The Weight Loss Support Group - 2014

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Wow Pat, thank you for the explanation for how you beat that inner voice. I get that a lot too, so it was good to read your post! Congrats on your loss this week :) 

Tammat, you'll be back in the game soon. 

I had a loss of .75 lbs this week. Not great but not bad. 
 That takes me up to 42.5 pounds lost since June 16. My goals for the rest of the year are to hit 50 pounds lost, as well as to move down into the next "decade" of BMI. 7.5 pounds to go until I hit 50, 10.75 to go until I get down to the BMI goal. I'm very confident I can do both of this goals. However my last weigh-in of the year will be December 15th because my weight loss group decided not to meet on the 22nd or 29th. I think I can manage the 50 lbs by then but not 100% certain I can do almost 11 pounds in the next month, especially with Thanksgiving in there. My first weigh-in of the year isn't until January 5th, so it will be a little frustrating not to be able to quantify if I actually hit my goal in 2014 or if the first 5 days of January helped. I know it doesn't really matter, I just really like my system and find it frustrating that the holidays are interrupting it! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Wow Pat, thank you for the explanation for how you beat that inner voice. I get that a lot too, so it was good to read your post! Congrats on your loss this week :) 

Tammat, you'll be back in the game soon. :wavey:

I had a loss of .75 lbs this week. Not great but not bad. :)  That takes me up to 42.5 pounds lost since June 16. My goals for the rest of the year are to hit 50 pounds lost, as well as to move down into the next "decade" of BMI. 7.5 pounds to go until I hit 50, 10.75 to go until I get down to the BMI goal. I'm very confident I can do both of this goals. However my last weigh-in of the year will be December 15th because my weight loss group decided not to meet on the 22nd or 29th. I think I can manage the 50 lbs by then but not 100% certain I can do almost 11 pounds in the next month, especially with Thanksgiving in there. My first weigh-in of the year isn't until January 5th, so it will be a little frustrating not to be able to quantify if I actually hit my goal in 2014 or if the first 5 days of January helped. I know it doesn't really matter, I just really like my system and find it frustrating that the holidays are interrupting it! :tongue2:
Yay for you :clap:: any loss is a good loss.

I'm still in the game. I should have explained myself. What I've been tending to do is eat low calories sun, mon, tues and then by wed I start craving and end up having a blow out. I exercise a lot so I can afford to eat extra calories in fact I need them and I think I need more than I realised. Unfortunately when I have a blow out I go way too far and this sets me back.It's Thursday and I've been having a good week. I have a chart drawn up and each day I am well behaved I get a cat sticker!! Each naughty day gets a cross. All cat stickers this week!!! :D I'll post a pic.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Oh sorry @Tammat! I thought you had said you had a rough week which was resulting in the gain. Glad to hear that you stuck to it, but sorry the scale didn't show!! I like your chart! :) I really like how you've put an X over your birthday already! I refuse not to indulge on my birthday too. About two months ago I spent my birthday weekend at my grandmother's and she made one of my favorite meals (Rosemary's chicken which is in a creamy sauce, with bread rolls and mashed potatoes and green beans, AND a peach cobbler!), but not without a huge heaping of guilt, saying that she knew I was dieting and she didn't want to throw off my progress. It was a nice thought (who wants their family to sabotage their weight loss?!) but frustrating at the same time.

(Getting off-topic from your chart here, sorry!) I appreciate that people want to help, but I don't like the judging and "should you eat that?" and "aren't you supposed to be dieting?" I stick to my calorie goals 5 or 6 days a week and the days I go over it's not usually by much so I'm still losing... so an indulgence every once in awhile is perfectly fine. Especially my birthday! I went on to lose 4 lbs at my next weigh-in, lol, so my birthday indulgence in wonderful grandma food did not defeat me.

I had a new low on the scale this morning, so exciting!!! While I went over my calorie goal today (Wednesday), I should have a decent rest of the week. Hopefully that new low will still be reflecting on Monday when I weigh in.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Oh sorry @Tammat
! I thought you had said you had a rough week which was resulting in the gain. Glad to hear that you stuck to it, but sorry the scale didn't show!! I like your chart! :) I really like how you've put an X over your birthday already! I refuse not to indulge on my birthday too. About two months ago I spent my birthday weekend at my grandmother's and she made one of my favorite meals (Rosemary's chicken which is in a creamy sauce, with bread rolls and mashed potatoes and green beans, AND a peach cobbler!), but not without a huge heaping of guilt, saying that she knew I was dieting and she didn't want to throw off my progress. It was a nice thought (who wants their family to sabotage their weight loss?!) but frustrating at the same time.

(Getting off-topic from your chart here, sorry!) I appreciate that people want to help, but I don't like the judging and "should you eat that?" and "aren't you supposed to be dieting?" I stick to my calorie goals 5 or 6 days a week and the days I go over it's not usually by much so I'm still losing... so an indulgence every once in awhile is perfectly fine. Especially my birthday! I went on to lose 4 lbs at my next weigh-in, lol, so my birthday indulgence in wonderful grandma food did not defeat me.

I had a new low on the scale this morning, so exciting!!! While I went over my calorie goal today (Wednesday), I should have a decent rest of the week. Hopefully that new low will still be reflecting on Monday when I weigh in.
Happy Birthday. :bday: oh I just read that was two months ago!! Happy birthday for back then anyway ;)
Good luck for Monday.
I'm still having a good week. Woo Hoo!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Good morning from Australia. It's monday. Boy has that comes round quicly. I lost 100gms. I was down 600 on Friday morning and then it shot back up!!! Aargh. I haven't had time to do an average. I've had a great week anyway. I even had dessert on Friday. A very small helping and stopped at that. The rest of the week was on target with calories and all clean and healthy. That's how I want to live so I'm over the moon. This week I need to eat more. My trainer needs me to gain weight- I know shock horror!!! This is in order to try and build muscle. ( I am learning bodybuilding) My goal this week is to eat as well as last week. You can't build muscle with sugar so I still need to eat very clean just a little bit more. Today I've had a piece of gluten free bread extra.
Good luck everyone :clap:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Grats Tammat and to all who've had a good week.  I lost 2.54 pounds this past week, for a new average of 170.89, and a total now lost of 197.11.  30.89 pounds to goal.  I saw a 169+ once in the past 3 days, hope to see that again at least 1-2x this upcoming week.  I have until middle of December to reach a small goal of having a weight by average of 166-169.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Congrats Tamela and Pat! Tamela, good luck with the body recomp you're working on... I know that takes a very specific diet! Pat, great loss for you!!! You're almost to 200 lost, that is INCREDIBLE!!! I wonder how you've stayed motivated during your journey? I have a similar one ahead of me. Have you fallen off the wagon at any point, or just keep your nose to the grindstone and pressed on past temptations and slip-ups?

I had a good week as well with a loss of 2.25 pounds. I've been weighing daily for over a month now because I like to collect the data, but I may stop for awhile as it's driving me crazy lately. According to my home scale, I was only expecting to lose .5 pounds (or less) today. I don't know if it's my scale being unreliable, or minute changes in my body between when I weigh at home vs. when I weight at my meeting - I don't know. But it's incredibly frustrating, especially when I ended up having a great loss! 

Good luck this week, all!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Well done Pat and Parsleysage. I am annoyed at my scales too. I switched them over to pounds for a look and when I switched them back to kg they weighed heavier !!! Arrrg. The worst thing is I think the new weight might be correct. Anyway it's no big deal. I have been going great. Eating like a perfect angel and I'm feeling strong. Not hungry but not full either. My smallest jeans are getting more comfy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Congrats Tamela and Pat! Tamela, good luck with the body recomp you're working on... I know that takes a very specific diet! Pat, great loss for you!!! You're almost to 200 lost, that is INCREDIBLE!!! I wonder how you've stayed motivated during your journey? I have a similar one ahead of me. Have you fallen off the wagon at any point, or just keep your nose to the grindstone and pressed on past temptations and slip-ups?

I had a good week as well with a loss of 2.25 pounds. I've been weighing daily for over a month now because I like to collect the data, but I may stop for awhile as it's driving me crazy lately. According to my home scale, I was only expecting to lose .5 pounds (or less) today. I don't know if it's my scale being unreliable, or minute changes in my body between when I weigh at home vs. when I weight at my meeting - I don't know. But it's incredibly frustrating, especially when I ended up having a great loss! 

Good luck this week, all!
Congrats on your loss! The more I've lost, the more I've regained my life - the things I wanted to do and couldn't - hiking with my husband, doing photography outdoor during the hikes, and no longer having constant knee pain.  I have been motivated by remembering my hospitalization with a heart arrhythmia (fortunately, I'd lost some weight before this happened)...after that experience I most def. was motivated to keep going!  You have to find your reasons why, and keep reminding yourself.  I've worked hard to have an attitude of how I can, not why I can't :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Good point, Pat! It's a self-perpetuating motivation machine!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope that in a year or two I will be where you are and can inspire others like you inspire me!

Speaking of... had a rough night tonight. Today was kind of an off day, I slept well and was feeling great this morning, but about two hours after I woke up I took a "nap" that ended up lasting for 3.5 hours. I woke up disoriented and groggy, and never felt quite right after that, and as a result didn't get much done so am feeling frustrated about chores that will now have to wait. Calorie-wise I was fine until after dinner when we went out to the store. I ended up feeling quite overheated and stopped for a bottle of water at a fast food place, where I decided to get some ice cream too. Two hours later it was an 800 calorie binge on the most random crap in the house - string cheese, cold hot dog, egg nog. GROSS!!!!!! Feeling sick to my stomach and very unhappy. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Good point, Pat! It's a self-perpetuating motivation machine!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope that in a year or two I will be where you are and can inspire others like you inspire me!

Speaking of... had a rough night tonight. Today was kind of an off day, I slept well and was feeling great this morning, but about two hours after I woke up I took a "nap" that ended up lasting for 3.5 hours. I woke up disoriented and groggy, and never felt quite right after that, and as a result didn't get much done so am feeling frustrated about chores that will now have to wait. Calorie-wise I was fine until after dinner when we went out to the store. I ended up feeling quite overheated and stopped for a bottle of water at a fast food place, where I decided to get some ice cream too. Two hours later it was an 800 calorie binge on the most random crap in the house - string cheese, cold hot dog, egg nog. GROSS!!!!!! Feeling sick to my stomach and very unhappy. 

I'm sorry to hear that :alright: it's exactly what I do so I know how you feel. Everyday is a new day. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off and get going again. :D
I put new batteries in my scales. They are weighing heavier now as I expected. I liked the lower numbers Thankyou very much!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Good point, Pat! It's a self-perpetuating motivation machine!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope that in a year or two I will be where you are and can inspire others like you inspire me!

Speaking of... had a rough night tonight. Today was kind of an off day, I slept well and was feeling great this morning, but about two hours after I woke up I took a "nap" that ended up lasting for 3.5 hours. I woke up disoriented and groggy, and never felt quite right after that, and as a result didn't get much done so am feeling frustrated about chores that will now have to wait. Calorie-wise I was fine until after dinner when we went out to the store. I ended up feeling quite overheated and stopped for a bottle of water at a fast food place, where I decided to get some ice cream too. Two hours later it was an 800 calorie binge on the most random crap in the house - string cheese, cold hot dog, egg nog. GROSS!!!!!! Feeling sick to my stomach and very unhappy. 

I can truly empathize. I did this off and on for years, and struggled to find my answer on how to handle such feelings.  I still struggle, but am in a place now where I can visually see what I have to lose - hah - if I regain.  And that helps me a lot.  I also freely use favorite meals that are on plan when it's a bad time and I just want something.  I have my tricks - bit of rich cheese, cups of tea, homemade beef broth - to feel full. etc.  You will find your answers on how to deal with this, just don't stop trying!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Good point, Pat! It's a self-perpetuating motivation machine!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope that in a year or two I will be where you are and can inspire others like you inspire me!

Speaking of... had a rough night tonight. Today was kind of an off day, I slept well and was feeling great this morning, but about two hours after I woke up I took a "nap" that ended up lasting for 3.5 hours. I woke up disoriented and groggy, and never felt quite right after that, and as a result didn't get much done so am feeling frustrated about chores that will now have to wait. Calorie-wise I was fine until after dinner when we went out to the store. I ended up feeling quite overheated and stopped for a bottle of water at a fast food place, where I decided to get some ice cream too. Two hours later it was an 800 calorie binge on the most random crap in the house - string cheese, cold hot dog, egg nog. GROSS!!!!!! Feeling sick to my stomach and very unhappy. 

Chiming in to say don't beat yourself up over this.  I just sort of binged for a couple of weeks on leftover Halloween candy.  Not a lot every day but, had a little every day.  Ugh.  You're doing great otherwise and everyone has moments of weakness usually, it seems, related to not being in touch with feelings and needs.  Overall, you're doing an excellent job so just look at each day as a new start.  Yea, I know, easy to say but it's the only way any of us will ever reach our goals.  

As for me.  The past couple of weeks I've slacked off on monitoring myself as much on the WW site.  Ate what I felt I should be, and some I wish I hadn't also.  The week before, I gained back a bit.  This week, I'm down again.  I just got an email from Weight Watchers that they are increasing their monthly fees.  Only $1.00 but, I'm annoyed enough that on the principal of it all I cancelled my account which is effective as of 12/8/14.  After following it again for 4 months I darn well know what I should be doing and my intention is to keep tracking on my own.  I feel like I've gotten into a decent routine of knowing what and how much is appropriate so we'll see what happens.  Don't think I'm going to reach my goal of being 200 or under by end of this year, but that's ok.  I've lost 20 and that in itself was a huge accomplishment which I should not overlook.

Best of luck to everyone this coming week; sending positive vibes and hugs :D
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 7, 2014
I have lost 7lbs since the last time I weighed myself(I dont remember when that was). Either way I was glad to see 143 on the scale instead of 150!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey


Adding baking soda to your food or water comes with risks. Because it is a relatively new concept, the amount of baking soda that is safe to consume is unclear. According to, symptoms of a baking soda overdose can target the gastrointestinal system and nervous system or be experienced body-wide. Symptoms may include irritability, constipation, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, convulsions and frequent urination.



There is no "quick fix" for weight loss, including consuming baking soda. While some have found it beneficial, it is not supported by research. Losing weight is best achieved through lifestyle changes that include drinking plenty of water, eating a diet rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables and exercising on a regular basis. If you are considering including baking soda in your weight loss plan, do so only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner due to the associated risks.
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