We've Always Kept Cats In Pairs... Until Now. What's Your Opinion?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 23, 2017
Hello everyone! I hope you're having a nice day.

I tend to be a little overly detailed about my posts, but I like all the information to be clear right from the get-go so questions and clarifications can be minimal! So here's the story:

I'm a grown adult, but I live with my parents still. Millennials, I know. Anyways, my whole life, we've kept our cats in pairs. Abby with Maggie, then Sam with Maggie, then Eli with Sam, and then Bliss with Eli. As one would cross the rainbow bridge, the remaining cat would often get depressed and lonely, so we would get a new cat to be their buddy, and for a long time this worked out really well for our cats. They always made friends and obviously enjoyed each other's company.

Sam and Eli were probably the best friends out of all our cats, and Eli was super glum when Sam left us, so we got a young female, Bliss, to be his new friend.

He obviously liked her, but she was skittish. Always was and still is a little. A few years later when he died, we saw something we hadn't before.

Bliss was happy when he was gone. It wasn't like she threw a party or anything, but she calmed down a lot and became way more affectionate. She started to be a real cuddler and became more playful as well.

So she likes to be a single cat, we guess? Some confirmation of this is that sometimes my brother's cat Shiloh comes to room with us when he's away, and boy does Bliss hate her. We have to keep them in separate rooms and stuff towels under the door so Bliss doesn't try to claw her from under the crack. (Shiloh however is an incredibly laid back cat and is happy no matter where she is.)

I only bring this up, because it's obvious that Bliss likes to be an only cat... Most of the time. When she's totally alone, ie when we're all not home, she's obviously lonely. She desperately runs up to greet us when she's been alone and we just came home. We tell her we'd get her a buddy if she'd just be nice to them! We're also used to keeping two cats at a time and if we could rescue another that would be great.

Is there a way to socialize a skittish cat, or do you think it's best to let a single cat be a single cat? It's Bliss' house now, so if that's really whats best for her, she's our top priority. Even if we would like another cat.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
idk, a lot of things you read online say some cats are happier alone. i have only ever had one cat that i think that was the case. i have 4 now, sometimes its love with all 4... sometimes not, sibling rivalry...lol, but i think these guys would hate being an only cat. i know all the cats i have it was easy introducing a young kitten, 8 to 10 weeks, they seem to always like kittens, introducing other adult cats, not so easy. If she seems happy alone, and you are happy with that i don't think its a problem, if not maybe try a younger kitten, i think that would be easier for a skittish cat to accept than a grown cat. she might bond and enjoy mothering it, rather than feel threatened. just my thoughts :)


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
It just depends on the cat. My moms cat hates other cats. Luna is fine with anything. Maybe your cat enjoys your company but that doesnt mean shed enjoy another cats company. Like Artemis and Luna get along well but its also clear that Artemis likes to be around people a lot more than Luna. Not that Luna doesnt like people, but some cats are people cats and not cat cats.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
If it seems your cat is happier being an only, then she probably is. When I went from two cats to one the remaining cat seemed delighted to have the other gone and not to have to share attention. If you getting that kind of a sense from yours then don’t get a replacement cat. She may run up to you when you get home but she has likely been happily snoozing the day away while you were gone and not feeling lonely at all.