Recent Content by nickdnhr

  1. nickdnhr

    Strange Behavior

    Why does my cat paw at the water in her water dish? Why does my cat leave her paw in her water dish?
  2. nickdnhr

    How Do I?

    My cat little box has no door. How do I keep the cat poop smell from leaving the cat box?
  3. nickdnhr

    Cat Care

    Can not cleaning a litter box make a person sick?
  4. nickdnhr

    Behavior Issue

    How do I make my cat not afraid of helicopters, wind and thunder?
  5. nickdnhr


    Why are cats scared of thunder?
  6. nickdnhr


    So my cat is in my bedroom. What do I need to spray on the bedroom door and carpet to make sure she doesnt scratch the door or carpet?
  7. nickdnhr


    What can I spray on my bedroom door and the carpet in front of my bedroom door to keep my cat from scratching/pawing at it?
  8. nickdnhr


    How do I keep the cat pee/poop odor from coming out of the litter box?
  9. nickdnhr

    Red 40

    Cat treats have Red 40 in them. How dangerous is Red 40 to cats? Possible brain tumors??