Sorry: Venting about relationship


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Originally Posted by silvionc

We have had MAJOR issues, he was really bad. Like id spend an hour making dinner he would eat it, leave it on the table and leave. Hed play computer games all night while I spent time doing chores. He would get up and get himself a drink and not offer me one even though I was the one who made the food. I would do his laundry and he would just throw it on the ground so I had to pick it up and fold it, inconsiderate things like that. He stopped doing all these things. He sometimes (depends on his game) helps with dinner, will clean up after us, get me a drink, fold the laundry, he started doing all this after I tried to leave the second time, so it show he tries…. I think… This is why I cant figure out if heâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s just dense and doesnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t know what it is to be thoughtful, or if hes the <enter profanity> type…

Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]m getting to old to show my boyfriends how to treat a women… I did that in high school.

Thanks for letting me vent guys =))
This is a huge red flag for me. Take it from someone who knows first hand - you don't want to be putting up with this for the rest of your life, and you will be if you stay with this guy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

Also, the fact that he's taking your money without asking, is a bad sign. The fact that he's laughing about it is another bad sign. The fact that he makes more money than you and hasn't given the money back to you and apologized, is another bad sign.
All of the above are BIG RED FLAGS of an abuser, or a control freak!

My ex-husband was like that, too - and he was a control freak. I couldn't trust him with leaving anything out in the open - money, jewelry, my purse, etc., for fear of him taking it w/o asking: and it IS stealing if they don't ask you first. It got to the point where I had to hide things from him - and that's no way in which to have a relationship..

Him laughing at you shows that he doesn't respect your feelings or boundries, and that's not a good thing, either.
If he doesn't respect you now, he probably never will.

And all those "I'm sorry's" are just words to keep you from leaving. Abusers are good at playing the moonlight & roses bit. They tell you what you want to hear, but after you forgive them, they go back to the way it was as soon as they figure they've reeled you back in.

I'm certainly no marriage counselor, but I've been in your shoes - TWICE! Take it from someone who knows....

My advice? Make an offer of counseling to him. If he refuses, get away from him. There are plenty of other men who WILL treat you with respect, and whom you CAN trust. Life is too short to be involved with a control freak or an abuser. He'll only make your life miserable...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
You guys are right… Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve been holding onto this relationship because I moved 17 hours away from home, with no family or friends here, my place of employment is going through some major lay offs in 4 phases until October. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s scary to be alone… So I think because of this Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve tried so hard to make it work when we are obviously not compatible.
Reading the above sent chills down my spine, b/c I once made the same mistake you did, by moving 1200 miles away from my home & family, to be with an ex b/f who was mentally ill & an abuser (which I didn't know till after it was too late). Your b/f figures he can get away with whatever he wants, b/c you have no one else to turn to: that's how some of them operate - by isolating you, they have more control. And also like you, I stayed in the relationship longer than I should have, b/c I too had no one else. I can totally relate to how you're feeling, and it's a horrible place to be. I can't even begin to tell you just how horrible that relationship was. All I can say is, RUN - RUN away as fast as you can!!!

Regarding your cats, he doesn't love them.
If he truly did, he would be pitching in for their care too. Abusers aren't capable of loving anyone or anything. Your b/f has already proved this, by the way he treats you....

Please, get away from this guy - before it's too late. Do whatever it takes to free yourself. I know you're probably alone & scared right now, but facing the unknown will be a whole lot less scarier than what your b/f is probably capable of putting you through if you decide to stay. I've been there - I know!



TCS Member
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Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Originally Posted by mrblanche

...You should hook up with someone you LIKE, not someone you love, because pretty quickly, the flash, bang, and sizzle of sex wears off, and you really don't want to have to sit down and discuss how you're going to pay the rent with someone you don't like.
Beautifully stated!

And whether you were right or wrong on this or any issue, if his response to a disagreement is to laugh and ridicule you... he's not someone you want to spend your life with.
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Mar 25, 2008
New Brunswick
Thanks guys. My sister called me today and I told her what had happened. After the usual sister to sister man bashing conversation she reminded me that my family will help me in any way they can. She said the family knew that I had been unhappy for a long time and my parents have been waiting for me to tell them I need them to come down and help me. My Mom can be on a plane ASAP if need be. So I feel better. It’s easy to forget being so far away trying to make it on my own that I am not so alone. With my sister working and going to school, my parents travelling all the time in retirement it’s easy for me to forget.

As for being abusive, he has never been physical with me. I did not add that I can be a real female dog when I’m in a corner and I don’t think he would dare. Being mentally unstable? It’s a very big possibility, I think Luvmycat hit it on the nail with the whole empathy thing, it’s something I’ve been thinking for awhile. I think he just doesn’t have any emotion really, at least I’ve never seen it. Like I said he has tried to change, but I don’t think he realizes why I want him to change he just changes so I will stop leaving him. He doesn’t get my feelings or emotions this is obvious since he keeps doing things to upset me.

As my sister said, there are too many men out there to waste my time on one.

Thanks so much guys, you made me feel so much better.


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
It has been said (accurately, I think) that men marry women expecting them not to change, and women marry men expecting to change them.

One really discouraging thing I learned early on (about 7th grade) is that girls like the bad boys and will walk right past a great guy to baby a real jerk.


TCS Member
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Jul 22, 2007
Goshen, IN
I know what it's like hon. Like I said I've been there, and sometimes DH can be so sweet and caring and then other times it's like he doesn't give a darn about my feelings. I've suggested marrige counseling but he just says that we don't need it.


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
In both DH's and my first marriages we made the mistakes of trying to change the person. Learned the hard way. This time around, we accepted 100% of how the other person was. Its much better that way.

If you think you will change the things you don't like about your gf or bf, forget it - either accept them for who they are or find someone that matches who you really want in that person


TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
Originally Posted by silvionc

As for being abusive, he has never been physical with me.
There are other ways of being abusive towards someone else that doesn't include physical violence - like mental & emotional abuse. My ex-husband never laid a hand on me, either (although he did raise his fist towards me once in an attempt to hit me, but I put a stop to that right away - and he DID physically abuse his first ex-wife), but there was plenty of emotional abuse going on. And the ex b/f never hit me, either - but he caused plenty of emotional AND mental abuse that left plenty of lasting scars. Just b/c your b/f doesn't abuse you physically doesn't mean that he isn't abusive...

I'm so glad to hear that you have a way out.
I didn't, and suffered plenty as a result. But every dark cloud has a silver lining, and even though it was a horrible experience, I learned a lot from it. I'm so glad that you won't have to suffer in the same way, too.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
My ex was never physically abusive to me, but he sure was in verbal and emotional - those are harder to spot on what is going on.