Arcturus' journal: life with a FIV+ cat

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
If he could only put his hands on his hips and tap his foot, it would be complete!
I think @reversedpolarit might have to start drawing a 'comic strip' of Arcturus and the many things he does.

Since throwing about the litter, and having to go to the dentist, meeting all these people, and having the job of waking up his human, plus the looks he gives, would be more than enough material for an entire book. Arc would give Simon's Cat and Garfield a more realistic approach.

Arc may demand more 'royalties' though, ...or even more frequent pats, strokes, brushings and favourite treats.
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  • #225


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Ha! With his new sneer he looks disapproving of everything.

He did pretty great meeting parents, some hissing, but he let them stroke and give treats. He at last fully accepted BF - I left BF asleep when I went to work and Arc curled up with him. He curled up on our legs too the other morning!

Back to the vet tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
He's home and not too pleased with me! I don't blame him really. He's still out of it but is happily sat under the sofa sort of snoring, and he's eaten a small packet of really good food. He'll have another in a few more hours which I'll put the Metacam in. 

He only needed one tooth removed, which is excellent news. I was expecting a lot more than that. We're going back on Wednesday so his stitches can be checked and his test results should be back by then. He's having 1.5 tablets of Synulox twice a day for a week, and Metacam once a day for five days. He had a Synulox injection today, so the tablets will start tomorrow. Hopefully I can hide them in the stinky good food. Apparently he was very well behaved too :D

Once he's off the Synulox I'm going to start him on the coconut oil, probably about an 1/8 teaspoon every few days to start with. The vet was a bit skeptical, but I'm very much in favour of natural remedies where possible. I couldn't get hold of any pumpkin that I'd want to feed him, so if he gets diarrhea from the Synulox I've nothing to give him to help him. Fingers crossed he doesn't get any side effects though. 

Here's the nasty tooth, I was very excited I got to keep it.

Can't you get fresh pumpkin in Scotland?
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  • #229


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Can't you get fresh pumpkin in Scotland?
Haha yes, honest we have veg. But do I have the energy to puree a pumpkin for the cat? Not really. I found where to get the good stuff anyway, if it ever comes to that. 

Vet visit went fine. Turns out his stitches are dissolving ones and they're almost all gone and everything looks great. So good news! I got flea and worm treatment for him too, so I'll start on that. He seems to be in very good health now, and hopefully no more vet visits until we re-test his kidneys at the end of July! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Haha yes, honest we have veg. But do I have the energy to puree a pumpkin for the cat? Not really. I found where to get the good stuff anyway, if it ever comes to that. 

Vet visit went fine. Turns out his stitches are dissolving ones and they're almost all gone and everything looks great. So good news! I got flea and worm treatment for him too, so I'll start on that. He seems to be in very good health now, and hopefully no more vet visits until we re-test his kidneys at the end of July! 
Just remember it's plain pumpkin. Nothing else in it like if it was for the puddings etc. Not that hard to puree pumpkin is it?
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  • #232


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
I've been working most of the week, so BF has been staying to keep Arc company. Arc lets him run his belly now and will curl up with him when I'm not there. He sent me this yesterday

Arc also has a new game - pulling my underwear off the radiators when I do laundry. :lol3:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Arc also has a new game - pulling my underwear off the radiators when I do laundry.
That's great to see! all made me laugh today.

@reversedpolarit ...Now I keep picturing Arc bonding with your BF, and you'll be coming home to the two boys watching sports, sleeping, or doing some home repairs about the place, unless your BF cooks...which would be bonus. 

Then I read @pushylady's comment...and begin to laugh again, ...because I'm not sure if the comment is directed at the first part of 'BF rubbing Arc's belly'...or is it the second part of "seeing" and chasing Arc while he's 'helping you dry those underwear' by throwing them across the apartment.

I hope that the "that's great to see" comment is NOT about the underwear being strewn about...because then I'm going  to be wondering about 'pushylady's' cats and what they do to her clothes, as well. 
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  • #236


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Ha! If I hadn't watched Arc pull a bra off the radiator and chase it I'm not sure I'd believe it wasn't BF. However they bond seems to be working anyway. :lol3:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Well, I think it would be great entertainment to watch him pull undies off the radiator.

Perhaps @reversedpolarit could post a video?
Ha! If I hadn't watched Arc pull a bra off the radiator and chase it I'm not sure I'd believe it wasn't BF. However they bond seems to be working anyway.
Yeah, that would have been my original guess, too. Glad you caught Arc in the act and didn't blame BF.
  Nice that they are bonding.
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  • #238


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Bit of a better update:

Arcturus is still doing wonderfully. I can't remember if I said, but he now weighs 5.72kg, which seems to be a good weight for him. At 5.5kg he was alright, but could do with a little extra. So 5.7-5.8kg seems to be a good place to try and stay at. 

I've only been remembering to do the coconut oil once every two weeks or so, which is probably fine. Going to try and do once a week. Still on 1/8 teaspoon melted in my hands and then stroked onto him. Which he enjoys a lot, and also makes my hands lovely and soft. 

I have 6 months of monthly flea/wormer, the liquid kind to go on the back of the neck. I also have a separate tapeworm liquid which he hasn't had yet and is to be used every three months. 

He's eating fine, drinking quite a lot still but not peeing immediately. Still using the litterbox okay, except once when I had to unexpectedly go out for longer than I thought and didn't scoop before I left. In that case he was trying to avoid the pee and half-missed when he went to poop. I've been better at scooping before leaving so hopefully that shouldn't be an issue. BF now has keys so he can come check on Arc if I'm working a long day anyway. 

The weather has been really hot (okay, hot for Scotland) and the flat has been 21-23C pretty much all the time. Which is too hot for me. 
 I've been keeping the window in the boiler cupboard (the door is slatted and impossible for him to open) open all the time and it's been making him very playful. We played for about 40 minutes last night, and he'll happily play by himself for twenty minutes or so. It's lovely to see him charging around like a crazy cat. He's still not shown any real interest in outside, he'll sit by the boiler room door and sniff every now and then, but I can have the front door open (I live in an apartment, so by front door I mean the door onto the staircase/landing) whilst I'm watering plants/tipping out the litter box before cleaning and he doesn't even budge from wherever he's sat. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Sounds like all is very well with Arcturus!  So glad to hear he is fitting in so well as a beloved family member, healthy and happy.  
  (btw, I loathe hot weather, too -- and I was born in L.A. where we live now.  It gets a LOT hotter than 23C here.  And we're in the 5th year of a drought, with government-imposed cutbacks as well as rate hikes on the water. glad you don't live here!)