The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I gained 1.6 pounds from Saturday morning to this morning according to my scale. My weight goes up way too easily. I had a cheat day on Saturday and had some pizza, wings, wine and chips with taco dip. I was 3.6 pounds more on Sunday morning but it has gone down.

It frustrates me because I was just about into the 170's again.
I wonder, how much did you eat in lbs?
If I'm not mistaken, it should be impossible to gain more weight than what one eats, so maybe it is just water retention caused by sodium in what you ate? That should pass in few days luckily, so I keep my thumbs up such being the case and that you would get under 170 soon :)

I found Xylitol for much better price than usual source, I'm not sure if you have iHerb, but Xylitol from Birch is one to get, not one made from corn:

I wish that I could find sugarless orange juice and put Xylitol in it, but I guess that would be completely impossible as sugar is part of orange.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I had one slice of pizza, I think 5 wings, some caesar salad, a small bottle of wine (I didn't mean to drink it all but did) and some chips/taco dip. I wasn't active aside from cleaning my house for a few hours so I didn't burn much off. I've made up for it a bit today, I've walked twice already today and it's only 11:30 am and we will go for walk number 3 in a few hours.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 24, 2015
Hello everyone! I weighed myself this morning and I weigh exactly the same amount to the ounce that I weighed last week. I know that I have to be more consistent and work harder to stick to my plan of eating better and exercising this week. Congratulations to everyone who reached their goals and to everyone who refused to give up![emoji]128077[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Wow!! We've got some real interesting and informative posts on this thread. Good one people's :clap:
I missed posting yesterday but my weight was down 800 grams. Super dooper. Then this morning it was back up again. I would say that what I am eating now is more like my maintenance calories. I'm still going to stick at this though. I lift weights and I'm trying to build muscle. This actually requires a surplus of calories but I usually take it a bit too far and get fatter than I should. I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track and I'm just going to keep plodding along.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Where do you get a real wood sauna? Going to look that up right now! [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ Love saunas, need to detox. After colonics and infrared sauna I truly felt better but that was 10-15 years ago. I'll get there again, I just can't keep going on like this. I'm close to 150 pounds. In all honesty, that's not terrible for my height, 5'8, going to be 44 years old this year, I've had 3 children, etc. but I was always so skinny so I just don't feel like "me." I ordered pizza tonight. And a sub sandwich, to eat tomorrow. I have voracious appetite all the time! Some of my friends say since they're older they have less of an appetite.....not me! I eat like a cow and do not stop until I'm uncomfortably full. I just can't stop. I have MRI tomorrow for my back. I have spinal stenosis, sciatica and disc problems.
When I was feeling discouraged earlier my Mom brought up to me that I go through this every winter and I always bounce back.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
@Adoringangel72  I have seen from other posts you are on antidepressants. So I assume u suffer from depression. I to have bouts of depression and major anxiety. Winter makes it worse. This time of year is always hardest on me. That's why I can't wait til spring. Your weight gain and appetite can be from the antidepressant. I had my greatest weight gain without pregnancy while on them. I went from 220 to 260 in two months. Depression can also cause weight gain. When mine is bad I eat a lot. When my anxiety is high I can hardly eat and am jittery all the time. 

As far as your weight goes your bmi is perfect, 22.8 and that is calculating your weight at 150. You say you have huge appetite and eat pizza, candy bars and drink soda. And you still are at a healthy weight. I would love to have a metabolism like yours. It doesn't have to be a big change to notice differences. Just do little challenges. One week no soda, then the next no eating two hours before bed. Just see how that works.

The link I gave you with the walk away the pounds I promise it works. She has videos you can get at walmart that has up to five miles and a resistance band. Once you get to mile two you really feel it. The good thing about exercise is it releases endorphin's which helps with depression.   


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Where do you get a real wood sauna? Going to look that up right now! [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ Love saunas, need to detox. After colonics and infrared sauna I truly felt better but that was 10-15 years ago. I'll get there again, I just can't keep going on like this. I'm close to 150 pounds. In all honesty, that's not terrible for my height, 5'8, going to be 44 years old this year, I've had 3 children, etc. but I was always so skinny so I just don't feel like "me." I ordered pizza tonight. And a sub sandwich, to eat tomorrow. I have voracious appetite all the time! Some of my friends say since they're older they have less of an appetite.....not me! I eat like a cow and do not stop until I'm uncomfortably full. I just can't stop. I have MRI tomorrow for my back. I have spinal stenosis, sciatica and disc problems.
When I was feeling discouraged earlier my Mom brought up to me that I go through this every winter and I always bounce back.
In US for example this might be good place to start, but it looks like prices at there are quite bit more than here:

Here we have quite often small cabin type of sauna on rural areas, most private homes have then smaller room indoors which is built as sauna, as it needs ventilation, insulation etc.

This is one of those cabin type of saunas, there are smaller ones too.

Costs depend a lot how much work one can do by him/herself, but it still is costing quite a bit when building new one. Here only in city apartments there is no sauna, but every housing community has a sauna there too and also some apartments, never really been in private home that would of not had a sauna.

On that superiorsaunas website there seem to be also infrared saunas available, those might be quite bit less in cost, but they have prices only at request, they seem to have also prefab electric sauna kits, which is closest to wood heated sauna you can get easily and cost looks to be only bit over 3000, while wood heated will probably be around 10 000 or more.

I think that instead of war things, they should make saunas for everyone, that would calm people better :)

What Louann Jude tells is very much how I see effect of depression / depressants too, that serotonin affects also feeling of hunger, higher carb diet should help to increase serotonin, but getting fast carbs like sugars won't be good, full grain or fruit/vegetable form carbs might be better as they don't rise blood sugar as fast, lot of blood sugar level fluctuation causes again eating too much.
Another thing is not to try to hold off hunger, eat when you feel hunger, but no more than what you can fit to your palm for example, then wait 30 mins or 1 hour, drinking water when you feel hungry, it kind of tricks mind I have heard.

Also when you split what you eat more even around the day, blood sugar changes less which should help with feeling of hunger I hear. Challenge is to keep total amount one eats same as before while splitting what one eats to 6 meals for example.

@Tammat, if you can manage 40% deficit, it seems you could turn fat to muscle instead removing fat then building muscle:

I doubt that I could do 40% deficit though, I would get all cranky :D

Veggies are making me fat, seriously!
Yesterday evening's meal I had no veggies anymore and by this morning my weight had dropped to all time low of 88.2kg, that is 600 grams less than yesterday morning, my waist did go down by 1cm, but that is not all, when I started veggies, my weight did go up by 300 grams and waist did go up 1cm in two days, despite those days were 37% deficit as an average, I don't get any desire to eat, but then I get awfully weak feeling when eating that little and then I get cranky.

That could be conclusion made from log, but there is more to it, this is 4 days of calorie burning and 2nd number is how much I ate in total:
2414 2034
2735 1630
2986 1980
2539 2101

Deficit were:

Weight is not changing that day, not necessarily on next day, but 2-3 days from larger deficit day I can see effect of weight loss.

Then water weight is another thing, veggies have lot of water, so it is likely that my water weight has been higher, also amount of exercise plays a part, muscles might have higher water content when they are building up, which can play large part here as I have been more active and doing bit heavier tasks lately.

Then there is still that change in waist, maybe just water replacing fat cells and then releasing?

Anyway, it would be really easy to make quick and quite wrong conclusions, this is very small amount of data.

Body composure scale informs that my muscle mass and water content have gone up, but my fat percentage has been dropping now (18.4% to 17.6%), largest drop happened after I run out of veggies, I try to get to shop today and get new batch of veggies, then it will be interesting to see what will change.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
I am fairly certain it is the antidepressant affecting my weight, along with poor diet, overeating and lack of exercise. Actually my metabolism is not that bad considering I don't restrict calories, never deny myself anything I am craving and am not active. Winter is especially bad. I like to garden in the spring and summer so I know I will be moving around more in the spring. I grow lilies and roses, irises, phlox and other perennials. That's is a good idea to start with challenges like one soda per day, not eating so late in the evenings and being more active. I really like the walk away the pounds.
My MRI went as expected. Spinal stenosis is worsening, just due to aging. I'm so tired, sorry if I'm not even making sense.


Bodie's mom
Adult Cat
Aug 18, 2015
I'm going to join you all and give it another try. I picked up 15 fresh meals made by a coworker today. They are balanced with adequate protein, plenty of vegetables, and a small portion of nutritious carbohydrate. They prep them weekly. The plan is to eat 2 meals from these daily, and 1 healthy breakfast, with 2-3 small healthy snacks in between. And yes, I am really not drinking enough water. I don't really exercise other than walking around 2 miles a day on the days I work, due to foot pain. So, I'm going to need your support! I'll do the Monday weigh in's, and water challenge. I'd be very happy if I could lose 15 pounds and keep it and my muffin top gone!

@Adoringangel72: I can relate to you, my difficulty with my weight started with an antidepressant that I continue to take for my Fibromyalgia, when I started taking it 20 years ago, I gained 50 pounds in 1 year. I had never had trouble with my weight before that, it's been a struggle since. [emoji]128580[/emoji]
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I'm going to join you all and give it another try. I picked up 15 fresh meals made by a coworker today. They are balanced with adequate protein, plenty of vegetables, and a small portion of nutritious carbohydrate. They prep them weekly. The plan is to eat 2 meals from these daily, and 1 healthy breakfast, with 2-3 small healthy snacks in between. And yes, I am really not drinking enough water. I don't really exercise other than walking around 2 miles a day on the days I work, due to foot pain. So, I'm going to need your support! I'll do the Monday weigh in's, and water challenge. I'd be very happy if I could lose 15 pounds and keep it and my muffin top gone!

@Adoringangel72: I can relate to you, my difficulty with my weight started with an antidepressant that I continue to take for my Fibromyalgia, when I started taking it 20 years ago, I gained 50 pounds in 1 year. I had never had trouble with my weight before that, it's been a struggle since. [emoji]128580[/emoji]
Welcome. :wavey: I've got support to give :hugs:
Well done for getting your meals organised. Planning ahead makes a huge difference. I usually devote one day a week to cook up my breakfast and lunches for the week. I try to have at least three options in the freezer with three diff proteins. Yes I can still slip up and make bad choices for snacks but for the most part I am getting three healthy meals in a day. Good luck for weigh in.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I'm going to join you all and give it another try. I picked up 15 fresh meals made by a coworker today. They are balanced with adequate protein, plenty of vegetables, and a small portion of nutritious carbohydrate. They prep them weekly. The plan is to eat 2 meals from these daily, and 1 healthy breakfast, with 2-3 small healthy snacks in between. And yes, I am really not drinking enough water. I don't really exercise other than walking around 2 miles a day on the days I work, due to foot pain. So, I'm going to need your support! I'll do the Monday weigh in's, and water challenge. I'd be very happy if I could lose 15 pounds and keep it and my muffin top gone!

@Adoringangel72: I can relate to you, my difficulty with my weight started with an antidepressant that I continue to take for my Fibromyalgia, when I started taking it 20 years ago, I gained 50 pounds in 1 year. I had never had trouble with my weight before that, it's been a struggle since. [emoji]128580[/emoji]
Have you tried L-Tyrosine or N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine?

Latter should be more effective than first one and I have heard it will help with Fibromyalgia.

For me they do constantly those depression tests and even I score almost negative values (test lack -1 to -3 options :D ) they still have tried some depressants, what I have been doing research is that depression sometimes has low serotonin in blood, depressants try to increase that, but nobody really knows how serotonin levels in brain change.

However it is not always because of serotonin, it is just easy answer for professionals, because winter and lack of sunlight, which greatly helps making serotonin.

Dopamine is also something that can affect mood so that one becomes unmotivated, feels down, tired, even muscle pain and general lack of interest, some report having brain fog, hard to remember, difficulty to focus, that is if dopamine levels are low.

Tyrosine supplements might boost that, good diet will also help, then there is Citicoline:
Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine, CDP-choline or citicoline, is an essential intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of the structural phospholipids of cell membranes, especially in that of phosphatidylcholine. Upon oral or parenteral administration, CDP-choline releases its two principle components, cytidine and choline. When administered orally, it is absorbed almost completely, and its bioavailability is approximately the same as when administered intravenously. Once absorbed, the cytidine and choline disperse widely throughout the organism, cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the central nervous system (CNS), where they are incorporated into the phospholipid fraction of the membrane and microsomes. CDP-choline activates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids in the neuronal membranes, increases cerebral metabolism and acts on the levels of various neurotransmitters. Thus, it has been experimentally proven that CDP-choline increases noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the CNS. Due to these pharmacological activities, CDP-choline has a neuroprotective effect in situations of hypoxia and ischemia, as well as improved learning and memory performance in animal models of brain aging.

I'm currently trying to figure out if it is a crime to buy N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, or Citicoline, because if it is I get hundreds of euros fines or even imprisonment in worst case, I don't like to live in place that is so keen on safety that it limits options.

Dopamine has effect also to weight loss, lack of it makes you eat more, I haven't had time to read this article fully yet, but it has points about dietary changes that would support better dopamine levels:

If I would live in US, I would try this supplement:

Also because according to memory tests doctors made to me 10 years ago I have broken memory, despite doctors have been claiming there is no issue with my memory, I would get this too:

I just need to find if it is illegal here, ordering melamine for example gets you arrested and they scan every delivery, it's crazy this over safety here sometimes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I'm getting frustrated with weight loss. I can't have any treats or I just gain weight. I had a brownie last night....weight was up close to a pound this morning. How does that even happen so quickly? Why do I feel like I basically have to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight? I can't afford to buy a ton of vegetables right now so I can't fill up on those. Healthy food is too expensive. Celery $3.99, cauliflower has been up to $7-$8, a tiny broccoli is $'s crazy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I'm getting frustrated with weight loss. I can't have any treats or I just gain weight. I had a brownie last night....weight was up close to a pound this morning. How does that even happen so quickly? Why do I feel like I basically have to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight? I can't afford to buy a ton of vegetables right now so I can't fill up on those. Healthy food is too expensive. Celery $3.99, cauliflower has been up to $7-$8, a tiny broccoli is $'s crazy.
Here tomato is 4.79 per kilogram and prices are on rise until summer I believe.

I think it is impossible to get 1 pounds from single brownie, those can't weight a pound?

It is something else that is going on, most of the weight changes over night are water, how much you did drink liquids with brownie or during evening / night / between eating brownie and getting on scale?

So don't get discouraged from gaining a pound after eating brownie, it is fairly impossible for brownie to make that weight rise at least how I see it :)

Brain chemistry and what you eat, how much in one serving, when you eat, all affect how hungry you feel, so nibbling tiny piece constantly is going to keep hunger away better than taking it all in as one single serving for example.
Brain chemistry can be tampered with and that will give additional better feeling too, for me that looks like more affordable than veggies and when I eat veggies I get more material inside of me which shows up in scale, so I'm kind of thinking to go supplement route.

I got quick reply from authorities that Citicoline is illegal to buy here and will get me trouble, I think I need to torture my doctor then...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
I'm getting frustrated with weight loss. I can't have any treats or I just gain weight. I had a brownie last night....weight was up close to a pound this morning. How does that even happen so quickly? Why do I feel like I basically have to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight? I can't afford to buy a ton of vegetables right now so I can't fill up on those. Healthy food is too expensive. Celery $3.99, cauliflower has been up to $7-$8, a tiny broccoli is $'s crazy.
A single brownie won't make you gain weight, it's probably water weight from liquids. Everyone's weight fluctuates based on how much water in their system at any given time. Watch your sodium intake too. That leads to bloat.

Can you do frozen veggies? They're usually cheaper, and they taste just as good. I do a lot of fresh produce (fruits, salads, carrots) - but for lunches and dinners I do frozen veggies with a lean protein. Also, meal prepping will help save a bunch on money and calories. I make 10 meals at a time with chicken or fish, veggies, and a whole grain. Then freeze them and microwave them for lunches. Then I'm only spending less than $2 on a healthy meal, vs. like $6-$7 on fast food every day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I don't buy fast food/lunch. I'm a stay at home mom, I usually eat leftovers or something. I love having salads for lunch topped with chicken. That hasn't been an option too much lately due to a salad recall. I don't like to eat the mixed green salads, I prefer to just buy a bag and then add some cucumber, carrots, celery, etc to it. The bagged salad section of the grocery store is full of the same few things and just a lot of it.

I'm thinking I might want to try a program like isagenix. My friend sells it and she's lost a lot of weight with it. I just wish they were so expensive, I can't afford to spend a ton of money.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I don't buy fast food/lunch. I'm a stay at home mom, I usually eat leftovers or something. I love having salads for lunch topped with chicken. That hasn't been an option too much lately due to a salad recall. I don't like to eat the mixed green salads, I prefer to just buy a bag and then add some cucumber, carrots, celery, etc to it. The bagged salad section of the grocery store is full of the same few things and just a lot of it.

I'm thinking I might want to try a program like isagenix. My friend sells it and she's lost a lot of weight with it. I just wish they were so expensive, I can't afford to spend a ton of money.
Have you weighted what you typically eat and drink? To really know if you are having calorie deficit when you think you have, only way is to weight and count calories which needs to be done once, then you have idea how much is enough.

I don't know about those programs, they might be ok, they might work well, but not every program helps to loose weight healthy way, with some you loose muscle and bone too if they don't have enough good nutrition balance.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm getting frustrated with weight loss. I can't have any treats or I just gain weight. I had a brownie last night....weight was up close to a pound this morning. How does that even happen so quickly? Why do I feel like I basically have to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight? I can't afford to buy a ton of vegetables right now so I can't fill up on those. Healthy food is too expensive. Celery $3.99, cauliflower has been up to $7-$8, a tiny broccoli is $'s crazy.
I know what you mean about the price of produce!   Red grapes are $5.99 a pound this week.  I think tomatoes are about the same.  And I haven't bought celery in weeks!   I lucked out, though, as one of the grocery stores had broccoli on for $1.97, so I made a pasta with broccoli and tomato sauce.

What I plan to do is watch the ads and buy whatever produce is on sale that week, then plan my meals around that.  Not sure how well that will work out, but that's my plan.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I know what you mean about the price of produce!   Red grapes are $5.99 a pound this week.  I think tomatoes are about the same.  And I haven't bought celery in weeks!   I lucked out, though, as one of the grocery stores had broccoli on for $1.97, so I made a pasta with broccoli and tomato sauce.

What I plan to do is watch the ads and buy whatever produce is on sale that week, then plan my meals around that.  Not sure how well that will work out, but that's my plan. :)
I'm surprised that you have even higher prices than we have here, our tomato price converted to US units is USD2.4 per pound, of course Canada and different states of US varies, but I though usually we are having quite lot of extra in our veggie prices.

Smaller weight loss can be more difficult to achieve as there is less room to play with deficit while maintaining good balanced nutrition, I wish you good luck fighting off that 5 pounds :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Crazy thing is how all that junk food costs next to nothing, we are being told to eat healthy, but how about do something to prices to make them affordable, it does not help to tell people to eat healthy, if healthy ingredients are out of reach because of pricing.

Anyway, I got a reminder to weight everything when cooking, I though I have learned to put same amount of ketchup, cheese and so on, boy how wrong I was!

300 calorie off and I think I really should quit ketchup completely, it has so much hidden salt that it is insane. Guideline is to get 5 grams of salt at maximum per day, it seems that amount of ketchup I used today gave me 4.7 grams alone.

Also it had 51 grams of sugar, I guess why it makes everything taste so good.

So I would really need to quite orange juice and ketchup in order to make my diet to be better, that will cut potassium quite a lot, I would need to find a way to get 1000mg of potassium from some other source.

Ketchup is largest source of Vitamin A for me, so this needs some through planning again, there is so few ingredients that I can get down from my throat that it makes things challenging at times.
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