Stray Cat just had kittens. Questions


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Hello. This is my first post here. I wish I had found your site sooner so that I could have been more prepared. I guess I should give you some background information then ask my questions. I thank you ahead of time for reading and helping if you can.

About 6-7 weeks ago a skinny calico cat decided to live on my front porch. My adult son works 2nd shift and he would see her every night when he got home from work. He named her Claire and started feeding her my Yorkie's dog food. She was not friendly towards me at all and would hiss and bat at me if she felt cornered by me. The funny thing is my son could pet her and she also stared greeting my husband when he pulled up from work. My husband had sympathy for her and bought a big bag of cat food for her. Well she never left after that. Whenever any of us would pull up she would either be on the steps or under the grill. She started following my husband into the house occasionally, and would just help herself to my dogs food and water and then want back out. My husband I talked about it and decided we should get her spayed and vaccinations if she was going to stay. He did not want an inside cat, but he built her a wooden cat house for the porch and she moved in right away. Since my son was the one she allowed the most contact from I asked him to take her to the spay clinic. I made an appt for her and my son was going to take her. He called me at work the day of her appt and told me he called and cancelled because he was certain she was pregnant.

So the long story is he couldn't bring himself to abort her kittens. I don't think I would have either. I thought she was just gaining weight from eating so much. She ate more than I thought possible. She was always hungry. We had no idea how far along she was except her nipples were pink. I was a little distracted because I was about to have major surgery which I had on June 24 th. Well yesterday Claire comes in when my husband opened the door and she jumped up in my lap!! This was not normal behavior for her. I figured she must be ready to have her kittens. I wanted to fix her a nesting box in our exercise room cause I can shut her in there and she would be on the first floor. I can't go up and down the stairs multiple times a day as I am recovering.. Well Claire had other ideas. Before I could get anything set up for her she had disappeared in the house. I am looking all over for her and she had gone upstairs and pushed open the door to a spare bedroom and hopped inside a big box that had clothes for the Goodwill in it. She was in active labor and I didn't think she would let me move her, but this was not a good spot as I could not see anything that was going on. My son was out of town for the weekend and I was so worried. I had my husband bring another box up and against my better judgement I reached in and lifted her out of the box. She wouldn't go in the other box and ended up having kitten 1 right in the middle of the room. She did great! She ate the placenta and cleaned the kitten up. I was able to convince her to move into the other box, but it is a little small. She ended up having 3 kittens, but one was born dead. I am not sure why it died as it looked completely normal. She is being a great mom to the 2 kittens she has. She has decided I am her new best friend and she has excepted petting from me and has let me check her bum for discharge.

I quickly realized Claire is flea infested. I feel like a horrible caretaker for not thinking about this possibility sooner. All I can say is she never let me touch her before and I never really noticed her scratching. I googled last night about safe flea treatment for a nursing mother and sent my husband out to buy advantage 2 and capstar. I have given her a treatment and crushed up the capstar on some can food which she ate up right away. I read some forum posts that said if you treat the mom any fleas that get on the kittens will die too? I am afraid to Handel the kittens too much as I don't want to stress her out. I would like to move her downstairs though and I am wondering when it would be safe to do this? There was about 8 hours in between her having the first kitten and the 2nd, then 2 hours until she had the 3rd that was dead. I don't think she has any more just based on how relaxed she seems now. I hardly slept last night. She is staying with the kittens except to eat and use the litter box. I will post some photos a little later as soon as I figure out how. Any advice on things I should be doing or looking out for? I am so amazed at her acceptance of me just all of a sudden. I have been trying so hard to win her over this past month. Thank you.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She has accepted you because she realizes you are helping her. I am glad you treated her fleas, and yes, it should kill any around her as well.

Since she is not a house cat you have had for some time I would leave her be for now. She feels safe where she is and needs privacy. She located a spot where she felt her kittens would be safe and she needs to stay there for now. The babies need to settle in and nurse, and Claire needs to feel secure.

I know you need less stairs in your life following surgery, but I really would leave her for now.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Don't be surprised if she moves the kittens herself into yours or your son's bedroom in the next 2-3 weeks. They like to be close to their favorite humans once the babies get bigger! :)

Are you feeding her kitten chow and giving her wet food? She needs both for nursing her kittens now.

The kitten that was stillborn probably remained in the birth canal too long.

It is so nice of you to take care of this cat. I love calicos! Post a picture of her and her babies for us when you get a chance!
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Thank you for the advice sarthur2. I will leave her be if you think that is best. I just want to keep checking in on her which means I have to go up and down many times. My hubby is not as concerned as I am and he goes back to work tomorrow. I hope my son gets home tonight from the beach. I have had a chance now to really look Claire over and she has some battle wounds probably from the male cat who mated her. She has a mostly scabbed over gash on her neck. Once her kittens are a little older I will get her into see the vet. I will not be letting her outside again until she has been spayed. There is a clinic that will do the surgery for $40.

Her demeanor has really changed and I would think she was a different cat if I didn't know better. I am feeding her can food and free feeding dry food. It isn't kitten food, but I will be sure and get some tomorrow. I want to weigh the kittens, but am afraid to stress her. They are feeding well and seem content. I will post photos soon. I need to upload them to a photobucket account. Thanks so much.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
As long as any cuts do not appear infected they should begin to heal with her improved diet.

It's possible to move her and her kittens in a few days if all is well, but let's see how things go with Claire's comfort level first. If and when you move her, no one needs to be using the exercise room for the duration of her time in there with her kittens.

It's great you plan to take her to see a vet and eventually get her spayed. She may turn into a very nice housecat in the meantime!

Also, she may have been acting mean due to her pregnancy hormones until she realized you were not a threat.
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  • #6


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
The box is way too small. I am going to prepare a larger box tomorrow and set it up right next to the smaller one and see if she will go in. I don't want the kittens to be able to get lost in the room. Though Claire has not left them for more than about 10 minutes at a time. I appreciate your help with these little ones. I have never had a cat with kittens before and I keep worrying over her. The orange and white kitten is quite a bit bigger then the little calico which was kitten 1. Since there are only two of them am I correct in thinking that she should have plenty of milk and not have to worry about him being so much bigger? The little one is still quite feisty and is feeding just fine.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You can go ahead and put the kittens in the new box. If you take away the smaller box, mama should gladly go in the bigger box.

If you are sure the smaller kitten is latching and nursing well and not mewing constantly out of hunger, then it should begin to grow.

The way to make sure is to weigh the smaller kitten every 12 hours initially, then daily after that. Kittens should gain 6-10 grams a day, and more is always better, and double their body weight in the first week. You should weigh the kitten in front of mom.

If the kitten is not gaining weight we can tell you how to supplement. We all check our kittens frequently as they are fragile and can go downhill quickly as newborns! A healthy newborn weight is 3.5 ounces.

Claire is a very pretty cat!

Let me know about the kittens' weights today.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Claire is now in the bigger box. She did not like having the side up. I don't think she wants to have to jump in so I have lowered the side for now. I will get a scale today and start weighing the kittens. They both always have fat bellies and I haven't ever heard them crying except when mom leaves them to eat.

How many cans of food should I be feeding her each day? She ate 2 cans yesterday along with quite a bit of the dry food. I will have my husband stop on his way home from work to get more can food and some kitten chow. It really sucks not being able to drive. I have another week before my doctor will give me the ok. The good thing about recovery from surgery is I will be off from work for another 3 weeks and will be here to help Claire if she needs me. it looks like the fleas are all dead. I couldn't find a live one on her today. I need to get some better photos of her beautiful kittens. Thanks so much for all of your help. I'll post an update later.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I would let her eat as much as she wants.  If you have KMR (kitten replacer Milk)  she can have a little of that as well.
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Here are Claire and her littles ones this morning after I gave her the bigger box. I got a close up of the little calico sucking away on mom. The orange kitten likes to be right up near moms face and always choses the nipple under her


handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
That's a nice size box.  Lots of room for the kittens to grow.  She is such a pretty cat.

BTW Claire can go into heat within a week (minimum) of having kittens, lactating will not prevent her from getting pregnant again.  So make sure you keep her inside.
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  • #14


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
ok, I will let her eat as much as she wants. I am getting so attached to these little ones and it has just been 2 days. I am so proud of Claire. She is such a good momma and has become a sweetie pie towards me. When I go in the room she comes out of the box to greet me and purrs at me to pet her then gets back inside her box and seems to like me sitting with her for a while. She did not seem stressed when I moved the kittens this morning so I looked them over real good and I did not see any fleas on them. I am so glad the advantage2 and capstar seems to have worked quickly to kill them on Claire. 

I can see that I will be spending a lot of time watching these babies grow up. I don't know how I will ever part with them.
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I do not plan on letting her outside until she is spayed. How long should I wait before making her appointment? I was thinking at least 6 weeks to give the kittens a chance to be big enough to be away from her for the surgery.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Eight weeks is better. The kittens are more independent.

I spayed my cat when her kittens were 8 weeks old. She had her first post-partum heat at seven weeks, and I took her in at the end of that week as her heat cycle was winding down.

I have kept her kittens, who have now also been fixed (at 12 weeks) and are now 16 weeks old. I could not part with mine! ;)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Claire sounds like a fantastic mom! She will be spoiled to being an indoor cat. You don't want to give the babies away until they are at least 12 weeks old so they can learn social skills from mom - if you give them away.

The box looks great! And yes, let her eat to her heart's content right now while nursing. So glad all the fleas are dead! Advantage is great! :)

It's purr-fect that you are home to watch the kittens!
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I would, but I am not sure how my husband would feel about adding three cats to our home. We had already decided to keep Claire as a spayed outside cat who was allowed to come inside during bad weather. She managed to wrap her paws around my husband who is not really a cat  he even built her a cat box to sleep in on our porch after she starting hanging around here full time. She used the box a lot until it started getting too hot the last couple of weeks. I'll have to see if the kittens can work their magic on him.



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They just get cuter and cuter! Make sure he holds them and plays with them a lot when they begin leaving the nest, and he may just fall in love!