Removing Tear Stains From Persians


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 12, 2016
The beautiful South
Congratulations on your new Persian boy!  How did the vet visit go?  Have you decided on a name yet?  I'm sure your husband will enjoy his new buddy too.:creamper:
I just wanted to add that this is our 3rd Persian.  Both our former vet who retired and our new vet who is a feline specialist recommended against any eye stain product.  It's a personal choice and not everyone will agree.  Our present Persian is a cream and I only use warm water on a cotton pad several times a day.  This works for us quite nicely but I realize every cat is different.  Best of luck!
Thank you so much! He's quickly become a beloved member of our family! We had an unexpected financial crisis earlier this week (Bank error) and I'm having to put off the immediate vet visit until it's straightened out. Luckily he just went to the vet for check up & 2nd booster shots via the breeder. The vet gave him a clean Bill of health but nothing was noted about his eyes so that is still number 1 on my to do list as soon as we get this financial mess sorted out.
I'm so picky with naming my babies and haven't settled on one yet. I like Charlie or Oscar. But I'm not sure either of those really fit him. Any suggestions are appreciated ; )

This is also our 3rd persian (technically our 4th but we no longer have one of them). Our 11 week old blue persian is in absolute heaven now that she has a playmate! I couldn't have asked for a better relationship between the two of them! It only took them 2 days of introduction to began playing like they were litter mates! My adult himi on the other hand is not as fast to take to new babies, but that will come in time.

Thanks so much for the heads up on the eye envy! I will bring that up to my vet as well. I've been using a strong bathroom tissue with warm water but it hasn't cleaned as well as whatever the breeder used (she said just warm water) so maybe it's the tissue. I'll get some cotton pads or cotton balls today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
I have used both the refrigerated Eye Envy and the one that doesn't require being kept cool. The cold one worked much better than the other. I haven't used it since they changed the formula though. It used to have antibiotic in it - which is why I stopped using it when I found out. I have found if you are diligent in cleaning the stain will grow out and you will be left with clean eyes. I occasionally use  contact lens solution, but mostly just warm water.