Sick Cat and Trigger Happy Vet?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 27, 2012
Hello, I'm new here, and I need a bit of advice, not only concerning my cat, but the attitude of my veterinarian.

My family was adopted by our cat, Skinny, about two years ago--she was a stray who started turning up on our porch.  We fed her now and then, but ended up taking her in when the weather got too bad to think about leaving her out.  After asking around the neighborhood, we found out she was abandoned by a family who moved away.  She's the most laid back, gentlest cat I've ever met.  We've kept her as indoor/outdoor; she spends the majority of her time inside, but will meow at the door when she needs to go out to do her business.

A few days ago, Skinny stopped eating and has progressively gotten unsteady on her legs.  She became very standoffish and drank a lot.  We brought her to the vet today.  Before the doctor even began the exam, he asked what we would 'want to do with the kitty cat'.  I was a bit confused and put off by that--we didn't even know what was wrong with her.  He then looked in her eyes and ears and felt her abdomen and said that he felt a large mass there.  He again asked what we would like to do, almost as if asking if we would like to put her to sleep right then and there.  We asked for further tests to see WHAT was actually wrong with her--he ran some bloodwork and said her toxicity level was way up, as well as her blood sugar.  He suggested that it was her gallbladder, that she had a blockage there.  He suggested putting her down.  When we asked if there was a way to know for sure that that was what was wrong, he said he could do an ultrasound.  We agreed and he found that she actually had an enlarged liver, and possible tumor inside the liver.  

He suggested point blank to put her down.  I was very turned off by his attitude.  I don't want her to suffer (which she clearly is, she cries whenever someone touches her), but I want to hear options on whether or not she's curable.  When asked, the doctor went over the options of doing a biopsy or trying to do a series of medications.  He stated outright that he was 'very pessimisstic' about her chances and that his choice would be to put her down.

Unfortunately, the biopsy itself could be $500 (not counting hospital fees and the like), plus the actual surgery itself is not something that my family can afford.  We took her home with a series of medications (regalan, to help her stomach and hopefully get her appetite, and an antibiotic), an IV of nutrients, the suggestion to feed her baby food.  The instruction sheet had at the bottom, "If not well by Saturday, call to make an appointment to be put down."

Is it normal that a vet be pushing so much for euthanasia?  He said the surgery itself had only about a 20% chance of saving her--which I understand is awful chances and like I said, I wouldn't want to see her suffer anymore.  But this all came on so quick; she was perfectly fine 3 days ago.  I can't bare thinking about putting her down simply because we can't afford her surgery (if that would even help).  This is my first vet-going pet (goldfish don't count in this instance), and she's never been to the vet sick before where I would experience such negativity.

I have no idea what to do in this situation--I live in a small town, there's not many vets around here.  I know my Skinny's in bad shape, but I feel like I have no way of knowing how dire her situation is when the doctor basically asks if we're putting her down today before he even exams her.  I don't know if there's a place to contact to help with the cost of a possible surgery or even how to go about perhaps getting a second opinion (will vets hand over test results for someone else to examine?)  If anyone has advice, I would be forever grateful.

Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
How to get a second opinion? Call another vet and make an appointment :tongue2:. Ask the first vet for the test results (you paid for them), you don't have to tell them that you're going to another vet if you don't want to. Or you can tell them if you want to :lol3:.

I went to one vet who told me she didn't like cats! Not all vets are great.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I am so sorry your cat is sick and you are going through this.  You know your financial situation and what you can afford.  I will tell you our cat, Muffin, had a large mass that showed up in an x-ray back in May.  At that time, our vet said the options were spoil him, feed him whatever we could get him to eat and love him for ever how long he would live, do an ultrasound which might or might not give you the answer you are looking for, or open him up and see.  He had told us the tumor was either or the lung or liver.  We opted for the surgery.  He had a primary liver tumor and 2/3 of one liver lobe was removed.  He has had some ups and downs, but is down gaining weight, and doing well.  We are taking things day by day.  I will tell you, it has been expensive.  Our vet is also a good family friend and he gave us approximate prices up front so we would know what to expect.

I certainly don't see any problem in letting another vet see the cat.  I hope you can find a solution.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2012
Ask for a second opinion, please. You owe it to the little one to be sure that it's not curable before you decide on something this definitive. 

Some vets just have the wrong vibes. It's perfectly fine to decline their advice and seek another if you feel it was made with a cold heart. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 15, 2011
Alabama Gulf Coast
Trust your gut!  If you didn't like the vibes you were getting from this vet, then absolutely don't go back to him and get a second opinion.  Yes, you can ask for the test results.  Like Willowy said - you paid for them.  I would ask for a copy of the entire file he has.  If you do have a couple choices for the second opinion, I would call each and ask if they have had any experience with a cat with this issue.  May save you from another clueless vet.

Good luck!!