Today is J-Day!

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  • #21


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
LOL. No it's an actual couch made for cats (and evidently dogs, too). We got it a long time ago from Foster and Smith. The couch seat flips out to make the couch larger. The cats love it, especially Mollipop. She is not too pleased that Jackie has taken it over.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
I just love this picture Pam, she is such a beautiful dog and doesn't look 11 years old at all.  I know she is very happy with you and Rick because of all the lovin' she is getting.  It's very heartwarming to see.  This will be the best Christmas Jackie will have with her new family.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Ok so now I know it's Boo sleeping on Jackie's bed, lol.  I had forgot what you said earlier.  Very, very cute, hopefully these two will become good friends...hopefully, lol.
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  • #25


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Well, that honeymoon is over. She went after Muffin and Mollipop last night, complete with growling.

It's all about the food. Jackie gets 1-1/2 cups of dry food that we're spacing out for during the day. That way, when the cats eat, she gets a little something, too. (She also gets chopped apple or carrot when she comes inside from being out....4-5 pieces) But she wolfs her food down so fast and then she's looking for more. Muffin didn't come out right away last night for supper. When she finally did come out, Rick had Jackie by her collar, so that Muffin could eat in peace. Molli was looking on, but things were quiet.

And then, just like that, Jackie leaped. Rick was so surprised, he let go. Jackie started growling and scared both girls. She wanted the food. The girls took off and Jackie had the food in a second. I scruffed her....hard.....said, "NO! NO! NO!" and dragged her butt into the living room. She didn't know what to think. I don't think it was territorial; I really think it was about the food. Canned food is irresistible to some animals; Jackie has never had it and I'm sure she thinks it must be pretty good stuff. And she's never had to share. So if anything is there, well, it must be hers.

I will not tolerate any threat to the cats. I'm trying to teach her that when I say, "ROOM!" she is to go into the living room. Regardless of what may be going on in the kitchen, she is to go into the living room. Immediately. I felt bad about it, but she needs to learn that the cats always come first. Always.

Part of the problem is that she's had no discipline since Rick's dad passed. His mom pretty much ignored her other than feeding her and taking her outside when needed. But that was it.

We are trying to gate between the living room and kitchen during meals. Jackie just knocks the gates down and comes right on out. It's not too bad when we're both home to deal with it all, but if it's just one of us, well, it's not pretty. 

Rick was trying to get Jackie outside to pee this morning. I was trying to feed the kids. I started to put plates down. Boo started to eat. Jackie came over to his plate and started eating his food. He popped her on the head and hissed. Rick finally got her out of the house. Muffin is kind of a space cadet....she's one of those cats who wants to eat, but it has to be on her terms. She'll start out to the kitchen, see something on the carpet, and have to stop to investigate. So, for the most part, she doesn't actually start eating her breakfast til the other cats are pretty much done with theirs. Meanwhile, Rick and Jackie are outside and Rick wants to come in the house. And we're waiting on Muffin to finish. (And no, I'm not feeding her in the bedroom; I don't like feeding cats in the bedroom because we do have some pukers and I may not see the puke right away if it's under the bed or something. So the bedroom door is shut for about 15 minutes or so after meals.)

Mollipop and I have this routine. When she knows I'm done on the treadmill, she'll come down the basement steps and sit by the door. Then when I open the door, she jumps into my arms and we do a quick "tour" of the basement. This morning is the first time since Jackie came that she was by the basement door. We did our basement tour. But when we came up the steps, Jackie started coming down the steps. Freaked Mollipop out big time; she dug her hind legs into me, leaped out of my arms, careened off the front door, and hit the landing....all in pretty much one leap. My left shoulder is nothing but huge scratches from her claws. In fairness to Jackie, she didn't mean to scare anybody. I think she just heard me talking to Molli and thought I was talking to her. And she came down to me. And Mollipop freaked.

When I left for work this morning, I anchored the gate in the hallway. I put it up off the floor a bit, so the cats can crawl under it or jump over it as they prefer. But Jackie has the living room and the kitchen; the cats have the run of the house.

We still need a lot of patience.....I need a lot of patience, I think, more than they do. This is not easy. If I have to, I will start crating Jackie while the kids eat their meals. She has not been crated at all and I was going to give the crate back to my sister tomorrow. I may keep it for a while.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
This is the reason why I don't have a kitchen table anymore. It's a cat feeding station. If I put the cats' dishes on the floor, they'd starve. Part of the problem is that the cats are grazers and even though I feed them all at the same time, they don't eat at the same time so I can't stand around waiting for them to eat before picking up the dishes. I'd be standing there for hours.

I'd seriously consider getting a crate if your sister is going to need that one back. We  have had one for my dog since we've gotten her and it's used all the time. Not just when we want to confine her either. She goes in there when it's thundering. It's her safe place. Now that she's 13, she was having the occasional accident in the house in the middle of the night so she sleeps in it. I put a memory foam crate pad in there to make it comfortable. This is the one we have and other than the fact that I've had to replace the plastic pan on the bottom, it's in perfect condition even after 12 years. As she gets older, you might find that you need to put her in there during the day. I do as I don't have anyone to walk her while I'm at work.

Things will settle in. Right now all that extra food around is novel to her. I found out the hard way that cat food and a dog's stomach aren't compatible. That's another reason why I had to move the dishes off the floor.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Beagles are usually absolute gluttons, so it's not surprising that Jackie is going for the cats' food. Locking her in a room or crate while the cats are eating or feeding the cats up high is about the only thing you can do.

It's early days, so a few unpleasant encounters between the cats and Jackie are to be expected. Things will settle down once the kitties have gotten used to their new housemate and Jackie feels more at home. :vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Crating at mealtimes really is a great solution. We always used to feed Leah in her crate - and Pixie too when he was younger. Like Kat0121 Kat0121 we use a table for feeding these days.

This is a slightly longer term solution, but I found clicker training made a huge difference with Leah when it came to the cat food. I started directing her to a chair, telling her to 'go chair and leave it' ('it' being the cat food). To start with I'd click and reward every minute or so, telling her 'good leave it'. Over a couple of weeks I was able to phase out the intermediate treating, and just tell her 'good leave it, now have it' at the end - accompanied by a few pieces of cat kibble on the floor in front of her. She'd already worked out just how yummy cat food is, and this compromise has worked wonders with her. She'll now go and put herself in her 'leave it chair' whenever she sees/smells cat food fact, it's now jokingly referred to as her 'hopeful chair', as she'll go and sit there whenever she fancies a snack - just in case :lol3:

Some kind of slow feeder for Jackie might really help too. We used to stuff and freeze Kongs with Leah's meals - it would take her a good 20 mins to eat them that way, so the cats were guaranteed some peace ;)

Hang in there. You WILL find a balance for them all. Hope your shoulder heals quickly :hugs: :vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Darn it Pam, I was hoping things like this wouldn't happen.  I know this is all new to Jackie and she needs time to adjust and I am hoping this food thing won't continue.  It is a good idea maybe to crate her, as you said while the cats are eating.  In time she will get used to it and stay away from their food.

Did you crate Jackie before leaving for work today, let us know what you find after your lunch break, I know you're going home to let her out then.  Hope everything is peaceful when you get there.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I had hoped that you would get really lucky but at least it wasn't instant hate and I must catch and kill the little animals running around the house.  As long as they aren't crated constantly and get exercise most dogs tolerate crating fairly well.  I always used crating when housebreaking and couldn't be right there to see puppy looking for a place to do their business..
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  • #31


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I did not crate her this morning, nor did I this afternoon when I came home to walk her.

But when I came home from work tonight, she was in the crate. Rick put her in there, so that the cats could eat in peace. It worked. He had to bring Muffin out to the kitchen, but she ate. For the first time since Jackie came, all six cats ate their dinner in the kitchen. When they were finished, Jackie came out. We may have to do it that way for a while.
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  • #33


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We do have progress....this morning, Rick took Jackie out to pee and I fed the kids. All six cats came out for breakfast, just like they always did. No fuss, nothing. Six cats in the kitchen. Six cats eating breakfast. Life was good. They finished their breakfast and I was able to get the plates off the floor before Jackie came back inside. I gave her her breakfast, she ate and flopped down. No crating needed.

But last night, I went into the bathroom and somebody had peed on our bathroom rug. I picked the rug up and it was dripping, so I'm pretty sure it was The Beagle. I got it downstairs into the washer and hit it with some Lysol and then again with detergent. But honestly, Jackie goes outside; it's not that we ignore her when she has to go....I swear. She was taken out seven times yesterday and each time she peed. Most of the time she pees twice, a little here, a little there. I don't get it. Unless it's still the newness of it all. I hope so. I had opened the gate a bit for her to have access to the rest of the house and that must have been when she peed. We don't keep the rug on the floor; we basically use it when we've showered. And then put it back on the edge of tub when we're done. I will have to remember to put it back in the morning.

Life sure is interesting around here lately. We're trying.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:( I hope the pee was a one off. It's still really early days. Hopefully everything will settle down in time - especially as you all get used to the new routine.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I too hope this is very much the exception.  Just in case I would get some of the enzyme cleaner, dogs have the same issue with continually going back to the same spot if there is a trace of scent left there.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
I did not crate her this morning, nor did I this afternoon when I came home to walk her.

But when I came home from work tonight, she was in the crate. Rick put her in there, so that the cats could eat in peace. It worked. He had to bring Muffin out to the kitchen, but she ate. For the first time since Jackie came, all six cats ate their dinner in the kitchen. When they were finished, Jackie came out. We may have to do it that way for a while.
Sounds like it worked so for now it's a good idea and an easy solution and everybody gets to eat in peace.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
We do have progress....this morning, Rick took Jackie out to pee and I fed the kids. All six cats came out for breakfast, just like they always did. No fuss, nothing. Six cats in the kitchen. Six cats eating breakfast. Life was good. They finished their breakfast and I was able to get the plates off the floor before Jackie came back inside. I gave her her breakfast, she ate and flopped down. No crating needed.

But last night, I went into the bathroom and somebody had peed on our bathroom rug. I picked the rug up and it was dripping, so I'm pretty sure it was The Beagle. I got it downstairs into the washer and hit it with some Lysol and then again with detergent. But honestly, Jackie goes outside; it's not that we ignore her when she has to go....I swear. She was taken out seven times yesterday and each time she peed. Most of the time she pees twice, a little here, a little there. I don't get it. Unless it's still the newness of it all. I hope so. I had opened the gate a bit for her to have access to the rest of the house and that must have been when she peed. We don't keep the rug on the floor; we basically use it when we've showered. And then put it back on the edge of tub when we're done. I will have to remember to put it back in the morning.

Life sure is interesting around here lately. We're trying.
You and Rick are doing a wonderful thing. Jackie is a very lucky dog to have a family that cares about her so much. There are a lot of animals at the shelter I got Henry from that are there because their owner either passed away or went into assisted living or a nursing home. Most family members don't want to be bothered with an (or another) animal. Kudos to the kids also or being as accepting as they have been. Cats are so smart and intuitive, maybe they sense that she needs to be there and needs their patience and understanding. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if that were the case.

How is your MIL adjusting, anyway? I hope she will be happy there.
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  • #38


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks. We're really trying with her. It's a big change here for all of us.

It's really not all that bad. The cats are getting used to her and coming around. They're all eating, but a lot of that is because Rick takes Jackie outside while the kids eat their meals whenever he can. When it's just one of us at home, we're just going to crate her at dinnertime. She is learning what "ROOM" means and she'll go into the living room now when it's time for the cats to have a snack; she doesn't want to, but she has to. We have her food worked out so that, most of the time, when the cats have a snack, she snacks, too. And I think that helps. She behaves better for Rick than she does for me. That will change because I do work with her.

Last night Rick fell asleep on the couch. I heard snoring, so I went out to check on things. He was sprawled out on the couch and Jackie was sprawled with him. She was flat on her back, all four paws in the air, with her head on Rick's chest, and snoring like crazy. I don't how there was enough room for both of them, but they managed. Rick came to bed later on and said that it was all he could do to get her up and moving to go outside for her final pee. She was pretty comfy. 

She was never allowed on the furniture, so it took her a day or so to realize that the couch is her territory, too. (We have a blanket on the couch now.) She's allowed. Now my butt hits the couch and so does hers. And yesterday afternoon, we came home from a bit of shopping....and saw her face in the window. She has realized that she can get on the chair, put her front paws on the bay window and then she can see outside. Give her time; she'll turn into part cat. 

His mom is doing well, thank you. She's making some friends and has some nice companions to have her meals with. Things seem to be working out and it's a huge load off everybody because we don't have to worry about her being alone in the house, falling, etc. She was going to come down today for dinner, but said she's just going to wait and come down on Thanksgiving.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
It sounds good so far. The tip about using an enzyme cleaner is a good one. :cross: it was a one-off thing while she's settling in!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
She was never allowed on the furniture, so it took her a day or so to realize that the couch is her territory, too. (We have a blanket on the couch now.) She's allowed. Now my butt hits the couch and so does hers. And yesterday afternoon, we came home from a bit of shopping....and saw her face in the window. She has realized that she can get on the chair, put her front paws on the bay window and then she can see outside. Give her time; she'll turn into part cat. 

His mom is doing well, thank you. She's making some friends and has some nice companions to have her meals with. Things seem to be working out and it's a huge load off everybody because we don't have to worry about her being alone in the house, falling, etc. She was going to come down today for dinner, but said she's just going to wait and come down on Thanksgiving.
Seeing Jackie's face in the window must've been so cute, she sure is getting used to the house.  As many of us said before, Jackie couldn't have found a better home, she is one lucky doggie.  Glad the cats are getting used to her being there also.

Happy to hear Evelyn is getting along in her new place and making friends. I'm anxious to know how Evelyn and Jackie will react to each other when Evelyn visits there on Thanksgiving.