The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Anxiety I know of some, I don't know about supplements, but doctor ordered me Brintellix (vortioxetinum) and unlike most this seems to be working without weird issues like those other ssri snri's gives.

Effect is very subtle, almost you can't notice, but after a week or so it is making anxiety easier to manage.

Some say green tea has calming effect, but I don't know about such, I'm skeptical, also I think somewhere it was mentioned green tea might make migraines worse and I'm having enough issues with those already.

I'm finding that my longer bike rides are increasing my weight a bit, or something is, weight was yesterday already up 2kg and waist 2cm from Monday, if this keeps up, then next Monday is going to look ugly, very ugly.

So far I have failed only one day of eating this week...
Thank you I have noticed a drop in my anxiety since I was able to start exercising again. I feel better for now any way. How long have you been on the medicine? Sometimes some of the side effects is weight gain. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Thank you I have noticed a drop in my anxiety since I was able to start exercising again. I feel better for now any way. How long have you been on the medicine? Sometimes some of the side effects is weight gain. 
For me summer is worst time with anxiety so whole summer now.

I did eat can of tuna and my weight dropped 1kg, ridiculous, just ridiculous.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
For me summer is worst time with anxiety so whole summer now.

I did eat can of tuna and my weight dropped 1kg, ridiculous, just ridiculous.
I know weight loss can be so fickle can't  it? I was teetering between 204-206 for almost three weeks. I upped my calories to maintenance and low and behold I dropped to 203. I am now at 2000 a day on maintenance.  I try not to eat that much in a day but if I do no big deal. I have lost 80 pounds since January and I need a break so to speak. To allow my body to adjust to this. I am going to stay at this for a month or two and work on the next 40. Since my goal is to be 163 by 4/28/17 A slow down is ok. If I only lose 4.5 pounds a month from now to then I will reach my goal. 

I had so many calories left at dinner I was able to try something I have been wanting to try forever. I made Monte Cristo sandwiches they were so good. Larry being a picky eater for something new even liked it. He went back for seconds thats how I know he likes something because he rarely does that. 


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Some say green tea has calming effect, but I don't know about such, I'm skeptical, also I think somewhere it was mentioned green tea might make migraines worse and I'm having enough issues with those already.

JTbo, one thing I have found that seems to help me with migraines is curcumin (turmeric). Turmeric is really good to reduce inflammation. I took it several years ago, but then when I ran out, I never bothered to get more. And I noticed that when I was taking it, the incidence and the severity of my migraines lessened quite a bit. When I stopped, the migraines started back up again. (I can't take any over-the-counter pain meds, so I do trial-and-error to see what will help the pain.)

I started taking curcumin again to try to help reduce the inflammation around the piriformis muscle in my butt that's causing sciatic pain. It took about two weeks, I'm thinking, but the pain around that muscle has started to decrease. And I've not had a migraine during that time. I had a headache earlier this week, but it was your average, normal headache, not a migraine and it went away fairly quickly. 

I'm not saying that it would work for you, but it might be worth a shot. I have been taking two 500 mg capsules of curcumin a day, one in the morning and one around 5 in the afternoon. Starting next week, I'm going down to one capsule daily, at 5 in the afternoon. I want to see how that goes. If one a day works, that's fine; if not, I'll go back to taking two.

OK.....weight. I'm at 142.2, meaning I need a loss of 2.2 pounds to meet my first goal. It's taking forever. 
 I'm starting to get frustrated and came "this close" last night to chucking it all and raiding the fridge. But I didn't. I went to bed and pouted myself to sleep instead. It's not helping that Rick (who has met his cholesterol and his weight goals already) wants to start eating out again and bringing junk back into the house. So far, I've been managing to hold off the restaurants, but he's starting to get a little irritated with me. We may go out for breakfast on Saturday morning; if we do, I'll just try to be as careful as I can. The whole thing is getting frustrating.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I jumped on the scale and surprised to see 183. Its been a very stressful 3 days and I haven't eaten hardly enough calories so I imagine it's water weight. we are getting hot hot weather for the next 4 to 5 days so I wont be eating as much. I don't know how you guys do it. I just have no self control. I admire you all!

little cutie66

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 3, 2016
New York
Yes, when it's hot, I can't eat either. That's a good thing. It's so frustrating what we women go through. But we have to stay strong!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I've been truely back on track this week and feeling good about myself. Yesterday I gave myself a cheat and then it turned into a mini binge. Arrrh. Today is a new day.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I've been truely back on track this week and feeling good about myself. Yesterday I gave myself a cheat and then it turned into a mini binge. Arrrh. Today is a new day.
I feel the same way. I do good for a good while and bam it hits. Yesterday I thought I planned well and dinner ended up being 1000 calories. It was still in my limit but I am up now feeling so bloated and defeated. But it's a new day another chance to get it right. I guess it's not defeat if we don't keep trying. 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I have not been very hungry lately. I think the heat is really getting to me. That is funny because I do have central air conditioning. The AC does bother me after a while. too hot, too cold, always adjusting it. 

I have been eating a lot of popcorn and nice cold apples..crazy...

Right now I have it set on 75 degrees. I have an air purifier going as a mini-fan. When the AC does cycle on, I get so cold. If I turn it up to 76, it is the same...I just cannot win. I guess the raynauds is not helping either..

I did manage to weigh myself this morning.. I lost almost all of the weight I re-gained! I am where I was a few weeks ago.

I do not know why I am so tired. I am taking vitamins. Centrum multi-vitamin, biotin, calcium, vitamin D....and still so tired...

This month has been trying..

Oh well, it is seen a new month and things will be better....

I think the heat is bugging Artie also. He eats better and feels better when the AC is on. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I have not been very hungry lately. I think the heat is really getting to me. That is funny because I do have central air conditioning. The AC does bother me after a while. too hot, too cold, always adjusting it. 
I have been eating a lot of popcorn and nice cold apples..crazy...

Right now I have it set on 75 degrees. I have an air purifier going as a mini-fan. When the AC does cycle on, I get so cold. If I turn it up to 76, it is the same...I just cannot win. I guess the raynauds is not helping either..

I did manage to weigh myself this morning.. I lost almost all of the weight I re-gained! I am where I was a few weeks ago.

I do not know why I am so tired. I am taking vitamins. Centrum multi-vitamin, biotin, calcium, vitamin D....and still so tired...
This month has been trying..

Oh well, it is seen a new month and things will be better....

I think the heat is bugging Artie also. He eats better and feels better when the AC is on. 
Could it be overtraining?

I know that I have had that before, it is very hard to spot really, but one of the reasons my HR was not getting up was because of that I guess, because about a month doing nothing seemed to fix a lot of issues that I was having, like muscles getting tired easily, heart rate not getting high and being quite tired.

I should get new kidney checkup too now as I'm suspecting that had something to do with over training and lot of protein (also some to do with my too high sugar intake), then feeling tired comes from kidneys struggling etc.

Of course overtraining is not something one normally gets, but before my foot injury I did exercise same amount as athletes do and I did it hard.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Those of you that take supplements know anything that can help with anxiety. I need something bad. I really need to lower it but am afraid of ssri and snri's I usually have bad reactions to both. The side effects for me isn't worth the benefits.  
Hi @Louann Jude   I found this article and thought it might help you.  It is about anxiety attacks and 10 holistic ways to alleviate them.  Maybe one or two will help with your anxiety.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@JTbo    thanks for the suggestion, but there is no way I am overtraining.. I go very slow and easy...

I think it may be kind of aligned with asthma. I noticed I started feeling really tired, without any "oomph" when the hot weather began. 

I see my new doctor for a complete physical on Monday, so I will ask her.. wonder what she will say?? 

I am hypothyroid also. Could all related to both of those things.. 

When you are hypothyroid, you are always tired. Losing weight is almost impossible to do. My other doctor told me that it would very hard for me to lose weight. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I hope you have good luck with the new doctor. I still have to find a pcp doctor. I tend to feel like they spit out the same nonsense from their textbooks without getting to the heart of the matter.

I think I will skip weight on Monday. Its been a bad two days for food. Of course I didn't plan my meals and ate crap. If I could get more hours in the day that would be great!!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yeah, it's been an ugly weekend. I've gained and it's water weight as I'm drinking tons of water. I did have one Smirnoff Ice last night, but the rest of the time, it's been water, water, and more water. And a ton of crushed ice, too. 

Good luck on Monday, @Artiemom

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@JTbo    thanks for the suggestion, but there is no way I am overtraining.. I go very slow and easy...

I think it may be kind of aligned with asthma. I noticed I started feeling really tired, without any "oomph" when the hot weather began. 

I see my new doctor for a complete physical on Monday, so I will ask her.. wonder what she will say?? 

I am hypothyroid also. Could all related to both of those things.. 

When you are hypothyroid, you are always tired. Losing weight is almost impossible to do. My other doctor told me that it would very hard for me to lose weight. 
Another Thyroid person here.  The Whole 30 really worked for me.  I'm still losing 2 lbs a week with minimal exercise.  I loaned my book to a friend and will get it back midAugust.  I can send it to you then if you want to try it.  All the info is on the web.  I still have periods of tiredness and feeling blah but that's mostly when I'm stressed out.

cleopatras mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2014
I was pondering if I should join this thread, and I have finally decided that I should. I am not overweight by much, more like "at risk of being overweight". The past few weeks I have lost about four pounds. I want to lose at least 15 more. I feel like I could lose more, but I am already nearly comfortable with my body. Without exercise, I need to eat roughly 1200 calories to lose almost two pounds of weight a week. So far I have been doing okay, and I do not feel too hungry, and if I exercise, I eat more. But the past week or so I have lost nothing, and the past few days I feel like I have overeaten.

Today was not a good day.

I ate two toasts with Chocolate Cheesecake Hazelnut spread(!!!), an apple, a sandwich, a granola bar(200 calories), a piece of quiche, and some snap peas with a little salad dressing. And I still feel hungry!

little cutie66

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 3, 2016
New York
I know it's very hard to stay on a 1200 calorie diet, yes there are days the scale don't move. When you are hungry just drunk lots of water. It helps me. If you still feel hungry, do your nails. Keep busy. Good luck.
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