3 ferals at snow

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  • #421


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Feb 25, 2011
Cat room window is one of those heat holding elements, where is gas between two glasses and 3rd outer glass, but it appears that gas has disappeared from that window and it is now letting cold in, so I have to put insulation between 3rd and 2nd glass so that inside temp does not drop too much, this of course removes view from their room.

I think that they don't like being without a view, they surely have other window on my side, but they use it much less, even there are lot of birds outside, maybe they are bit afraid being so close to me and those that are not afraid are really not so interested what happens outside anyway.

So now I took part of insulation out so that there is lower part of window open, Miuku and Mouku immediately rushed to window and have been sitting there since then.

Also I think that Miuku's odd habit started around those days as I did blocked the view, you see he has been constantly coming next to me and rubbed top of his head against my hand or leg, even has come half on my lap to do that, he also does that to every vertical surface, movement is really slow that he makes, very different from cheek rub, but he does do it a lot, for me it is like if he would be asking something, but haven't figured out what, maybe it is to get his view back, time shows.

Mouku has been really avoiding since Mauku event, he is constantly moving away from me, but still if I give treats he comes and allows even petting, but anything else than that and he is avoiding me best he can. What I have noticed is that if I have that sweater that I had when Mauku bit me, then he is more jumpy, so maybe I avoid wearing that.

I put seeds out for birds, so that it is easily visible from window that is my side, but cats have not yet figured that out, maybe some day they notice that, there are birds coming right on to window frame too, really lot of them this year, also woodpecker is every day visitor on yard as there is old electric pole, it uses that to support of cones where it takes seeds out. That pecking actually is transmitted into the house via electric line, but so far cats have not found connection between the sound and the bird, I think it is bit far to cats as there is around 30 meters from window to that pole, I think cat's can really see around 20 meters, everything further is probably more or less distant haze to them, that happens to be distance where Mauku sits and stares, sometimes even 15 meters, but when she is on yard she rarely is willing to come closer, at warehouse that is not so much of problem, but I think it is also because she can't really see from that big distance who there is, only she can see there is a human, but at warehouse distances are less than 10 meters and that is their primary vision range I believe so she can recognize me better.

There is some other feral, I'm starting to see that one daily and I have seen that one on stairs too, always disappears when I open the door, then once at warehouse I saw a tail disappearing, now I'm thinking that maybe someone has taken warehouse and Mauku is not one eating the food there? 

It is however Mauku's place, now I would like to get it empty so that Mauku can start staying there if she likes, but then again that feral might need help too, but would not like to get Mauku trapped again, troublesome.

iita is quite odd too, avoids me, or tries, but when I manage to pet her, she tolerates it few strokes, even more from cheek but only when she is tired, sometimes starts even sleeping while I'm petting her, but there is no way to pet her when she is fully awaken and not playing or eating, she runs away. Still she was there next to my bed when I woke up and when I started sleeping it was certainly her that climbed to leg end of bed, nobody else is so cautious or has so small paws. Shy, but not shy.

I'm bit amazed, first night that everything was where I left them, well except their food, if I give too large hunks they have to 'kill' it before eating so they toss hunks all over the place, they throw it up with mouth and then bat with paws and run after to bat more, like little baseball players they are...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
i only read the first post and this last one from this thread, but you are certainly a kind, caring individual.

Thanks for a great read!
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  • #423


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Mauku decided to start stalking birds that I feed, oh that face which she pulled when I made bit of arrangements so that birds now have advantage over her, no more easy stalking spot, eyes were diamond shaped and she stared straight at me without any shyness, I guess she did not liked from that.

I did give her plate of meat, tiny bit of cheese and some dry food and she came to eat that right next to me and her eyes became half closed then, I did offer her chance to get indoors, but she did not have any interest of doing so, but she is quite well what I could tell and seem not to be very afraid of me either, even sniffed my finger too.

There is front door camera so that I see bird feeding station from there, also I see if she comes to stalk birds, so I can go and put her food out then, I'm not keeping now food out as there is that other cat which have to be taken care of, that means trapping, but I really don't like to trap Mauku so it is bit challenging, especially when that other cat disappears immediately when he hears me, so it is quite impossible to see him, or her, there is not knowing which it is. 

It really is looking quite hopeless for that other cat I have seen daily now, I can only try and get some shelter to take it or give it to officials, which means that they keep it 14 days and then it is end of the road, if no shelter is able to take that cat then that is probably how it goes, I really can't take any more of them.

Miuku and Mouku did found out birds so they did sit 4 hours at window looking birds fly, they also saw Mauku but I think they did not really seem to remember her or then it was too far for them to recognize her, still they are now sitting at front of window quite a lot.

Little iita is also progressing, last evening she came again to bed, now she decided it is ok to sleep against my shoulder, Panther was there too, his paws make lot of running when he sleeps, quite funny to look, also when he wakes up it takes quite bit of time for him to really wake up, his legs seem to sleep longer than his head, so he does stumble a bit after waking up, then comes to ask pets and purrs good 10 minutes. He also coughs a bit when he purrs really loud, I don't know if it is something to worry about, but it does make Panther to be Panther, he has always done that, first time when he started purring it was more of coughing and little purring here and there, but he has imroved a lot from that.

Tiger is loudest purring machine, also when he does cheek rub there it will not go unnoticed as he does use quite bit of force, but he is not really fan of getting on lap, especially when I pick him up he starts backing up so that he will fall off, only when I pick him so that I really hold him against my chest he stays there, but then flees when I start to put him down, it is not his thing clearly, but few times he has been on lap relaxed, however petting is what he loves, really nice kitty.

Mouku has been now sleeping next to my bed, watching birds at the morning, then disappears to his hide for day and most of evening, I really don't understand his behaviour, but maybe he is just so shy kitty that it takes really long to recover from spooky things.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I was really pleased to read about Mauku. :nod: She might have been upset about the way you changed feeding the birds :lol3: but she clearly knows who you are and that you are a friend. Now that she's where she wants to be, she may even become more friendly with time. Ironic, right?

Awww.... iita. :heart3:

Mouku... no thoughts for you there. You'll just have to keep us posted. It's just odd!

I suspect you won't have trouble NOT trapping Mauku. When we began trapping at the end of winter, we trapped a lot of the same kitties we'd had sterilized before winter... but after that, they would NOT go in the trap. So if you do accidentally trap her, you can just release her and apologize. It may spook her for a little while, but also releasing her right away will go a long way to making it "OK." And then you definitely don't have to worry about trapping her again for a while.

Since she eats with you there, if you have the time, you can set the trap, and feed her outside of the trap. Let her eat, and take away what she doesn't finish.
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  • #425


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Mauku has been learning to feeding schedule now, it was -3C this morning, I put food out and there she emerged below the stairs, ate a bit, chased birds a bit and then decided it was time to go somewhere else as she often does.

Just before sunrise and just after sunset are times when I put food for Mauku, but if she shows up at middle of day I give her food too, however that is not likely to happen, she is quite a feral so she avoids moving during bright day, well it is not very bright here during day at this time of year as sun has difficulties to rise above trees that is, bit more north sun just don't rise during the winter, some eerie glow at horizon at best, but nothing more, but then again it never sets during summer.

Trapping of other cat will be easy, you see even I don't see him at warehouse I can often hear him there, so I just blocked exit from the warehouse, now I just need to wait that he gets hungry enough to get into that trap. Mauku has not really been at warehouse for days now and I really have not noticed her using her heated shelter either, but I think that she will when I get that one cat away from there.

Now that is odd, imo that this new cat is so shy that I can't never see him, but still decides to settle at the warehouse, I'm thinking that maybe that cat is sick?

Mouku is as he has been, when sun is up he is hideous, when sun comes down he is much better, but it does not matter if he sees the sun or not as same did happen with window being blocked, when I'm 'sleeping' at their sofa he comes around, but if I move or get up he goes hiding, even if he is on top of big shelf, that means he is at the ceiling, he gets ready to go hiding when I get into room. 

But it is not only me that he is spooked of, when others play (rough as kittens do) he gets really jumpy, every loud noise they make makes him to seek cover. However sometimes he plays with them and sleeps at same pile as rest of them, so he has really two sides. Oh and he still meows sadly two meows at the sunset, every day. But I can play with him, just pulling the string and move that front of him is enough, well unless he is very spooked mode, then he just runs to hide when he sees me, but that does not happen too often.

iita is bit funny in there that when she comes to sniff at me she always licks my hand, or toe if I sit on chair, she very carefully comes behind at me and touches my ankle with her nose, then twice licks, maybe she test if I'm edible

Panther made me crack up just now, he was opposite side of room where iita was, when iita turned her back to him he leaped accross the whole room on her, which did result some wrestling and running around the room as tiny iita chased him around, this all however was ceased by a fire alarm, I don't know why, but sometimes it does go off without a reason, could be because of cat sand that I'm still trying to find alternative, in 24 hours everything in here is covered with white dust, that is because cat sand dusts quite badly when they dig it and it may be the reason, I have air cleaners here, but currently I'm replacing filters, so that might be the reason, however even with air filtering there is quite bit of dust.

So far I have not been able to find any other cat sand that would not bankrupt me or what they would accept, there would be wood pellets, they would be rather economical, but they have not been using those even there is normal cat sand on top of them.

One solution would of course be to make covers for their sand boxes, but tiger is then trying to dig into those walls and Mouku is not going to use such, but then again he is not going to use anything that is openly visible, so he uses one that is at corner of room behind of bookshelf, previously used floor in there, that is why I put box to such difficult place.

Anyway it is bit like living on desert what comes to amount of dust.

I really need to find corrugated plastic from somewhere around here, it would be really easy to make covers for some of boxes from that, half covered would be half the amount of dust, I think :p

Miuku is quite much improved lately, I can pick him up just fine and he is ok carried around for long periods of time, he still goes away from lap, but not with rush anymore, also if there are treats offered he will not be shy of anything really. He also is bumping on me every time he goes past. As he now found out the birds outside he is fine sitting there while I'm less than 1 feet away on his back side typing this text.

Luckily it is just Mouku that has now some challenges, rest are quite fine, even iita is getting rid of her shyness, but she does try to dig windows twice a day and everytime she sees a bird, she is hopeful cat, hoping every day that window would be possible to dig :D
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  • #426


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
I don't know if you have noticed from other pics, but iitu's colour pattern is very complex, she has even a Rorschach test on her back

I just replaced my monitor so don't know how it will show up, but it is not just random dots on her, there are defineatly a shapes, like that 'medusa's hair' at back of her head. She is there at old car seat that is their favorite spots, they roll there around, claw it and so on, during the day all three are playing in there many hours, even Mouku is loving that old seat, one reason might be that it acts bit like a brush when they roll around, so there is always quite bit of fur, fabric in it is quite coarse so that is probably why it acts like a brush.

Anyway, it is really hard to get good photo from iitu's back, I had to manipulate photo quite a bit to pattern to be better visible, it still is not very visible, there is kind of T and kind of two kind of circular black spots both sides of bottom part of T, tilting head to left might help to visualize it. Bit like lung shaped dots actually and T is black too.

I got my Furminator clone, Karlie branded today, it really works same way and removes dead fur from undercoat, they seem not to at least hate that, Miuku has come few times for more now, I just hold brush and he does all the work, puts his cheek against brush, applies quite lot of pressure and moves forward, I would not dare to brush him that hard that he does that, but it is how Miuku is brushed, you only need to stay still and keep brush still, he is one moving, changes different side and sometimes even to of his head is one he likes to brush, he is quite clever.

New cat sand did arrive today, even there was lot of it by weight, it was quite little by volume, at least cats seem to like from it, however tiger is trying to stop sand from moving by hitting the sand several times with his front paws, which of course causes sand to move more and he becomes quite crazy about that, but I think he learns that sand is ok to move when he steps over it.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:lol3: I just love reading about the antics of the cats with you! Panther sounds like he is REALLY energetic, playful - and entertaining. :lol3:

I am sorry about Mouku. I can't imagine what happened! :dk: It's just odd!

And I see the pattern you're talking about in iita! It's VERY cool, very beautiful! :nod: Also very interesting if you focus on the lighter colored fur. :clap:
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  • #428


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
I just love reading about the antics of the cats with you! Panther sounds like he is REALLY energetic, playful - and entertaining.

I am sorry about Mouku. I can't imagine what happened!
It's just odd!

And I see the pattern you're talking about in iita! It's VERY cool, very beautiful!
Also very interesting if you focus on the lighter colored fur.

Panther is quite energetic, but Tiger is even more.

I did oven a ham last night, they must smell it from downstairs, even there is two closed doors between upstairs and downstairs as they did just rest whole night, I found them all three sleeping on cat bed I got yesterday and placed on window, then I went to downstairs, picked up ham and came back upstairs, they were already quite well positioned for attacking my ham when I opened the door, trying to keep them off from it prooved to be quite a challenge, tiger even did do the scratching post clawing on my leg, wanting to come on my lap so he could easily steal piece of ham from me, even shy iita put front paws on my shoulder to try and get little ham.

I did offer ham to Miuku, but he was not interested from it, Mouku was on shy mode and did not come, I gave tiny pieces to all those three that wanted it so badly, but cleverly I placed pieces to their food bowl.

Where Miuku, Mouku and Mauku were most civil and waited their turns without rushing, these three comes over competing who gets first, sometimes even wrestling over pieces.

It is funny how big difference there is in their habits, but then again these three are really young still.

I think that Mauku is again staying at warehouse during the night, she comes from that direction at morning instead of opposite direction where she used to come as other kitty was taken warehouse from her.

Oh that other kitty is no longer at the warehouse, he is at shelter run by municipality, I don't think that nobody will pick him up so it is probably that they will put him to sleep in two weeks, then again that kitty was not in very good shape, one leg seemed not to work perfectly, eyes were bit dim and ears were full of earmite goo from what I could see while it was in a trap, it was quite small too, just wondering that maybe it is another kitten of spring that was wondering alone lot longer than these others, really a shame. He was really angry, none of other cats that I have trapped have been so angry, he did try to hit me despite being in trap, hissing, growling and running around in trap, putting blanket over trap did not change a much, don't know if there would been really even possibility for him to become socialized, with so dim eyes I wonder if he was even able to see much, which of course make him fear of everything.

Sometimes they just have a lot of misfortune in life :(

Anyway with iita that pattern is such that it really is noticeable only from above her, it comes quite much of black when looked from side and her sides are impossible to describe, there is same colours, but shapes, really hard to see them as she is constantly moving and her long fur makes constant changes to what one sees on side, her legs looks like to be also very short, but it might be also an illusion, Mouku's legs look very short too, last winter I started to suspect if he even had hind legs at all, never saw them


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:hugs: I am sorry about the other kitty, but even if his fate is to be put to sleep, it sounds like it was for the best. :( :rbheart:

And HAM! That will do it every time! :flail: I can just imagine the scene!!!! :lol3:


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Sad about the kitten, but might be for the best for the little guy :sniffle: They all can't be saved and socialized....:(

:thud: OH WOW - iita - what a coat pattern and the coloring is just spectacular. Really gorgeous :love:. I just love Tiger, though, he is my fav, that loud, mischievous purring machine :lol3: :D :D !!!
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  • #431


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Feb 25, 2011
Mauku has been sitting last hour next to bird feeding station, she does have plenty of food out at warehouse, but she just is sitting there, I did even left door open if she wants to get inside, but she just sits there.

Surely she has warmth and food at warehouse and I doubt that she would be willing to come indoors, but I still am giving her the opportunity to do so if she is interested to.

She is acting now differently than what she has been previously, still she likes to keep her distance to me, except if there is food involved, but she is staying more and more at the yard now.
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  • #432


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Feb 25, 2011
She did not come in, she did visit inside, but only few feets really, then she started stalking the birds again, after over an hour more she did go away as it started to be dark again. She will be probably around tomorrow again, she hardly misses a day.

I'm thinking now keeping iita and Panther, both, there is no denying it, iita is real heart thief, she comes often to sit at front of my monitor and is then accepting petting too, it is bit new thing to her still, but she closes her eyes and seem to be enjoying from petting, still she is quite shy and takes easily some distance, but immediately comes to examine after that. I got her to come on my lap today with string, she did chicken out few times but finally came and seemed to like from that, will be interesting to see if she comes around completely.

She does sleep often in my bed at leg end, tiger can sleep head on pillow, even Panther is bit more reserved about that, but Panther is only lap cat.

They are exposing their belly daily now, even Miuku does that, he looks bit silly when upside down as he keeps his paws bent and close to his head, hind legs wide to sides and tail straight behind with tip moving, it does not help that he has gained bit of weight, which is not surprise as after cold weather came he has not been able to run up and down stairs with Mouku so he is mostly looking out from window and sleeping, I try to play with them but always little ones are disturbing so he walks away. He shows that he likes from playing though, I keep trying to get them separated for a little while so I could play with Miuku and maybe with Mouku too, you see even Mouku is acting how he is, playing is fine, he comes and plays without an issue. He is a weird one.

They seem to like Hill's science plan chicken much better than Royal Canin Sterilized they have had before, also it seems to be that they are now more active too. I feed mostly natural diet, but they do eat dry food too.

They do save some heating bill from me though, there is 2-3 alive bed warmers always so I can lower the room temperature a bit
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  • #433


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Mauku is starting to get used to living at warehouse, she was sitting there and looking at me as I was searching some stuff from boxes, tried to play with her, but she decided to just look at me and slowly blink at me. Now at night she seemed to chase there something, lot of jumping and something was even thrown on floor too, when I opened the door and called her there was only silence, I left some meat for her and closed the door, few minutes later noises returned again, she is sometimes quite evasive, but that is how she is and has always been. Also she always seem to slowly blink in situations where she likes to be left in peace, kind of like saying "you are ok, but could you please disappear"

Free cat bed has been in use quite a lot, they just love it and of course the birds at other side of window, it is nice to see every one of them sleeping in there (there has been 3 little and one big cat at the same time) exposing their bellies, stretching and going back to sleep with sound that is bit like tuffff and it comes from their nose/mouth, it is sound that sound for me like pure enjoyment and relaxation.

Oh today I managed to separate young ones and what I found out was that Mouku was more relaxed, but did not wanted to play, Miuku came asking something which I think was that door must be opened, they both were generally more interested from sounds behind the door than playing.

Again freezing night, there is even very tiny bit of snow, quite close to winter now.
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  • #434


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
It seems to be that I'm unable to post, now testing last browser I could find, but still post button has url visible and it is http://www.thecatsite.com/t/228103/3-ferals-at-snow/420# which brings me just top of the page.

Oooh, it finally did work by using k-meleon web browser. :jaw:

I tried many many other browsers but always I got only to top of page, something did happen with board upgrade and it worked only for small moment and I have not been able to post, have been testing with several computer browsers and so on.

Haven't got reply from admins either which I mailed about issue, but at least now I can post.

Soo, there has been some rather odd things going on here.

Mouku is still very shy, runs to hide when I step into their room, or if I get up from chair etc. However at two nights he has been sleeping against my leg happily, paws swinging and he has been rolling on his back etc. Allows me to pet him fully there, but only when I'm under the blanket. If I get up from bed he runs to hide, I think that there is something wrong in his head perhaps?

Mauku has not been at warehouse as there has been two other cats I have seen there, yesterday I saw how one did chase Mauku off from yard, but haven't managed to trap those others. One day Mauku was all wet while it was no more than +2C, I did offer her possibility to come inside, but she decided not to come, I'm bit worried about her.

Maybe I must just chase off those other two, just quite difficult they run hide before I can get into warehouse to chase them off and I don't think it is same that they hide without me running on their tails, surely they should have some other place where they are used to live.

Little iita has been quite tame now as are rest of them, only Mouku is troubling me.

I think it was Mouku that did pee on my bed last evening, I really did not liked that, I was rather tired and wanted to get to sleep, but can't sleep on wet bed, so I did shut all doors to their side and let him think what he did there alone with the others so they might put bit of pressure to him as surely they did know what he did as all were going to bed and coming off at the time, some odd chasing thing. It is not perhaps best thing to do, they might not understand why they can't come to my side, but I hope that they would learn that when they do something naughty, like emptying table contents to floor while I try to sleep or pee on my bed, that then not so nice things follow and perhaps they would learn to not do bad things.

Best would be saying NO right in there, but it is rare to caught then in action, waking up takes some time and they can be really hideous about peeing on bed, if not following directly what they do it is not possible to notice that. Forbidding to go to bed is also quite difficult with this many.

Then again, I don't know what it is worth to try to teach them not to do bad things, they do know when they do those that they are doing bad things and you can tell by looking at them that who is responsible from such, they do things as they want attention probably, just having bit of workload so time is limited that I can spend with them and it is probably reason why they are sometimes bit naughty.

So most days are good, once in two weeks there has been bit of issues, luckily work load is soon easing off a bit, well unluckily more of, it was lucky to get bit of something for a change really.

However new cat sand has been really great, they like it a lot better than old one, so I need to get more of it, however it is not very cheap to build up all sand boxes with new sand, there is huge amount of litres and even new sand is around 1€/kg, it is really heavy stuff, it is cheaper in the long run though.
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh NO! I was JUST wondering why you hadn't posted in so long, and was wondering if you were OK! I'm going to report your post to admin, to bring your problems to their attention. There have been a lot of issues with the transition, but most of us were at least able to post. You've used Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Opera? These all seem to be working (I assume you've tried them). They also need to know what operating system you're using on your computer. :nod:

I'm just all smiles at hearing about Little iita! :clap:

And I'm sorry about Mouku.... but it sounds like he's slowly getting better. :nod: The peeing may be just that he's stressing about all the cats - it has been going on since you rescued them? I know you have a method of cleaning that you feel has been working for you, but there is an actual reason you need some type of enzyme cleaner, because the smell of pee to the cat's nose continues to encourage them to pee around the area. Here's an article on it you may want to read: http://www.thecatsite.com/a/how-to-remove-cat-urine

I'm not sure locking them out helps them understand. I know given your reaction, he knows he did something to make you unhappy - but because it doesn't happen at the time of the peeing incident, he doesn't know it's THAT. And in his mind, he's not doing anything "wrong." He's letting you know he's unhappy. And peeing on soft things - especially a bed - is his was of mixing his scent with yours, which helps him feel calmer. It's a stress reduction thing, he's not expressing unhappiness per se, he's expressing stress. So giving him more attention, getting Feliway if you can, and giving him some alone time for play or something - or locking the other cats out of the room one night a week and just letting him alone in there with you may help. :dk:

As to the ferals outside.... given there's a food source for Mauku, I don't know that chasing them off is an option. :( I think you'll just have to keep trying to trap them to get them sterilized. It's the only thing that will make them less aggressive. :(


At Abby's beck and call
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May 18, 2005
It seems to be that I'm unable to post, now testing last browser I could find, but still post button has url visible and it is http://www.thecatsite.com/t/228103/3-ferals-at-snow/420# which brings me just top of the page.

Oooh, it finally did work by using k-meleon web browser. :jaw:

I tried many many other browsers but always I got only to top of page, something did happen with board upgrade and it worked only for small moment and I have not been able to post, have been testing with several computer browsers and so on.

Haven't got reply from admins either which I mailed about issue, but at least now I can post.

Please recheck your emails and see if my response is in your spam folder as I responded to you within hours of your email to me.

This was my response:
Thank you for letting me know. What operating system do you use?

Have you tried clearing out your cache? Are you going the forum directly instead of through a bookmark?

We need just a little more information to try to figure it out. :)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Oh dear, about Mouku. Are you sure it was him that peed on the bed? I agree with Laurie - stress related. There have been so many new cat's now that he is just overwhelmed about it. AND stress can bring on urinary issues and bladder inflammation :(. I would check out Laurie's article, the link she posted above about removing cat urine, to make sure you get all of the urine odor out of that mattress. ARGH - much more worry and work on your part now - but I would wonder if he might have a UTI starting. Glad you can post again :clap::clap: and loads of vibes to you and all of the kitties :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: :wavey:
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  • #439


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Please recheck your emails and see if my response is in your spam folder as I responded to you within hours of your email to me.
Found your mail and responded to it.

[QUOTE name="Feralvr"]Oh dear, about Mouku. Are you sure it was him that peed on the bed? I agree with Laurie - stress related. There have been so many new cat's now that he is just overwhelmed about it. AND stress can bring on urinary issues and bladder inflammation frown.gif. I would check out Laurie's article, the link she posted above about removing cat urine, to make sure you get all of the urine odor out of that mattress. ARGH - much more worry and work on your part now - but I would wonder if he might have a UTI starting. Glad you can post again clap.gifclap.gif and loads of vibes to you and all of the kitties vibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifvibes.gifwavey.gif[/QUOTE]

Well, Mouku is very likely to be the one, he has been acting weird and also he is one mostly being in there, as smell was very mild it can be only Miuku or Mouku and Miuku was not on bed during that day, imo.

Little ones would cause so strong smell that there would be no question about it, that is at least what I think based what I find when I clean their boxes and by fact that non fixed ones do tend to have rather strong odor in their pee.

As they have been allowed again to roam freely they have been same as before, except Mouku is sleeping in bed, others are causing havoc around the room stalking and wrestling, chasing toys etc.

Also during the day I had 5 synchronized cats at front of window while they stared a squirrel that was climbing on wall, there were also doing same when birds were having a lunch at other side of the window, where I placed one bird feeder.

Anyway, I find it bit odd with mouku, he tends to sleep in same pile with other cats and seems to be enjoying it, stress would cause him to chase them off?

Maybe he is thinking that he will 'disappear' too and that is reason of his stress, if we look from his perspective Mauku did disappear, then the Bear too quite soon after that, he does not know that Bear has new home, maybe in his head they have been eated by that two legged monster he always has been bit shy about?

Removing pee scent is really not a problem, I have read quite bit about it as ammonium is the source of their interest one just needs to make scent of ammonium go away, well in practice it is of course not the easiest thing to do as scent we don't smell, they do smell, but from my experience white spirit winegar is quite good in there, they really hate smell of it, but after it has vaporized they seem not to be interested of the spot anymore, so it seems to be quick first aid. Luckily none of stains have been dried so removal has been easy with that winegar and washing machine, where instead of conditioner you can use white spirit winegar which neutralizes all the odors really well.

Of course I read everything and assimilate most plausible information ;)

How many of you have given up from Christmas decoration ribbons? :D Well it makes a nice toy, just can't leave them alone with that.

I was wondering why everyone is on my side again, their room is almost double in size compared to mine, but they had managed again to turn heating off, also streetlights seem to be broken, which is great, imo. There is no any traffic during the night anyway, so their room had become darker, I don't keep normally lights on there during the night so they would learn to sleep at night, however streetlights lit room pretty well which makes my efforts rather futile in that department.

Mouku is kind of getting panick attack if he finds out doors are closed and he is same space with me, he will not even play with me then, it is very hard to get him play anyway, I do try almost daily but when he figures out other are locked to other room he seeks hiding place, If I go even towards him he finds new hiding place, he has still no problem sleeping next to me and no problem with petting when he is next to me, but me approaching is bad, me looking towards him seem to be also a trigger, so he thinks I will eat him, maybe. I does not help if I carry Miuku towards him, he gets scared when I pick up Miuku and even Miuku is purring on my arms he has eyes wide open and front part of his is trying to flee two opposite direction, it is no matter if I'm other side of room with Miuku.

This all makes it rather difficult to actually have situations where he would feel good playing with me, but at least he has started to come next to me when I'm in bed, I can sometimes pet him from head and he then falls to sleep there, so maybe if I just stick with that for now and he gains more trust every time and when he is not fleeing rapidly I would try the playing part, it is just small steps first.

There is 5 cats and now 7 sandboxes, two of boxes are quite large. They don't understand concept of own sandbox or own food bowl, I'm thinking that maybe Mouku is uncomfortable using box where is little cats smell. It should become better when I get all the sand changed to new one as new one keeps odor much better, it has actually baby stuff added so it seem to be better, however to get all sand replaced will take some time, I can't replace all at once as new stuff is expensive by volume and there is lot of volume in these boxes, when I have replaced all it will be cheaper to use as clumps will be smaller and there will not be as much waste as with originally used sand, more than 50% waste because clumps are breaking up is not exactly very cheap even sand itself is around 0.64€/ litre, new one is around 1.5€/ litre, but still is cheaper because of smaller clumps, they are around 40% in size compared to original one.

One box is around 100 litres, others are not quite so massive, but we are talking about close to 200 litres of cat sand for full replacement, which is close to 300 euros and vet bills from fixing them up ahead there is quite a bit of costs, so I like to spread cost for bit longer time, also I have heard sand should not be replaced all of sudden, so I just add new stuff as needed. It will not take too long as clumps are breaking up with old stuff and always then need to throw away good sand too to keep boxes clean.

I must consider putting tape over temperature controls, so they can't mess with it anymore, someday there will be cure for that as I have had lot of stuff ready to start building home automation system, so when I get around to building it, I can control anything from lights to heating from computer. Should help with that issue, they still haven't got past instructions page on computer, but they surely open it up if you forget keyboard on table, I'm pretty sure they are about to crack it how to read these characters :D

Haven't seen Mauku after motion tracking camera caught her fleeing dark cat on her tail, we got now 2 inches of snow so it should be easy to tell if there is cats coming to yard, however heat sensing sensor does lit light and surveillance system does record them on yard, that is how I can tell how they are coming and going and that there are actually other ferals, they move around 2AM mostly, when it is quite dark, these are not traveling at sunset as Mauku is, well that is mostly so, that dark cat chasing Mauku off was quite surprising to see.

Those cats seem not to go into trap quite easily so need to improvise something, I could perhaps put trap to hole they use to enter to warehouse, with some clever masking it should be certain, but it could trap mauku too, bit more work would be to make tunnel that has doors at both ends and using computer control to shut door only when other cat than Mauku is inside, but it would require bit of work as I would need to build routine that checks fur pattern and it would take months. Might be easier to trap Mauku if she happens to enter to trap and just release her in that case.

I could also sit on yard and offer food only for Mauku, others would not dare to come then on yard and hunger would force them to seek food from trap, but it would be bit cold for me, it is freezing out there, literally as temps are subzero.

Funny thing about Mouku, his fur is a lot softer than Miuku's fur and it seems still not to get mixed up at all, with Miuku there is always something that needs clearing in his fur even it feels much more coarse, also it was so long since last time I managed to pet him that I was surprised again of how his head is so big and feels to be much more heavily built compared to others.

Miuku is gaining weight, having him to eat same as kittens is cause, but as they can't understand why they can't eat same it is quite pointless to try to get him understand why he should eat food that is not as tasty, well I think that lighter food is not quite as tasty for them, but there is not knowing, they all seem to eat that light version too.

Kittens are now at good weight, especially tiger that was hugely underweight seem to be gained weight rather well.

BTW, why cats have sometime their tail rather large? They do it by setting fur erect, but is there any simple reason for it? Mouku's tail is often same diameter as Panther's whole body, something like two arms thickness and it looks bit silly, but I have noticed others to have tail thick at times, except for Panther, he has always sleek tail that is no more than two fingers thick, so you can imagine contrast when Mouku and Panther are playing and Mouku has his tail thick, his tail looks to be bigger than Panther, I hope to get pick of it some day :lol3:


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
It seems to be that I'm unable to post, now testing last browser I could find, but still post button has url visible and it is http://www.thecatsite.com/t/228103/3-ferals-at-snow/420# which brings me just top of the page.
Oooh, it finally did work by using k-meleon web browser.

I tried many many other browsers but always I got only to top of page, something did happen with board upgrade and it worked only for small moment and I have not been able to post, have been testing with several computer browsers and so on.
Haven't got reply from admins either which I mailed about issue, but at least now I can post.
Glad to see you posting again, and that you found my reply email from five days ago ;) I'll send you another reply via email, where we'll see if we can sort this out. Thanks for all the info you provided!