heard their voices. So I picked him up and knocked on their door.. Artie wanted down from my arms.. My neighbor said he looks so good.. and he is so handsome.. I told them that he wanted to visit them... 

I let him out of my arms, and he ran back into my apartment... But when I came home, he wanted "out' again....crazy cat....

This is from my old phone camera... about 5 years ago, when I first adopted him...
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  • #368


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, a couple things happened overnight... 

1) Artie has turned into a poop machine!  He is going constantly.. no diarrhea, just very soft poops, about 1-2 inches at a time...

I did massage his belly last night.. he does not like it! Also, he was very, very amorous ... After the last 'session' I was telling him, "Enough of the Willie!".. and he left me a present on my pj top...yuck.. of course, I am washing his fleece throw also--just in case...

He also pooped again before I went to bed; and during the night. And again just now.. He is also having a lot of cling-ons.. Good thing I have a couple of those plastic litter mats. I have to wash the spots later, when I feel up to it...

Artie also ate 1 1/4 cans of food during the night. Woke me up at 4 AM, being hungry

and on to the other thing..

2) I am coming down with something.. I feel sick.. sneezy, hot/cold, not sleeping well ( a sign for me), asthma-ey, and a few sharp thingies in the right frontal sinus.. so I am sick...

Artie will have to put on his nurses hat and take care of me..

I have to go out to pick up my 'sick' stuff... and then back home to my pj's... and wash the fleece throw and my pj top....

and then I am staying in all week-end.. 

It figures I would get sick.. it is a pattern I follow. I can get through a very stressful, emotional period, be strong, have the adrenaline work; but once things are under some kind of control or stability, my body tells me to take care of myself by me getting sick... either bronchitis, sinus infection or pulling my back out... it never fails.. 

My body tells me that it is time to focus on myself.. that I need to take care of me.. it is a reminder....

Good thing I made chicken soup, 2 weeks ago.. I have that in the freezer.. and tons of food in the house. When I am sick, all I want is potato chips (salt), ginger ale, juice, tea with honey and lemon... and english muffins.. gotta go pick those up...

and order some more honey. I get it from a fairly local beekeeper. It is organic, and the best honey I have have had.....

I will probably be on line a lot... I am doing nothing..


Artie just had a diarrhea explosion in the litter box!! OMG.. I have never seen so much come out of him.. It was about 8 inches in diameter!!! along with splots on the wall !!   What happened? was he a bit constipated and this came out? or did the cisapride, which I gave him an hour ago, kick in??  wow.. so now he is cleaned out.. not the way I wanted it, but he is cleaned out... man, what an explosion.. It reminds me how the Vet Tech described things with the last enema.. 

Wow.. I am still shaking my head in amazement.. wonder what it was.. perhaps the IBD kicking in? and it was the lack of motility in his bowels yesterday and the day before??? cannot understand .....

just ordered some more honey.. should get it by Monday..
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Staying in and resting sounds like a good idea. Since Artie is now "cleaned" out the 2 of you can cuddle, stay warm and enjoy your soup. Take care.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Yes Woman, you need to take care of yourself, please try, I know it's hard but you need to.

I'm glad Artie pooped even though it came out normal then more.  

I know a lot of people use Miralax on their cats and I tried to use it on Chestnut as well and honestly, it had the same effect.  

She would be backed up and then days later she'd explode.

I know with myself, it was recommended by my doctor that I use it, but it had the same effect on me as seems to be Artie and Chestnut.  I felt more bloated for days then I'd be married to my bathroom for the afternoon.  I can't and no longer use it.  And with Chestnut, I found that the pumpkin and Miralax both were the same, had a more binding effect on her.   What I found worked for her was the Gerber Green Beans, tablespoon a day, with or without food.

If you do use that product, I think it's important to be consistent with time and amount he's given it,  it's not meant to be a laxative, it's meant to keep an already clean colon regular for future bowels.

I know you have been toying with the idea of perhaps more or less, BUT AGAIN, I'm not his mommy, and you know best.  I just thought I'd share my experience with the product.  

I have expressed in earlier posts, that I'm not really a fan of this product, but it has worked wonders for others, both humans and cats, so it's anyone's guess.

All in all, I'm still taking what you said as a positive for our boy.

You're not alone in the feeling crappy.  I too have a tingling in my throat, this weather is terrible as far as knowing how to dress.  One day 30 degrees and the next  55.

I hope that after you do your daily load of laundry you can heat up that soup you made and hunker down with Artie.  Always thinking about you and sweet Artie.

ps - more pictures please. lol
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  • #371


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie had another explosion also...poor cat...and then:

Before I got dressed, I went over to hug Artie because he was curled up on my bed... on top of the king sized cover sheet...We cuddled for a few minutes.. then he jumped down... 

That is when I saw it... another explosion!! on my bed!!! Thank Goodness for the cover sheet...I looked at Artie.. it was all over him!! All over him bum, his fur, his legs, feet... what a mess....He must have thought he was passing gas, or he moved and it came out.. poor thing...

Grabbed the sheet, folded it up.. grabbed Artie, into his bathroom we went.. What a hard time I had trying to wash him.. man was it bad. I got some poop on my sleeve, hands, and my sock!!

Finally got him cleaned, put sheet in the washer... took my clothes off.. 

Got the puppy pads to cover my bed, with a new cover sheet.. 

Did a quick wash, and ran out to store to get supplies to hunker down.. I feel ok.. just tired, exhausted.. overtired... and my throat was scratchy last night.. I have been sneezing a bit also.. and the asthma cough.. so I guess I am on the verge...

I am in such a bad state, that when I was backing into my parking spot, I kissed my neighbors car... yes.. I kissed it  My car has more damage on my new bumper than her's... She just has a grey line and I have the gold scratch.. on the corner of the bumper.. sigh...

Have to call her in a few minutes.. She is a friend, and a late riser...

The sheet and my top are in the dryer now.. the pj's from last night, along with the throw and my socks are washing now....


So Glad for the puppy pads.. Artie had another small explosion while I was gone.. yes, on my bed.. now he is hiding in his quilt tent.. poor thing.. he ate.. so that is good.. hate to pick up the cover to the tent and see the mess that is on him and on the quilt... that is the next thing--possibly, to wash....sigh....

@2Cats4everLoved    I know what you mean about miralax.. I take it myself.. I have for years.. it did not surprise me to hear it is for animals also.. Artie hates pumpkin or baby squash.. I do not think he will take to the green beans because he does not like peas...

I have a funny feeling I precipitated these explosions that Artie is having.. The other day, Tuesday, I was not feeling all that well..kind of spacey and sleepy.. I think I got his meds confused. I have 2 meds compounded and in the refrigerator; in 2 separate paper cups, in separate spots on the door.. I think I got them confused. I think I gave him an extra dose of the cisapride and skipped the steroid.. sigh....

If that is not what is causing these explosions then I do not know what is.... or could it be the prescription food I am adding to his Pride rabbit???  wonder... I gave him equal parts the past 2 days.....sigh...

Going to stay in today.. just wash the clothes, and Artie... and Vegg out....nothing... dirty floor, dirty house, that is not ok with me, but it will have to be.. 

I am waiting for the washing machine to finish.. then I will jump in the shower for a nice long hot one.....after I medicate Artie and check his bum...
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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
It figures I would get sick.. it is a pattern I follow. I can get through a very stressful, emotional period, be strong, have the adrenaline work; but once things are under some kind of control or stability, my body tells me to take care of myself by me getting sick... either bronchitis, sinus infection or pulling my back out... it never fails.. 

My body tells me that it is time to focus on myself.. that I need to take care of me.. it is a reminder....
It's not unusual to be able to handle everything when you are under stress and then your immune system becomes suppressed and you get ill, (it's actually called "the let down effect"). You are absolutely right that your body is giving you a signal to take care of yourself.  I'm sure Artie will love to have you by his side this weekend sipping chicken soup.  Take care and feel better. 
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  • #373


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, I just got off the phone with my crazy cousin.. man, does he get me aggravated..and upset... no matter what.. I do not know why I take his phone calls..

He called to ask how Artie was doing.. I told him about all the explosions.. He flat out told me that Artie is DYING!!! and I am making him suffer by giving him all these meds and the sub-q's.. he said that if it was him, he would stop all his meds and give him some crap grocery food which he would love.. and if he got sick and died, at least he would be happy...

That I am torturing Artie.. that Artie is not enjoying life.. and that I am causing it because of all the meds I am giving him~~~ to withhold his meds until his diarrhea stops.... well, it does not work that way..

I really did not need to hear this.. not today.. not when Artie is having a bad day... 

do you guys think I am making Artie suffer???   and he is dying.. I mean, I know we all die... We will all die.. yes, Artie has a chronic condition which CAN possible be helped with medication. Yes, he CAN die from this.. but he may NOT die from this if we can get it under control.. 

Sorry, I am just venting to you guys because once I start to tell my cousin off--there would be no stopping me...

My cousin is really clueless.. he is smart, but really cheap, and extremely opinionated.. to the point of being obnoxious.. it is his way or no other way.. he has not idea about the real world... he lives in his isolated little shell with his obnoxious ideas.. he loves all the obnoxious, inflammatory, talk radio shows.. that is his form of news..and his form of life.. He was a alcoholic also, up to one year ago.. but he does not go to AA meetings.. Those are not for him.. he is better than them... 

I really need to hear some honest opinions.. I know I cannot cheat death, but do you think I am making Artie suffer???

I need to know the answer to that....

thank you..


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Oh Cindy :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

NO you are NOT torturing Artie :uuh: I know how hard it is at this stage, but Artie definitely still has a reasonable quality of life - just look at all the good days he's had recently. Don't let your idiot cousin get under your skin. 'Just feed him what he wants to eat' has to be THE most stupid thing I've heard for some time. He would NOT be happy if you did that (apart from maybe during and just after eating) - he'd be thoroughly miserable and in pain from the resulting IBD flare.

Yes, Artie is dying - which is to say, he has a chronic, progressive illness that will eventually end his life. That same sentence applies to my Pixie (who's having a rough time at the moment too) That does NOT mean that either of them are suffering now. I had to have the 'quality of life' talk with my vets yesterday. He had a very helpful take on it (one of his dogs is nearing the end, so he was speaking from a personal standpoint as well as a professional one). With sick and elderly animals, the way you judge quality of life shifts - just as you'd see in people. After all, you wouldn't expect someone in their 80's to be doing the same as someone in their 50's, but that does NOT mean that the 80 year old has no enjoyment in life! Yes, they will have bad days, but so long as more days are good thanks bad (which certainly seems to be the case with Artie), then life is still enjoyable and worth having.

Of course, Artie isn't exactly thrilled about his meds (or the new food), but the very fact he's being so good for you proves that it's not torture. He's settled into the new routine very well, and your bond with him is as strong as it ever was. Hold onto that, hun, and trust YOUR instincts.

Mega :vibes: that you both have a better day tomorrow :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.

If this wasn't family friendly, I'd have a few choice words.

You know Artie and only YOU know what's best and how he's feeling.

I do think it's important to keep him interested in food, but not to feed him anything.  He's not there at all.  It's just a new way of life for you both and you're figuring it out.

My Simon was another story, looking at the pictures many probably think he should have been put down as soon as his mouth was deformed, but he'd show me spirit and want to play, eat, be loved, be groomed, was interested in the birds & neighbor who he adored.  So why not keep him around as for as long as he showed interest in living.  I knew he wasn't in pain.

Artie is adjusting and so are you.  Any living creature would be tuckered out with abnormal bowels, but it seems as if you're getting closer to a routine.

Remember the poem I posted yesterday.  Don't Quit.

Only advice for you that I have is, take phone calls from positive people only.  Especially during this time.



TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Well, I just got off the phone with my crazy cousin.. man, does he get me aggravated..and upset... no matter what.. I do not know why I take his phone calls..

He called to ask how Artie was doing.. I told him about all the explosions.. He flat out told me that Artie is DYING!!! and I am making him suffer by giving him all these meds and the sub-q's.. he said that if it was him, he would stop all his meds and give him some crap grocery food which he would love.. and if he got sick and died, at least he would be happy...

That I am torturing Artie.. that Artie is not enjoying life.. and that I am causing it because of all the meds I am giving him~~~ to withhold his meds until his diarrhea stops.... well, it does not work that way..

I really did not need to hear this.. not today.. not when Artie is having a bad day... 

do you guys think I am making Artie suffer???   and he is dying.. I mean, I know we all die... We will all die.. yes, Artie has a chronic condition which CAN possible be helped with medication. Yes, he CAN die from this.. but he may NOT die from this if we can get it under control.. 

Sorry, I am just venting to you guys because once I start to tell my cousin off--there would be no stopping me...

My cousin is really clueless.. he is smart, but really cheap, and extremely opinionated.. to the point of being obnoxious.. it is his way or no other way.. he has not idea about the real world... he lives in his isolated little shell with his obnoxious ideas.. he loves all the obnoxious, inflammatory, talk radio shows.. that is his form of news..and his form of life.. He was a alcoholic also, up to one year ago.. but he does not go to AA meetings.. Those are not for him.. he is better than them... 

I really need to hear some honest opinions.. I know I cannot cheat death, but do you think I am making Artie suffer???

I need to know the answer to that....

thank you..

How dare he say those things to you?? Is he a vet? It doesn't sound like it. 

I don't know him but right now I'd like to hunt him down and slap the 
 out of him. 

Please don't listen to him. You know Artie better than anyone. You are following the orders of TWO veterinarians. Is he aware of that? 

You are a WONDERFUL mom to Artie. The vets know it, Artie knows it, we know it, the Cat Goddess knows it and deep down, YOU know it. We will all jump in to reassure you of this. 

NO- you are NOT making Artie suffer. You are doing everything humanly possible to do the opposite. 

Artie has health issues- everyone knows it but he seems to be for the most part progressing. It's normal for the road to have a few bumps in it but he's eating and has put on a bit of weight. Could it be better? Sure but any improvement is worth being happy about. He's chatting with you, exploring and snuggling with you. These are good things. 

If Artie were my cat and he said those things to me, I'd tell him exactly where to go with explicit directions on how to get there. 

I will repeat myself. You are a wonderful Mom and there is no one in the world that could ever have been better for little Artie than you. Keep doing what you are doing, stay in contact with the vets and take GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF. Please don't take anything he said seriously. Don't let him make you second guess yourself. His opinion does not count. He does NOT know what he is talking about. 

You should post his phone number and we will all take turns calling him and going off on him for upsetting you and making you feel like you are not doing all you can for that sweet, wonderful boy. He does not want to be on the bad side of that many cat lovers (just kidding on that- sort of). 

We are with you 100% in this. We love Artie and you and you did not deserve this. Please give that little sweetheart some kisses and hugs for all of us and take some time for yourself today so you can get better for the both of you. Make this a TLC day for Artie AND Cindy

Oh man I really want to punch that guy......  
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  • #378


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Columbine  @2Cats4everLoved  @Verna davies  @Kat0121  

Thank you... I love you guys.... (((Hugs))) I needed to get some support.. still questioning things though... am I really doing the right thing? I need to stop stressing myself out and five it up to God..or the Goddess or To a higher power.. 

Yes, Artie is having a bad, bad day... but his last bad day was last week. He had poops all over the inside of the quilt tent and him..  and he did have another explosion in the litter box.. I do not know what to do..

I am thinking of skipping a dose of the cisapride this afternoon.. that would be 2 doses today, instead of three.. I do not know what caused this...unless it was me giving him the wrong meds and he got an extra dose of the cisapride and none of the steroid... oh, I pray not... but that was 3 days ago... I would think we would have seen the effects of that before today..

Yes, it is the same cousin who, when my dad was on the last week of his life; I called him and told him that my dad was dying. He told me,' Yeah, so?! Everyone dies. Your father, my mother, you, me.",,,, that was when he was drinking.. I will never forgive him for that... he denies saying it.. Yes, I did tell him about that when he was sobering up...last year........

He has no understanding of medicine or the world.. he lives in his own little sheltered hermitage life.. a ham radio operator who is interested in talking to and moving to Europe... he is really weird.. yet, he is so rich, he can pay off the national debt. He has people thinking he is poor.. he buys day old food at the grocery store...argues over outdated coupons.. brags about all the money he saves... His mom died 4 years ago, yet he still has her stuff in their house.. all of it... it gets him too upset to go through things to get rid of them...

ok---enough of my venting.. my tears are dried...

My neighbor called me.. she is a cat lover but agrees that it is time to put Artie down. She said she did everything for her cats, yet nothing helped.. but she did say that I have to be certain about it..but she is not positive things will improve...

sigh.... so upsetting... 

Washing Artie's quilt now, his throw is in the dryer.. Had to wash him off again... sigh....

A really bad day.. I think if he goes again with mountains of diarrhea, I may call the S Vet up.. but I think she will wait was the mix up with the meds and tell me not give the middle dose of cisapride.. and no miralax today...

Artie just went over to eat.. yes, just his Pride rabbit.. He wants his 'tent'.. he just cried for it.. sigh.. IfI pick him up, he will get me all poopy..sigh.. 

He is at my feet now.. never does that.. he just yowled quietly... he must be having a lot of cramps.. I know because I had an episode lasting 5 months of constant diarrhea 5 times a day, before I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis...poor baby... 

Just picked him up and got some poop on my chest... wiped it off.. right now he is at his favorite toy.. a YEOW tiny fishy.. he loves that.. always goes over to bite it.. his security toy....

so confusing.. 

I am marking this down to be a very bad more ways than one... 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
You are the only one who Artie really knows and trusts. He will let you know when he wants to "leave" Until then keep on loving him and treasuring every moment. Your relative should be ashamed of himself for his cruel words. Ignore him. You are a wonderful caring person and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Artie is doing well enough, certainly not suffering and as long as he has an interest in life then kee on going, but, i think you need to think about not taking your cousin's calls or setting up some boundaries that he isn;t allowed to offer opinions.
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