The Interferon Seems To Be Working For Winchester's FIP!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 5, 2006
In Ohio, with a houseful of Kitties
I am so glad that finally some Cats are breaking through this deadly disease?
My Kitty Girl went down hill so fast...she lost so much weight in a short time. She acted like she was constipated all the time and her belly got so swollen. I kept taking her back and forth to the vet. First, he gave her antibiotics. then when she did not respond, he said there was no hope at all and I listened, I let him put her to sleep. Now I am wondering, could we have done something? He told me FIP was a death sentence and she was suffering. The last thing I wanted her to do was suffer. I stayed with her and held her until she was gone.. she looked really bad and was so weak..she was looking for a place to i figured she knew she had little time. I don't know!!
How about the swollen belly, is/was that any of ur cats syptoms?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Dear Laurie and Family:

My heart goes out to you for your loss -- but sadly, from what I know, your Kitty Girl had the "wet form" of FIP, which causes a terrible fluid buildup in the lungs and other organs and is the worse of the two forms of the disease. No, I'm afraid there was nothing you could have done, as far as I know, and I would have made the same decision if faced with it, for HER. You can rest as easy as it's possible to do: you did the right thing, from the best possible motivation, and I know Kitty Girl knows it. The fact that you have a nice cat family tells me you really love cats, and that is the BEST tribute possible to let Kitty Girl know SHE is loved as well. All the best to all of you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 5, 2006
In Ohio, with a houseful of Kitties
Thankyou so much for your response...What you said really did put me at ease. I posted (a few days ago) a Tribute to Kitty Girl on the "Rainbow Bridge Forum" God gave me Kitty Girl for a special open my home to other Cats that need love. Now, my goal is to get a bigger home, win the lotto and build a Cat Sanctuary..for all the older or unwanted cats left behind, so they can live out there lives in comfort and happiness...Hope someone above hears my plea!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Originally Posted by Laurie314

Thankyou so much for your response...What you said really did put me at ease. I posted (a few days ago) a Tribute to Kitty Girl on the "Rainbow Bridge Forum" God gave me Kitty Girl for a special open my home to other Cats that need love. Now, my goal is to get a bigger home, win the lotto and build a Cat Sanctuary..for all the older or unwanted cats left behind, so they can live out there lives in comfort and happiness...Hope someone above hears my plea!!
We share the same goal. I realized mine for awhile, rescuing cats in our old neighborhood, getting them medicated and fixed, and adopting them. When we moved to the desert, I was able to have a small sanctuary on the acreage there. Now, divorced and forced to relocate, the family is smaller -- 9 plus one humble handmaid!
-- and twelve were airlifted to safety to a sanctuary in Canada. But I hope to do sanctuary again someday, as it is my life's vocation, too. Bless you for caring and for opening your home and heart to your feline family, including Kitty Girl -- and I am sure she is looking down on you from the Rainbow Bridge with great approval and joy, because you are doing this important work and saving other cats!
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TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
Laurie, I think I have to agree w/ Tarasgirl regarding her comments about your beloved kitty having the wet form of FIP, and you did the humane thing when you had her put to sleep. You probably saved her from alot of agony, and I'm sure she's grateful that you didn't let her suffer.

I'm sorry to hear that your baby didn't make it.

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Apr 1, 2006
Laurie - P.S.

I don't know how long ago it was when you found out your baby had the FIP, but there was a time when a "sentence" of FIP meant a certain death. But from what I've read (and others have told me, such as Tarasgirl), they have now discovered the 2 different forms of FIP - the dry form and the wet form. The dry form can be treated, but the wet form can't be. And it sounds as if your baby had the wet form, which means there wasn't anything you could have done for her. I think you made the right decision.

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TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
Originally Posted by Tarasgirl06

So I tend to not believe in vaccinations or in much of anything western medicine touts.
I think you make a very valid point, Tarasgirl!

I never used to worry about getting my cats vaccinated when I lived back home in Wisconsin - and my cats used to go outside then. I never had any problems, either, although I'm sure the cold & bitter winters there had alot to do w/ it!
There's something good to be said about those horrid Wisconsin winters! All the germs & viruses get killed off!

But ever since I moved to Texas, I've had nothing but problems: I'm sure the climate has something to do w/ it, but I'm beginning to believe that the vaccines can sometimes cause more harm than good.
. Of the five cats that I now have, the two that WEREN'T vaccinated have NO problems! But the other three (Geronimo, Winchester, & Maverick) who WERE vaccinated, DO - although Maverick hasn't had the problems that Geronimo & Winchester do. He mainly just gets an occasional bout of the "sniffles", which seem to get cleared up w/ antibiotics....

So I'm beginning to believe that the vaccines CAN cause more harm than good sometimes..

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TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
Another thing:

Every winter, most people run to their doctors to get a flu vaccine - I never did. And I rarely get the flu or anythings else that most people catch. I've always been really healthy, just by eating properly and taking care of myself. But alot of people I know who DO get their annual flu shots, end up sicker than I do!

It's certainly food for thought.....



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Originally Posted by KittKatt

Another thing:

Every winter, most people run to their doctors to get a flu vaccine - I never did. And I rarely get the flu or anythings else that most people catch. I've always been really healthy, just by eating properly and taking care of myself. But alot of people I know who DO get their annual flu shots, end up sicker than I do!

It's certainly food for thought.....

Same here! Think there is definitely something to be said for it (avoiding the junk food, eating right, getting enough sleep and having a good lifestyle, not smoking/drinking alcohol etc., and avoiding the drugs! both 'legal' and 'illegal'); and of course, vaccines are weakened versions of the diseases they are given to guard against, so it stands to reason that some individuals will develop the disease from the vaccine, as I believe my angel Koala Naomi did. I just got done looking at her photo album (I make one for everyone who goes over The Bridge, as a tribute/memorial, along with planting a plant over their resting place if they are buried, or just planting a plant if they are cremated, plus always adopting another needy cat, as I know they would wish!) and looking at her health history, short as it was -- she had just tested negative for all feline diseases, and in no time after the two FIP vaccines, she was gone, having developed very quickly, the distended abdomen and lethargy and sickness of wet-form FIP.