Question Of The Day - Thursday 5 October

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Double cats because this year was get Kitty and Rusty tested and bring them home. Checkups, vacs all four cats. More toys, scratchers, little carpets (hardwood floors), more litters, etc. More toys, scratchers and little carpets.

Was a busy cat year but I got a new laptop, etc at work so I still got my geeky stuff to play with :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hekitty and books. Pretty much every thing else I skimp on, and the books come AFTER Hekitty.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mowgli (mainly his special food as well as vet bills), books, and stuff for the shelter animals. The libraries here don't have much in the way of English books in the genres I read, so I'm constantly buying e-books.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
In 2013 my vet bills came to $10,000 for 5 cats. It was really nothing major just normal stuff. Tiger and Muffin needed thyroid treatment, Baxter had to have a cancerous tumor cut off his foot they all needed their teeth cleaned, shots, etc.

I also spend a lot in the grocery stores every month. Last month my credit card bill was $1,200 and that was all from grocery stores, BJ's and eating out. I don't skimp when I buy my food and I spend a lot feeding the wildlife. I don't spend much on clothes, books or movies. I do really need some new clothes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
for me, it's which bill am i currently working on lowering. and that would be my water bill. we just got switched over from the town to the county water authority here, and my bill seems a tad bit higher. so, i've found some ways to work on lowering my bill a bit. i'll see how my efforts have worked out when i receive my next quarterly bill.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I will spend money on a Coach purse. I only have two from actual Coach and one from the outlet which is completely different and much cheaper. That is really the only thing for myself that I will spend more than I should on. I used to be bad about Starbucks but I have a Nespresso espresso machine now so I make lattes at home. The pods for them are expensive but nothing like the price of a latte at Starbucks.
This is me also. I have two that I actually bought in the Coach store. But I have too many to say here that I purchased online. My favorite is a tote bag with a creamy background, brown trim and the Coach C in just about every color. It makes a great summer bag that goes with everything. It is PVC and only needs to be wiped off.

I also have too many shoes. My left foot measures for a width and my right foot measures for a medium width. It gives me a problem trying to find closed in shoes that I don't walk out of with my left foot. For the summer I had purchased four pairs of SAS sandals with a small heel. They were dressy enough for church and casual wear too. Now I need dressy pumps for church and am going to have to make a trip to the outlet where there are a lot of shoe stores.
I think I am going to have to look for a medium with shoe with AA heels to get something that will stay on my foot. I have tried the foam inserts and that doesn't do it.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
But if ever they find a way to make an alternative fuel out of cat poop I'll have it made. :woohoo:
You know, I've been wishing for a way to be able to use cat poop and litter in our composting for years! It wouldn't cut down on buying litter (cats gotta poop), but it would considerably cut down on our trash bill. And just think......a never-ending source of compost! Outstanding! I really wish somebody would figure it out.

I spend way too much money on nail polish. It's bad. I love nail polish and I'm constantly looking for neat new colors.
And kitchen stuff: cake pans and, especially, cookbooks.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
  1. Libraries don't always have what I'm looking for.
  2. Libraries keep wanting me to give the book back, when I want to keep it and re-read it; at least, that's true for the good ones. :eek2:
  3. Yes, I do use the library. But it doesn't keep me from buying books.

Does your library not have the option to renew books for another week or two?

For books I really like, I'll end up buying my own copy so I can re-read it over and over again. Some books just aren't available at libraries, like the one I have celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the local SPCA and vet hospital.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Does your library not have the option to renew books for another week or two?

For books I really like, I'll end up buying my own copy so I can re-read it over and over again. Some books just aren't available at libraries, like the one I have celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the local SPCA and vet hospital.
Yes, of course they do. But I have issues about books. From the time my dog died when I was, what, 9 or 10?, I've used books for comfort. Having them makes me feel secure. And in the past, there have been library books that I've fallen in love with, and gone back to the library to check out again, only to discover that the library had sold it in a fund raiser. :angrywoman: And I've had books that I owned, favorites that I kept next to my bed for easy access when I'm having trouble sleeping, moved to the basement without my consent, where they were mixed in with my alphabetically ordered, separated by topic, personal library to the point where I couldn't find them again (or anything else), all of which makes me feel insecure about being able to find my favorites, and someone (not me) started "storing" them on the floor in the basement where they were subjected to floods and got mildewed and had to be thrown away.

So, there are certain authors and/or series that I follow. I know that anything in this series or by this author is certain to be a favorite, and when one of those books comes up on BookBub, Early Bird Books, etc. at a discount, I automatically buy it, knowing that the chances are pretty good that it's a book that I've owned before that's been lost to me through the decisions of someone else. I am, of course, extremely careful not to spend money on the same ebook from two separate sellers; that would just be foolish, and I don't buy books that I know that I already have in print. But my experience with electronic books is that they don't get lost.

Way, way, way back when, I was a subscriber to a program Baen had (and probably still has) where every month I'd be able to download new books from favorite authors in advance of their print publication, and then again when the final edits were done. You could see the last minute changes the authors made; you got the new books before anyone else, and I could put them on my Palm Pilot to read anywhere. I loved that program, and that community. After my brain surgery I contacted Baen to find out whether I could somehow recover my library, even though I didn't even remember my email address from back then, and they found my information (including my old email address) and recovered my library for me! Now that's security. And wherever possible I back up my library to my external hard drive, so that it's readily accessible, and organized the way I want it organized.



Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
In 2013 my vet bills came to $10,000 for 5 cats. It was really nothing major just normal stuff. Tiger and Muffin needed thyroid treatment, Baxter had to have a cancerous tumor cut off his foot they all needed their teeth cleaned, shots, etc.
I've got all my vet bills from when I first started doing rescue and TNR in a big folder. I'm too scared to look at how much money I've spent in the past ten years. I'm pretty sure I'm helping my vet put his kids through college.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I'm another one about the library thing - libraries aren't quite the same anymore :( I still love them, and I've grown up going to libraries every week. But the ones near me are smaller now, and many of the books are really old. Which is fine for fiction, no big deal, but I love history, true crime, travel, mysteries, paranormal etc and many of the facts are dated. Among other topics too that are a tad dated, like animals and dance. The one book about ballet at the library is from 1968 :headscratch: in context kind of cool to look at but not entirely useful to me.

I still go and visit but sometimes it is limiting. In addition, there are more children's books there and more space set aside for kid things and lot's of kid programs taking place. Which is great for them and all, but not entirely fun or relaxing when you go to a library and there are 20-30 noisy loud kids at there day camp thing. The computers are useful though at times.

In any case, they don't always carry a lot of the topics I'm interested in. Sections are kind of petite, and if I'm in the mood for action/adventure, the selection is pretty much 80% romance fiction.

Sigh, nostalgic now! I really did adore the libraries as a kid. Would get history, astronomy and dinosaur books at the time. Double bonus if I found myself a Tin Tin or an Asterix :D

It's all good though, I love having my bedroom full of books, my own personal library oasis, surrounded by my favourite reads and abundance of information. :hearthrob: And I do enjoy going into a bookstore as much as I do a library. I just hope bookstores don't change now! :eek::eek::eek: some places are more like boutiques nowadays. Yes, there is online shopping, but...but...can't change the bookstores though! It must not happen!