Adult coloring books


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA
Freedom, are you an Amazon supporter of Melrose Humane?

I got my guy from them!
You mean for Amazon smile?  No, I have it set for Small Paws Rescue, the bichon frise' rescue I volunteered with for 6 years.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Finally, seeing as how we are on The Cat Site, the moment I spotted this, I KNEW I had to share it with all of you:  Minka's Journey: A Coloring Story Book (Coloring Journeys) (Volume 1)    $9.99  I did not order it at this time, though I was VERY tempted! 
That looks like a good one
I'll add it to my Amazon shopping list.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:clap: Pretty! I especially like the first one LTS3 LTS3 ....and that fish is particularly beautiful too :D

I've been busy with Christmas and jewellery stuff - very little colouring is being done :disa:


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Love that fish design @LTS3  , and a lot of work in it too.  
    The tree and night sky is lovely too.

I have been busy colouring but not uploaded any photos recently.   I've been busy testing out some of the new pencils I bought the other week.   Loving the Derwent Artist ones now I've got used to the slightly less vivid colours (compared to Prismacolor).   They are much more economical to use with being harder as well as working nicely for finer lines / detailed designs.  I'll get round to posting some pictures soon.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Has anyone seen the new jigsaw puzzles that you color in after you put the puzzle together? One of the store flyers in the Sunday paper is having a sale on adult coloring books and the picture shows some books and a jigsaw puzzle with a picture that was partially colored in and a set of pencils on top of the puzzle. I don't remember what the brand name of the jigsaw puzzle is. Found some on Amazon:

Crayola is getting into the adult coloring trend with their new product:

Is anyone hoping for more coloring books and / or coloring supplies for Christmas?
I'm still working my way through all the books I currently have and my pencils are still good but I wouldn't mind a new book or a set of markers
Last edited:


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I hadn't seen the puzlles before but they look like something different that I would like if I didn't have a Mouse about the house.  
    I like jig saws and I like colouring so what's not to like other than the pieces being pawed off the table, sent flying off the table every time a cat tries to jump up and run across said table, and generally being spread about my apartment.... 
   Mouse would probably get more fun out of it than me.

I think the colouring fad is wearing off a little in the UK now and not so many books in the shops, or maybe it is just the shops have so many other things competing for space running up to Christmas.   I'm still very much in to it though and despite having more than enough books to keep me going for a couple of years on a desert island and pencils to go along with them I would still happily have more.  
    I haven't done much colouring this last couple of weeks as been putting my apartment back together again after lodgers moved out as well as my usual work.   I've got some days off come January so hope to relax and do some colouring then.  I'll have to take some photos of the books I bought the other week as they are both really nice and quite unusual.  I am loving the Derwent Artist pencils as well.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I am also thinking the coloring frenzy has reached it's peak and is subsiding..

When  you start seeing coloring books everywhere, you know it is now going down hill..It was so popular, and a great gift, but it seems to be over commercialized every other fad.

I keep saying, when the holidays are over, I may start up again. 

Also when people are snowed it, if the snow every, please, not like last year....but it would be a good thing to do on a snowed in day...

In Boston, It will be 60+ degrees Christmas Eve. Christmas day is close to 60 degrees

crazy weather


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
That's the thing about coloring - and art in general - it's an 'emotional' subject and you have to be in the mood to do it. For me, art has always been a hobby even though I was encouraged at one time to take my education further and make it a career. But I just couldn't enjoy it when someone was telling me, "I need this done this way and I need it by the end of the day".  Drawing and painting is how I relax, escape reality, express my inner self and share who I am with others. 

I think  that's why it has subsided here. People were feeling overwhelmed with competition and production and it lost it's appeal for most of them. 

The good thing is that there are some who never colored before because they didn't think they could, or they might have thought it was 'silly' or just for kids. But, because of the 'new fad', they felt compelled to pick up some colored pencils and give it a shot and they liked it! They discovered a talent they didn't know they had, and found a way to release tension and take their minds off of their worries. 

It's not that we don't understand art - it's that we don't understand the artist. 

Did you notice that some of the people here colored the same exact drawing, but they each did it in such vastly different colors and techniques? Some received brilliant compliments because they were 'so good' and some didn't receive any comments at all. But they were ALL expressions of the individual who colored them with their own mind's eye and emotions. 

With that being said, Thank you! to everyone who shared themselves here through their artwork! I hope you all continue and that you learn that it is OK to color outside the lines!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
that's why it has subsided here. People were feeling overwhelmed with competition and production and it lost it's appeal for most of them. 

The good thing is that there are some who never colored before because they didn't think they could, or they might have thought it was 'silly' or just for kids. But, because of the 'new fad', they felt compelled to pick up some colored pencils and give it a shot and they liked it! They discovered a talent they didn't know they had, and found a way to release tension and take their minds off of their worries. 

It's not that we don't understand art - it's that we don't understand the artist. 

Did you notice that some of the people here colored the same exact drawing, but they each did it in such vastly different colors and techniques? Some received brilliant compliments because they were 'so good' and some didn't receive any comments at all. But they were ALL expressions of the individual who colored them with their own mind's eye and emotions. 

With that being said, Thank you! to everyone who shared themselves here through their artwork! I hope you all continue and that you learn that it is OK to color outside the lines!
I know I will start coloring again. Just have too much on my mind now.. I mean--too much to do.. 

Yes, Coloring does relax me.

I have never been artistic, nor have I found an outlet which allowed me to be. I always started and stopped things because I was bored.

I think you really do have to be in 'the mood" to color..

For me, that means: fairly calm, wanting some quiet time...(even though I am alone here). 

I find that I color very angrily and really outside the lines when I am will not help in calming me...

But if I am able to concentrate, I am able to do some work which I am proud of.

What I have posted on this site, are those colorings which I was so proud of. I was really surprised to see what I had accomplished, and developed. I was amazed at myself. I guess I just wanted to share them..I guess I was looking for compliments.. I really did not want to win a contest. I am not saying that posting them is a contest for the best interpretation of drawings. I was so amazed that I could do what I considered to be really good work..

I will definitely get back to coloring, sometime in January.. I have another stressful event which is planned for mid January; unless it gets postponed again...that is what happened this month...

It is funny:  this was a fad in the 80's...but not to this extent. I remember picking up some posters to color...but I never finished one...

I remember my aunt did mention many, many years ago--something like in the 70's that she was picking up some kids coloring books and coloring...that thought just stuck with me..She was left alone after her son moved and her husband died; so that really did help her...

ok--now I am rambling.. I need to get out, I feel so antsy...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I still want to colour but I don't have much time. I used to colour with my 3 year old while the baby was napping in the morning. He only has one afternoon nap now (and he's sadly not a baby anymore). I can't just sit at the table and colour with her because he'd be climbing on the table, pulling at me or crying.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I still want to colour but I don't have much time. I used to colour with my 3 year old while the baby was napping in the morning. He only has one afternoon nap now (and he's sadly not a baby anymore). I can't just sit at the table and colour with her because he'd be climbing on the table, pulling at me or crying.
Next stage colouring with both of them and trying not to get scribbles all over everyone's work.... ?   

I hope you find some quiet moments for colouring again soon.

I wholeheartedly agree with colouring being emotional and needing to be in the mood for it.  I will come and go with how much I do but that is fine.  I have been enjoying other creative things recently, as well as my work being busy.  The colouring stuff is still all in a big pile next to my spot on the sofa though.  
    Competition for me isn't something which feels relevant here, or with colouring in general:  it is so personal, and we all approach it in different ways for different reasons.  I would like to think that everyone here has received compliments for the pictures and designs they have posted as it is quite brave to show something you have worked on, esp if it is something you have never felt very 'good' at but are enjoying doing, and something that seems as simple as a mark on a bit of paper can mean a whole lot to someone and say a lot too.   How ever carefully or scratchily something has been done, or what colours or shades have been used, there is always something to be appreciated and enjoyed.   @Fyllis  , what you say about there being some people who have picked up colouring books and started colouring as a result of the recent popularity and availability of the books and pencils / pens is a great thing, isn't it.   If just one person found enjoyment in an activity they hadn't thought about before, and a new way of expressing them self or of feeling positive about them self that is wonderful.  So, a few people cashed in and marketed the craze for a while, but what a wealth of materials we all got as a result of that:  materials  which can be taken advantage of for a good while to come by all who find pleasure and relaxation in colouring.    I for one plan to make the most of that.  


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I just opened one of the gifts a friend sent me and guess what it was? A set of Prismacolor pencils
This is the third set I now have. I already have two 48 pencil sets and one 150 pencil set. I'm not running out of pencils anytime soon 

I think  that's why it has subsided here. People were feeling overwhelmed with competition and production and it lost it's appeal for most of them. 
I never felt any competition here. It was nice to see everone else's coloring and their thought process in choosing colors but there was never any pressure to see who could color the most or the "best". To me the thread has been a "show and tell" type of thing. If you want to share your coloring, great. If not, that's ok too


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Yey!   I too got some colouring gifts @LTS3:   3 new colouring books (well one of them was a set of the little Secret Garden post cards) and a little tin of pencils.  I will have to find some time to get back in to coluring soon.

I find the Prismacolor pencils wear down fast so don't think you can have too many.  


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I just opened one of the gifts a friend sent me and guess what it was? A set of Prismacolor pencils
This is the third set I now have. I already have two 48 pencil sets and one 150 pencil set. I'm not running out of pencils anytime soon 
That should be fourth set of pencils I now have
They do wear down pretty fast. I have one pencil that I can't use at all because the lead is soft that the tip breaks whenever I use it and sharpening it just makes it worse
It's a dark gray pencil. Since I have plenety of other grays I can just not use this particular one.

I have not seen those Secret Garden post cards It sounds like it'll be fun to color

I actually haven't colored in awhile either
I agree that you have to be in a certain mood to be able to sit down and color.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Apparently there is now wallpaper you can color in
I saw an article in today's paper about how wallpaper is making a come back. The colorable ones are removable so when you're done coloring a section, you can just pull it off and replace it. book


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA
 They do wear down pretty fast. I have one pencil that I can't use at all because the lead is soft that the tip breaks whenever I use it and sharpening it just makes it worse
It's a dark gray pencil. Since I have plenety of other grays I can just not use this particular one.
If you haven't already, do invest in a GOOD sharpener.  I started out with a 48 cent one from WalMart.  Eventually I bought the Prismacolor Premier sharpener, and the difference really surprised me!  Plus, the Premier offers wide and narrow angles; the wide angle uses less of the pencil at a time.  Not sure it will help with that one gray pencil, but overall, it will help the pencils last longer.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
If you haven't already, do invest in a GOOD sharpener.  I started out with a 48 cent one from WalMart.  Eventually I bought the Prismacolor Premier sharpener, and the difference really surprised me!  Plus, the Premier offers wide and narrow angles; the wide angle uses less of the pencil at a time.  Not sure it will help with that one gray pencil, but overall, it will help the pencils last longer.
I do have the Prismacolor Premier sharpener. That one gray pencil just breaks 
Maybe it's just a defective one.