The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Now how cool is that?! Congratulations, Louann Jude, on a job well done! 

JTbo, our cats usually awaken us around 4:00, so I feel your pain. It's frustrating, to say the least. (Great music, BTW!! A rather slow start, but I really liked it!! I see what you mean about the Chaplin movies.

Thanks, Handsome Kitty, but it's so frustrating. There's simply no excuse for it. The good news is that I managed to lose 3.2 pounds of it since yesterday morning, so most of it was probably water weight. 

A big congrats to all the losers this week!! 

little cutie66

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 3, 2016
New York
Oh. My cat kept me up all night!! Walking on me. I am so tired today. It's hard working when I feel like this. But I did lose the pounds. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I've fallen off the band wagon..don't recall the last weigh in..

Sunday I stepped on the scale and at 197. Oh well. I had to get size 18 pants..last week I did intense workouts tue-wed-thur and this weekend long hours at work but I managed stretches. Then my knee acted up. I have been reading up on why I can't loose weight and it's something called partially hydrogenated veg oils...and it's a BEEP to get rid of. Everything I want to eat has wheat or this veg oil that is really not even veg oil=its a petroleum product! GROSS! So I have gone out and got plain meats and nuts with salad/root veggies. I would like to try the meat and veggie diet and no carbs.

God that's going to be hard...evidently I am not supposed to eat diary either...something about the cheese is giving me digestion issues so I COULD be lactose intolerant but I also got to run far away from soy. Ladies who have female hormone issues google Soy and estrogen. Soy is not the best thing for us despite our government toting it. So I haven't done a lot of shopping as Im out of money right now but at least I am trying to break my habit of crackers. Because that's where that partially hydro oil hangs out. And I LOVE crackers. So for now it's goodbye cheezits (which have NO SUGAR) so that's why I was eating them. If I keep up my intense workouts I still need energy from carbs but going to have root veggies which have both carbs and fiber..ugg...I hate this diet thing. I hate how in 1 year I packed on 60 lbs. Once I hit 40 I no longer can eat whatever. I used to always be around 130-140. ALL the time!


Jtbo-Louann-Winchester-Little Cutie-Handsome kitty= you are in my thoughts. Dieting sucks. I don't have an issue exercising. I would gladly exercise until the cows come home if I could just eat one more French fry and deep fried chicken finger. GRRRRRR.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
. I hear you. I really do hear you. I'm having some definite issues, too. I guess others are as well because I don't see our other regulars posting this week.

I did manage to lose 2.6 pounds, but it's essentially a starvation thing. In order to lose or even maintain anything, I have to stay at right around 1,000 to 1,100 calories a day. Every day. As soon as I go over that, even if I walk 6 miles that day, I will gain weight. And it doesn't matter what I eat. I think my metabolism is so screwed up that I should just give up eating. Period.

And now with the problem with my foot and not walking that much, well, if I can't walk, then I can't eat. So I'm doubly screwed. I'm trying to use the Cardio Glide and I'm trying to do my exercises and stretches. God, I hate exercise.

You're right. Dieting sucks little green worms. 

Weighed in this morning at 142.8. I need to get back down below 140. I don't know why because I won't stay there. 

​ I wish I could say something to make you feel better. Hang in there. Please. Hang in there. 
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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Weighed in at 163.2 this mornings.  Not bad considering I was up to 165 at some point last week and yesterday was not only Halloween but Hubby's 59th birthday. 

@foxxycat I feel your pain.  Try the Whole 30 it sounds like that's what you're trying to do anyways.  The web site has some recipes and treats.  I have discovered the bulk plantain chips at Whole Foods.  They are not sweet and leave a bit of the feel of eating potato chips in your mouth.  Trader Joe's are too sweet.  The is a brand out there called Epic.  They have jerky and meat bars that are good for before/after workouts. I've seen these in my local grocery store.   Also consider giving up white potatoes and eating sweet potatoes. You can make your own sweet potato chips in the oven w/olive or palm oil or you can buy the Honest brand which cooks their chips in coconut or avacado oil.  The Boulder brand chips are not cooked in veggie oil either so are ok.  You can make crackers w/cassava flour.  I've only found it on line and it is expensive but Kim made bread with it and it was good.  You should probably get your thyroid checked. 

little cutie66

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 3, 2016
New York
Girls, I totally agree with you. Dieting sucks bananas. As soon you eat the pounds come back on. I gained the 5 pounds I lost over the weekend. I ate like an animal. But I do exercise so that's a good thing. But I have to eat less to lose .. it's so hard...ugh


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I tried some beets for lunch..yuck. they were sweet and sour beets in a jar=I never read the label=HFCS!!!! I should have rinsed them off. I ate some crackers because I didn't feel like cooking my tv dinner I brought with me. I got stophers alfrado fettichini and I take raw broccoli and snap off the heads and stick them right into the frozen dinner then cook it for 4-5 min in the microwave.  I will eat this for tomorrow's morning snack. I bought salad stuff and some chicken gumbo soup last night-trick er treaters kept me too busy to cook. tonight gonna make sheppards pie. Got the potatoes and corn. At least I will have something without added junk other than the meat. god what a pain. Also I found out those protein bars we think are all protein?! NOPE! loaded with SUGAR! I bought some on sale..and figured a good snack-read an article that the companies don't tell the truth about how many calories are in these buggers. They don't put the amount of sugar correctly. which doesn't surprise me. How can anything that sweet tasting not have sugar?? or they use diet sugar which is just as bad. Honestly I don't remember our food tasting soso 20 years ago. Why can't we go back to food without HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)? I found a list of trick names that they use. cane sugar is another trick name. no wonder I have a hard time. I should go back to eating oatmeal, eggs, nuts, meats and nothing else oh fruit/veggies.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Yes at this point dieting sucks. Right now I am convinced I have an ulcer. I had one way back in 2000 at first they thought it was my gallbladder then a doctor ran some tests and after a few weeks I was better. The pain in my stomach hasn't gone away since my surgery and now I have new symptoms. One I am hungry all the time. I can eat and an hour later feel like I am starved. Then the nausea I get. I promise if I didn't know better I would swear I was pregnant.  I am so sick at my stomach now and the aching in my body. The 14th can't come fast enough. I really need to see a dr. 

This up and down is really starting to get to me. I was doing good and always going down before the surgery. I am terrified that I am going to gain the weight back I worked so hard to get off. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I wish the over the counter ulcer meds were cheaper. Have you tried nexum? or however it's spelled? I remember my doctor explained that an ulcer hurts when there's nothing in the stomach and that you have to eat small meals often to not hurt. maybe it's pain you are feeling? I remember him telling me a ton of stuff I had to avoid. I feel for you. Ulcers/indigestion SUCKS rocks. I know I have had several issues but they went away after awhile. Stress is one of the biggest things that makes my indigestion act up. I do know that baking soda in warm water helps bad heart burn but it takes like BLANK! maybe you can try that-just knock it down fast and see if it helps? I never liked any minty tasting things. and I find it hard to stay away from acidic foods-tomatoes are a staple in my diet. Hoping you get relief SOON!!

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I tried some beets for lunch..yuck. they were sweet and sour beets in a jar=I never read the label=HFCS!!!! I should have rinsed them off. I ate some crackers because I didn't feel like cooking my tv dinner I brought with me. I got stophers alfrado fettichini and I take raw broccoli and snap off the heads and stick them right into the frozen dinner then cook it for 4-5 min in the microwave.  I will eat this for tomorrow's morning snack. I bought salad stuff and some chicken gumbo soup last night-trick er treaters kept me too busy to cook. tonight gonna make sheppards pie. Got the potatoes and corn. At least I will have something without added junk other than the meat. god what a pain. Also I found out those protein bars we think are all protein?! NOPE! loaded with SUGAR! I bought some on sale..and figured a good snack-read an article that the companies don't tell the truth about how many calories are in these buggers. They don't put the amount of sugar correctly. which doesn't surprise me. How can anything that sweet tasting not have sugar?? or they use diet sugar which is just as bad. Honestly I don't remember our food tasting soso 20 years ago. Why can't we go back to food without HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)? I found a list of trick names that they use. cane sugar is another trick name. no wonder I have a hard time. I should go back to eating oatmeal, eggs, nuts, meats and nothing else oh fruit/veggies.
I'm amazed at how many products have HFCS in them.  If you have a slow cooker I have a recipe you might like (and john too).  peel and slice a granny smith apple, and a med. onion, add cinnamon and ground all spice.  Put boneless ribs on top and cook for 8 hours.  An hour before you eat add BBQ sauce (I skip this step for me since HFCS is in most BBQ sauces).  It is pretty good. 

There is a protein bar called RX.  I found it at Whole Foods.  Also Lara Bars are good.  Dates, almonds and spices.  Target has a bar that is dried apples and cherries that is good.  These are all a little pricey but I don't eat them often.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Raw ingredients and make everything from scratch, only organic, only spices not spice mixes, make your own ketchup if you use one, but after adjusting self made tomato sauce will give incredible land of tastes that ketchup has dulled from you (ketchup is mostly sugar too, or at least has a ton of sugar).

If your weekly schedule is tight, then you make stuff at weekend and freeze, put on fridge and so on, take from freezer at morning and put on fridge, when getting back from work you can microwave it, when you put everything portion sized boxes before freezing it is like home made microwave meals.

So you make a bigger push at Saturday or Sunday and can enjoy easy week, plan week ahead and you get self made healthy "fast food" to eat even at work if there is such possibility.

Good thing is that it will be quick and you don't get to reach something before you get to eat at week evenings, also when you size portions once you don't need to fail at week, you know there was your allowance, you did ate it and after eating it is that 2 hours that has to made trough, so come home, eat, be busy 2 hours.

Then again who I'm to say anything of it, I consume more candy than food, but that is my hell which I have to go trough, wish I could really give something that would help you with yours as at times dieting is a hell, it is a test, walk on burning coals trough all the suffering which we must try to endure best we can, maybe we fail many times but we get up and burn hotter than a coal if needed to make it trough.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Raw ingredients and make everything from scratch, only organic, only spices not spice mixes, make your own ketchup if you use one, but after adjusting self made tomato sauce will give incredible land of tastes that ketchup has dulled from you (ketchup is mostly sugar too, or at least has a ton of sugar).

If your weekly schedule is tight, then you make stuff at weekend and freeze, put on fridge and so on, take from freezer at morning and put on fridge, when getting back from work you can microwave it, when you put everything portion sized boxes before freezing it is like home made microwave meals.

So you make a bigger push at Saturday or Sunday and can enjoy easy week, plan week ahead and you get self made healthy "fast food" to eat even at work if there is such possibility.

Good thing is that it will be quick and you don't get to reach something before you get to eat at week evenings, also when you size portions once you don't need to fail at week, you know there was your allowance, you did ate it and after eating it is that 2 hours that has to made trough, so come home, eat, be busy 2 hours.

Then again who I'm to say anything of it, I consume more candy than food, but that is my hell which I have to go trough, wish I could really give something that would help you with yours as at times dieting is a hell, it is a test, walk on burning coals trough all the suffering which we must try to endure best we can, maybe we fail many times but we get up and burn hotter than a coal if needed to make it trough.
I'm not working and I am cooking and freezing breakfast and lunch.  Makes it easy no struggle over good and not so good choices.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I'm not working and I am cooking and freezing breakfast and lunch.  Makes it easy no struggle over good and not so good choices.
In a way, being able to stay at home more helps to make better food, but yeah, also makes it so easy to slip too, it is only 2 miles to shop for me and I stay on property most of the time, so it is too easy to slip, jumping on motorcycle and riding to shop to get sweets is too easy.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I wish the over the counter ulcer meds were cheaper. Have you tried nexum? or however it's spelled? I remember my doctor explained that an ulcer hurts when there's nothing in the stomach and that you have to eat small meals often to not hurt. maybe it's pain you are feeling? I remember him telling me a ton of stuff I had to avoid. I feel for you. Ulcers/indigestion SUCKS rocks. I know I have had several issues but they went away after awhile. Stress is one of the biggest things that makes my indigestion act up. I do know that baking soda in warm water helps bad heart burn but it takes like BLANK! maybe you can try that-just knock it down fast and see if it helps? I never liked any minty tasting things. and I find it hard to stay away from acidic foods-tomatoes are a staple in my diet. Hoping you get relief SOON!!
I haven't tried the Nexium because I can't take Prilosec I have weird side effects from it. I sit and stare into space like and SSRI. Nexium is just a stronger version of Prilosec. There is a medicine I haven't tried yet that coats your stomach and creates a barrier that heals the sore. 

I can handle the mint ones it's the fruit flavored ones that the thought of it causes me nausea. I ate a big bottle a week when pregnant with my oldest and I still can't stomach them. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I am going to try harder this week. I didn't buy myself junk food over the weekend except to eat on the drive to mass.

Today I brought veggies and low cal lunch but I already ate all the nuts I had in my locker. I need to go back to measuring everything I eat.

How do you guys do it? I work with men. They always have something fatty and sweet to eat. I just don't know if I can handle 1000 calories a day. I just hate calorie counting but I know I need to do it in order to see results.

I still didn't get the crockpot going. Seems I am too overwhelmed at the end of the day to even know where to start. At least I have put meat on a plate from freezer to **** twice last week. Everything is gone so tonight I have to cook something for Jon. I got bread and ham but he won't eat it...what do you do with picky eaters? I still have salad stuff but last two weeks I tossed most of it in the compost pile.

He has been going to the store and buying fruit for himself..wish he would learn to cook something..grrr...the other night I only made noodles and milk butter and pepper...he wasn't happy...I don't know why. I love stewed tomatoes and pasta with salt n pepper in a bowl...I know I keep making excuses..I just have to start cooking veggies and if he doesn't eat it then to heck with him.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Still hanging in there, right around 140. (I think it helped that I was sick last week 

The guys in my department are pretty good about not bringing food in. One of them loves his doughnuts, so he'll bring in a half-dozen from time to time. Sometimes the boss will bring some in. I don't buy doughnuts that often, but sometimes when I walk over to the farmers' market, I'll stop at a bakery and grab some filled cookies and share them with the other guys. When I make cookies or sticky buns at home, I always bring a plate in. Our receptionist hardly ever brings anything in to share; nor does my other co-worker. We only share within our department, though; among the five of us. We never bring in a cake and take it out to the cafe for everything to try. I've never done that; nor do I eat something if I don't specifically know who made it (or if I do know who made it and don't want to go there). So it's not really an issue here, for the most part. Every once in a while, one of my co-workers will come in and say, "So.....done any baking lately, Pam?" and I know that's my cue.

I use our crock pot during the day when we're not home; that's why I have the thing. I know, I know all the potential issues for crock pots, but I work full time and it's either use the crock pot from time to time or fast food. And we can't afford fast food; nor can our waistlines. As far as the pickiness, I gave up on that years ago. I don't have time to deal with it and I won't. If he doesn't like what you want, then he can starve or he can make something for himself. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. I simply do not have time to deal with it. Period. I do make an effort to cook for Rick, but there are things he doesn't like and that I do. If I want them, I make them and he can fend for himself. I don't feel guilty about it. Rick never ate a lot of vegetables when he lived at home. He was more meat and potatoes. He learned that, if I don't serve meat and if I don't serve potatoes, well, he either eats what I eat or he can rummage around in the freezers. Most of the time, he'll eat what I cook, but he does have some serious sessions in the freezer!

And the thing is, most of the time, I really make an effort to cook healthy, nutritious, but also delicious meals. I really do. Sure we have our meatloaf and our cookies and desserts and stuff, but really, it's rare. Especially during the week, I try to make an effort. Weekends, well, we'll splurge a bit. 

Good luck this week!! 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
Happy Monday!

I hit 142.2 this morning, which is only half a pound up from my lowest weight in May. I took the summer off and just kind of enjoyed it and vacation. I got up to 145ish not watching calories. It's so quick to put weight on, and then it takes forever to come back off! Goal is still 138 but it seems SO FAR AWAY. Those last couple pounds are killer. I think my body is trying to hold on to the fat it has left. 

I'm not trying to be as militant now as I was (counting every gram of food is annoying) but just making better food choices overall, limiting pasta/bread (my weakness) to 1-2 times a week, and cooking all lunches at home instead of fast food.

Good luck this week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I think you will like what I did last night Winchester. I love Rice. I can eat it all day long. Jon hates rice or rather he says I don't care for it

 Last night I cooked up the last of the hamburger and onions...I had a box of Mexican rice and added seasoning-mixed it all together=YUMMY. I didn't have any frozen vegs otherwise I would have tossed some into a bowl. He didn't eat it. I know he will eat salad but only if I chop it up. I gave him grief the other day-how come you are so helpless? I work and go to the gym then shop and you can't even cut up a salad?! So This week I have to go grocery shopping. And make an effort to use the crockpot. I just don't have time to do it in the morning. I have to leave at 6am and it's a pain. But I could let it cook overnight. I know I need to stop pandering.

At least last night I felt good for cooking rice and burger. I have made him potatoes for weeks. I am TIRED of potatoes...hahaha...he put some pickles on a dish with the rice and burger..sigh...hey at least he cant complain.

I love chop suey. tomatoes and noodles and veg (mush/onion/pep) and mix it all together with parm cheese...he doesn't like pasta unless it's angel hair..the next dish I make is going to be chop suey-I usually cook two types of pasta-one for me and one for him but no more...Today I have chili and rice for my morning lunch (I can't wait to eat lunch-I only eat oatmeal for breakfast) and that's at 10ish. So lunch is a small snack. No wonder I am roaring hungry by 3pm. I can't win.

Tonight is gym then the dreaded grocery store-I have to just communicate better...ask him to cut up said veggies and then mix it when I get home...I just am hating to ask for I do it myself and stew. I know I have to knock it off. At least I am trying to cut down my portions.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I was 164.4 this morning.  Not gaining or losing.  Tomorrow I go to orientation and Wednesday I start work at Amazon.  3pm to 12:30.  Not sure what I am doing for dinner.  Current plan is Ground beef cooked w/4 or 5 different veggies, and maybe a salad.  This is going to be tricky.  I had McDonald's chicken nuggets Friday and Thursday for lunch because I didn't plan well.  I did get an Instant pot which is supposed to cook food faster so I may do a pot roast or chicken before I have to leave and the Family can the rest up for their dinner.

@foxxycat I know it's more expensive but if you purchased pre-cut salad and veggies, it would make your life less stressful.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I haven't weighed in since last Wednesday. I was 185 then. I am so frustrated because I just can't seem to get it together eating wise. I can do good for a few days then BAM, I binge. My nerves have been really bad lately so I know that's it. Thankfully I had a good day today. 

I went shopping for a new bedroom furniture today. I got the whole set Sleigh bed, chest, dresser and mirror and night stand for less than 800. It is also in a cherry wood finish. Me and Larry are really excited because it's the first bed room set we ever have owned, that matched. We are going after living room stuff this weekend. I am excited but that whole am I getting a good deal is setting in. 

Now for the crock pot meals I cook in mine two to three times a week. It's easier if I am having a heavy cleaning day. 
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