2 Pregnant Strays Please Help!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Is the kitten still making these noises?

Have you moved them now?
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  • #42


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
she seems to be doing better I still hear little wheezing noises almost but no where near as often. Its almost like she has asthma or something. Also how can I tell if they're eating well enough? I can't be down there as often as I'd like because of the kids but I did get the lock on there and I go down about 5 times a day for just 5-10 minutes at a time and then after 9pm when the kids are asleep I go lay down there and let her for hours. The last 2 nights I fell asleep down there and didn't make it to bed until after midnight. But when I'm down there I see them snuggled up with momma sleeping a lot but it seems like they only latch on for a few minutes at a time. Are they still getting only colostrum? I breastfed both my children so I know how it goes with humans but I'm not sure how that works with cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
You can weigh the kittens daily to make sure they are all thriving. They should gain, at a minimum, 6-10g each day.
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  • #44


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
Something else that's been bugging me... I'm posting a few pics of this orange cat. We've been calling him sunny. This is shadows hubby. He usually doesn't come too close but before now the only time he would come around was REALLY late at night when shadow would be laying over here for hours he's come snuggle up next to her and kiss her. He runs at any sudden movement and like I said I've never seen him without her but he's been hanging out at the edge of my property for the last 2 days... I've kept dry food out for him but he won't come eat. (he used to eat with shadow) am I completely losing my mind or is it possible that he's really worried about his love and his babies?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Something else that's been bugging me... I'm posting a few pics of this orange cat. We've been calling him sunny. This is shadows hubby. He usually doesn't come too close but before now the only time he would come around was REALLY late at night when shadow would be laying over here for hours he's come snuggle up next to her and kiss her. He runs at any sudden movement and like I said I've never seen him without her but he's been hanging out at the edge of my property for the last 2 days... I've kept dry food out for him but he won't come eat. (he used to eat with shadow) am I completely losing my mind or is it possible that he's really worried about his love and his babies?
He could definitely be confused and miss his friend, but no, he has no concept of the kittens or that they are his.

Do you plan to get him neutered? The other concern is that he could be not eating because he's unwell.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Chele0909 Chele0909

You need to get the wheezing kitten on Clavamox drops asap. It clearly sucked in fluid during the birthing process that is now in its lungs. This can turn into pneumonia any time now and kill the kitten very quickly. See a vet today!

The male cat misses her and knows by her hormones that she is in the house. Put his food out where he is hanging out for now.

Agree with the need to weigh daily!
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  • #49


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
Ok I put sunny's food out near our fire pit which is where I've seen him most... I do not plan to get him neutered because he won't let me anywhere near him and he mostly hangs out in my neighbors yard so I'm not sure if he's just their outside cat or what (i assume he's ferrel because of his behavior but can't be sure and neghbors are not very friendly and seem to be fighting constantly so I'm in no rush to go knock on their door and ask) I do plan to get shadow neutered before I let her go back outside as soon as kittens are weaned. (but hopefully she'll adjust to being inside and want to come in and out once all is said and done) We have a place about 25 miles from me called c-snip that offers $10 Reuters like 3x a year so I've been watching their webpage for announcements. They usually do every weekend for the entire month of July or August or whatever. I hear it on the radio all the time too so I've been praying that it will be right around the time the kittens are weaning so I can get both shadow and Lily in before we have any more kitty love going on. Lol I'll call the vet in a few minutes here about the drops for the wheezing kitten. Thanks a bunch for all the advice! I'll keep yas posted!
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  • #51


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
So vet went very well. He didn't prescribe any meds for kittens. He said he didn't see any cause for alarm with the kittens but He did say that most likely what I heard was a sneeze. He said that it's not very common but sometimes a kitten will feel like they still have residue from the sac they were in inside of the nose and it causes them to have a "natural reaction of sneezing" which could seem similar to the more common problem that you had mentioned. (I showed him a few messages from this thread and explained that I didn't know much so I had reached out to members on this site who had been extremely helpful in guiding me thus far) he told me to weigh 2x a day if I'm concerned about eating (which I'm not anymore now that I have been weighing). Mom is healthy. He did say she's is a bit dehydrated and to watch her water intake and liquid output in the litter box but it's not uncommon for a "queen" to be a bit dehydrated after giving birth as she's just exhausted herself, lost bodily fluids and is now nursing and often times a "queen" would not leave the kittens for any reason for the first 24 hours or so. I have food and water propped right up against the box that she is in so she can hang her head out for food and water even while nursing (if in the proper position). She seems to be doing much better. She hadn't used the litter box for the first 24 hours after birth which had me worried but vet assured that is common as the queen won't want to leave the kittens. So in short everyone us healthy... Next step deworming 9 kittens! Eeeekkkkk! Lol I was so concerned about my shadow cat and her babes I didn't even think to ask the cost of deworming or any other shots or meds. I may need to do before adopting kittens out. I'll have to look into that.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
So the kitten is fine now? No more wheezing?

Sounds like the vet was more concerned about mama kitty than the kitten.
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  • #53


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
Yes he said the kitten was breathing normal which I had to agree at that point. The first 24 hours it had seemed to me like almost a huffing and wheezing but when I demonstrated the best I could he gave me the explanation I posted previously. Momma goes back Thursday to make sure she is getting enough fluids but other than that things seem to be going really well...yo be honest I think I may have just been a little over concerned because I have grown so very attached to momma that anything that seemed even a tiny bit different to Lilly's birth process scared me. But kittens are gaining weight great and mom seems to be doing good as well. Still not leaving her nest much but I've put food directly outside the nest so she can just reach her head out. Kinda wondering if I should back it away a bit so she feels like she CAN come out... Or us it best to leave it?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Just leave it. She will leave the nest when she is ready!

Glad everyone is doing well! :)
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  • #55


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
Quick question... Lily (the one that was tossed out of a car up by the road) was the one I had said looked malnourished. Since she's been here I've kept her dry food full at all times, and I was giving her 1/2 can of wet food three times a day. Lately she's been wanting more. At first I figured she needed the extra calories because she's nursing but now I'm not so sure... she is meowing and purring and rubbing all over me more frequently and when I try to pet her she just leads me to her food. I've double-checked to make sure she didn't make a mess in her litter box that needs to be taken care of I almost always peek in at the kitties when she does this just to make sure she's not trying to tell me something about them. The minute I give her the wet food she goes crazy and practically inhales it. I have read on other sites before I found this one that nursing mommas should have plenty of calories and wet food for extra hydration but at this point I'm almost wondering if I am spoiling her. I don't want her to get too used to it because once she's done nursing I plan to go back down to 1/2 can twice a day (morning and night). I now have 11 cats to take care of on top of two children and a dog. (Who is on a special diet due to tummy issues) and a brand new house payment so I have to be a little bit reasonable about budgeting on pet food. She has also started developing a bit of a begging problem. It used to be that she would just sit a few feet away from the table while we had dinner and just stare which didn't bother me much. She's a bit leary of the kids so she keeps her distance when we are eating as a family however, when my husband and I are munching on the couch or in bed she will climb up and stick her face right in ours. I have been picking her up and setting her down on the floor as soon as she gets close but she's getting sneaky. She'll see us grabbing a snack and hide behind my pillows on my bed and when I sit down she'll climb up over my shoulder. It's kind of comical to be honest but I have no clue how to train her to stop doing this and I don't want it to become an unbreakable habit. If anyone has tips on how to train a cat I'm all ears... Her babes have their eyes open and are starting to play together in their nest so begire I know it they'll be taking over the house so I feel it's important to train mom begire her kittens pick up her bad habits... Then ill have a real mess on my hands


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, she's hungry, and needs more wet food. She's burning tons of calories nursing right now.

I spent a small fortune feeding the pregnant stray I adopted during her pregnancy and nursing days.

It didn't last forever. Mom's food needs slowed down dramatically after the kittens weaned and she was spayed.
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  • #58


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Caledonia, MI (grand rapids suburb)
Thanks for the feedback. I was beginning to wonder about her. Shadow doesn't eat 1/2 of what she says and she will still eat dry food. Lily BARELY touches her dry food. What about training in begging? Any tips?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
While she's nursing, she's not begging, she is telling you that she needs more food.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 1, 2006
Give her as much wet food as she wants, I bet the begging will stop. She's just very hungry. The other mom will need to eat more as her kittens get bigger, too. It won't be forever, just until the kittens are weaned.