Time in hospital/ injuries /ouch moments , share yours!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
As an adult: ectopic pregnancy and then cesarean for our daughter.

(You know this thread wasn't started by someone who was physically abused and neglected as a child and I am glad of that. I won't go there.)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 4, 2006
Let's see. Just before 3rd grade started I got a black eye on the jungle gym. 1 week before 5th grade I broke my arm (really bad, they called in a specialist). In 7th grade I hairline fractured all my toe bones when the skateboard hit a really big crack in the sidewalk and I went flying. In my 20's was in a car accident and ended up with 2 black eyes (every man I met thought it was abuse and were ready to beat "him" up). My mother was afraid I'd broken my nose so we went to the hospital, nose was fine. In my 30's had surgery for endomitriosis. Other than that, I'm always covered in bruises that I don't even remember doing (I bruise easily).


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2008
Bosque Farms, New Mexico
In January this year I was putting my youngest son in a friends car to go to a birthday party when I heard "Look out Mom!" and then I went flying five feet through the air and landed in a grassy patch in my front yard. My oldest son hit me with his bike at about 25 mph in the right hip. When I hit the ground I landed on my left shoulder and felt my spine do the accourdian thing. I was sore for a few weeks and my hip still bothers me.
Shortly after the accident, he had a science fair project due and was trying to come up with ideas...I told him he could do a project called " Hit mom with a bike and see how far she flies" just teasing him.

Last summer I went out to move the hose in my garden and slipped in the mud. I wish I had a video of it because I just know I looked like one of those cartoon charachters with their legs spinning just to keep themselves up. I landed in the mud and managed to sprain my ankle.

When I was pregnant with my oldest son, I was house sitting for my uncle. I had some friends over for dinner and was taking dishes into the kitchen. On my way out of the kitchen I misjudged a step and landed on the floor one foot behind me one foot infront of me. I sprained both ankles. Ever try running to the bathroom with morning sickness with two sprained ankles? I did, well I couldn't run.

I have a lot more, but I'll save them for another time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
I died three times as a baby (was only a few day old! But I was a fighter, as my dad told me!) all because I stopped breathing....does that count? I've had these from birth too:

Whooping cough, a brain tumour, chicken pox.

Most recently I had surgery to have a lump removed from my back, thank goodness it wasn't cancer!


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Eight years ago, I had most of my upper lip torn off by a dog. This bite also took a quarter-sized circle of skin from the area above the lip, caused 6 bites on my nose, 3 of which went all the way through my nose. I had emergency reconstruction surgery that afternoon, all with just 2 shots of Novacaine in my face. What fun. Before the surgery, the Dr. described, in glowing detail, what the procedure was...anyone wanna know?
First, they slit the inside of my face (the part behind your upper lip; if you pulled your lip up, it is the underside part); they inserted packing material (I could have bubble wrap in there, for I know!). All I could think of was trapunto quilting! Then, they take a small pair of scissors, like manicure ones, and snip along the vermillion (the demarcation line on your upper lip--where the red meets your flesh-tone), did something with it, then stitched it up. Then, they irrigated my mouth out with water. They also knitted what was left of my skin that was torn off by pulling it together vertically, and stitching it.

Now for the nose! They irrigated my nose out, by squirting a jet of water in the nostril, then suctioning it out.They gave me a shot of Novacaine in my left sinus area. We thought it had started to work, so I let her start sewing--it was not working, but I had been in there all afternoon, and wanted to pee, eat, and go home, so I said nothing. I could feel, see, and hear the suturing! Hurt a bit, I must say. It took about 15 more minutes.

Did I say I was fully awake all of this time? LOL

I have pics, if anyone wants to see!

This was the only time I have ever been in the hospital or operated on. Compared to what I have read here, I have been very, very lucky indeed!
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 13, 2008
Originally Posted by SwampWitch

As an adult: ectopic pregnancy and then cesarean for our daughter.

(You know this thread wasn't started by someone who was physically abused and neglected as a child and I am glad of that. I won't go there.)
What does this mean lol? I wasnt abused ?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 22, 2007
Secret Santa Land
Originally Posted by mrblanche

Since I was about 4 or so, I've been amazingly lucky. Never broke a bone until this spring, when I fell down a flight of steps on vacation (those who have been around a while remember it).

Other than that, I've spent exactly one night in a hospital, in January of 1984, with a kidney stone.

I almost died in the hospital with measles when I was 18 months old. Anyone who doesn't vaccinate their kids against that nasty disease, which left its marks on me permanently, deserves to be horsewhipped.
Yes, this whole whether to vaccinate or not your kids is just a mystery to me. We eradicated smallpox with vaccinations. Parents don't want to vaccinate their children because it is not natural. Yeah, right. I am old enough to be one of the first round of kids in my areas to receive the Sabin polio vaccine. It was free and every parent took their kids to get the first dose and the second. It was on sugar cubes. What kid could resist?

I guess that I might not have been exactly on thread with this post. I got my tonsils out, but the major surgery I have had since adulthood is 2 C-sections. No problems.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by junior_j

What does this mean lol? I wasnt abused ?
SwampWitch has made no secret of the fact that she didn't have a great childhood - some of us haven't.

...Myself, a few of those concussions and other things weren't my doing (as in from accidents). My dad refused to spend money on medical care - it wasn't from lack of funds or insurance, either. So some things I should have treated, weren't. I can honestly say I'm lucky that I never had anything life threatening (aside from the pneumonia, near drownings, and severe heat exhaustion/stroke) happen in childhood.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 17, 2007
on the shores of Georgian Bay
Other then a broken wrist when I was about 6 I have been really lucky as far as injuries go. The sickest I ever been though happen just about a year ago. The anti-inflammatory medication I was taking at that time wasn't working very well so my doctor decided to switch me to something else. I took the new drug for about 6 weeks then got really sick, I ended up with gastric bleeding, had to have a blood transfusion and emergency surgery to seal 4 lesions that had formed in my stomach...
Needless to say it was pretty scary.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 29, 2006
Pacific NW
Wow! So many people here have been through alot medically.
My first hospital stay was pre-mature labor with my daughter. I had pre-eclampsia. The hospital called my parents twice to come, because they didn't think I would make it through the night. I was in a University hospital 60 miles away. Two weeks after being admitted, they finally took my daughter by C-section. But I experienced "anesthesia awareness" and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. But I had a healthy baby girl...one month early. (She just had her 31st B-Day last Sunday)
The next time was having my son when I was 6 1/2 months pregnant. That went fast. Back to Portland at Emanuel Hospital. He was Due March 15 and I had him on New Years Eve. He went through a rough time...but he's a big strapping boy now and will be 23 this year.
Then about 12 years ago I got Cat Scratch disease. That was a week in the hospital...and I still have the cat (Spud) that transmitted it to me.
The last time I saw the hospital was last August & Sept, when I had Pneumonia. Spent a total of ten days on two different occasions and had fluid drained from my lungs four times. Missed two months of work from that.