Update on Frankie and her CHF


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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022

Hello again, I wanna thank everyone who commented on my previous post, for your comments and feedback it really helped and made me feel not so alone.
I took Frankie to a different vet today, she had been seeing this vet in the past just was a bit longer car ride. I should've taken her here to begin with but oh well. He got more xrays done and unfortunately her lungs and heart are not looking good. If you remember the previous post the other vet didn't explain much and couldn't tell me if she had a month to live or less or more. Well this other vet is a blessing, very thorough. He said with the heavy dose she's on of furosemide 3 times a day after 2 weeks she's been on it He expected to see an improvement in her lungs but there isn't. Her lungs still look really bad, and she has a heart murmur and it's her left side of her heart that is the problem. She's had a mammary tumor for years, first one was removed and a second one appeared about 3 years ago but never bothered her. He said it's very possible that it metastasized and could be cancer which spread to her lungs. Either way her diagnosis is terminal. I asked for his best opinion and he said she may have days to live and no more than 3 months. The problem is that the diuretic should've been helping a lot more and it hasn't. So he gave her a few more different medications. The plan is to administer the medication and a week from now to get another set of xrays. If there is improvement great, it'll be a long road ahead of us but if there isnt improvement like there wasn't any seen today then it may be time to start considering what we all fear to consider. 😞💔 it has been a very stressful 3 weeks. I don't sleep well. Every time I leave the house I wonder if this is the day I will find her lifeless. I'm so depressed and sad. It feels cruel and unbearable the way I feel. She is still eating good, her drinking not too well she was dehydrated but got some fluids to make her feel better. I'm not ready to say goodbye but I never will be. No time will feel like the right time but if there is no improvement I feel like maybe it's time to decide for her and for me. I rather her go peacefully while she is still coherent and aware and in somewhat good spirits rather then to just wait for the inevitable. Trust me I don't want to do this, honestly I don't know how I will decide but depending on next week xrays it's best to really consider it. Vet said she may be in some pain because of her arthritis but the chf is not pain just a lot of discomfort which I can see as well. Her well being has definitely deteriorated in the last few months. She doesn't jump to sleep on the bed anymore she only likes to lay in areas low to the ground. She sleeps a lot, coughs on a daily basis and there are moments when we make eye contact and I feel like she is exhausted of her little heart working too hard and trying to breathe right. 😞💔 I don't want to jump into conclusions because who knows the meds may very well work but if they don't then don't you think it's better now than later? I mean how do you know, how do you decide because if it was up to me I'd be selfish and keep her here till she no longer can, the thing she is getting to where she no longer can. She will be 17 in Feb 2023 and she may not make it but I'd like to think despite it all, we've been through so much together. So many trials and tribulations and so many good things too. I don't know, dunno how to think or feel anymore I just want peace, for both of us.


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Jun 1, 2022
I am so very sorry to hear this. I am glad you met this vet, they seem to be a good match for you, Frankie and what you're all dealing with.
I went through something incredibly similar a few weeks ago involving the potential spread of cancer to the heart and lungs, and I understand not sleeping and not really knowing what to do with yourself because you're worried, anxious and stressed. Many of the people here have been through something similar, too.
Try the medications. If this vet was very thorough where the other was not, there's a chance they might actually help her a lot. I know how agonizing playing this waiting game is to see if they help. And I hope very much that they do help!!
It's normal to feel really scared and alone, but you and Frankie are among friends here. Hugs to you, and a gentle ear scritchies to Frankie, too. :hugs: :petcat:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
I am so very sorry to hear this. I am glad you met this vet, they seem to be a good match for you, Frankie and what you're all dealing with.
I went through something incredibly similar a few weeks ago involving the potential spread of cancer to the heart and lungs, and I understand not sleeping and not really knowing what to do with yourself because you're worried, anxious and stressed. Many of the people here have been through something similar, too.
Try the medications. If this vet was very thorough where the other was not, there's a chance they might actually help her a lot. I know how agonizing playing this waiting game is to see if they help. And I hope very much that they do help!!
It's normal to feel really scared and alone, but you and Frankie are among friends here. Hugs to you, and a gentle ear scritchies to Frankie, too. :hugs: :petcat:
Thank you. 😪 It is scary and very emotional but I'm grateful for the people here and many others. It means a lot and gives me just a bit of peace of mind. ❤


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
. She sleeps a lot, coughs on a daily basis and there are moments when we make eye contact and I feel like she is exhausted of her little heart working too hard and trying to breathe right.
To me, this description, and the photo, are together indicative of a cat whose quality of life is beginning to suffer.

To me, although many people want that one more day, I can't.

This is from Kieka Kieka
As to the question, each situation tends to be different.

Sometimes it's when your pet looks at you and you can tell they are just tired. Tired of fighting and trying to get better. Tired of feeling bad and being sick.

Sometimes it is when the bad days out number the good days with no hope for improvement.

Sometimes it is when the vet tells you their advice is to let them go. Although I usually recommend a second opinion.

Sometimes it is when you notice they have lost quality of life. Not grooming, not eating, not able to get comfortable to rest, not able to get into their bed or on their favorite sleeping spot, etc.

Sometimes it is when the illness has changed their personality to the point you don't recognize them and they don't recognize you (adding on terminal illness and no chance of improvement).

Sometimes it is when they still have relatively good quality of life but you have 100% confidence in diagnosis that they have very little time left and it is starting to show signs that it will get bad soon and quickly.

Sometimes it is when the treatment is worse then the disease and doesn't show signs of working.

It's never an easy or simple choice. I've had the one who fought and fought but lost his battle. We let him go when he didn't recognize us because the cancer affected his brain. I've had one I let go on the operating table because the vet said it would only prolong his suffering to keep fighting with very little chance of success. I've had the one where we waited too long and she suffered before we could get to the vet. And of course, I've had those who go quietly into that dark night without even a whisper of why or how before they go. It's more traumatic to wait too long but you'll always wonder if you could have had one more day.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
View attachment 433094
Hello again, I wanna thank everyone who commented on my previous post, for your comments and feedback it really helped and made me feel not so alone.
I took Frankie to a different vet today, she had been seeing this vet in the past just was a bit longer car ride. I should've taken her here to begin with but oh well. He got more xrays done and unfortunately her lungs and heart are not looking good. If you remember the previous post the other vet didn't explain much and couldn't tell me if she had a month to live or less or more. Well this other vet is a blessing, very thorough. He said with the heavy dose she's on of furosemide 3 times a day after 2 weeks she's been on it He expected to see an improvement in her lungs but there isn't. Her lungs still look really bad, and she has a heart murmur and it's her left side of her heart that is the problem. She's had a mammary tumor for years, first one was removed and a second one appeared about 3 years ago but never bothered her. He said it's very possible that it metastasized and could be cancer which spread to her lungs. Either way her diagnosis is terminal. I asked for his best opinion and he said she may have days to live and no more than 3 months. The problem is that the diuretic should've been helping a lot more and it hasn't. So he gave her a few more different medications. The plan is to administer the medication and a week from now to get another set of xrays. If there is improvement great, it'll be a long road ahead of us but if there isnt improvement like there wasn't any seen today then it may be time to start considering what we all fear to consider. 😞💔 it has been a very stressful 3 weeks. I don't sleep well. Every time I leave the house I wonder if this is the day I will find her lifeless. I'm so depressed and sad. It feels cruel and unbearable the way I feel. She is still eating good, her drinking not too well she was dehydrated but got some fluids to make her feel better. I'm not ready to say goodbye but I never will be. No time will feel like the right time but if there is no improvement I feel like maybe it's time to decide for her and for me. I rather her go peacefully while she is still coherent and aware and in somewhat good spirits rather then to just wait for the inevitable. Trust me I don't want to do this, honestly I don't know how I will decide but depending on next week xrays it's best to really consider it. Vet said she may be in some pain because of her arthritis but the chf is not pain just a lot of discomfort which I can see as well. Her well being has definitely deteriorated in the last few months. She doesn't jump to sleep on the bed anymore she only likes to lay in areas low to the ground. She sleeps a lot, coughs on a daily basis and there are moments when we make eye contact and I feel like she is exhausted of her little heart working too hard and trying to breathe right. 😞💔 I don't want to jump into conclusions because who knows the meds may very well work but if they don't then don't you think it's better now than later? I mean how do you know, how do you decide because if it was up to me I'd be selfish and keep her here till she no longer can, the thing she is getting to where she no longer can. She will be 17 in Feb 2023 and she may not make it but I'd like to think despite it all, we've been through so much together. So many trials and tribulations and so many good things too. I don't know, dunno how to think or feel anymore I just want peace, for both of us.
Hey all I just noticed my cats front right paw and ankle are swollen. It wasn't like this at our vet visit this morning. She doesn't seem in pain but idk she's just limping a little but. Anyone can shed some light? Could this be another symptom of chf and fluid retention?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Call your vet's clinic, they probably provide an after-hours number in the voicemail greeting, so that you can talk to a live person. We aren't veterinarians and can't provide the type of answer you're looking for.

By the way, if she's limping, she's in pain.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Odds are if it just one paw/leg it is probably not from fluid retention. But yes, consult with the vet. She could have injured herself just by trying to get around. Feeby (18+ yo) is no longer very mobile and has arthritis (among many other illnesses), and yet somehow, she hyper-extended a wrist and was limping from it.

If the vet can prescribe some pain meds, it might be worth a try. The pain meds might not help with some of the discomfort of the chf but it is not to say it still couldn't give her a bit of relief - if for no other reason than letting her relax a bit.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Odds are if it just one paw/leg it is probably not from fluid retention. But yes, consult with the vet. She could have injured herself just by trying to get around. Feeby (18+ yo) is no longer very mobile and has arthritis (among many other illnesses), and yet somehow, she hyper-extended a wrist and was limping from it.

If the vet can prescribe some pain meds, it might be worth a try. The pain meds might not help with some of the discomfort of the chf but it is not to say it still couldn't give her a bit of relief - if for no other reason than letting her relax a bit.
One of mine as a kitten woke up with a very swollen paw/ankle, and all I can think of is he managed to get it stuck somewhere when I wasn't around. I'm hoping this is the same for Frankie, poor girl has been through a lot (and so has her owner!)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
Call your vet's clinic, they probably provide an after-hours number in the voicemail greeting, so that you can talk to a live person. We aren't veterinarians and can't provide the type of answer you're looking for.

By the way, if she's limping, she's in pain.
She's ok!! It's just the fluid settling on her leg / paw from the fluids she got administered this morning. Usually makes a little sack on her back but can also settle on her paw. She should be ok by morning but calling the vet anyway. Did call the emergency hospital and told me the same thing.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
And take a picture you can text them if they want to see it before.
I hope everything is ok.
She's good! Fluid settled on her paw from the fluids she got this morning. 🥺 Called emergency hospital and said the same thing. Calling my vet in the am anyway. Thank you.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
What a scare but so glad it was a "false alarm"! Good to check with your vet in the morning just in case :)
Hoping you get some good sleep tonight, you've had a rough day. :hugs:
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
What a scare but so glad it was a "false alarm"! Good to check with your vet in the morning just in case :)
Hoping you get some good sleep tonight, you've had a rough day. :hugs:
Thank you, I really need it and I hope too as well. Will keep you updated as well if any new info arises. Thank you for your kindness it means so much. 😪❤🙏


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
It's just the fluid settling on her leg / paw from the fluids she got administered this morning.
Usually when my Poppycat had fluids settle into an area, it would occur sooner than what was hours later for her if I read your posts correctly?, and the limping is a concern.
Calling my vet in the am anyway. Thank you.
I think this is a good idea.
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  • #16


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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
How is Frankie today?
Hi! She is doing good I think. She really didn't cough much all day until later in the day had an episode. This morning I laid with her, she's always rooted spots around the house and sleeps there for months at a time lol right now it's in the bathroom a towel cubby I have and she sleeps on the one with less towels but I set up one of her blankets there. Anyway I laid with her and had my hand near her, she crackly purred for so long I fell asleep, woke up and she had a drool, still purring mind you. I freaked out but I read that she may have just been very content along with the purring and semi cuddles because she didn't do it again. It was a nice moment I think her breathing rate got as low as 25!! Hasn't been that low in weeks. She also joined for dinner and asked for her favorite condiment, mayo lol Overall I think today was a good day for her. 😌❤


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
This is so good to hear!!! Is she on the new medications? It sounds like she is taking an interest in life again! :)
Keep an eye on the drooling, it could be her being content (Lila soaks me with happy-drool every time I make eye contact or even tell her she's a good girl, I swear) but it could be minor nausea from any new medications but you can't be too careful. Just keep an eye on it.
That lowered breathing rate is wonderful to hear! It sounds like she had a great day. That's so cute she was asking for mayo! :hearthrob: Mine have taken a liking to eggs, and to cheese lately :)
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2022
This is so good to hear!!! Is she on the new medications? It sounds like she is taking an interest in life again! :)
Keep an eye on the drooling, it could be her being content (Lila soaks me with happy-drool every time I make eye contact or even tell her she's a good girl, I swear) but it could be minor nausea from any new medications but you can't be too careful. Just keep an eye on it.
That lowered breathing rate is wonderful to hear! It sounds like she had a great day. That's so cute she was asking for mayo! :hearthrob: Mine have taken a liking to eggs, and to cheese lately :)
Thank you! Yes Frankie loves cheese and eggs too. I've been hiding her pills in little cheese balls. I know it's not good for them but I figured with where we're at it's ok, plus I use 3 to 4 pieces of shredded cheese and melt it a bit. It works. She stopped liking the pill pockets. Yes I read nausea too but she hasn't done it since yesterday morning. Made the appointment for next Wed for a new set of xrays. Of course I'm hoping for good news but we will see! 🐈⬛❤