What is this I found in my cat’s vomit?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
I’m trying to stay calm here and I hope you guys don’t think I am annoying but I need to know what this is I found in Scooter’s vomit. It’s currently 5:36am where I am at in WV in the US. Scooter just threw up in the bathroom he goes a whole week without throwing up now he decided to throw up again. It was liquid of course it looked to be the color of his food but there was no food in the puke. So I am thinking hairball problem again. I go to clean it up and notice something weird in it. I have no clue how to describe it. I don’t know really what it is so I’m hoping someone here can tell me.

This is what he threw up it was just this piece I found I tried to get a good pic


Does anyone know what that is? Could it be worn eggs? I haven’t seen any worms in his poop. He pooped over an hour ago his poop was mushy. He had a probiotic at his dinner time we feeding cause his poop was a little off yesterday(Sunday) too. I seriously hope this is nothing serious. Cause if it is I am screwed as I don’t have the money to take him to the vet right now. Besides him throwing up and his poop looking off he is acting normal. Still eating, drinking water and playing. It’s just those two things I mentioned. If he needs dewormed I can give him some dewormer. I will probably give him another probiotic later. I may get something for the hairball problem later. I tore it apart didn’t see anything when I tore it apart. It’s just odd and I never seen it before I am praying with everything in me it is nothing serious. Cause like I said I can’t afford a vet visit hopefully it’s just nothing to worry about. So does anyone know what it is?
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
No, it looks like he ate something rubbery with that pattern in it. You might look around the house and see if there is anything that matches it. The best thing to do is to bring those pieces to the vet and see what they can figure it out under a microscope. The good thing is he is passing whatever it is, watch him in case of obstruction, he'll start vomiting more and won't pass any poop. You might give him a teaspoon of butter and see if that would help. It contains almost nonexistent lactose, in case he is intolerant. Please keep us informed!
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
No, it looks like he ate something rubbery with that pattern in it. You might look around the house and see if there is anything that matches it. The best thing to do is to bring those pieces to the vet and see what they can figure it out under a microscope. The good thing is he is passing whatever it is, watch him in case of obstruction, he'll start vomiting more and won't pass any poop. You might give him a teaspoon of butter and see if that would help. It contains almost nonexistent lactose, in case he is intolerant. Please keep us informed!
I can’t afford to go to the vet right now if I could I would already be going. I threw it away idk if it’s still on the tissue in the bathroom. I don’t know if there is anything rubbery that looks like that. It didn’t feel like rubber when I touched it. Idk what it is but I had never seen it before. It was only that small piece that I tore in half. I will see if it’s still in the trash in the bathroom cause I wrapped it in tissue paper. If I find it I will take another pic of it.

Edit: I found one piece of it the other must of fell out of the tissue luckily I had it sitting on top of the trash nothing yucky has been thrown in ontop of it. I’m not digging for the other piece and it’s too small to see it anyway. But I have one piece that is enough. Here is the back of it


What ever it is it feels soft so I don’t think it’s anything rubbery. To be safe incase it is something with worms I will deworm him later and give him another probiotic. Which I will space out don’t want to over load him. If I had the money I would take it to the vet to see if they can tell me. I don’t think they will look at it without bringing him in and I don’t have the money to. I will keep a look out if he throws up anymore today. I wrapped the piece I found in a clean piece of toilet paper and have it in a small sandwich baggy sealed closed for now.
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There is one thing to do, take a knife or an scissors and cut one of the bubbles open. If there is something inside it may be eggs, if not and hard to cut is most likely rubber or something he tore apart. If it is eggs they are the weirdest I have ever seen!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
There is one thing to do, take a knife or an scissors and cut one of the bubbles open. If there is something inside it may be eggs, if not and hard to cut is most likely rubber or something he tore apart. If it is eggs they are the weirdest I have ever seen!
As you were replying I edit my answer with a pic of the back of it. It’s not hard it feels very soft. It wasn’t hard to tear in half the first time so I don’t think it’s rubber or anything like that. Could it possibly be a scab? Maybe a scab he pulled off himself since he has a couple. Then again I never seen a scab like that. I don’t know what it is all I know is it was soft and easy to tear. If it is eggs that is weird looking. But to be safe I will give him a dewormer later and a probiotic spaced out of course.
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Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
It looks like he may have gotten into something. Either that or possably gristle/fat from food.

Would the vet do a phone consultation ? I would at least forward the photos and see what they say.

I am not familler with low cost clinics but hopefuly someone else can direct you to one.

I really don't think it is eggs unless its fish or frog eggs. You don't have an aquarium by any chance do you?

Worm eggs don't clump like that and are much smaller usualy and there would have to be a massive infection for him to be throwing them up.

Really nobody on here can know for sure what this is.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
It looks like he may have gotten into something. Either that or possably gristle/fat from food.

Would the vet do a phone consultation ? I would at least forward the photos and see what they say.

I am not familler with low cost clinics but hopefuly someone else can direct you to one.

I really don't think it is eggs unless its fish or frog eggs. You don't have an aquarium by any chance do you?

Worm eggs don't clump like that and are much smaller usualy and there would have to be a massive infection for him to be throwing them up.

Really nobody on here can know for sure what this is.
I was thinking it was corn at first cause I had some peas and corn for dinner and a piece fell on the floor but I never seen a piece look like that before. Only time I had anything with fat was Friday when I had steak or Saturday when I had chicken wings. Idk if he snuck anything when I wasn’t looking.

The vet I see is basically a low cost vet I am just completely broke right now. Last of the money I had paid for food for my boys and Nera(my dog) plus litter for the boys. I already try to call or email them they won’t look at it unless I bring him and since I’m broke I can’t do that. It’s 3:04pm now where I am he has not thrown up anymore so far. Since then he has ate, drank water and played with Casper. He did pee which that looks normal. I just never seen anything like that before and Google was not help. So I’m hoping it was something he got into and passed it by throwing up. I will still give him a probiotic later though.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 27, 2015
Does he eat wet food? I have seen very similar looking bits in some fish based cat foods. I have always assumed it was processed fish skin.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
My first thoughts (after Di and Bob’s excellent rubber suggestion—it does look uniform) were chicken or snakeskin. I honestly don’t think it’s an egg pod. If it’s something rubbery you’d be surprised how many little things peel off that are made of rubber. If it’s chicken or snakeskin, even better as more digestible. Hopefully your cat is not gagging or I’d be concerned about chicken bone.I know these things are icky, but it’s good to be if you can kind of stoic and poke at it with a stick or something, for your cat’s well being and your own peace of mind.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
My first thought was it looks like corn, but it doesn't stay together like that. Does he go outside at all? If/when I find something foreign in my cats' poop or vomit, I really do a thorough investigation (with gloves) until I know what it is. I do it to know what we're dealing with and to make sure I can prevent further.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Does he eat wet food? I have seen very similar looking bits in some fish based cat foods. I have always assumed it was processed fish skin.
Both he & Casper eat 2 wet food feedings a day. They eat Purina Pro Plan urinary tract wet food. Since Scooter’s UTI Sept 2023 I try to keep them from seafood flavors even before Scooter’s UTI. I had a dilemma about that which I posted here so i don’t think it’s that. Oh no I don’t have any fish I haven’t had any since I was a teen and my old cat killed them by electrocuted them.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Alldara Alldara i don’t have any honeycomb I do have honey just not the comb and it’s stored in the cabinet

Margot Lane Margot Lane it’s definitely not snakeskin cause if there was a snake in or around my house I would freak out. It could possibly be chicken skin. Sometimes if Nera doesn’t eat a table scrap Scooter may eat it. My parents did have chicken yesterday for their lunch so idk if they gave Nera a piece and she dropped it letting Scooter eat it. I did kind of poked it that is how I tore it in half. Nothing came out it just felt soft and squishy.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
My first thought was it looks like corn, but it doesn't stay together like that. Does he go outside at all? If/when I find something foreign in my cats' poop or vomit, I really do a thorough investigation (with gloves) until I know what it is. I do it to know what we're dealing with and to make sure I can prevent further.
If he goes outside it’s when I put him on a harness to take him. Which I have not done lately since it’s winter and there are strays outside. I am the same way really I always investigate when I see something odd. I did poke at it nothing came out it was just soft and squishy kind of. I just never seen anything like it before. It was only one small piece.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
It could possibly be chicken skin.
I could definitely see this! Sometimes guests think our pets are so cute and sneak them a bite. Or sometimes they just don't know that they have to guard their plates. I could see someone taking off some of their chicken skin and putting it on the side of their plate and a sneaky cat taking it.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Alldara Alldara i don’t have any honeycomb I do have honey just not the comb and it’s stored in the cabinet

Margot Lane Margot Lane it’s definitely not snakeskin cause if there was a snake in or around my house I would freak out. It could possibly be chicken skin. Sometimes if Nera doesn’t eat a table scrap Scooter may eat it. My parents did have chicken yesterday for their lunch so idk if they gave Nera a piece and she dropped it letting Scooter eat it. I did kind of poked it that is how I tore it in half. Nothing came out it just felt soft and squishy.
I’d ask your parents if they did indeed give your cat a tidbit, just to rule that out, one way or the other.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
I could definitely see this! Sometimes guests think our pets are so cute and sneak them a bite. Or sometimes they just don't know that they have to guard their plates. I could see someone taking off some of their chicken skin and putting it on the side of their plate and a sneaky cat taking it.
Odd thing is Scooter isn't really big on table scraps really but when it comes to chicken or turkey he will try to sneak a piece or two. Scooter also does have a habit of chewing on shoes it is why I have to put them up. But myself nor do my parents have any shoes that has that pattern. Scooter and Casper can be sneaky when there is no one around to watch them I have had stuff stolen by them sometimes.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)

I’d ask your parents if they did indeed give your cat a tidbit, just to rule that out, one way or the other.
I asked my mom she said they did give Nera a piece of chicken skin which she did drop cause she was not wanting it. She said she doesn't know if Scooter got it he could have gotten it.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I have no other suggestions. Remember whatever was in the intestinal tract will come out somewhat different than it went in, if he did eat anything. Some things may have been altered by the digestive process.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 31, 2018
Could it be a piece of plastic? Bubble wrap?
I know some of my cats love plastic I’ve even had a piece of hard candy, wrapped individually and I’ve had one of my cats sneak up and try to grab it and run off with it. There’s a lot of little things around the house that cats can find to get into and nibible on.