This weeks questions......06/26/05


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 12, 2004
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Thanks to our guest host Ryan for last weeks wonderful questions...they were a hoot my friend! Susan/Rosiemac has offered to help me with this weeks thread, so here we go.......the first 10 will be mine.....the second 10 will be Susan's.......

1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? no, just a bunch of weird ones all the time

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? Wow, alot on my dad's side (9) and just one is deceased and just one on my mom's side of the family

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? probably not

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? yes

5. How do your kits wake you up? biting my hair and sometimes knocking stuff over. Sash is very good at waking me up!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? I used to be a magnet but they don't bother me much anymore

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? Definitely yes!! That would be great!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?Yes

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? I now take B complex vitamins and I think they help some

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? try to talk to them about letting the elderly person alone

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? usually lounge around a little bit, unless I have alot to do

12. Do you own your house/apartment? no

13. How often do you change your sheets? Umm..................not as often as I should

14. Do you have a house alarm? no

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? when I rearrange the room

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? no

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? no

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? heck no!

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? probably feline cancer or any terrible illness

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? not really, plese send vibes to all that need them this week
Have a great week too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Thanks to our guest host Ryan for last weeks wonderful questions...they were a hoot my friend! Susan/Rosiemac has offered to help me with this weeks thread, so here we go.......the first 10 will be mine.....the second 10 will be Susan's.......

1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Not really, but I do dream things that happen later, just snipettes though! DejaVu

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? That I like... Only 1 LOL.. 6 alive and 1 that died

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? That's exactly the reason I don't get my hair cut..... I let the boss's daughter (a hairdresser) do it now... I can quit if I don't like it!! LOL

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? No, just on certain days, depends on where I am going...

5. How do your kits wake you up? She'll keep walking past my head a dozen times or so!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? Magnet to me AND my BF

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Actually do, though only because we are closed!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Doesn't really bother me, but I am testy the week prior!! OK really testy!!!

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Confront them and then beat them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams?Unfortunatly I don't get to lay in bed even on the weekend!!

12. Do you own your house/apartment? unfortunatly no!!!

13. How often do you change your sheets? Not enough!

14. Do you have a house alarm? I don't have anything worth takin'

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? never

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? NOPE!!!!!!!!!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? That's earlier than most people stop over.... We're up very late here!!!!

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? I rinse it BEFORE & AFTER!

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Cancer would be nice, But I would really like epilepsy to have been cure about 8 years back, so my mom would still be alive!!!

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Not that I can think of! Send them to others and I'm sending mine out to you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Thanks to our guest host Ryan for last weeks wonderful questions...they were a hoot my friend! Susan/Rosiemac has offered to help me with this weeks thread, so here we go.......the first 10 will be mine.....the second 10 will be Susan's....... Woohoo!

1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Yup, that I can't see

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? about 10

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? yes!!

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? sure do!

5. How do your kits wake you up? they don't

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? they generally leave me alone

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? I DO!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Nope, but then again i'm from NZ

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? food! sleep & painkillers.

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? leave them to it

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? depends if i'm going anywhere

12. Do you own your house/apartment? nope

13. How often do you change your sheets? once a fortnight

14. Do you have a house alarm? nope

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? ummm once or twice a month

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? nope!!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? only have one door, and i'd look who it was first

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? nope

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be?this probably sounds selfish but coldsores.

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? yes, i'm having my meningitis B vcaccine in my arm(2nd of 3) and i'm scared.

From Susie and Susan, have a GREAT week!
Have a great week too my friends.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The future 'Green' House! (NW England)
Thanks to our guest host Ryan for last weeks wonderful questions...they were a hoot my friend! Susan/Rosiemac has offered to help me with this weeks thread, so here we go.......the first 10 will be mine.....the second 10 will be Susan's.......

1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Yes - I can even see it when i'm awake!

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? Lots of unrelated ones and three that are married in!

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? I'm generally not bothered! It will grow back anyway and give me a laugh in the process! (I cut my own hair though!

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? I wear Lavendar Oil on a daily basis!

5. How do your kits wake you up? Tibby picks up my hand and shoves his head under for strokes! He'll also comb my hair and claw at my body!
Molly generally sleeps in!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? they generally leave me alone

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? If he wants one!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? N/A

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? I don't get it very bad - generally just my heated lavendar wheat bag for any pain!

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Get in the way and probably have a go at them!

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? I live in my jammies!

12. Do you own your house/apartment? I'd love to, but no!

13. How often do you change your sheets? once a fortnight

14. Do you have a house alarm? Yes and two smoke alarms!

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? hmmmmm!

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? one of the girls over the road is sexy!
But that's about it!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? Probably see who it is and then decide!

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? nope

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be?There are so many, but definitely anything with continuous pain

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Nope! Sending mine to all fo you who need them this week! }}}VIBES{{{

From Susie and Susan, have a GREAT week!
Have a great week you two!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2005
Oxford, UK
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? yes, where I am being chased by someone, and I spend the whole dream running! Needless to say I wake up exhausted!

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? 4 by blood, 1 by marriage

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? No, but I would find a new hairdresser.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis?Yes

5. How do your kits wake you up? They dont! I have trained them not to disturb me until I open my eyes. It's a bit disconcerting to wake up and find both the cats staring at me, the second they see my eye lids flicker Phoebe will start meowing!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? Mosquito Magnet

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Non-American here

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? grin and bear it

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Walk up to the older person and pretend I'm her daughter / grandchild. Then I would take on the juveniles - it would not be a pretty sight!

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? laze about in my jim jams!

12. Do you own your house/apartment? rent

13. How often do you change your sheets?regulary - nothing nicer than clean sheets!

14. Do you have a house alarm? No

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? at least once a week - I am allergic to dust.

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? Not really, I have two good looking chaps that live above me - but errrr, they bat for the other team...

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? No, Never - too dangerous. I won't even open the door during the day, unless I have been phoned prior to guests arriving (this includes family). I am paranoid about security.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? No, I live alone - no one to complain about a dirty bath tub! I do give it a good clean at least once a week.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Diabetes

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? nope nothing - but {{vibes}} to everyone that needs them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2001
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? I used to as a child. I would always dream the same dream about walking home from school, but on one street where I was supposed to turn, there was a brick wall as far as the eye could see.

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? Zero. Both of my parents were only children.

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? I just wouldn't go back.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? Nope.

5. How do your kits wake you up? They don't!!!!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? Magnet

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? Add another 'yes' vote. An orange tabby that he can name 'Cheesy'.

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Summer school is over Thurday. Everyday's a holiday!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Never been a problem.

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Tell them to get lost, or get help.

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? Queen of lazing around. A bomb would pretty much have to go off to get me dressed on a day off.

12. Do you own your house/apartment? Own my house.

13. How often do you change your sheets? Umm, that would fall under the category of 'housework', wouldn't it?

14. Do you have a house alarm? Nope. I think their necessity is highly overrated.

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? Whenever I dust!

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? Um, no. Although one thinks she is.

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? No way.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? Yup.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Cancer

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Nope.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2005
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? no, usually reoccuring elements, but never the same scenario.

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? 2

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? Oh, yes I would.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? Not perfume, light fragranced body mist. I hate in your face perfume. I like subtle scents.

5. How do your kits wake you up? They bite or scratch or chew until we get up. Cannibals.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? I am medium. Sometimes they chew me up, other times they leave me alone.

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? He doesnt???

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Yes, thank goodness.

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Well, tylenol makes a womens tylenol and that works better than midol or pamprin...the heat patches by playtex work good too. But I have found that a hot bath and my leather couch with my heating pad and a pint of Ben and Jerrys Chunky Monkey or Mint cookies and cream can cure just about anything....

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Hmm...that would depend on the situation. I would either break it up in some clever way....Like "Hey Uncle John...or Granpa?" Whatever and make them leave them alone. Or I would tell security.

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? I am lazy, I postively will not get dressed until the absolute last moment.

12. Do you own your house/apartment? I own my house

13. How often do you change your sheets? Once a year. But I wash them every two weeks. But I buy things I like, and then I dont want to change them.

14. Do you have a house alarm? No.

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? Once a week. Dust is bad for asthma sufferers.

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? I dont have any neighbors.

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? Nope. I would be way too cranky.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? For the most part. My husband hates shaving cream left in the tub. If I am mad at me, I dont wipe it out
And then he has to smell the shaving cream in lustrous pear or raspberry rain

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Cancer. So many people dont make it through the fight,

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Little Missys biopsy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Yep, a weird one about being all alone in the dark.

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? 3

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? I sure would! I wouldn't be rude about it, just honest.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? No, not daily.

5. How do your kits wake you up? Wrestling inside the boxspring part of the bed

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? magnet.

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? Definitely! I think Ryan will make a great kitty dad when he's ready!!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? um, yeah.

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Isolation and Lortab.

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Go break it up, then contact mall security.

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? Jim jams??? I lounge around in my underwear all day

12. Do you own your house/apartment? We are homeowners!

13. How often do you change your sheets? Probably once a week or every 2 weeks.

14. Do you have a house alarm? No, we really don't need one in Bristol. We have the city cops patrol our neighborhood AND a private neighborhood patrol unit!!

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? Probably not as much as I should.

16. Do you have sexy neighbors?
I don't find them sexy lol!! They may be sexy in someone else's eyes though!!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? I don't know. If it looked like an emergency and someone needed help, I probably would.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? I rarely take baths. I hose out the shower after I'm finished, though.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Cancer or AIDS. I can't choose.

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Not for me! Sierra, Serenity, and Stephanie could use some extra vibes for their introduction process, though !!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2003
Near Pittsburgh
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? not really a recurring dream, but I have a lot of dreams where I'm in the same circumstance.. Basically in the dream I'm on a road, in a strange area, most of the time walking but sometimes driving, and I know exactly where I want to go because I was there before, when I was younger, but I just can't remember HOW to get there, and I always wind up walking in circles..

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? One real aunt and one by marriage.

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? if it was bad, yes, if it just wasn't that great, no..

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? I wear body spray

5. How do your kits wake you up? lol. he doesn't.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? a magnet

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? yes!! woo hoo!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? I eat a lot

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? my bf would freak out. I would just kinda walk in their way and make it obvious that people ARE paying attention

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? I just lay around in whatever I slept in

12. Do you own your house/apartment? not yet..

13. How often do you change your sheets? not often enough

14. Do you have a house alarm? no.. but I don't live in an area with a lot of people

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? never??

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? I don't have neighbors

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? well.. yes I think, unless I didn't know the person

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? no. i don't even understand why

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? cancer. all types. that would be amazing

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for??


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 7, 2005
Regina,SK, Canada
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream?
I have the same dream every January, but I never remember what it's about, just that I wake up the next morning and I'm like, "I can't believe I had that dream again!"

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have?
I have 5, that I know of. I'm adopted and haven't met much of my birth family yet.

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain?
Yes I would, and I have!

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis?
No, I usually use vanilla spray, or lavender spray.

5. How do your kits wake you up?
Well, my alarm goes off, and then Serena cries in my face and licks my nose and forehead!

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone?
They love me! I don't know why, but I wear a lot of dark colours, and I hear that they're attracted to that...

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???
He doesn't have one?! He is hilarious, and I think him getting a cat would only add to that!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?
Well, I ive in Canada, but I have Friday, July 1st off!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable?
Eat Hershey's Dark chocolate bars!

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do?
Ooh, tought question. Well, I tend to be a bit of a smart-a$$, so I'd probably go up to them and tell them off! but that's just me...

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams?
Awhile to me is considered hours, so if I get up at 9:00, you can usually expect to see me in my jammies until 12:eek:o or so!

12. Do you own your house/apartment?
Nope, not until I'm done school.

13. How often do you change your sheets?
Once a week.

14. Do you have a house alarm?
Just my cats!

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv?
I'd rather not disclose that for fear of the health dept. being called!

16. Do you have sexy neighbors?
Not that I'm aware of.

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.?
Only if I was expecting someone.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in?
I don't "clean" it, but I rinse it out.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be?
Diabetes. It runs in my family.

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for??
Well, I'm getting all my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow (06/28), and I'm really nervous!
I've never had anything like that done before, and I'm getting a "morphine cocktail", so I won't be completely knocked out... pray for me!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 20, 2005
Savannah, GA
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? I hardly dream at all

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? Had 3, have 2

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? I'd say, nicely, it's not what I had in mind and then see what she could do to fix it. After that, I'd find another hairdresser!

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? Yup. For work, it's Clinique Happy. At night, it's Ralph Lauren.

5. How do your kits wake you up? Eponine has recently taken to sleeping in, the little princess
. Cosette, however, will either swat my face, meow loudly, or drop whatever toy she wants to play "fetch" with on the bed next to my pillow.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? I must emit Skin So Soft through my pores, because they leave me alone. Gnats on the other hand...

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? Ryan, you don't have a cat??? In case you haven't noticed, this is The Cat Site!!! Just kidding
Yes, all of me thinks he should get a cat and name it!!!

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Of course! I work on a military base!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Exercise. I swear it gets rid of cramps!

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? I'd ask if those punks had a problem they'd like to talk to my dad- THE COP (even though he isn't- they'd never know!)- about. That'd probably scare them good

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? Hehe, you said jim jams. Yeah, I like to lounge around in my pjs the entire weekend if I can!

12. Do you own your house/apartment? I am simply a renter.

13. How often do you change your sheets? Weekly

14. Do you have a house alarm? Just the cats....but I can always tell when they've heard a strange noise....Cosette runs STRAIGHT to the noise (she's fearless like that!) and Eponine dives under the bed!

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv?

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? Nope, but judging by the noises, my neighbors above me find each other sexy!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? Yeah (after looking out the peephole, of course). If someone needs to see me that late at night, it's probably an emergency.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? I scrub it clean weekly.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? DIABETES, DIABETES, DIABETES!!!!

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? I have a new client who was raped by a man in her unit...please send her all the vibes and prayers for daily strength that you can!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2005
Medford, Oregon
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream?
Yes I keep dreaming that I'm back in the army.

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have?

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain?
4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis?
No , not a guy

5. How do your kits wake you up?
They scratch at the corner of the box spring, they know it makes me crazy...

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone?
They don't bother me a whole lot.

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???
I do.

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?
I have every day off.

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable?
I stay the hell and gone away from any female who's gort it.

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do?
I've been known to box their ears

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams?
I don't wear them I sleep in what I was born with.

12. Do you own your house/apartment?

13. How often do you change your sheets?
Once a week though I have to vaccum the cat hair off every day...

14. Do you have a house alarm?

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv?
Say what??/ Once a year weather it needs it or not

16. Do you have sexy neighbors?
No they are all retired guys like me.
17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.?
I'm not usually up that late.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in?
Say what??/ Once a year ...etc...etc

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be?
Cancers, They cut down too many people too young

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for??
Not really, I am driving down to Sacremento though for the 4th though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 20, 2005
Savannah, GA
Originally Posted by lakeriedog

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Type One (Juvenile) Diabetes


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? nope

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? five

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? definitely! Have been useing the same one for the past 12 years, haven't had to yet, thank God!

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? yes

5. How do your kits wake you up? hrumph! Usually Tigs or Yum does it by standing outside the door and pawing on it, or if Tigs goes to the litterbox, he "pounds" on the wall next to it instead of digging in the litter....and its the wall that joins my bathroom to our bedroom.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? they LOVE me! Why not, I'm sweetness personified!

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? I do, but only when he's good and ready

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Right now I do.....but that can change between now and then!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable?Thank God, I didn't have much problem with it, except for a few yearss that I had migraines that coincided with "that time"

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? raise a ruckus, whatever I can to call attention to them and divert their attention from that they're doing....if need be, beat the he** out of them myself!

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? lol, well......since I don't WEAR jim jams.....I have a nasty habit of wandering around just as I slept

12. Do you own your house/apartment?yup

13. How often do you change your sheets?usually once a week

14. Do you have a house alarm?nope

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? what's that?

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? ROTFLMAO !! Nearest neighbor is 1/4 of a mile away....almost 65.......NOT sexy!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? only after I peeked to see who it was.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? nope

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? Would be a tossup between cancer/leukemia/diabetes........wish they could find one for FeLv in kitties too!

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Just a wedding to cater Sat.....'s gonna be fun!

From Susie and Susan, have a GREAT week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2005
Chicago suburbs
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? I've had them at different times throughout my life. I now keep having one where I miss my plane when I'm on the way to a meeting. I had some really funny ones while I was planning my wedding!

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have?12

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? hairdresser is my mother, she's been dealing with my hair my whole life and she should know better by now.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis?Yes...but I wear different perfumes on different days.

5. How do your kits wake you up?Tailer starts it off my climbing onto hubby's dresser and knocking stuff off. Forest takes the cue and stands next to the bed meowing loudly. Harvey will then join in by running across the head of our bed until one of us gives in and gets up to feed them.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone?I am the ultimate mosquito magnet. I swear they come from other states just to have a taste.

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???Just one?? I think he should get at least two.

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?Yep...and it'll be the first weekend I don't have to work in three months, so it's a double bonus!

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable?Midol and chamomile tea. If that doesn't work I lock myself in a room and stay away from all people...why should they suffer too?

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do?I'd calmly ask the kids to back off, then help the older person get out of the situation. If hubby were there, though, he'd undoubtedly take over and handle the situation more forcefully.

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams?Depends on what's going on that day. Hubby and I usually go out for breakfast, so I get dressed pretty soon. If we're not going anywhere, though, I'll laze around a while in my jammies.

12. Do you own your house/apartment? Well...the bank mostly owns it, but we bought our house a little less than a year ago.

13. How often do you change your sheets?I try for every week, but don't always get to it.

14. Do you have a house alarm?Nope

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? The light stuff I pull out every few weeks. The heavy stuff gets pulled out once in a blue moon.

16. Do you have sexy neighbors?I guess it depends on your definition of sexy. Most of them are in their 80s.

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? If it was someone I knew I would.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? I rinse it out, but don't give it a full-blown cleaning.

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? cousin (who was also my best friend) died from it, and I think it's the most cruel disease out there.

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for??Nope

From Susie and Susan, have a GREAT week! Thanks, you have a great one, too!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Wellington, New Zealand
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? I used to when I was a kid. I was caught in an underground labyrinth!!! Diane8704 - want to have a go at analyzing that one?

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? 3

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? I might say something weak like "that's not quite how I imagined it", then never go back there.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? Nope - just on special occasions

5. How do your kits wake you up? no kits right now

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? I am a magnet, but apparently not as attractive as bf who just gets eaten alive!

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? Absolutely, but then I'm one to talk, right?

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? Not in the US, so now holiday for me on the 4th

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Stay out of other people's way

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? Well, you're with me right? so we'd intervene! If I was on my own I had to admit that I would probably try to avoid the conflict.

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? I usually laze in my pjs unless I have to be somewhere.

12. Do you own your house/apartment? No, we rent.

13. How often do you change your sheets? Every other week - more often in summer.

14. Do you have a house alarm? we have a fire alarm but no burglar alarm

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? Maybe once a month - the rest of the time I just go around the outside

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? unfortunately not

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? Switzerland's a really safe place, so I would probably answer it even if I was on my own, although I'd be less inclined to answer it if I couldn't see who it was outside.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? Most of the time, yes - it's white, so you see every little mark....

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? A painfree, 100% effective cure for cancer

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? I have to go on 2 trips this week - a total of 3 flights round-trip - I could use some vibes for that as I don't like flying much, even if I do it all the time!

Have a fantastic week everybody


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 30, 2005
New England
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Nope, i have had the same dream 2-3 times, but i dont think thats reocurring

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? i thihk 3...we dont have a close family

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? no...but i have gone home and cried

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? nope, bf is allergic

5. How do your kits wake you up? playing with the spring stopper under the door

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? magnet...good 'ol minnesota

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? ME

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off? i dont work

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? one word...chocolate!

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? feel really bad, but chances are they are my age and could kick my...bum

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? LAZE

12. Do you own your house/apartment? no

13. How often do you change your sheets? I have no scedual...when i think they need it

14. Do you have a house alarm? no

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? never?

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? no

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? yea prolly

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? no

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? phobias...or ocd...or cancer...or wow i dont know, they are so many horrible things out there

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? yes, me and my bf are fighting ...again.....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 23, 2004
New Hampshire
1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream?
I have a few themes - like not being able to put my shoes on in time, and I end up missing a bus (never mind that I stopped taking a bus in 1994).

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have?
Two on my mom's side, four on my dad's.

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain?
Probably not.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis?
Not on a daily basis.

5. How do your kits wake you up?
By meowing

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone?

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat???

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable?
I don't get PMS, I'm one of the lucky ones.

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do?
Maybe find a security guard?

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams?
It depends, either one is just as likely!

12. Do you own your house/apartment?
Yes, I own my house

13. How often do you change your sheets?
EVery other week

14. Do you have a house alarm?

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv?
Not very!

16. Do you have sexy neighbors?
Ha ha ha! I'll keep you guessing!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.?
If I knew who it was, but I'd probably send my husaband.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in?

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be?

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for??
Not really


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

1. Do you ever have one particular reoccuring dream? Not that I remember

2. How many "Aunts" do/did you have? 15 I think.... my father is from a big family.

3. If you got a bad haircut from your hairdresser, would you complain? Probably not and I would just go elsewhere.

4. Do you were perfume on a daily basis? not daily

5. How do your kits wake you up? Abby isn't allowed in the bedroom, but we hear her mewing at the top of the stairs for us.

6. Are you a mosquito magnet or do they leave you alone? MAGNET !!!

7. How many of you think Ryan should get a cat??? I haven't been here long, so I don't know Ryan well. I think everyone needs a cat, but I don't know if Ryan has valid reasons for not getting one - allergies, not home enough, etc.

8. For us all in the US, do you have next Monday, July 4th off?

9. What do you/have you done for PMS to make it more bearable? Advil

10. We're in a shopping see juveniles harrassing an older person......what do you do? try to get them to stop without embarassing the man

11. When you wake on a weekend, do you get dressed straight away or laze around for a while in your jim jams? definitely be lazy!

12. Do you own your house/apartment? My husband and I own our house

13. How often do you change your sheets? I try for once a week, but it doesn't always happen

14. Do you have a house alarm? No, but it's on the list to get

15. How often do you pull out your furniture e.g to dust the tv? about once every few weeks. Not the real heavy stuff though.

16. Do you have sexy neighbors? NO!

17. Would you answer your front door after 11.p.m.? If my husband were home, we would at least check to see who it was.

18. Do you clean the bath out after you've been in? usually

19. If they could find an overnight cure for an illness what would you want it to be? I can't choose between Cancer and Alzheimers. My family is dealing with both right now.

20. Is there anything special coming up this week that you need good vibes for?? Not that I can think of !

From Susie and Susan, have a GREAT week!
Same to both of you