The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I am finally down to my weight loss goal. Now at 120, I am comfortable other than all my pants are too big. I have washed in hot water and dried with hot heat. Some did shrink so that was a help. I have been to the thrift store and bought some 8's and 6's. So I am ready now to go see my doctor for a check. l hope dropping these pounds and walking the two miles every day, along with the exercise on the stationary bike will have helped my cholesterol numbers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I tried to be good yesterday.  Had grilled nuggets and fries at Chick-fil-a.  Then for dinner we had chicken maybe with BBQ sauce marinade? I didn't ask. And fries with a little illegal veggie oil.  Then after dinner I had a small dish of Breyers lactose free vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries.  Eclipse had a few licks and said it was delicious, Fluffy backed away from the spoon.  It was a little too much even though it was only 1 1/2 scoops from my home scoop not the huge ice cream shop size.   I'm trying to find healthy snacks so I can indulge once in a while. 

I did go for my hour walk and am considering joining Planet Fitness.  The $10 a month special ends tomorrow so I need to decided quickly.

@foxxycat   I bought some ground turmeric in the spice section of the grocery store.  Is that what you use?  I've tried putting a tablespoon in my tea but I never drink it all.  I've also put it in my juice that I have with my blood thinners but am not sure it's okay to take then.  My probiotic effects it when I take them together.
you need to get some empty capsules and put it in them. I use a small spoon inside a tiny dish and hold the capsule end open and just pack it in. you want to make sure it has black pepper mixed in. Don't drink It in tea! Yuck! I believe the largest caps are size #0? Usually the large one is about 250mg. the dose I believe is 500 mg.

I have stayed stable at 188. At least I am not gaining anymore. I working really hard to not eat binge junk at night. Last night I didn't eat any junk after I ate at 8 when the novocaine finally wore off. I had fillings and one is causing me pain but I am going to leave it alone and if the pain is still there next week then I will see the dentist. At least this Is helping me to not eat. I usually eat crunchy hard food. today I had pizza and no pain. I ate some crackers and jolt of pain. So for now its soft foods. Good job for all who have reached their weight loss goals! I may not have lost weight but my body feels trimmer despite the same weight. The guys don't believe me when I say I haven't lost weight. At least this experience has shown me where I need to improve my eating. I really need more veggies. But they seem to make me feel bloated.

Artiemom-congrats on the weight loss=I am inbetween cup sizes right now. So its kind of annoying. The sports bras seem to work better right now but they make me look flat chested. And they pull on my neck muscles.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Thanks @foxxycat   I have also been drinking about 1/2 cup of beef bone broth a day.  It's supposed to help with inflammation as well as adding calcium and healing intestines.

Today I finally got below 174lbs.  My scale read 173.8 (after peeing and striping)!

I did my first yoga class yesterday.  It wasn't like the last yoga class I took.  He started at the toes and worked on relaxing each joint.  When he got to the hips, it required lifting a leg 10 times, then circling it clockwise ten times, then the other way 10 times.  After both legs were done he had us cross the right ankle over the left and lift 10 times.  When he said to circle it clockwise I just started laughing.  There was no way that was happening. Then of course we had to do it with the left ankle on top of the right ankle.  There were 5 people in the class and 3 of us showed up with Groupon slips.  He went slow since we were all new.  I wasn't sure I'd be able to move this morning but I feel good and still have a smile on my face.

I also joined planet fitness yesterday.  This is where I get into trouble.  When I begin exercising I stop losing.  I get hungry and eat everything!  I think it's justified because I just burned all those calories but I eat way more than I burn.   I need to reread the Whole 30 for the tips on pre and post workout snacks/meals.

@Artiemom let me know how to get rid of the bloat when you figure it out.  Everything seems to be shrinking except my belly.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks @foxxycat   I have also been drinking about 1/2 cup of beef bone broth a day.  It's supposed to help with inflammation as well as adding calcium and healing intestines.

Today I finally got below 174lbs.  My scale read 173.8 (after peeing and striping)!

I did my first yoga class yesterday.  It wasn't like the last yoga class I took.  He started at the toes and worked on relaxing each joint.  When he got to the hips, it required lifting a leg 10 times, then circling it clockwise ten times, then the other way 10 times.  After both legs were done he had us cross the right ankle over the left and lift 10 times.  When he said to circle it clockwise I just started laughing.  There was no way that was happening. Then of course we had to do it with the left ankle on top of the right ankle.  There were 5 people in the class and 3 of us showed up with Groupon slips.  He went slow since we were all new.  I wasn't sure I'd be able to move this morning but I feel good and still have a smile on my face.

I also joined planet fitness yesterday.  This is where I get into trouble.  When I begin exercising I stop losing.  I get hungry and eat everything!  I think it's justified because I just burned all those calories but I eat way more than I burn.   I need to reread the Whole 30 for the tips on pre and post workout snacks/meals.

@Artiemom let me know how to get rid of the bloat when you figure it out.  Everything seems to be shrinking except my belly.
@Handsome Kitty  , When I figure this out, I will be sure to let you know.. and the world also because I will patent the method!! 

Still working on it... cut out the few Life Savers I have been having as a dessert, cut out the sugarless candy also..Still drinking lots of water, but my tummy looks so huge.. I know I am getting a bit stronger. I am hoping it is the muscle.. 

I have to refrain myself from weighing in daily. I end up frustrating myself. 

I go to Planet Fitness also. Not doing all the machines. I go every other day (sometimes I skip that day and go the next, if I have plans during the time). I like going middle to late morning. There are a few guys who really hog a couple pieces of equipment. I try to sneak in around them, and have them wait for me...I am so bad...

I do spend about 2 hours there. It goes by really fast. I take my time, rest in-between, and do not really push myself. That is where I get into trouble. I could probably push a lot harder, but I am afraid of injuring both my bad shoulder (had surgery on it 2 yrs ago) and my knee (pending orthopedic doctor appointment which I am putting off until I cannot walk).....

I guess that is why my progress is slow. 

I can feel a bit of a waist again!! and my left arm looks a bit more defined to me... I have a ton of weight to lose. I am ashamed. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hang in there Artiemom! Don't be ashamed for being human. Hey you can kick it up a notch on the non hurting side if you want-but that's up to you.

I know I need to kick into 3rd gear. I too go to Planet fitness. I do the incline elliptical and reg elliptical. I don't do the treadmill as much. I too have knee issues so I stick with nonstrike type of exercise.

I use that freeweight machine that looks like two boxes welded together-you can set it to only go so high or low with that adjustment but I just let the bar go and it automatically snaps into one of the hooks so you wont have to worry about it crushing you. IF you want to mess around with this later-just remember the bar weighs 45lbs without any weights on it. So don't feel intimidated to try it. The bar simply lifts up and down. you can use a bench to lay down and do chest press or stand up to do squats. or you can do overhead chest press which is just lining your body up to the box and push upwards but you want your hands spaced shoulder width apart. There are other variations-I also use it for calf raises-get into position like a squat and just raise my body on my toes. I ended up moving to this machine because I maxed out on their barbells that only go to 60lbs plus there is no power rack to hold it incase I need a spotter. This gym is smaller than others so not much room. I just use my imagination and make things up as I go.

Tonight I want to try for 3 miles. One night I did 4 miles and was pooped. 2 miles is good but I try to push myself. I stand in one place all day and it would be good if I could get more exercise.

Gonna tone down the junk at night. trying peanuts instead.

Handsome kitty-try having protein/carb combo an hour before your workout. It really helps. Some people eat protein after. peanuts/protein bar/egg/meat/peanut butter/nuts? are some options. I can say I am sick of boiled eggs-its been what how many weeks? I get bored of food real fast. I also just found some bread called Dave's bread and its expensive but doesn't have any soy products or other crap they put in mass market breads and I found it filled me up and had more fiber than regular bread. I tried the 12 grain and that other one in a green bag-I think its 23? grain or some crazy amount-I found the bread to be really soft and sliced just right.

I just had a cliff bar oatmeal and raisin about 10 minutes ago. I am ready to go!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I think that it could be even 6 weeks from starting new exercise that inflammation in muscles can retain water and cause increase in weight.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@foxxycat    Thanks for the optimism. I am hanging in there. 

Tomorrow is a gym day. I did nothing today except for cleaning out a couple of dresser drawers and dumping the trash. I had to ride up to the Vet Hospital to pick up Artie's prescription. 

I came home and absolutely had to call my cousin. I have been kind of unintentionally ignoring him and his wife. They were worried if they did something to offend me.. I felt bad, but I have been so busy lately. 

So I called, we chatted for 45 minutes...and then it was time to make a salad.

My eyes are larger than my stomach!! I have to cut down on the amount of salad I am eating.. have to cut it back immensely. Perhaps that is why I gained weight?

All I had today was: green tea, greek yogurt with granola, a power bar (200 calories), green tea, a few peanuts and my huge salad. Sipping on green tea again..decaf  oh, forgot, I had a sugarless butterscotch candy for dessert.

I had several cups of green tea today; and lots of water. I will be in the bathroom the rest of the night!! 

@JTbo  You may have found the source of my weight gain!!! I went back to the gym the first of June!!! It has been six weeks... You are a genius!!! 

Thank you!!!

I have also started taking vitamins. Back to the calcium, magnesium, zinc, biotin, and Vitamin D....

Used to take those routinely, years ago.  I have the tumeric on hand...for later....

You guys are all teaching me things...thanks
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
   Thanks for the optimism. I am hanging in there. 
Tomorrow is a gym day. I did nothing today except for cleaning out a couple of dresser drawers and dumping the trash. I had to ride up to the Vet Hospital to pick up Artie's prescription. 

I came home and absolutely had to call my cousin. I have been kind of unintentionally ignoring him and his wife. They were worried if they did something to offend me.. I felt bad, but I have been so busy lately. 
So I called, we chatted for 45 minutes...and then it was time to make a salad.

My eyes are larger than my stomach!! I have to cut down on the amount of salad I am eating.. have to cut it back immensely. Perhaps that is why I gained weight?

All I had today was: green tea, greek yogurt with granola, a power bar (200 calories), green tea, a few peanuts and my huge salad. Sipping on green tea again..decaf  oh, forgot, I had a sugarless butterscotch candy for dessert.

I had several cups of green tea today; and lots of water. I will be in the bathroom the rest of the night!! 

 You may have found the source of my weight gain!!! I went back to the gym the first of June!!! It has been six weeks... You are a genius!!! :clap:
Thank you!!!

I have also started taking vitamins. Back to the calcium, magnesium, zinc, biotin, and Vitamin D....

Used to take those routinely, years ago.  I have the tumeric on hand...for later....

You guys are all teaching me things...thanks
This might help you and many others to find out what is going on with that:

So I guess anyone doing good amount of exercise can subtract 4 pounds from what scale lies to get closer to truth lies from scales? :lol3:

Most important is to move a little so body knows it is needed and not too much so that one without knowing compensates that by being less active for rest of the day or even over eats, that is why low intensity is recommended for those wanting to loose weight.

If all other things would remain equal, amount of daily activity, eating etc. one could get more calories burned by harder exercise, but there are pitfalls right there, without realizing one might sit bit more because feeling tired etc. or climb stairs at slower pace, lean for support instead of using the core muscles etc. happens without realizing and all of sudden it is few hundred calories less burned during the day.

So that is why exercising for weight loss should not make one feel tired, it should not feel much at all really.

Exercising for improving fitness is then another matter completely.

Anyway, don't stress, move, have fun, take it easy and really work hard on diet part (calories in must be less than calories used), that is in my opinion best recipe for weight loss. I tend to exercise always too hard, because it feels good, because it gives me endorphin overload, that is even I know that I would loose weight much better doing 1-2 hour very light exercise every day instead of 3-4 times a week very hard 1 hour exercising, so it is really hard to do!

Diet part is then difficult too, good tasting bread, just a little tasting and I got 1500 calories extra on my low deficit day, so I got 3600 calories, but wheat causes me to have sugar cravings too, so during 24 hours I ended up eating over 6000 calories, it doesn't even feel much when you eat that over course of 24 hours, so that is more than 1 pound gained weight in one single day and it takes at least a week to come off :(

It does not help to know or understand things if one's mind is weak like a grass in a wind, I feel so down about it, need to do some bicycling in attempt of limit the damage, would need to ride something like 8 hours to burn it off :(

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I had a couple nonscale victories this week. First on Friday Larry came up to me and and rubbed my belly and said dang baby you don't have a belly no more. That felt so good. Then yesterday my niece had a pair of Capri's on that was big on her and I asked if I could try them on. They fit. They were size 14w. I know in reality that is a regular 16 but it helped stroke my ego for a minute. I even was able to wear a xl tshirt that was to little on me so I gave it to Larry six years ago. Yesterday when I looked in the mirror I felt like me again. You know that lady that I lost 8 years ago when I started putting on the weight. The one that thought she was going to accomplish something in this world. The one that had hopes and dreams. I feel like I am getting to be me again. 

I also have a few questions. My daughter's birthday is coming up. She is going to be 8 and it looks like I get to go to Kentucky to visit her. She wants to go to a 'fancy sit down restaurant' and have lunch then afterwards come home and have cake and ice cream. I want a dress that looks good on me. Can you recommend a place where I can get one? I honestly haven't bought one in 10 years. I want to feel girly again. I have looked at Walmart and all of them are sleeveless and where I have lose skin on my arms It wont look good.

That's another question I have. I seen my skin is getting pretty loose. I was wondering if I start lifting will that help with that? I know with losing as much weight as I have and how much more I have got to do I will have it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Weighed in this morning and I am at 187.4. I will take it. Last week I was hovering around 189 and 191.

Luann The Dress Barn Has a good variety. I don't care for Walmart Dresses. I like their casual stuff but not dresses. Also do you live near a mall? I have good luck with Macys for formal wear at Christmas time. Maybe they have fall wear coming in since we are in the middle of summer. JC penney Is another one I like. Sometimes it's hit or miss with Sears. I can't think of any other places off the top of my head-it's been 3 or 4 years since I have been inside the mall so I don't remember what is in there. Cold water Creek store is popular up here. I like their fabrics-they last a long time. They are a bit pricy but I find it fits well and they have a good selection of different colors for different skin tones.

Yes I do understand about the looking into the mirror thing. this past year has felt weird for me.  I still think you have done a GREAT job!!

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Dress Barn does have nice clothes at reasonable prices.  Chico's has nice clothes too but I can't remember how pricey they are.  I recently discovered Torrid's they are a little pricey.

Have fun dress shopping and enjoy your daughter's birthday.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Great Job @foxxycat   and @Louann Jude  --so proud of both of you guys.. 

Gym day today! I was able to manage 27 minutes on the elliptical. I went 1.5 miles. This is the most I have done on it. Heart rate was going up a bit too much for me, so I stopped. 

I am meeting more and more people there that I know. It seems like every week I run into someone else.

@Louann Jude  Is there a Kohl's near you? They are having a sale right now. You could even get a nice pair of pants and a shirt...even capris .....

I found out today that my XL capri leggings are a bit bit. The Large fits me much better. I can still wear the XL. but I feel better in the Large!! Progress!!  Now for the scale.

My shoulder is a bit sore. I guess I tried too hard.. sigh...I am going to baby it for the rest of the day. Off to take a shower and put gym clothes in washing machine..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Not a good week, I lost control of my eating on three days, 6214 calories over maintenance, on four days I managed to keep deficit so got -5361 calories from those four days, whole week I ended up 853 calories too much, so I gained weight during the week, but considering how badly I over ate, I guess that is not too bad.

I did managed to barely keep log of what I ate, but did not weight in too much as it is kind of depressing what scale shows when eating sweets more than food by weight.

I weighted this morning after I had good breakfast, so number is not going to be reliable, got 89.3kg that is up from last week quite a bit, something around 2kg I guess, waist is up 0.5cm, but I guess that tomorrow I know what I really gained.

I guess I should be happy, it could be so much worse, but riding bike 4.5 hours non stop surely did help burn some of extra calories away, somehow I just can't be happy about it.

Instead of losing 8000 calories I ended up gaining 853 calories, I try harder next week.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Well, I managed to get the weight off that I had gained the other week, but that's about it. Still right around 144 now. C'mon, I only need to lose 4 pounds, for crying out loud. 

Congratulations everybody! Keep it up (or down, as the case may be).

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Those of you that take supplements know anything that can help with anxiety. I need something bad. I really need to lower it but am afraid of ssri and snri's I usually have bad reactions to both. The side effects for me isn't worth the benefits.  


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I hope you can get the anxiety under control. I don't know of any supplements that can help with it.

The only supplements that I take are calcium, fish oil, vit D3, biotin (for my hair and nails), and tumeric/curcumin capsules for inflammation. Other than that it's just my BP pill and a multi-vitamin. I was taking Osteo Biflex, but ran out and haven't gotten more.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I am finally down to my weight loss goal. Now at 120, I am comfortable other than all my pants are too big. I have washed in hot water and dried with hot heat. Some did shrink so that was a help. I have been to the thrift store and bought some 8's and 6's. So I am ready now to go see my doctor for a check. l hope dropping these pounds and walking the two miles every day, along with the exercise on the stationary bike will have helped my cholesterol numbers.
I've been wanting to congratulate you on reaching your goal, @blueyedgirl5946! That's wonderful news! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Those of you that take supplements know anything that can help with anxiety. I need something bad. I really need to lower it but am afraid of ssri and snri's I usually have bad reactions to both. The side effects for me isn't worth the benefits.  
Anxiety I know of some, I don't know about supplements, but doctor ordered me Brintellix (vortioxetinum) and unlike most this seems to be working without weird issues like those other ssri snri's gives.

Effect is very subtle, almost you can't notice, but after a week or so it is making anxiety easier to manage.

Some say green tea has calming effect, but I don't know about such, I'm skeptical, also I think somewhere it was mentioned green tea might make migraines worse and I'm having enough issues with those already.

I'm finding that my longer bike rides are increasing my weight a bit, or something is, weight was yesterday already up 2kg and waist 2cm from Monday, if this keeps up, then next Monday is going to look ugly, very ugly.

So far I have failed only one day of eating this week...
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