3 ferals at snow


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I'm just catching up too - I've missed a lot! I'm so sorry for the troubles... figuring out how to give medicine of any kind to a not-completely-tame cat (or even a tame cat that doesn't want medication!) can be QUITE the challenge. I've always had the best luck with pills, so always ask to see if there's pill form of the medication. This, I know how to immobilize the cat if they won't eat the pill covered in butter or something.

But as to the Frontline... I don't think there's a replacement for that.

But cat bites are BAD. Even when they puncture only a little bit, there are so many bacteria in the mouth that it usually gets infected, and antibiotics are needed.

I don't know how the laws work there - is Finland rabies free? Because here if a cat bites you, it has to go into quarantine (for which you have to pay) for 10 days. So if bit, I tell the doctor it was a stray that did not appear to be ill, but that I foolishly tried to pet.
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  • #402


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Feb 25, 2011
Well, I have been better, but certainly I have been much worse, arm is almost fine now, except scars and large blue, yellow, red patch, she got good bite from muscle, so it takes some time to arm to recover fully, can't do anything heavy with that arm now as there are two holes in one muscle and one at other, one teeth missed muscles and veins so that did not do much damage.

Just to add into misery, when I was moving Mauku to car, I noticed that I left keys to upstairs, so I left Mauku in trap to the stairs, when I came back there is no Mauku in trap, but trap's door was bent, which I thought not being possible for cat to bend, but there it was, or more was not.

Yesterday did not see her, but today early at the morning I did saw her in warehouse, I did gave her some food and while she was cautious, she came close for food. I need to get new trap, stronger so I could catch her again, she still needs her medicine and only way to get medicine to her is by vet.

However I have been thinking if she would be happier by living at warehouse with accessdoor to indoors for cold days, there is cat door between warehouse and indoors, so she could come and go as she likes, maybe that would be best for her, it is just that very cold winter that worries me a bit, if she wonders too far, but indoors only life seem not to be quite for her as she mostly did stay on one place and did not interact too much with others either, just watched out from window.

Mouku's reaction has been most noticeable, he makes some loud low tones few times a day, also he has been quite spooked too, but others have not shown much of change to their days, still once a day Mouku comes for pets.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
PLEASE keep a careful eye on that arm. Untreated cat bites can cause a lot of problems down the road. If you can, I really do recommend seeing a doctor to ensure there's not an infection you're not seeing/feeling. Treatment with antibiotics is almost always a must.

Oh I am so sorry to hear about Mauku! Your heart must have dropped right through the floor.

I know it gets very, very cold there. But she survived several years apparently completely on her own! If a cat door is a possibility (or there already is one?), it seems like it might be a good solution.
I know it's a little late, but I suspect her winter coat will come in quickly, and you do still have the winter shelter from last year?

I know you need to trap her to get her to the vet. But given she lived on her own for so long, she may be much happier with her freedom. She knows your home is there if she wants it, and clearly she knows she'll get food and care by "retaking" the warehouse as her territory.

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  • #404


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Feb 25, 2011
It is indeed quite sad to not have Mauku here anymore, but it is touching most to Mouku, he is sulking, loudly he meows at low tone voices many times at evening and he eats a LOT, I think he is bit depressed, do cats eat to depression like humans sometimes can do?

He comes to sit 6 feet from me and just sits and looks there, if I move towards him, he goes to other room, also he does react when I say Mauku, immediately he rises his head and looks around with large eyes, but he is starting to get better too, at least he plays now so it is sign from better.

Antibiotics are a must, there is no chance to avoid infection, not with that many bites she took from me.

There is a cat door, so she can come and go as she pleases, she has not been around again, at least food has not disappeared, but she did have day or two between visits before she brought kittens in and moved to warehouse.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
to you, and
to Mouku! I don't know about cats eating when they're depressed. I think - why not? They feel agitated and use it as an outlet for that nervous energy - seems quite possible to me.

I'm glad he's starting to do better.

Mauku knows where food and warmth are.
It's her decision now.
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  • #406


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Feb 25, 2011
Well, kittens seem not to care much, they are storming around as a group many times a day. Today one of them decided that zipper of my sweater is a toy, now that 'toy' was of course bit high, but no problem for kitten, he just jumped on my leg and climbed up, as two other saw that it was not many seconds later than I had 3 kittens climbing up on me and trying to get good bite on that zipper.

Luckily their claws are not that big yet so no pain, but when you have kittens all over your body climbing up, it is not preferable situation.

One is bit shy, but I can pet him at times, he is not too well, he probably will lose one eye, really cute little bear, but he has bit more of those medical issues, really a shame to loose eye at such young age. There is no clear reason for that either, one day I just noticed he kept one eye closed and that eye had been bleeding, even with treatments there has not been improvement to situation, next week again vet visit, I'm soon bankrupt with constantly visiting there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 18, 2010
near Chicago
Recently, (2 years after I got the cat I can't pick up without bloodshed
) I purchased some welding gloves. I got them from Amazon and they are manufactured by the company U.S. Forge. They are special ones that are 18" long. They go to my elbow. In addition to being thick leather, they have a cloth lining. They cost less than $20 - USA dollars.

I'm thinking that everyone dealing with feral cats needs a pair of these.

I'm so sorry you got bitten so badly. I hope you are healing well and that the antibiotics are doing their job.

Too bad about losing Mauko, after all this time and effort to socialize her. But it seems she wants her liberty. It sounds like you've come up with a solution that will provide for her, under her terms.

Going broke caring for cats is something many of us are facing. It is a wonderful thing you are doing - preventing much suffering. But it isn't an easy calling.

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  • #408


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Mauku is not visiting every day, also she seem to eat very little, I think she has some safe place and some source of food, of course she is excellent hunter, but we are at brink of sub zero temperatures, I doubt that she could hunt as much as she needs to eat, so also I think that there might be some other place where is food for outdoor cats where she goes to steal some food.

I have welding gloves, but those are not as good as good padded leather winter gloves that are made for outdoor working, leather in those is really strong and cat can't pierce that very easily, also hunting jacket that is for autumn weather is good, fabric is so strong that no matter how cat tries there is no damage to skin, or jacket.

I never thought how horrified she would be about someone holding her up, quite odd really, but that is why I ended up injured.

Arm seem to be healing just fine, which is good.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Aw Sweetie
. I am just catching up here after missing quite a lot, it seems.
. I am very, very relieved to hear your bite wound is healing properly. Can be a serious, source of infection. So glad you are doing better
. And I am sorry about all of the going's on with the cats lately. I can't believe Mauku got out of that trap, must have been pretty frantic. I really hope you are able to re-trap her again, but as you say, maybe she would like life in the warehouse for a bit. Maybe let her decide which she wants
. Mauku knows where you are and knows about the life she lead inside with you and Mouku and Miuku, so just see if she comes around on her own time. I know this is hard on your heart, though
. Poor Mouku, I hope he gets over her being gone and re-adjusts. Sending loads of vibes to you and all the kitties.
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  • #410


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Feb 25, 2011
I have seen Mauku much more frequently at warehouse now, I think she is starting to think about living there as there is endless supply of food and warm place to sleep.

She did not run off as I brought food, well when I knocked the door then she did hide, but as she noticed it was me with food she came to investigate, was of course quite reserved and did stay far, but less than 6 feet away anyway.

Mouku is very scared of me still, but Miuku comes for pets very often, however in rare cases Mouku might come close and is ok with petting, but mostly he is afraid and when I move in a room he starts moving and tries to stay at distance from me, I think he got scared from case with Mauku.

Also Mouku is very scared of gloves now, when ever he see glowes he very slowly walks closer, stares with huge eyes and shakes, then very cautiously he hits gloves with his paw, he first lifts paw up and very quickly tests by hitting if gloves are alive, sometimes gloves move when he hits and he jumps backwards with back arched, poor thing got probably gloves associated with Mauku's disappearance.

You see I had to put Mauku into a trap, she would not gone there by herself easily, so I needed gloves for that and even I did manage to do that behind closed doors, Mouku might have been spying under the door and that of course might upset his already thin balance.

He has always been bit of scared one, having quite clearly times when he tolerates more and times when he can't tolerate me close of him, so he probably is not the most stable of them, but he still is very lovable and loving when he has that mood, I'm not sure if time alone is enough for him, he might need bit more of work to get rid of his fears.
Yesterday he did tried to pee on my bed, when he took position I told him bit louder than intended a NO, now he of course got very scared from that too. Poor thing is having quite bit on his small head right now.

3 of kittens are now quite tame, even the 4th was resting between me and computer monitor for 15 minutes yesterday, so he is learning too, but petting is scary thing still, as is my smell, needs bit more time.

I have small problem here as I would like to play with Miuku, but Miuku is bit slow to start, then there are kittens, they hear sound of string on floor to other room, even they are at sleep and storm in as pack of four, scare Miuku and steal the play. I have then took string away and not given any attention to them, in try to teach that when I play with Miuku they are not welcome, however no avail. Can't really say no as it would just confuse them as I'm playing with them too play with a string.

Miuku is not as straightforward that he would do anything about it, he just leaves.

In case of Mauku all four would of got 3 claw enabled paws on top of their heads immediately when entering closer than 3 feet to position where Mauku was playing, then Mauku would leave, so at least she did try to put them into order, Miuku is just too soft for anything like that, only one that he hits to top of head with claw enabled paw is me when I happen to come close to his hammock.

Same is with Mouku too, but Mouku runs away from kittens even when they are running around, even with it nothing to do with Mouku, so yes, biggest male cat in a house is scared of even tiniest little kitten in the house. Well I have seen him playing with the smallest one few times, but he really is quite 'weak' if looking with eyes of cat, I mean he should be the biggest and one that puts others in order and not allowing them to come into his personal area, but all he can do is run away, I think that is bit sad really, but also it makes him to be one that is quite adorable.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Awww.... poor Mouku. I'm sure he's upset by disappearance of Mauku. He need not even have been spying under door. He could probably smell it was her and her fear, and maybe smells that on gloves.

The peeing on your bed is certainly from stress. Missing Mauku and kitties around scaring him a little... when kitty pees on soft things that smell like their person, the scents mixing makes them feel calmer, and is almost always a result of feeling stressed. I'm sorry "no" came out louder than you meant to, but at least he didn't pee on your bed.

I think this is something that will just take some time. A little bit of trust has been lost, but you'll earn it back.

Of course it's wonderful to hear that Mauku is spending more time in the warehouse! She knows who you are, and apparently understands you are not trying to trap her again.

And as to the play monopolization... when you first had the three kitties inside, there was some way you closed off that room. Is there any way to go in there with Miuku/Mouku and close it off, so kitties can't come barging in? We have 8 inside only cats, and one-on-one play time is important. When there were kittiens here, we would close off the bedroom from the rest of the RV so that we could have "alone" play time with each one. Is there any way to do that?
Seems like that might help.
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  • #412


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Feb 25, 2011
When door is closed they are not playing, they watch and wait, also to get all four kittens to one room and others at one room is quite a challenge, if I get Miuku and Mouku to my room and close a door they get very nervous and start to find hiding places, if I have kittens at my room, well, I really don't like from idea, they would probably tear whole place down without Miuku's watching eye.

Kittens got very anxious when I blocked access to underside of bed, they started to pee there for some reason, now they are almost in panic that they can't do that, they have many sand boxes to choose from which are cleaned daily, but it is more of marking type of thing I think, they are still on line for neutering, that should help.

4 times a day they run after each other at full speed, jumping all over the place and if anything is not bolted tight it will be teared down, also they are quite often fighting, well play fighting but it result them rolling as single ball of fur around the surface where ever they might be, which in turn results them emptying desks and usually falling from desk etc.

That is also reason I like to keep bit watch over them as with their lack of control they might get hurt.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Yes, you do have your hands full.

And yes, neutering will help!!!!!!

Are you using an enzyme cleaner to clean up the pee? When it comes to peeing outside the box, the smell alone encourages them to continue to do it, so part of the solution (in addition to neutering) is getting rid of the smell to the cats' noses.
The only cleaner that can do this is some kind of enzyme cleaner.
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  • #414


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Originally Posted by LDG

Yes, you do have your hands full.

And yes, neutering will help!!!!!!

Are you using an enzyme cleaner to clean up the pee? When it comes to peeing outside the box, the smell alone encourages them to continue to do it, so part of the solution (in addition to neutering) is getting rid of the smell to the cats' noses.
The only cleaner that can do this is some kind of enzyme cleaner.
Orange juice, it literally gives them shudders, lemon juice is even stronger, but it is too strong, they may panic from smelling that, orange juice is not quite as strong in effect, but it is worse to them than cat's pee to us.

Also very cheap, just put it to paper and put paper to area of problem, cat arrives, shudders, looks towards you and blinks eyes while expressing face of disgust, then runs away, no more peeing to the spot, but kitty is bit angry for you naturally.

Except one, he licks it, would probably even drink the juice if I would give that to him, also he is only one that actually will take a bite from pizza if not careful about it, others try to bury paper with orange juice, or run away.

For test I put paper with orange juice to doorway, first day they did come to this side, now at 2nd day they have briefly visited, but then gone back, smell is so awful for them that they try to avoid smelling it, by staying away from location of smell. That is quite interesting, especially as us humans don't really smell what is so awful in orange or lemon juice, sure they have that fresh and quite strong odor, but it is not most strong smell, I think there is some chemical that is not picked up by our noses, but which cat easily picks up.

Little girl did watch me with disbelief when I did drink orange juice and as she came to sniff it reaction was really strong, that gave me idea to do some testing if even orange juice might work as guide for them, it seems so, at least from my very limited experience.
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  • #415


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Kitten with eye trouble got new home today, he will require bit more resources that I can provide at the moment, hopefully he will be okay some day.

That kitten was also less tame of all, so I hope that being only kitten in new home he will become more tame, it was probably because of eye issues that he become more and more isolated and usually did hiss on me, when I tried to pick him up it was all claw and teeth even it worked ok earlier, so I thought it would be better to phone a friend that promised to take kitten if there is trouble.

Also he was the one peeing in all the wrong places, probably quite stressed, other cats surely were not helping, even I did not witness much of issues, when they did play he was never fighting back when there was play fighting going on, so I guess he was bit of floor mat of the bunch.

Poor kitten, he has had quite rough start to life.

Well, others are doing fine, just sometimes I'm not sure if it is love or hate...

I'm 90% sure that this one is a girl, little-Iita I have named her, or that it comes when translating, clearly smaller than others and also faster, does 3 moves when others make just one.

Mr. Tiger, he is Dennis the Menace of the cat world, really cute, friendly and attention seeker, but also _very_ dominant male, also plays rough and what makes more noise is always better thing:

This one is quite a stalker, it is very hard to see him as he is black and hides perfectly in shadows, quite often I see just two yellow rings and then I feel claws as he jumps on me and tries to steal zipper of my sweater, he is very creative when it comes to finding a stalking location...
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  • #416


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Little-Iita seem to pee on wrong place everytime after eating she plays, maybe she is afraid to pee into box when I'm on their room as she goes to hide where she pees, so far nothing has not helped with that.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh my goodness they are sooooo beautiful! Congratulations on finding a new home for the shy boy!!!!!! I'm sure being an alone kitty will help him. :nod:

And that picture of Mr. Tiger is... incredible. That cat just LOOKS full of mischief! :eek: Little stalker (is that Panther?) looks like he's stalking the camera! :flail:

I'm really sorry to hear about little Lita and the peeing. :( I wonder if putting another litter box somewhere would help? :dk: Is there anywhere to fit one? Also, do they have the product Feliway there? It's expensive, and I know you've already basically gone broke caring for all these kitties, but with so many, it really may help. Have you heard of the product? It is synthetic pheremone, the same as in the cats' cheeks. It helps promote calm in multi-cat home, and if sprayed where cat inappropriately peeing CAN (not alwasy) help stop it. (But WHAT a beauty she is!!! :thud: ).
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  • #418


TCS Member
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Feb 25, 2011
Oh my goodness they are sooooo beautiful! Congratulations on finding a new home for the shy boy!!!!!! I'm sure being an alone kitty will help him.

And that picture of Mr. Tiger is... incredible. That cat just LOOKS full of mischief!
Little stalker (is that Panther?) looks like he's stalking the camera!

I'm really sorry to hear about little Lita and the peeing.
I wonder if putting another litter box somewhere would help?
Is there anywhere to fit one? Also, do they have the product Feliway there? It's expensive, and I know you've already basically gone broke caring for all these kitties, but with so many, it really may help. Have you heard of the product? It is synthetic pheremone, the same as in the cats' cheeks. It helps promote calm in multi-cat home, and if sprayed where cat inappropriately peeing CAN (not alwasy) help stop it. (But WHAT a beauty she is!!!
I have used Feliway before, might get new bottle and test if it does help, I think it did calm a bit of original three, but there really was not huge effect. I have still that unit that is plugged to electric outlet and I think it has been used for two bottles and it was good for four bottles.

Stalker is indeed a Panther, I think I did go bit over the board with photo fixing there, but still is not very good photo of his very deep yellow glowing eyes, he does like to stalk and hunt me and whatever I have in my hand, yesterday evening I slept on cat sofa for 3 hours and he was sleeping on my lap whole that time, tiger was at my feet all that time too, they are most tame of them all. Panther is funny in that that he comes really close right away of any interesting thing, so if I have camera in my hand he immediately comes running to bump into it and sniffing of it. Also I have noticed that Panther has quite small and quite few of whiskers, I did read somewhere that black whiskers would be more fragile than those white ones, but I'm not sure if that is true, however they look thinner that those on tiger for example, maybe that is one reason why he likes to get into touch of what ever is interesting him. Also he has habit to keep tongue between him teeths, quite often actually and it does look quite silly on black cat, it kind of stands out :p

I actually did bother tiger with camera while he was licking his paw and cleaning his face with paw, so he was caught bit middle of something, he is always all over the place, but is very nice and polite kitten that comes next to you and purrs louder than I have heard any kitten to purr, also puts his head to palm when he likes to be petted, he is perfect tame cat really, does obey and last time I put medicine to his neck he did not even tried to go away, waited nicely whole time even he did not liked getting his neck wet, later brushing to get fur unsticky from neck area and he just purred along, I might even have home for him. Actually from vet office they send a letter and told that there is customer that might have home for one kitten, so need to call them tomorrow.

Would love to keep that tiger, but finances won't let me and he is easiest to rehome, little-iita is not so easy, she is cutest cat of them all, but she is so shy that she needs lot of work, that black Panther is then made his mind clearly and he is staying, every evening he is on my lap, can't let him go, but tiger will be happy in new place too, I'm sure of that, his attitude is so great that he will be fine with anyone who plays with him.

Just did saw today that there is again new cat outside, did look small one and saw him sitting on my stairs, but when I did go open the door and cat disappeared. Also saw mauku, I did move grass last time this year, it has not grown for quite some time, but got rid of all leaves in process, there I then noticed that Mauku is sitting at driveway and staring me. I did not approach her, but talked to her, she did not move, then I did continue to move grass and saw her disappeared then.

Later I was looking some stuff at warehouse and Mauku cames in, she did eat there even I was quite close, tried to play with string and she did leave, she kind of is not afraid but then again loses her cool and runs away, but it is nice to see her well, I think that she is staying at my other warehouse building as I did went to examine firewood situation saw her coming under that building, she did not appreciate me being there, so I guess she uses that as a shelter now and comes to eat to warehouse which is extension of the house.

She will probably move into warm box that is at extension of house warehouse, when weather is colder, at least I hope so.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
LOL, so Panther adopted you. Not much to do about that! :lol3:

Something just to keep in mind... IF the right adopters come along and don't mind working with a shy cat, Little Lita may do well in a new home by herself. Anyone adopting her, if that's a potential, should know about the peeing problem - but as an alone kitty, it may not be a problem.

And I can SO see why you'd like to keep Tiger! But he does look like he'd be quite happy to get up to his mischief just about anywhere. ;)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
HI :)!!! I am catching up here again!! You are quite the busy "cat lady", are you not :D :D :D. I just think you are great for all you are doing for these BEAUTIFUL cats. Can I have TIGER :thud: I just absolutely adore his face. He looks SO intelligent, smart and mischievous!!!!!! I really enjoy your writings about the adventures all of these cats. :bigwink::heart4::cat: