After hairball surgery

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
:hugs: :crossfingers: thank you!!!!!
YOU GUYS ARE THE ANGELS IN THE EARTH I SWEAR! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT YOU GUYS! This was the first place I wrote when I heard any news about my cat. This is where I get my strength. The place that holds my hand as I go on to fight. Thank you.

As for feeding, I'm also on the side of wet foods, they will pass more easily through the stomach. I just did a little experiment. I told you, she didnt vomit while eating wet food. I increased the amount slightly. First she burps, then she vomited a little food and water (she took some liquid out of hher mouth, nothing much) (if it was dry food, she would probably have taken it all out. Or domperidone and vaseline had an effect? We'll see)
My mentally ill mind is questioning: God I think so much that I wish I could turn my brain off.
Pyloric stenosis can happen for 2 reason in our situation
1) congenital
2) secondary to chronic gastritis

If it is congenital, wonderful! Do the Surgery and fix it! But then what is the lack of peristalsis in the intestine on ultrasound?
But if it is not congenital, it was caused by chronic gastritis. Why did she have gastritis? - >Because of the hairball. Why did the fluff accumulate in stomach -> unfortunately, inflammatory bowel disease. Can this damn disease get out of my life and my head please? 😒
A lot of us have had sick cats, so we understand the feelings of being confused, helpless, lost, about what to do, next.
The good thing about this website, is that it contains a wealth of information, and also support, for many different issues related to cats...and with support for each other,...we ALL make it a better place to be.

(PS. I wish we were angels on earth, because then I figure we could just travel to any country we wanted to. hahaha.
I would be in Turkey if it were near the ocean and warm. :cloud9: The air probably has less pollution, and the food is more fresh, I bet.)
But no, we are all the same. Just trying to help each other out...sometimes we can only do support, because none of us here are vets.

That is really good that you are trying different little experiments with the food for Irmik. :greenpaw:
I hope she can keep some nutrients down, so that she can get stronger, for Monday. πŸ™:bluepaw::greenpaw::crossfingers:

(When I cannot turn off my brain/mind...then I have to do something physical, even just 20-30 minutes of exercise, cleaning, walking, biking,..or just switching to another task/ fixing something broken, puzzles, watching a comedy, etc.
And at night, I like to listen to audiobooks/youtube. They help me fall asleep. Everyone has different things they like doing.)
Pyloric stenosis can happen for 2 reason in our situation
1) congenital
2) secondary to chronic gastritis
If it is congenital, wonderful! Do the Surgery and fix it! But then what is the lack of peristalsis in the intestine on ultrasound?
But if it is not congenital, it was caused by chronic gastritis. Why did she have gastritis? - >Because of the hairball. Why did the fluff accumulate in stomach -> unfortunately, inflammatory bowel disease. Can this damn disease get out of my life and my head please? 😒
That is interesting about pyloric stenosis.

With the two reasons you posted,..there might be other things that may cause it as well,...such as the eating of foreign objects, causing damage to linings and wall,...and perhaps even any type of inflammation that causes the muscles of the wall to thicken.
I don't think that the scientists/vets know all the causes, yet.
Narrowing of Pyloric Canal in Cats | PetMD

But what is good is that they can try treatments for it.

Remember though, that any surgery will come with risks,..since all cutting needs healing, and so it also depends on how the cat's body heals.
Hopefully, there are no post-operative complications, causing strictures, and healing is uneventful.

"Why did she have gastritis? - >Because of the hairball. Why did the fluff accumulate in stomach -> unfortunately, inflammatory bowel disease."

True, but if you take a look at daftcat75 daftcat75 recent postings, concerning their cat Betty, in this thread:
Introducing Betty White
start at post see a photo of a vomited hairball...
but then jump to post #840...which shows that they got even more fur, off of their cat Betty, using a different fur brush...called the Furminator. : Grooming Products for Dogs
I am not sure which specific brush daftcat75 daftcat75 is using, but I'm sure if you ask, on that thread, they will mention it.

(I'm personally trying out just using a plain 'jigsaw blade', gently, (which I previously mentioned seeing, and commenting on, similar to the Equi-groomer, which seems to cut the top loose fur), so I have to be real gentle, and not overdo it.) along with a slicker brush

It may or may not be ibd.
And cats can accumulate major volumes of fur, within their stomachs.
But ibd is treatable, not curable, so don't automatically worry about it right now.

You still will have to do diet changes, perhaps grooming Irmik's fur differently, or even though you do not want to do 'a lion-cut'...your Vet Specialist may recommend it.
Listen to what the Vet Specialists recommend, and then discuss it with your own trusted Vet, too.

Just let the Vet Specialists help you, with instructions that you can do at home.

Then Monday, you will know more.
From there, take it 'one step at a time' artiemom artiemom said.
Oh, by the way. I told you that Irmik eats plastic things like slippers before. Cats with decreased motility in the gastrointestinal tract had abnormal eating behavior. I think that's revealed too :)
Wow, that is interesting, about the 'abnormal eating cats with decreased motility'.

I wonder if it's a 'cause'...of the decreased motility...OR does the 'eating behavior happen the cat feeling ill', (in the stomach, or intestines),...and looking for things to eat...which are not food, to then throw up. πŸ€”
(similar to what dogs do, who eat grass outside, and then throw up the grass with whatever is bothering them in their stomachs.)

How would you even stop a cat from eating non-food items? :dunno:

You would have to find the "source" of their digestive upsets.:greenpaw: (but with some cats, you cannot even find the source)
and then try to 'heal that' if possible.
It's fascinating but so difficult to understand all the things that can go wrong...or out of balance...within the digestive tract.
(There must be a multitude of different messenger chemicals that affect the digestive tract, causing proper contractions.)

That's why we need Specialists...even ordinary Vets could not possibly know all these things, unless they took an interest into it.
(Some regular Vets are amazing though...and actually take the time, to explain things well.
I miss those types of Vets. They always seem to move on to different areas.)

Sending Mega Health Thoughts, and prayers,.. for your Irmik. :vibes::vibes::gingercat:
(and sending some more Health Thoughts and prayers, for artiemom's Geoffrey, too. :vibes::vibes::gingercat2:)
I hope that both cats get better in the days ahead. :bluepaw:
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  • #182


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
Hello guys, it's me again.
My heart is broken. Barium graphy was taken. And it showed that a normal cat's stomach should empty within 45 minutes. Unfortunately, Δ°rmik's stomach didnt empty even after 1 hour and 45 minutes. She even vomited after water, hadn't pooped for 2 days. Her vomits were all in the shape of a bomb, I'll attach its picture.
Dear Mr. Γ‡ağatay, from the department of internal medicine, introduced us to the surgery professor of the university. A big thank to him from here, he's a person with a heart of gold. We are now entrusted to him. They're going to do a diagnostic laparoscopy tomorrow because they're not sure what's going on either. Maybe a tumor pressing on the stomach, maybe pyloric stenosis, maybe because of stress, the peristalsis of the stomach is disturbed. I also asked about inflammatory bowel disease. He said that we usually expect diarrhea for no reason at some point, but it can happen. He said that if He can examine the intestine and see a different tissue, he will take a biopsy.
I left her alone in another city tonight. Because she's dehydrated, she's going to be fed intravenously tonight and have surgery tomorrow morning. I hope she can get through this surgery too. I am terrified. But believe me, there was nothing I could do anymore. I won't have any regrets, I did everything I could. I love her so much, I hope she doesn't leave this world angry with me for making her go through this.
I request you to send your love, good wishes and prayers. *hugs*


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Sevilay28 Sevilay28 Oh, (((HugS)))). :hugs: πŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ prayers

I see you mentioned it in your post, but please BELIEVE that you have done everything in your power to help Irmik.

You have finally discovered the appropriate team of Vets who care, and are knowledgable... Have some trust/faith in that..

No matter what happens to Irmik, you have done as much as anyone could for her... Remember that..

I know you are terrified... please keep in touch with us, here... all of us...

My heart, prayers, thoughts are going out for you and Irmik....

Irmik, would never, ever be mad at you... You have given her LOVE... True LOVE... she knows that..

Just this... my gut feeling is pyloric stenosis.. Just a gut feeling....I pray that I am right, because this can be fixed on surgery...

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  • #184


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
Sevilay28 Sevilay28 Oh, (((HugS)))). :hugs: πŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ prayers

I see you mentioned it in your post, but please BELIEVE that you have done everything in your power to help Irmik.

You have finally discovered the appropriate team of Vets who care, and are knowledgable... Have some trust/faith in that..

No matter what happens to Irmik, you have done as much as anyone could for her... Remember that..

I know you are terrified... please keep in touch with us, here... all of us...

My heart, prayers, thoughts are going out for you and Irmik....

Irmik, would never, ever be mad at you... You have given her LOVE... True LOVE... she knows that..

Just this... my gut feeling is pyloric stenosis.. Just a gut feeling....I pray that I am right, because this can be fixed on surgery...

Thank you so much for your beautiful heart.
I want her to have pyloric stenosis too. At least, it can be corrected with surgery.
Thank you for loving my lovely child πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Trust me please. Imrik knows how much you love her!!Without you she would be dead. You are doing everything for her. There is no more that can be done. You have and are doing so much more than anyone could, or would do. Please keep us updated!! You are both in my thoughts.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
You are absolutely doing the right thing. This is not something that has any more options than to go forward and hope that the new doctor can resolve this for both of you. They will take good care of her for you. I believe that animals who are ill and feel poorly understand when people are trying to help them.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
You are absolutely doing the right thing. This is not something that has any more options than to go forward and hope that the new doctor can resolve this for both of you. They will take good care of her for you. I believe that animals who are ill and feel poorly understand when people are trying to help them.
Yes, I believe so, also.... They instinctively know we are doing our best to help them.

Artie was always with me when he was sick... and when I was sick... my soul-kitty

Geoffrey is now doing the same thing. When he is feeling poorly, he wants his Mama... he cries, for me.... and he wants so many cuddles.. he wants me to help him.. they know.....


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Personality changes are a major sign a cat is sick, when indy had a bladder infection she wanted nothing to do with me. Normally she is like a stuffed animal and just wants to be held for hours straight. But she poked me with her claws and became squirmy. Now she's back to her normal love bug self.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Hello guys, it's me again.
My heart is broken. Barium graphy was taken. And it showed that a normal cat's stomach should empty within 45 minutes. Unfortunately, Δ°rmik's stomach didnt empty even after 1 hour and 45 minutes. She even vomited after water, hadn't pooped for 2 days. Her vomits were all in the shape of a bomb, I'll attach its picture.
Dear Mr. Γ‡ağatay, from the department of internal medicine, introduced us to the surgery professor of the university. A big thank to him from here, he's a person with a heart of gold. We are now entrusted to him. They're going to do a diagnostic laparoscopy tomorrow because they're not sure what's going on either. Maybe a tumor pressing on the stomach, maybe pyloric stenosis, maybe because of stress, the peristalsis of the stomach is disturbed. I also asked about inflammatory bowel disease. He said that we usually expect diarrhea for no reason at some point, but it can happen. He said that if He can examine the intestine and see a different tissue, he will take a biopsy.
I left her alone in another city tonight. Because she's dehydrated, she's going to be fed intravenously tonight and have surgery tomorrow morning. I hope she can get through this surgery too. I am terrified. But believe me, there was nothing I could do anymore. I won't have any regrets, I did everything I could. I love her so much, I hope she doesn't leave this world angry with me for making her go through this.
I request you to send your love, good wishes and prayers. *hugs*
Sending you all the Love, Good Wishes, Good Health Thoughts, and prayers...that your Irmik's procedure goes well tomorrow. :vibes::vibes::caticon: :touched:πŸ™

Sevilay28 Sevilay28 ...your Love for your Irmik shines through, with each post that you have made. πŸ’ž
The things you have done for your Irmik, goes far above what many people could manage. :hugs: :grouphug: :hugs:

Your Irmik would never, never be angry with you.
(Your Irmik is probably just thinking back on her "Prison Break" days, and how she could manage to hide near the Vet's desk again, and eat some other cat's food.) :bluepaw:
Hugs and prayers sent your way. :hugs::grouphug::touched:

Reading artiemom artiemom 's post...again and again, will give you Strength.
Every word is True.❀
Sevilay28 Sevilay28 Oh, (((HugS)))). :hugs: πŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ prayers

I see you mentioned it in your post, but please BELIEVE that you have done everything in your power to help Irmik.

You have finally discovered the appropriate team of Vets who care, and are knowledgable... Have some trust/faith in that..

No matter what happens to Irmik, you have done as much as anyone could for her... Remember that..

I know you are terrified... please keep in touch with us, here... all of us...

My heart, prayers, thoughts are going out for you and Irmik....

Irmik, would never, ever be mad at you... You have given her LOVE... True LOVE... she knows that..

Just this... my gut feeling is pyloric stenosis.. Just a gut feeling....I pray that I am right, because this can be fixed on surgery...

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  • #191


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
I believe that animals who are ill and feel poorly understand when people are trying to help them.
Her eyes often seemed to say something. It's like she's asking for help..
Personality changes are a major sign a cat is sick,
I agree, Δ°rmik would never attack me, but last 2 months, she bited me a lot..

(Your Irmik is probably just thinking back on her "Prison Break" days, and how she could manage to hide near the Vet's desk again,
This brought me to tears... She's a true warrior, it made me remember that. She escapes from every bad situation and saves herself no matter what.
I'll add a picture of her about how she tried to escape New ways from our home :)


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  • #193


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
Hello, thank god, the surgery was successful. But I still have some problems and questions. I called back to ask my questions but they'll be back later. Please enlighten me, let's find the questions I need to ask together.
There was no abnormality in the stomach. Neither is pyloric stenosis. There was only petrified poop in the gut. They even thought it was a stone, but they said that they would see contrast in the x-ray. They were torn it apart and there was a small string inside. Now the questions are:
1) is this really the problem?
2) if so, how will they explain delayed gastric emptying?
3) Let's say that's really the problem. She had poop out, how did it not move at all?
4) if that's not the problem, what is?
Also, the fact that the stool was petrified was perhaps a recent occurrence due to constipation? So the stomach was not emptying, so it became constipated and the stool turned into stones there

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Hello, thank god, the surgery was successful. But I still have some problems and questions. I called back to ask my questions but they'll be back later. Please enlighten me, let's find the questions I need to ask together.
There was no abnormality in the stomach. Neither is pyloric stenosis. There was only petrified poop in the gut. They even thought it was a stone, but they said that they would see contrast in the x-ray. They were torn it apart and there was a small string inside. Now the questions are:
1) is this really the problem?
2) if so, how will they explain delayed gastric emptying?
3) Let's say that's really the problem. She had poop out, how did it not move at all?
4) if that's not the problem, what is?
Also, the fact that the stool was petrified was perhaps a recent occurrence due to constipation? So the stomach was not emptying, so it became constipated and the stool turned into stones there
I'm so glad that your Irmik made it through the surgery okay. :)

Those are all good questions, Sevilay28 Sevilay28 .
I think that only your Vet Specialists will be able to figure this one out, and may have to Consult with other universities, too.

My 'layperson guess' that the 'string' caused a 'partial blockage'...and then the rest of the 'ingesta' was not able to move well, past it. In turn, this partial blockage, may have caused more and more 'back up' of digested food contents, and a 'type of semi road-block' occurred...(at that particular the intestines.)
Irmik system, could not further move it along,...and then the peristalsis in that area was affected.

What I don't why was this NOT picked up on regular x-rays...or ultrasound? πŸ€”
Perhaps the initial string would not be seen,...but the hardened stool...should have.

(I don't understand this part at all.)
Who are the Vets that are 'reading these x-rays'...and 'ultrasounds'?
Are they not part of the same 'vet university team'?

Not sure what causes petrified stools, except for the stool being there for such a long time, that all the water is sucked out from it, and it then becomes like a stone.

"Also, the fact that the stool was petrified was perhaps a recent occurrence due to constipation? So the stomach was not emptying, so it became constipated and the stool turned into stones there."

I guess your question to the Vet Specialist should be to ask:

1) ...If Constipation,... could cause a 'slowing of stomach emptying'... and 'back up'?
2)...Does the 'slow stomach emptying'...have other causes...that would happen First.?..(and then lead to constipation).
3) Which one happens First?....(slow emptying....or constipation)?
4) Why does Irmik vomit so forcefully? in an explosive manner? In an arch?
5) Why does she vomit, so close in Time, after eating?

I think it was actually the 'string'...which led to all these issues.
6) But why is Irmik eating begin with.
Is she trying to 'relieve some intestinal pain', by eating 'grass like objects'...or 'relieve fur in stomach'...(by again eating 'grass like objects').?

I'm not sure about this one.

Constipation definitely sounds like it could play a major part in this,...cascade of events.
But it could also be really...your Vet Specialists...should try and explain...what their thinking is,...and how they reached their conclusions.

7) What are the next Irmik's treatment?
8) Will this removal of 'string and petrified stool'....allow her system to get back to normal?
9) How long will this take, to get back to normal?

10) What foods should she be eating?
11) And could 'sub q fluids' help heal her intestines, further?

I am sure you have so many more just Write them down...and focus them further...into groups.
Then ask the Vet Specialist...if they could answer... and explain the you.
Write down the answers, too, and ask them to clarify...anything that you don't understand.

If you need to type up your questions, later,
...Ask them if you could Email them a set of questions.?
Emailed questions might be easier for them to respond, to,...if they are limited on time, or between surgeries, etc.
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thank God, Irmik is ok... :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

My questions would be:
*did the string cause a partial or full obstruction which caused the the back up of food and fur?
* did it look like the 'petrified' stool was related to MegaColon or was it from obstruction from the foreign object (string)
* did the obstruction (partial or full from the string) case the delayed gastric (stomach) emptying?
*What are signs to look for in the future?
*Any medication need to be given? Short term or long term
*Was there any indication on the x-ray of this 'petrified' stool? There should have been? calcifications?? ~~was the large bowel extremely dilated?-- as in Megacolon?
* Irmick's Vomiting was a perfect example of Projectile Vomiting... How do you explain this and the fact that it took so long for her stomach to empty the barium, (on the contrast study)... explanation please....
They had been strongly suggesting Stomach issues--motility issues-- pyloric stenosis.. nothing about colon obstruction...
* does Irmik need special food? What kind? and for how long... what type of food should she eat? how many meals a day?

Yes, write down your questions...
Many times when I have so many questions, I get side tracked by the Vets-- they seem to steer me in a different direction or throw something new at me...
But, these are the the things I would write down on a list, and try to ask them..

You could even make a duplicate copy of the questions and hand that to the Vet-- that way, he will know what is on your mind... and can answer the quests...πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I had wondered if megacolon played any part in this as well. As for questions, I always do the duplicate set (especially during Covid when you could not go in). You can refer back to what was not answered, even number them if that helps.
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  • #197


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
Hello my dear friends.
Yesterday, our professor answered my questions about Irmik by e-mail. He said that the petrified poop stood like a bridge, allowing passage up to a point, but not allowing it after a certain point. And there was some string in it. He also said that it definitely explains the problem of gastric emptying.
In fact, everything has a place in my mind. I just cant explain the hairball removal surgery and the next 2 to 3 weeks.

Today, Irmik came home. I'm not sure but she looks good. She was fed with dry food for the last 2 days in the hospital and she did not vomit. It hasn't happened so far at home either. She just has some diarrhea due to antibiotics. Keep praying for us :)
Love you all🌸🌸🌹😻


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Hello my dear friends.
Yesterday, our professor answered my questions about Irmik by e-mail. He said that the petrified poop stood like a bridge, allowing passage up to a point, but not allowing it after a certain point. And there was some string in it. He also said that it definitely explains the problem of gastric emptying.
In fact, everything has a place in my mind. I just cant explain the hairball removal surgery and the next 2 to 3 weeks.

Today, Irmik came home. I'm not sure but she looks good. She was fed with dry food for the last 2 days in the hospital and she did not vomit. It hasn't happened so far at home either. She just has some diarrhea due to antibiotics. Keep praying for us :)
Love you all🌸🌸🌹😻
Antibiotic-induced diarrhea is easy enough to resolve if you can get some saccharomyces boulardii.

My Cat Has Diarrhea - What Do I Do?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hello my dear friends.
Yesterday, our professor answered my questions about Irmik by e-mail. He said that the petrified poop stood like a bridge, allowing passage up to a point, but not allowing it after a certain point. And there was some string in it. He also said that it definitely explains the problem of gastric emptying.
In fact, everything has a place in my mind. I just cant explain the hairball removal surgery and the next 2 to 3 weeks.

Today, Irmik came home. I'm not sure but she looks good. She was fed with dry food for the last 2 days in the hospital and she did not vomit. It hasn't happened so far at home either. She just has some diarrhea due to antibiotics. Keep praying for us :)
Love you all🌸🌸🌹😻
This is awesome news!!!!! Thank God!!

I have been thinking of you and Irmik, each time I log on to this site!

Yes, it does make sense.. The string, collected the poop, causing the partial obstruction!!

Please keep us updated! Irmik is part of our family!!
Antibiotic-induced diarrhea is easy enough to resolve if you can get some saccharomyces boulardii.

My Cat Has Diarrhea - What Do I Do?
You can also add a good probiotic to the food... but, if Irmik is eating dry food, I am not so sure.. or a bit of goat milk yogurt? Just thoughts...

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #200


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
Antibiotic-induced diarrhea is easy enough to resolve if you can get some saccharomyces boulardii.

My Cat Has Diarrhea - What Do I Do?
Wow this information is awesome! Thanks🌹
You can also add a good probiotic to the food... but, if Irmik is eating dry food, I am not so sure.. or a bit of goat milk yogurt? Just thoughts...
There is a probiotic that I used before, but it does not contain that bacteria :(
I'm continuing the gastrointestinal system food a little more now, maybe it will help.

Please keep us updated! Irmik is part of our family!!
Aww Im gonna cry stoppppp!!I love you alllπŸ’œ