training a cat to not sleep on ur neck

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Getting another kitten, is a good idea. An older kitten, or young adult cat is what I recommend. Go to your local shelter and find a nice one year old (spayed)female for him. This cat can teach the baby all the things he needs to know about being a cat, things like how not to bite too hard in play, how to sheathe his claws, how to keep himself clean, and so on.

Your kitten will have the company he needs and you will be able to enjoy them both without so much pressure.

You STILL are going to need to pay attention to both of them. One cat or five cats, they all still need interactive play and other attentions from their human ever day.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
id do anything for my two also tressing on the word of anything but i wont have them sleeping in my bed with me for the reasons the OP posted now i dont see that as neglectful at all

cut the OP some slack he is getting used to owning a new kitten we should be supporting not flaming, he is askin for advice!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Originally Posted by pmantis

he isnt talking to me, he is running mad up and down the house SCREAMING, i can only wish for him to simply "talk to me" so i can speak back.

you clearly dont understand, id love to chat to my cat, have him meow back when i talk etc, he constantly meows, and when i mean constantly I MEAN CONSTANTLY, screaming loud! im not sure if its from this post that you read it, or another, but you obviously didnt read it correctly. i love to cuddle my cat, and heres where the "re reading my post" comes in, he sleeps on my neck and wants to walk on my face while im trying to sleep, and remember when i said, he meows loud to? well he does that in my ear, im not sure if you require sleep the next day to work or not but i do, and thats why, i was asking for ADVICE, not your insulting post telling me how wrong i am and how everything i doing is wrong and that i dont care for kittens, and that i just get them for entertainment.

He's not a cat, he's a baby who has been taken from his mother and litter mates and found himself in a big scary place with a strange person. Everything he's known all his short life is gone.

He slept piled with other kittens and a mother all his life. Now he is alone. Of course he is crying.

To be helped, you have to change your mindset and understand that this is a baby, a kitten a living breathing feeling creature, with a brain and needs, not a toy to take out when you want it, and put away when you don't.

Again, I am not trying to be offensive. I really think you just don't understand what you've taken on.

We CAN help you. But you've first got to realize what kind of responsibility and work and time a kitten entails.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Ok, everyone take a step back and take a deep breath here, PLEASE.

I am allergic to cats and I can not have a cat in my bedroom, period. Since I have only one cat most of you have labelled me a neglectful owner. Yes, I am home all day with Abby. I was not with Molly. She didn't get as much human attention and was the sweetest, most well-adjusted cat you ever saw.

Of course the OP is offended by some of these comments. I'm offended by some of them. Some of you make it sound like my cats would have been better off in the shelter than with me.

Please, if you do not have any useful advice, do not post.

Also, pmantis - it's not a good idea to suggest that because you are male you need more sleep. TCS is 95% female.
If you are implying that men are the weaker sex and therefore need more sleep than women, I guess it can be allowed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
They're a new owner and need time to adjust to their kitten. But the more you push the more they're going to dig in and resist - as evidence by their posts. Let them take what advice they can and sort it out.

And yes, loud kitten crying is absolutely annoying. I'll be first to agree. But oh well, what is done is done. You get used to hearing it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 24, 2009
Boston, MA
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

Ok, everyone take a step back and take a deep breath here, PLEASE.

I am allergic to cats and I can not have a cat in my bedroom, period. Since I have only one cat most of you have labelled me a neglectful owner. Yes, I am home all day with Abby. I was not with Molly. She didn't get as much human attention and was the sweetest, most well-adjusted cat you ever saw.

Of course the OP is offended by some of these comments. I'm offended by some of them. Some of you make it sound like my cats would have been better off in the shelter than with me.

Please, if you do not have any useful advice, do not post.

Also, pmantis - it's not a good idea to suggest that because you are male you need more sleep. TCS is 95% female.
If you are implying that men are the weaker sex and therefore need more sleep than women, I guess it can be allowed.
I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone, and I hope you all realize that I was not generalizing AT ALL when I was advising the OP. I kept advising him to consider another cat because it sounds like this particular kitten needs companionship. Not all kittens do. And I'm particularly worried about this poster, because he doesn't seem to understand that you can't train a kitten out of normal behavior. Also, because he seemed to be extremely choosy about wanting a specific type of feline personality in his first posts, and we all tried to tell him then that you can't predict that when you choose a kitten. My impression is that he only likes kittens and finds cats boring. I hope I'm wrong.

But I'm not sticking around to find out.

I'm perfectly content to bow out of this conversation — and all others. I've had a wonderful time getting to know most of you. I've gotten great advice and I hope I've given some, too. But I think I'm moving on now. I'm sorry I couldn't help this poor kitten, and I'll leave it to the rest of you good souls to help this guy deal with all the abnormal behaviors after he "trains" it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Originally Posted by otto

Thank you for your support. Yes, when my Bibbs
had her sinus cancer I was up round the clock, every hour, steaming her in the bathroom so she could breathe.

For the last two years of Ootay's
life, she could not go more than three hours without food. I got up every night at 12 m, 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. to give her something to eat.

It's just all part of being a pet owner. I too work about 60 hours a week. Did I get tired? you bet I did. But my cats give me unconditional love and never ending joy.

They deserve any and everything I can do for them.
Sorry to go off topic, but I'm curious - about the not being able to go without food - for quite some time before we lost Tigger, she had to eat every few hours...what was Ootay's diagnosis that caused HER to need to eat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Originally Posted by pmantis

we have a new kitten, 10 weeks old, and he already tends to sleep on my neck, sometimes i don't mind this, but when i really need some sleep so i can function at work, id like him to sleep else wear, like, next to me, or basically anywhere but my face region.

as far as i know the only way to train him is to keep moving him when he keeps coming back to my face.

anyone got any tips?
pmantis, I don't know if you are still around now (I hope so!), but kitten's are an experience. The best trick I know is to REALLY tire him out before bedtime. Drag a shoe string on the floor and have him chase it, do as many circles as you can and have him jump as much as he's able. Kittens tire out easily....but they are up again a few hours later. What I did with my first kitten is tire him out and let him fall asleep against my neck until I he stopped purring (only took about 10 minutes after I stopped petting him) then moved him to "his" bed in the bedroom. Yeah, he woke up around 3:00 ready to play so I put him outside the bedroom and shut the door. I filled his food bowl before bed and he had plenty of toys and was happy to amuse himself until I woke up a few hours later.

Another cat would be a great idea! Honestly, it isn't that much more work or cost and they would keep each other company when you aren't there, and maybe he wouldn't be so needy when you come home.

For the record, my cats do no sleep with us (except for one..on very rare occassions). The only pet allowed in our bedroom is the one dog and she sleeps on the floor. I completely understand the need for sleep and fighting DH for the covers and room on the bed is bad enough...I don't have to add anything else to the mix!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 18, 2010

yes im still around lol, i have considered a second cat, but in our household i think its best we just have one, and before the rest of the posters frown at me, i understand you are all cat lovers to, but it IS possible to have one pet without having to get 2 to make the best of the situation, just like what "AbbysMom" we will stick with one


thank you for not participating anymore, i dont want to sound like an ass, but i really dont consider your posts helpful, no offence.


yes we are already getting used to it, he slept much better in our bed last night, untill he peed all over it


thanks for your help, yes i am offended, i have been pointed and accused by said poster previously, and probably a lot more members, but they dont understand, i am still annoyed about how im now labeled, we love our cat, and i have done NOTHING wrong to him, he lives like a king, we keep showing him his food, patting him as much as possible, playing, and i keep inviting him to sit with me when im on the laptop, i CANNOT do anymore to help him unless i quit my job and everything a human does and just spend 100% time with him. So, they label me a hater of cats, and just have them as a toy, but im just a normal guy, who would like a companion, is this not allowed? and sorry, i meant no disrespect to the other genders here, but it was solely pointed at someone in particular, for making me the bad guy for having a job and needing to go to work.


i dont see him as a toy, yes i know hes a baby, yes i know hes crying because he misses his mum and family, i understand the responsibility as well, my parents breed purebred Burmese, while i was living with them, but everyone thinks im an idiot and just bought a TOY. i will consider another adult cat, you make a fine point, but we were hoping to just have one pet (once again, am i now an ass for only wanting one pet, not directed at you otto :p) also, he is not alone all day, he has my partner who is home all day, something everyone didnt bother to ask, when im at work, hes with my partner, again, he sleeps with us in bed, he isnt alone at night, only when he starts to bother us with his yelping (when were trying to sleep, not in the day)



in conclusion, i do not neglect my kitten, im realy annoyed that right now i have to defend myself, for asking for advice, name something i do thats neglect? ive told you everything in the above that you all failed to ask, instead just assumed, he is with someone 24/7 if im at work, or in bed, hes either with my partner, or me. im done defending myself, this thread has gone from advice to a defense against myself.

thankyou to everyone that actualy did give advice



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 1, 2010

thank you for not participating anymore, i dont want to sound like an ass, but i really dont consider your posts helpful, no offence.
pmantis, you're an incredibly rude person. I don't think your addition to this community has made it much better.

No offense.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
Originally Posted by otto

Lots of play time and burning off of energy is important of course, but I don't think it's going to have any effect on where the kitten wants to sleep.
Yes, that's a good point, but there's a possibility the kitten will be so exhausted it might simply fall asleep nearby, which is what happened with Daisy. However, Daisy wasn't the type of kitten to want to sleep next to me. To the OP, I suggest prayer if you are remotely spiritual. I sincerely believe prayer was the reason issues got smoothed out with Daisy. For the first 10 days my instinct said Oh no, I'm going to need to return this kitten to the foster mom - I prayed about it a lot - and now 5 years later, Daisy is a happy plump well-behaved cat! I don't know what else to say
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 18, 2010
Originally Posted by Cosabella

pmantis, you're an incredibly rude person. I don't think your addition to this community has made it much better.

No offense.
since this is your first post in the thread, i assume you havnt even read the previous posts, instead you go off the above quoted (latest) post, well done, you are the rude one. i suggest next time you participate more, and understand what the situation is, which i have explained in the previous posts instead of standing on the sideline heckling at me at the first sign of being "rude" thanks

Originally Posted by c1atsite

Yes, that's a good point, but there's a possibility the kitten will be so exhausted it might simply fall asleep nearby, which is what happened with Daisy. However, Daisy wasn't the type of kitten to want to sleep next to me. To the OP, I suggest prayer if you are remotely spiritual. I sincerely believe prayer was the reason issues got smoothed out with Daisy. For the first 10 days my instinct said Oh no, I'm going to need to return this kitten to the foster mom - I prayed about it a lot - and now 5 years later, Daisy is a happy plump well-behaved cat! I don't know what else to say
unfortunately i am not a believer, hel be ok i think, hes just a kitten


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
As requested i'll close your thread now.
Originally Posted by pmantis

he slept much better in our bed last night, untill he peed all over it
At 10 weeks as most of the members have stated, he is still a baby so accidents like this can happen. But if it's just started i would take him for a vet visit just to make sure?.
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