Recent Content by tabster

  1. T

    I Caught My Cat Licking an Electrical Outlet!

    He was looking at something on the wall, I think he was trying to catch a bug or something and then he did that thing cats do where they briefly get distracted. Except for some reason he was distracted by the outlet and then he started smelling it and licked it a teeny tiny bit before I yelled...
  2. T

    Dog using litterbox?

    Maybe it's territorial marking? Before my sister took our other cat, he would go and pee in the litterbox immediately after we cleaned it and after Lucky went, which made me think he was marking his territory. So maybe that is what your dog is doing? The only other thing I can think of is to...
  3. T

    Problems giving a pill

    I think something about the pressure of the towel soothes them. You know with dogs you can get them shirts/vests that are "anti anxiety" and it just the pressure is very soothing.
  4. T

    Cat only pooping on my nice shaggy rug!!

    The only thing I can think of is getting something to keep her off the rug entirely, but she might just start pooing somewhere else. I wonder if you got another litter box, put it right in the same spot on the rug (yeah not very attractive) then gradually move the litter box away. . .
  5. T

    My kitten smacks me in the face!

    With all my animals, if they hurt me accidentally or otherwise, I always do a very high pitched squeal, like OWWW! If you have ever accidentally stepped on a cat (or dog)'s tail or paw, that is exactly the noise they make. It usually works really well, and they get shocked/surprised and stop...
  6. T

    Cat peeing standing up..

    My sister's cat does that. She got a litter box with a cover and a swinging door.
  7. T

    Questions about my new kitten (biting and urination related)

    If you have 2 cats most people would say you need 3 litter boxes. You might be able to get away with just 2 litter boxes but definitely not 1. Have one on each floor or on separate sides of the house. The biting sounds like he is playing.
  8. T

    Problems giving a pill

    Wrap him up in a towel so he can't claw you, then pop his mouth open by putting pressure on the jaw "hinge". My sister's cat has super strength in holding his mouth shut too, so someone would have to try to pop the jaw open from the side at the same time another person grabbed his top and bottom...
  9. T

    Dog using litterbox?

    Maybe if you put a cover on the litter box? I don't know how big the dog is, but maybe a cover would prevent the dog from getting in, and any "snacking." I think is a fairly common problem. . .our dog ripped open the cat poo bag once and dragged it all over the yard (probably ate some too). She...
  10. T

    Sneezing, but no other symptoms

    So about a week ago I noticed my cat was sneezing. I didn't think much of it, because he sneezed, then 30 seconds later my mom sneezed, then my brother, then me. I thought it was something in the air. But he has been sneezing for a week now. . .I would estimate I hear him at least 4 or 5 times a...
  11. T

    Collars/ID Tags for Indoor Cats?

    I'm wondering if it is worth it to put a collar with an ID tag on Lucky, he is indoor only and microchipped. BUT he is 14 years old and has hyperthyroidism which makes me worry. I live in Alabama and I'm sure you've heard about all the tornadoes that swept through. Our house is fine but there...
  12. T

    My Hyperthyroid Cat Stopped Eating

    It's weird because when he first went on the meds he had to start at a really high dose because his thyroid levels were so high (the vet said the worst he has ever seen) but then after only a month we had to cut the meds down, and now cut them down again because they turned him hypothyroid. But...
  13. T

    My Hyperthyroid Cat Stopped Eating

    Well after I posted the thread, I gave him his dinner and he ate a little, then I was going to call the vet in the morning. But he ate all his food in the morning, and his appetite came back, complete with digging in the trash for food and begging at the table. He ate ALL his food, and we gave...
  14. T

    Cat says, "Yo! I pooped!"

    The only time Lucky ever did that was when he was constipated, but we could definitely tell he was in pain. It kind of sounded like he was yelling OWWW. I wish he would tell us every time he went, that sounds so funny
  15. T

    Meowing in her sleep??

    My sister's cat does that! He like YELLS! It's not just a little meow, he will be sleeping and go MEOOWWWggggrrrrhh. And twitches all over the place. Like he's running from a dog or something in his dream lol.