Worried about two cats I left behind

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
Could she have the run of the basement for awhile?
 I'd be worried she'd really get into things..even tear them up.  It's a finished basement with furniture etc..I doubt I'd get permission to anyway ;(
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
It sounds like your best bet would be to find or create some kind of cage, like a chicken coop, anything that will contain them for a month, then be let loose. 

This way they know where to be fed daily, they will be used to the food being given where they are acclimating, and keeps your fam and dog from stressing you out over the cats too, we don't want anything discouraging you at this point!  

If need be, is there any way you can either go buy one or make one? Find a wooden pallet for the floor, chicken wire and posts for the corners and a type of roof. 

Of course not that crude but you know what I mean.
I do have a medium sized dog crate- metal cage-like thing.  I'm sure if I tried making something it would look "that crude".

Put a blanket in there? Cat litter?

I guess I need to get over my "fear" of hurting their feelings or whatever. Just feel bad taking them out of their environment and on top of that sticking them in a cage for a month.  I just have a sneaking suspicion as well that the male one will try to find his way back anyway. That's if I ever see him again. STILL haven't seen him.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
If you want her in your new environment you'll trap her and put her in the crate with a blanket, food, water, and litter. As Catwoman said, she'd have to stay long enough to acclimate before going outside. Otherwise, you'll be driving over to feed her forever more, or she sits starving and waiting for you. I hope you'll decide soon!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I do have a medium sized dog crate- metal cage-like thing.  I'm sure if I tried making something it would look "that crude".

Put a blanket in there? Cat litter?

I guess I need to get over my "fear" of hurting their feelings or whatever. Just feel bad taking them out of their environment and on top of that sticking them in a cage for a month.  I just have a sneaking suspicion as well that the male one will try to find his way back anyway. That's if I ever see him again. STILL haven't seen him.
I had to get over that same thing years back, when I was told I had to cage them for a full month too.

Or when it's time for me to take kittens away from their mamas so they can dry up and be spayed and returned, oh how that one hurts.

What you need to stay focused on is the entire picture.

While it might not be pleasant for them to be caged for a month, cats are quite patient, what is a month when they will have many years of happy and adjusted, fed and cared for and about?

They will have a much better life, but don't forget it's critical they be fixed!

So you have a black wire dog cage? That will work fine, depending on the size, possibly both even, if it's a taller type you can cut a shelf for them from a piece of scrap wood, drill holes and zip tie it in there for added space where the bed can go.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
  I did ask about having the cat in the house but was shut down by the family members. The only room not being used would be the basement..slight chance to be able to leave her in the cage and put her on top of the pool table- there are windows right there. But is that a good idea if she has to be released outside eventually?
Hi Jonathan, No - do not put this cat in the basement in a cage if ultimately the cat will be outside only. As other mentioned, the cage is the only way. Try not to think of it as cruel at all and it is the only safe way to try to successfully relocate feral cats. Even a month, sometimes, is not enough and they will still leave looking for their old territory. I usually take at least six weeks or more but that is just me. :lol3: I want to make sure they know that this is their new territory and that they will be fed and cared for. A friend of mine has even taken much longer to release. The cats did just beautifully in their cages and learned to love their little hideouts. You will need to put the set up cage in the area where you want the cat to remain - say the back porch of the house? Something that will be protected from the weather too.

I have used this type before when relocating but you can use the largest dog cage as well. I just noticed the price went up $30.00 since I ordered a few years back. :slant: You could even borrow a cage from a humane society or shelter? Sometimes they just need a small deposit to do so if they have any available that is. OR even a TNR Organization. Many volunteers from a TNR org. have many cages and traps to loan out.

With the tall enclosure, I keep a large blanket over the top half of the cage. The litter box on the bottom and I set up the second shelf with rubber bottom, material on top mats for dishes/water and tucked it tightly behind the shelf. I hung a hammock in the middle from the top and put a fleecy cubby hideout that I used Velcro to stick on the top shelf. It really worked out well and was easy to clean this way.

I know how hard this can be and it seems that the female cat is in need and waiting for your return. So I would start with her. Get her to the vet first off though and hopefully she is not nursing kittens (always my worry too) and can be spayed. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
Thanks for all the replies again.

I do have some good news. While I don't have her trapped yet- going to try that tonight...a lady did volunteer to take her in and keep her until she can find a good home for her.  Giving her the food she's been eating plus giving her some $ for a vet visit. I figured it's either that or keep paying to feed her myself etc.

Not sure why this has been so hard for me
. I trap coons etc and have no problem relocating them..but I guess it's because this is a cat and then there's the bringing to the vet etc, and she's been so friendly- kinda attached to her I guess. I do wish I could keep her...guess I'm becoming a softy. I do plan on telling the lady that I am looking for another place to live so if she has a hard time finding a home for it maybe I'll have a place by then.

Feralvr...that is a nice cage. Looks just like what I have w/out the different levels. Something to think about for the male/black cat should he still be around.  I'd REALLY have a hard time giving him up should I be able to trap him. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
This sounds like a happier ending coming than we even expected. Good luck trapping her. Let us know how it goes. I suppose you'll be checking in on the cat once you give her to the person who plans to keep her until further re-homing. I'm just really glad the cat will finally be inside a real home! :)
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
All went well. Although I wasn't prepared for the reaction I got when I closed the door(was able to not have to use the trap) as well as for the crying all the way home and most of the trip to her new home.  Finally settled down after getting home- put the cage up in the back of the truck and left the cap  open all night. Had a small box with litter in it which was shredded in the morning. Heavy duty box, too. Water was of course tipped over as well as the food dish- but she ate all the food.

Her new home, even if temporary, is a lot better than I ever imagined. I thought the lady was going to leave her caged up..but nope- we let her go in the house...free to roam. It's a place out in the country- she has 4 dogs and I think 3 other cats..and it sounds like they are all rescues. The dogs were in another room when we let her go..she darted around and ended up hiding, of course.  The lady  did mention the cat may become the neighbors barn cat...hope that works out if that's the case. Or hopefully someone else will be able to take her before then.

Sooo..I feel much better about it..glad it's over..but also a bit sad- hoping she'll be ok and gonna miss her. Now it's on to the other cat...which I once again didn't see last night. Will keep putting food out there. If it's not touched then I know for sure he's no longer around. If it disappears then may set the trap out and hopefully not catch something else..like a skunk. Will ask the neighbor as well....

And yeah..she will keep me updated and said for me to contact her anytime.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, congratulations! You made it happen. The crying was due to being scared, and she tore up the cage trying to get out. This was all to be expected.

I hope you offer this woman either money for a spay, or to take the cat to be spayed, pay for it, and return her to her new home. Or do you think she is already spayed?

The cat should not be let outside to be a barn cat until she has fully acclimated to her new environment, and this could be months.

If you think you are getting a new place to live soon and will want to have this cat as your pet, let this woman know to keep the cat inside for you since you will be retrieving her eventually.

This woman is very kind and gracious to take this cat, and I hope her future is secure now.

Does this woman feed her barn cats? Many people let barn cats fend for themselves, and your cat is accustomed to being fed.

I'd set the trap with food and see what you catch. My guess is it will be a neighbor's cat or wildlife. I have a feeling your buddy may have moved on.

Let us know how things progress! :)
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
Thanks, and yeah I gave her all the food I had left and enough money to cover any spaying etc, even though I have a feeling she already is spayed. Never saw her with kittens, but maybe that doesn't mean anything- only saw her at night remember. But then you'd think as the kittens got older they'd also come for the food.  She was saying the way the vet finds out if one has been spayed is by opening her up and if she's been done she's been done...if not, they go ahead and do it. I never knew that before. I know about the ear clipping and tattoo..she doesn't have the former. She could tell she's been scratching her ears..ear mites maybe.

The barn cats are her neighbors..I guess they lost one so that's why she mentioned they may take this one. I'd be surprised if they didn't feed them. This lady seems to really care about pets and can't imagine she'd allow this one to have to fend for herself. I still can't believe she just let her loose in her house right away.

She thought the cat seemed pretty tame as well. Was able to put her finger in the cage and stroke her a bit. Before I brought her over she was rubbing against my hand and even nibbling on my finger.- which was a first. It would be something if I were able to get a different place w/in a month or 2 and take her in...but I don't see that happening that soon so am not going to get my hopes up :-(


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You know, I was wondering myself if she was already spayed. She probably is since she never brought kittens around and you never saw her pregnant. And if the lady keeps her in the house for awhile, she'll easily know rather quickly if she has a heat cycle.

You've successfully re-homed her, and this story thus far has a happy ending thanks to your efforts.

Let us know if you have any luck with the other cat!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
She thought the cat seemed pretty tame as well. Was able to put her finger in the cage and stroke her a bit. Before I brought her over she was rubbing against my hand and even nibbling on my finger.- which was a first. It would be something if I were able to get a different place w/in a month or 2 and take her in...but I don't see that happening that soon so am not going to get my hopes up :-(
WOW - I had to get all caught up here. Lots happened in the last day or so. CONGRATULATIONS on capturing her AND her new home, even if temporary!!! This is much better for her than where she was AND THE GREAT NEWS - she is not a feral cat by any stretch. She has definitely been someone's pet before and you are right that she may very well already be spayed. I suggest, though, that before this nice lady who took her in let's her loose with all of her other cats, get the FIV/FeLK test done. FIV is not a real issue especially with a sweet cat - FIV can only be transmitted by a deep bite wound. But, FeLK - Feline Leukemia - is highly contagious and deadly, wrecking havoc on the immune system and there is no cure. It is always important to get these test run before introducing to other cats. It is really, really inexpensive especially if you have her contact a TNR Organization. They can get all of her shots, testing, and check for spay scar all for around $35.00. Just google TRAP-NEUTER-RETURN Organization in your county and start making some calls and then you can refer this lady to one of them. How nice of you to give her some money too. That was very kind of you. :hugs:

Might you ask her to keep this cat for you since you may be moving in a few months time? If you offer her a little bit of money for food/litter, etc. then she may do so. This cat sound way too sweet to become a barn cat and I think she would make you a lovely, indoor kitty. Do keep us posted. AND good luck with finding the black male kitty. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
I did mention there's a slim possibility I  could take her  later on if she hasn't found a home for her yet, but I'd hate to ask her to keep her just for me just in case...if there's a chance she could find someone good to take her and there's  a good chance I won't be able to. If she ends up saying she'll be a barn cat then I may ask her to wait a bit longer...maybe even chip in some more $.

Thanks for all the advice and I'll keep everyone updated.
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
And of course I go to the house a bit ago and what do I see in the neighbor's driveway? The black cat. There's a wood fence between the two houses and he liked to wait on the other side of it because I would take the dog for a walk before feeding time. Argh...I don't know whether to laugh or cry or what.  I'm glad to see he's ok but I was kinda hoping I wouldn't see him again- would just go on thinking/hoping someone else in the neighborhood had taken over.

Of course I had to put food down for him. Backed up and he went running right to it.

Now I'm back to- what to do..what to do. It's too bad he had to disappear for about a year and come back and not ever be as friendly again. Before that happened I could pick him up and sit him on my lap etc.  Was even thinking about having him checked out and letting him in the house back then. Let him go in and out.

Very hot and humid this week. Will probably think about it for a few days and continue to feed(and water) him. The crate/cage I have definitely will not work long term. Just not big enough for litter and everything. He's a small little bugger but he'd still need more room.





Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, this answers the lingering question of is he still around? I really thought he wasn't, but now we know he is.

So, you are back to square one. I don't know what changed in the year that he was gone, but maybe he had a bad experience, and so is more wary than before.

I'm glad that you will feed and water him while you ponder the situation. It's like he knows it's his turn now to be on your radar.

I think you're back in the same boat. You can probably trap him but then what to do with him after that?

He'll need to be neutered for starters. That may in fact be behind not only his disappearance but the change in his behavior. He probably came into sexual maturity and began tom catting around. No longer the shy male you could pick up easily. Black cats get a bad rap too, so he may not have been welcome wherever he went.

Let us know your thoughts. There has to be yet another solution!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I'm so glad you have seen and fed him!

I want to explain the change in his behavior so that you understand.

He is the same cat. 

He was socialized with humans, likely during kittenhood for him to be able to sit in your lap, period. I have and have had ferals who were not socialized young, who, in time and kindness, learned to trust me to a point, but they were never able to sit in my lap, we loved each other, but without touch.

They are unable to get beyond their fear of people due to lack of exposure at a young age.

This is a feral cat.

What is considered a semi-feral cat is, a cat who has had young exposure, so is actually tame, but in any given time period, such as abandoned cats, the lack of interacting with people while living outdoors without humans, causes them to become unsocialized, but it is not permanent.

This is your black cat's behavior now.

Clearly, during the time he is away from you, he has no interactions with humans, so he reverts to a natural instinctive state of feral.

Once a cat is exposed on a regular basis again, the tame cat comes back.

So he WILL be the way he used to be with you again.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Once a cat is exposed on a regular basis again, the tame cat comes back.

So he WILL be the way he used to be with you again.
:yeah: Absolutely, 100% positive, your black cat will be in your lap soon. Must be patient with him. Once they are friendly and loving, it ALWAYS comes back, it never goes away. He has been through a lot the last year and is VERY stressed out AND sounds very hungry.


Jonathan - YES - do keep going back to feed him at the same time each day, if possible. This will make it easy then to trap him. Can you call around shelter/humane societies and see about borrowing a VERY large dog crate? What about the Midwest Cat Playpen, the link I posted - could you possibly order one of those. Potentially, this cat could stay in that large enclosure for quite some time, until you figure things out. It is not cruel - to me, what is worse is not doing anything and leaving them outside to fend for themselves. It sounds like he has come back just in time for you to help him. Funny how it works that way. :heart2: Pretty amazing. I have kept feral cats in the enclosures for many weeks - until a foster situation comes up - or a barn opening comes up and we relocate. Think of the cats in a shelter too..... they have to live in those teeny tiny cages and in a very stressful environment. In your home, in a cage, is much more laid back than a shelter. Contact a TNR Organization, if possible as well. They have many resources to offer and may be able to come up with something if you cannot keep him caged for a bit.

This is not a feral cat if he was loving and friendly a year ago. He is in survival mode right now and a bit freaked out and needs someone to step up, I think. SO THANK YOU for trying. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

p.s. I recall your words in an earlier thread too :D ;) - that you would have a hard time giving him up IF you in fact trapped him. Might you both be meant to be??!!! :9: Keep us posted and we are here to help in anyway we can!
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
The other night when I "trapped" the female I didn't think to put food out in case the black one was around.  So maybe that's why he was actually waiting around this time? As I think I mentioned before he was never consistent in his coming for supper. When living there some nights I didn't see him but I'm sure he ate later on if the other critters didn't get it first. But over a week was a long time not seeing him...and sometimes I did get there very late at night.

The lady friend I was taking care of was the first to be friendly with him. He was pretty young and she got him to come up to her by the door and was able to feed him from her hand. Her health went downhill soon after so wasn't able to do that anymore- I ended up getting him to go into the garage when winter came and that's how he started trusting me.  She was always worried about him around Halloween time- him being a black cat and all.  I don't know why black cats get such a bad rap...except for the silly superstitious stuff. I think they're cool..this one sneaks around like a black panther. Has the most hilarious way of running though..can always tell it's him.

I am considering using the deck outside..a part no one uses..to build a big cage with. There's about a 6 foot high  backside/fence and 2 sides are railing he wouldn't get past. Would have to put fencing above those railings and the whole side that has nothing. The top of the deck has a "roof"- those wooden slats for shade. Maybe put a tarp over that for weather protection as well as preventing him from climbing up that back wall and fencing and getting out.

I realize it's probably better when these cats have a home- even being a barn cat. But I still feel bad for this one being able to roam around like he has all these years, plus he did have the warm house/bed during the winters he was around.  It was the hardest part of having to move away from there, besides the memories with my friend. 

Thanks again for all the replies...I have no idea when I'll make a decision on this but I'll be sure to let you know.  Hmmmm....maybe I should bring the food to the neighbor and just ask if she can feed him until I decide what to do.  Tell her the other one is in a nice home..maybe she'll volunteer to take care of this black one or something.  I'd trust and believe her if she just came out and volunteered..but if I asked and she said- sure...I wouldn't trust it.  But even just feeding him for a week or two would save me a lot of time and money and I'd get more sleep..
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 17, 2015
BTW..is it possible he was TNR'd and THAT is why he disappeared for a year..even if he was released in the same area?  Feeding at night and him being black made it hard to see if his ear had been clipped..plus he wasn't getting too close to me. Guess that's something to look for later...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, I honestly wouldn't impose on a neighbor I didn't know very well. She has no investment in the cat emotionally like you do. It makes a difference.

He could stay in the crate in your basement for now. You'll have to deal with the situation once you have him in your possession. I think you should go ahead and set the trap.

It really will work out. It sounds like you are slightly non-commital now.