Thrifty , money saving top tip and fun ideas?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I buy all my books at garage sales, and most of my blouses and sweaters at Goodwill. Like others, I'm a weird size (2T), so usually have to order my Levi's on the internet, but always google for free shipping deals on that (or anything else I order via the internet.

I, too, have a list of everything that is in my freezers, by the shelf, and keep it in pencil, so as I take things out, I can erase them from the list (and add them to my grocery list if necessary). And I keep all kinds of nuts, grated cheeses, homemade cookies, even onions that I've chopped up go in there...that way I've usually got some ready to go if I've not in the mood to chop and cry right then!

I also prefer to cook from scratch rather than use a box mix. Much healthier, that's why I do it, but less expensive too. (except the other day I bought some wild rice to make chicken and wild rice soup and could not believe how much it $2.25 for a teeny, tiny package of wild rice...I was shocked!!!)

We shop on senior day at our grocery store, where they give 10% off on your entire bill, and also use coupons, but only for the items we would normally buy. We buy lots of generic items now, so don't use as many coupons as we used to. But do alot of comparison shopping to see which is the better deal that day...sometimes the brand names are the better deal when you have a double coupon.

Oh, also, we have our savings in an internet bank to earn more interest, and we pay everything with a charge card that earns reward dollars, then pay it off every month (like someone else said), so earn dollars by doing that which I put into our vacation/mad money fund.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 13, 2008
All very good ideas guys , i am glad this thread has taken off so well.

Basically my situation is this:

I am 18 years old qualified level 2 nursery nursery also studying to be senco (special education needs incordainator) I am also about to start my level 3 for being a nursery nurse.

I live at home rent free( i get paid 100 pounds a week trainee wage) but as of Augest i will be paying my own mobile phone bill. I also would like to be able to save up for the odd luxury and also want to save to learn to drive , my dad takes me as he works close to my work but is moving company soon..



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
Originally Posted by MargeCat

I love Acme Market's 10 for 10 sales! I always have a few months of food stored in the pantry (to guard against job loss, disasters, etc.). I get paid bi-weekly. If a good canned goods sale occurs on the paycheck I don't pay the mortgage with, I take $20 or so, and hit the sales. It's amazing what you can get for $20 on the Acme sales! I stock up on toothpaste, pasta mixes, canned goods, etc. I always try to have at least $20 to spare, should I encounter other great deals, on "off" pay weeks, too. BTW, I can't afford to shop at Acme; I just discipline myself to only buy the 10/10 items, then leave. We do our main grocery shopping elsewhere.

Giant (our main grocery store) often has meat roasts, BOGO.
I can teach you how to maximum your savings at Acme during special sales. This is where I do most of my shopping.

Which Giant do you use? I have learned there are many different ones depending on your region.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by junior_j

I live at home rent free( i get paid 100 pounds a week trainee wage) but as of Augest i will be paying my own mobile phone bill. I also would like to be able to save up for the odd luxury and also want to save to learn to drive , my dad takes me as he works close to my work but is moving company soon..
Good luck with that! I know that getting your license over there is very expensive (since they make you take the lessons, too).

Are you crafty at all? Interested in reselling things on ebay? You could try making simple things to sell and as I suggesed, check yard sells (I think you called them rummage and boot sales over there?
) for supplies.
As for odd things that resell, old toys have a market as collectables. The better shape it's in and the more nostalgic it would make people, the better they sell.

Originally Posted by MargeCat

Hi, Strange Wings,

I use Tidy Cat; I've never tried the Yesterday's news ones, but I could try it. Thank you.

I really appreciate it. Today has been horrible. We just got home an hour ago, after having to put Jasmine to sleep.
I'm so sorry.

I can't figure out where I put those Yesterday's news coupons. Every time I put something up somewhere different with the intention of not losing it, I lose it. There's a $40 Hobby Lobby card lost somewhere in my house...
I did find some friskies indoor select coupons (
) if those are of any use - $1 off per 6 cans.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
For those who have a Kmart they are doubling coupons again. Starts July 4th and is on Health & Beauty items only.

You need a Kmart Shop Your Way Rewards card. Only 5 coupons per card per day.

.50 doubles to $1
$1 doubles to $2
$2 doubles to $4
$2.25 does not double
If you were to use a $1 coupon on a product that is priced at $1.50 the coupon will only double to $1.50 (not $2).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
make a grocery list, stick to it, eat real food (not packaged prepared which you pay for convenience in many ways) make reasonable portions, take snacks, water, etc. with you wherever you go, so you do not have to eat out or get snacks/drinks while out. This has saved us a ton of money. Use reusable bags/containers so you are not always buying plastic baggies or disposable cups.
Also eating better can save you on sick time/health care expenses. Try to grow your own vegetables if possible. Join a CSA.

Don't pay for cable or satellite tv. That saves a lot of money each year, which you can use towards something else. Don't buy books, use the library, it is free.

A lot of saving money is being mindful of what you do have. Making a budget and sticking to it is good. We had a cash envelope system for groceries for a long time. Cash makes it seem more real than credit cards.

Before buying a big purchase, wait, at least two weeks. Sometimes you don't even want it anymore. For me, I would rather save for a big trip or life experience rather than more "things".
Before buying anything to clutter the house, like unique cool treasures, think, what am I willing to throw out to get this item? Having less stuff makes your living space look more open and feel better, plus saves you money. If you already have a lot of stuff sell it online (craigslist, ebay, yard sale even) and have people give you money for your stuff.

Combine trips together to waste less gas if you drive, plan ahead. Like with meals, snacks, and drinks, planning ahead saves you a bundle. Or walk more, which benefits your health. I live in such a rural area I can't walk to anywhere important, but walking is still important to do for me since I have dogs.

I love saving and will do a lot of things, but I will not downgrade my pets food or try to cut corners when it comes to them. We went through a rough period where our household income was cut to 1/4 (or less) for a long time and we made all sorts of sacrifices, but our animals never did, and during that time one pet had over 1K in vet bills.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 7, 2009
Kitty Land
I buy alot of my daughter's clothes at yard sales. I really love the neighborhood ones!

I also buy non perishable items in bulk.

My best thing I do is go boat fishing on Lake Erie. I have a buddy that runs a charter service and he takes me out to fish for the cost of fuel only. We end up with so much fish in the freezer, we eat it through March. Not only is it cost effective, its a blast!

Here is a pic of my daughter with her Fish Ohio fish

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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 13, 2008

these tips are very good

This week I have set myself a challenge not to buy my lunch from the shop next door to work but to prepare it at home and take it with me every day.

I also brought a new plastic water flask/water bottle , so that will be my new friend always full of cool drinks for myself especially ice cold water.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Originally Posted by junior_j

these tips are very good

This week I have set myself a challenge not to buy my lunch from the shop next door to work but to prepare it at home and take it with me every day.

I also brought a new plastic water flask/water bottle , so that will be my new friend always full of cool drinks for myself especially ice cold water.
Congrats on changing your thinking! DH and I always take a home-prepared lunch to work with us. He has a small double-insulated container that he uses for cold drinks, like iced tea (that I mixes) or iced water. I have a little refrigerator in my office under my desk and keep that full of water, yogurt, and fresh produce.
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  • #51


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 13, 2008
I am working on becoming a millionaire so i need to have all the top money saving tips to make it big lol x


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 25, 2010
Oh. Here's another tip related to kitties.

I know buying treats can get really expensive and I spoke to my vet about this. They said, instead of buying a new bag of treats over and over again, just buy a brand & flavor of food you don't usually buy... so we did. We usually buy Blue Buffalo and we get them Meow Mix for treats.

We stick the food in a empty, upcycled tic tac container and shake it when it is treat time. They come running. Honestly, they don't know the difference.

Instead of $1.50 for a small bag of treats, it was $4 for a 3 lb bag. Since we don't feed treats all that often, that amount will last forever! We have about 5 tic tac containers -- one in each room and one in each of their carriers. So convienent.


Instead of buying 3 sifting litter boxes for our litter, we bought one. And bought a 2 pack of rubbermaid containers ($5 for both) that we use for litter boxes. They love the rubbermaid containers and use those 95% of the time. This works for us too because than, when we go somewhere, we can put the lid on the "litter box" and not worry about it.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 7, 2009
Kitty Land
I wish we could have a microwave at work, it would save me bundles.

Corporate made us remove our microwaves because some customer complained about a bad smell.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 13, 2008
Considering I am signed off work for a few days *server chest infection which has made my asthma bad* i will be going through "junk" in my room seeing if i can sell any maybe? or chartiy some will just need to be binned though..