Question of the Day, Sunday, March 6, 2016


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
good morning! 

this week i've been thinking about the qualities i love most in my cats. so, for today's Question of the Day.........

What qualities, purrsonality traits, or little quirks, etc do you love most about your cat(s)?

i'll start!

i love all three of my cats, and everything about them!
  they're each beautiful in their own individual ways. i do have some things that i especially love about each of them.

Jaspurr -- he's such a sweet and sensitive boy. he's so gentle too -- always was with my little snick
, and is with our little deedee and aliie too. jaspurr is also quite smart, and he knows when i'm upset or ill and will curl up on/next to me to comfort me. our boy also 'takes care' of his girls (all 3 of us), keeping an eye on the girls and 'patrolling' the house during the evenings/nights -- making sure nothing 'untowards' is going on outdoors close to the house.

DeeDee -- she's our very adventurous little girl, always exploring and investigating! deedee also loves to snuggle, both other cats and humans. she is sensitive to other cats not feeling well, and was laying next to allie when allie was having some gastro upset a week or so ago.

Allie (aka, punkin) -- she's our little sweetheart! punkin loves to 'help' me when i'm doing things around the house, and generally wants to know where i am at all times. she loves to snuggle too!

all three love to catch the odd bug that appears in our home, as well as watch the 'notty' birdies out the windows.

how about you?
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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Sara - While she hasn't done it much lately surprisingly, Sara always used to drool. You would scratch her or she'd be around your food, and she'd just drool. Never had a cat that did that before. After she got treated for her hyper-t, her personality also shined. She just loved to be scratched on her head and petted, and she was never really into that before.

Maple - She just gets SO excited for her food. She's my almost 17-lb kitty so yeah, she loves her food. But the look on her face is just pure and utter happiness, especially when it comes to the second feeding. Seriously, she is just beyond elated. And when she looks at me, that unconditional love is just there in her eyes. I sometimes wonder if I really deserve it because I feel like I didn't love her enough. She was always a loner cat and I didn't really pay as much attention to her as I should have.

Oscar - Both he and his brother Oliver remind me of my Lucky, partially because they both are tux boys like Lucky was. Oscar reminds me a lot of Lucky when he was young. He has very much the same silky fur that Lucky always had. He's mischievous just like Lucky was. But he's still Oscar. He's such a sweet boy. He has this look on his face that I cannot really describe, I guess you could say it's an inquisitive look. A perpetual inquisitive look. And he's got such a pipsqueak meow!

Oliver - He is my gentle old soul. He reminds me of Lucky more when he was older. He's the same age as his brother Oscar (almost 10 months), yet he's the more sedate one. He always has been, since the day I met them at the Chicago Botanic Garden's office where they were staying. His brother was the wild one. But Oliver is a sweet boy like his brother, but a bit more on the gentle side. I call him my Gentle Giant because he's almost 11 lbs, and still growing. He's got such a squishy personality though (that's the best way to describe it), and when he meows, he sounds like a seagull. So he is my Squishy Seagull :D

Penelopy - She's my one and only cuddler. Not a big cuddler, but I love how she lets me rub her on the head, and how she comes over by me to give her some loving. She's not a lap cat by any means, but on occasion (rare occasion, like, twice) she has come up and laid in my lap. Her meow is very much like Lucky's was, so much so that right after we got her, we thought we were hearing things because we swore Lucky's meow was in the house. We got her to honor his memory, and I swear she channels him sometimes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
My three are each unique.

Floey=the oldest 15-17 yrs old-She is more dog than cat like. She follows you around the house/yard-stays right with me. She used to walk the neighborhood with me in her younger years=we have no traffic=she would sniff and walk just like a dog and never run off. Shes gotten cranky in her old age and now enjoys short strolls behind the house. She will follow me then I let her poke and sniff for 15 minutes then call to go home and she follows me. She has been with me for almost 14 years and always has been a dogcat. Loves the outdoors despite the new trend of indoors=I wouldnt let new cats out-but she is in her old age is happiest sleeping on the porch.  She sleeps all afternoon in the sun on the deck/porch or under a shrub-she is very independant. Doesnt like laps.But loves to get pets and follow you.

Pumpkin face=my calico 13 yrs old. She is also VERY independent-never ever sits on laps BUT she is a cuddler=she lays on the couch next to us and purrs and drools. She sleeps under the covers on cold nights, not as affectionate since the 3rd kitty-we are working on this-She doesnt care for the other cat and gets chased too much. But she also sleeps all day in the sun on the deck etc. She doesnt walk with us in the woods anymore-She has arthritis which I am currently trying to do some home PT to help-winter months are the worse for her. She is such a cuddler and just loves her daddy. Sleeps next to him all night. Very sweet. Never hisses but does meow at 3rd kitty alot-

Honeybee-My heart kitty-who is such a lap cat makes the other two so jealous. She sleeps on my chest every night-we are making another bedroom to see if us being away from Pumpkin face will make pumpy feel more comfortable without the Bee Kitty to bother her. Bee Kitty is TROUBLE. She chases the other two=just wants to play-we try to play daily with them but working full time doesnt leave much time but I am doing better at this-every evening we have been playign with various toys for a few minutes. Honeybee is a daddys girl=she often sleeps on him when I am at work. So I always say "you stole my kitty" as Honeybee usually prefers mommy at night but I think I snore too loud and she often only stays for short stints. She carries her toy mice all over the house and often find them on the deck. She tips over her water dish if there is not enough water in it. One day she sat right in front of the tv to get my attention. (she has several bowls/cups of water throughout the house) I spoiled her but cant hel\p it. The biggest thing she does=makes biscuits on my lap/chest all the time on her red velvet blanket. Honeybee The Ham Feline Adventures is her facebook page. She really is unique-but now I have to do damage control because I spent too much time loving on Honeybee-she is just so easy to love-jumps on my lap or follows me all over-so usually Floey and her are competing.

Always a kitty to spend time with. Sometimes they all will sit on the couch together but not often.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2016
As it happens, my signature mentions the qualities I love most about cats, and which they mostly possess.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Both of my kitties will be 13 this year.

Patches is very laid back and easy going.  I have only heard him hiss twice, once when I caught his tail in the hinge side of a door.  The other time was when they were still young, Patches was having one of his at that time undiagnosed IBD flares and Alice wanted to play.  The second time was just a little short hiss but it was enough for Alice to leave him alone.  He is just very much a go along to get along guy.

Alice is much more demanding.  She always has her hissy fits when Patches comes back from the vet and there is usually a little hissing involved when she goes to the vet.  She will get between Patches and me when I am petting Patches and he will just leave and let her get her way.  She is a real diva but she is also very affectionate and loves to cuddle with me.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Fluffy is a dilute tortie and quite a character.  In the mornings she will walk into the bedroom and meow.  If I get up she follows me to the bathroom and downstairs talking the whole way.  I am amazed at how many different sounds she makes.  She likes to be brushed under her chin and if you try to brush her anywhere else she will grab the brush and bring it back up to her chin.  We have two brushes so one person can brush her chin and cheeks and the other can get her body.  One day we will get to her belly.  Luckily her fur doesn't get matted.  She leaves gray fluffy tumbleweeds everywhere.

Eclipse is a gentleman.  He loves to go out on a leash and harness and roam the front and back yards.  He especially likes dusk when there are bugs to catch.  If I tell him it's time to go in he will keep moving away from the door so he can stay out longer.  It's very hard to get him to come inside when night is falling.

kitty kisser

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 21, 2015
Catness- she's our little feral rescue found her outside of work under a building. She was still blue eyed and fuzzy. She's a strong one a calico/ torte lived on canned Friskies since she was three weeks old approximately. Litter box perfect even though found feral. Catness is a talker and meows at me in the mornings till I feed her. She's very food motivated and meows at the treats shelf too. She fetches a particular toy that is no longer made ( I contacted the Manufacturer) . Since she was found so young she likes to nurse on my armpit of my shirt if I let her. She's a drooler when she suckles. She only occasionally snuggles on my lap. She'd rather be just petted. She likes a single visitor at a time else she will hide if the room is to roude. She likes to be in the room beside you sleeping.

Rose- a total lap cat follows me around the house doing chores. Sleeps on my lap or on my pillow at night. She's a medium haired black & white cat with green eyes and white whiskers. Loves everybody especially new people in the house. Even put up with my niece pulling at her fur yelling Cat at 2 yrs old. She loves to chatter at birds in the window and chase flies threw the house. She comes when I yell her name. The only kitten in her litter that didn't hiss at me during inspection.

These cats are 3 1/2 years old
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 4, 2016
North St Paul, MN (US)
Ruby- I love how much she loves people (especially us)! She might very well be the friendliest, must outgoing cat I've ever had. When we have company, she's right there. If she sees anyone when we're outside (particularly kids), she gets super excited and rubs all over their legs. And when we're home alone, she's so snugly sometimes! She gets this look, completely focused, like "I'm gonna snuggle right there and you are going to like it."

Onyx- She's such a sweetie. She loves to burrow under blankets to snuggle up next to my leg. But I think what I love most about her is her energy! She's so talkative, and she always wants to play and explore. She always leaps and flips all over the place when you play with her favorite father wand toy! Plus, I love having a noisy little shadow following me around. :lol3:
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Lilith- She's a diva to the core. She's the alpha in our house and never lets anyone forget it BUT she's never mean. She was the first one to befriend Henry when he came home. When he was in his cardboard box and then in his tote in his safe room, she used to spend hours in there sitting on the desk chair across from him. She didn't lay down the law about who was boss until after he came out of his room. She was very kind to him.

She's my little cuddle buddy. When I go to bed, she will often run around the house calling me. Then I call to her and she will jump up on the bed. I think it's a little game she plays. She knows where I am. She used to HATE being picked up but now she doesn't really care anymore because she knows that I will put her down when she wants but I generally don't hold her very long. Just long enough for a quick cuddle and some kisses. She's VERY vocal. She chirps, trills, meows and sometimes she" talks". When she's calling me, it sounds like a toddler girl saying "mama?" She also says what sounds like a toddler girl saying 'hello?' DD did not believe me until Lily stood outside her bedroom door and did it. She kept asking hello? until DD opened her door. She came out of her room and asked if I heard that. I told her that yes, I heard it. She does that all the time. When DD comes home from school and is here for a while, after she goes back, Lily will stand by her door and call for her for a couple of days after. It's so cute. I usually will go pet her and give her a cuddle.

Sophie - She's the one I DIDN'T go to the shelter for. I went for Lilith only expecting to get one cat. When I went to meet her, she was in a room with her 2 siblings, a brother and a sister. The brother was adorable. a calico with a lion cut. He had already been adopted and was waiting to be picked up. He and Lilith were playing in the middle of the room. The woman brought me in, handed me a small bag of Temptations and pointed out Lilith. She then waved her hand to the corner of the room where Lily's sister was hiding under a chair. The woman told me I could ignore her because she "wasn't friendly". That annoyed me and I was then positive that I would NOT ignore her. Her name was Midge. She became curious and inched closer as she saw them getting treats. I tossed her a couple and she came even closer. Soon, she was playing with her siblings and I was petting her. When I went back to the desk to talk to the same woman who brought me into the room, she asked me if I wanted to take Lily. I heard myself answer, "I'll take BOTH of them". She was shocked that anyone would want Midge because none of the workers or volunteers had been able to bond with her so I must be "special".
  So Midge became Sophie and I adore her. She's silly, mischievous, curious, playful and SO loving. She gets into everything and has broken things that have "been in her way" but she's so adorable and she makes me laugh and she's so darn cuddly that I don't care. she's my fluffball of love.

Henry - When I found him, I wasn't looking for another cat. I was on the website of a local no kill shelter "just checking out who was there". Then I saw his picture and read his bio. As soon as I read that he had been there for six (I found out later that it was actually eight) years, I knew I had to go get him. I brought DD down to meet him on a Saturday. He was in a rather small room with about a dozen other cats. He curled up on DD's feet and started nibbling her toes. I went back that Monday to get him. I had NO idea that his adjustment would take almost 8 months but it was worth every minute. He taught me SO much about how to work with a cat that has had VERY little socialization. Watching him gain confidence and seeing his personality blossom has been so amazing. He is still skittish but he's very loving ans SO patient with the girls and the dog. I call him my handsome little gentleman. He's so calm and laid back. He's such a good, sweet boy. We all love him.

I can't wait to see what @Norachan will add about all of her kids.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
When I'm sitting on the couch watching TV Bella will come and sit on my lap and watch with me. I love that cat!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Autumn just loves to sit on my lap when I'm on the couch watching TV, she actually waits for me to sit there.  As soon as I sit down and cover myself with her blankie, she comes running over but then she stops and this is what I find so sweet, she waits until I ask her to come up. She will just wait and sit at the side of the couch until she gets permission to come up, I find that adorable. 

I actually am kind of half sitting and laying on the couch and she loves to join me.  A lot of times we both  take cat naps and it's so comfy. 

She is a very sweet cat and when I wake up in the morning, she talks non-stop.  She doesn't want me to get out of bed since it's so nice and warm in bed together,  of course if she hasn't had breakfast yet, she bolts out of bed to meet me at her food bowl.  Yep, she's a cutie.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Whisky meows alot. Had mad half hours where he races around the apartment growling. He's very funny. He likes to sit between my knees and sometimes sleeps on my bed. He hates to be picked up. He doesn't bite or scratch. He's mad about my ex!!!
Blighty is a little weird. Whenhe hears the microwave he goes mad. He runs backwards and forwards squeaking non stop making a terrible racket. He and whisky are either fighting, washing each other or sleeping together. He also loves my ex!!! All my other cats were my lap cats. Sigh.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Sara - While she hasn't done it much lately surprisingly, Sara always used to drool. You would scratch her or she'd be around your food, and she'd just drool. Never had a cat that did that before. After she got treated for her hyper-t, her personality also shined. She just loved to be scratched on her head and petted, and she was never really into that before.

Maple - She just gets SO excited for her food. She's my almost 17-lb kitty so yeah, she loves her food. But the look on her face is just pure and utter happiness, especially when it comes to the second feeding. Seriously, she is just beyond elated. And when she looks at me, that unconditional love is just there in her eyes. I sometimes wonder if I really deserve it because I feel like I didn't love her enough. She was always a loner cat and I didn't really pay as much attention to her as I should have.

Oscar - Both he and his brother Oliver remind me of my Lucky, partially because they both are tux boys like Lucky was. Oscar reminds me a lot of Lucky when he was young. He has very much the same silky fur that Lucky always had. He's mischievous just like Lucky was. But he's still Oscar. He's such a sweet boy. He has this look on his face that I cannot really describe, I guess you could say it's an inquisitive look. A perpetual inquisitive look. And he's got such a pipsqueak meow!

Oliver - He is my gentle old soul. He reminds me of Lucky more when he was older. He's the same age as his brother Oscar (almost 10 months), yet he's the more sedate one. He always has been, since the day I met them at the Chicago Botanic Garden's office where they were staying. His brother was the wild one. But Oliver is a sweet boy like his brother, but a bit more on the gentle side. I call him my Gentle Giant because he's almost 11 lbs, and still growing. He's got such a squishy personality though (that's the best way to describe it), and when he meows, he sounds like a seagull. So he is my Squishy Seagull

Penelopy - She's my one and only cuddler. Not a big cuddler, but I love how she lets me rub her on the head, and how she comes over by me to give her some loving. She's not a lap cat by any means, but on occasion (rare occasion, like, twice) she has come up and laid in my lap. Her meow is very much like Lucky's was, so much so that right after we got her, we thought we were hearing things because we swore Lucky's meow was in the house. We got her to honor his memory, and I swear she channels him sometimes.
awww...all your cats sound so sweet! 
very special babies!
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
My three are each unique.

Floey=the oldest 15-17 yrs old-She is more dog than cat like. She follows you around the house/yard-stays right with me. She used to walk the neighborhood with me in her younger years=we have no traffic=she would sniff and walk just like a dog and never run off. Shes gotten cranky in her old age and now enjoys short strolls behind the house. She will follow me then I let her poke and sniff for 15 minutes then call to go home and she follows me. She has been with me for almost 14 years and always has been a dogcat. Loves the outdoors despite the new trend of indoors=I wouldnt let new cats out-but she is in her old age is happiest sleeping on the porch.  She sleeps all afternoon in the sun on the deck/porch or under a shrub-she is very independant. Doesnt like laps.But loves to get pets and follow you.

Pumpkin face=my calico 13 yrs old. She is also VERY independent-never ever sits on laps BUT she is a cuddler=she lays on the couch next to us and purrs and drools. She sleeps under the covers on cold nights, not as affectionate since the 3rd kitty-we are working on this-She doesnt care for the other cat and gets chased too much. But she also sleeps all day in the sun on the deck etc. She doesnt walk with us in the woods anymore-She has arthritis which I am currently trying to do some home PT to help-winter months are the worse for her. She is such a cuddler and just loves her daddy. Sleeps next to him all night. Very sweet. Never hisses but does meow at 3rd kitty alot-

Honeybee-My heart kitty-who is such a lap cat makes the other two so jealous. She sleeps on my chest every night-we are making another bedroom to see if us being away from Pumpkin face will make pumpy feel more comfortable without the Bee Kitty to bother her. Bee Kitty is TROUBLE. She chases the other two=just wants to play-we try to play daily with them but working full time doesnt leave much time but I am doing better at this-every evening we have been playign with various toys for a few minutes. Honeybee is a daddys girl=she often sleeps on him when I am at work. So I always say "you stole my kitty" as Honeybee usually prefers mommy at night but I think I snore too loud and she often only stays for short stints. She carries her toy mice all over the house and often find them on the deck. She tips over her water dish if there is not enough water in it. One day she sat right in front of the tv to get my attention. (she has several bowls/cups of water throughout the house) I spoiled her but cant hel\p it. The biggest thing she does=makes biscuits on my lap/chest all the time on her red velvet blanket. Honeybee The Ham Feline Adventures is her facebook page. She really is unique-but now I have to do damage control because I spent too much time loving on Honeybee-she is just so easy to love-jumps on my lap or follows me all over-so usually Floey and her are competing.

Always a kitty to spend time with. Sometimes they all will sit on the couch together but not often.
three wonderful girls!  
    i have a soft spot in my heart for older/senior cats. 
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Both of my kitties will be 13 this year.

Patches is very laid back and easy going.  I have only heard him hiss twice, once when I caught his tail in the hinge side of a door.  The other time was when they were still young, Patches was having one of his at that time undiagnosed IBD flares and Alice wanted to play.  The second time was just a little short hiss but it was enough for Alice to leave him alone.  He is just very much a go along to get along guy.

Alice is much more demanding.  She always has her hissy fits when Patches comes back from the vet and there is usually a little hissing involved when she goes to the vet.  She will get between Patches and me when I am petting Patches and he will just leave and let her get her way.  She is a real diva but she is also very affectionate and loves to cuddle with me.
i think our jaspurr is like your Patches, he just 'goes with the flow' as he moves through each day. and the only time i've heard my boy hiss is when he's seen an unfamiliar cat out the window.

both your Patches and Alice sound like lovely kitties! 
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Fluffy is a dilute tortie and quite a character.  In the mornings she will walk into the bedroom and meow.  If I get up she follows me to the bathroom and downstairs talking the whole way.  I am amazed at how many different sounds she makes.  She likes to be brushed under her chin and if you try to brush her anywhere else she will grab the brush and bring it back up to her chin.  We have two brushes so one person can brush her chin and cheeks and the other can get her body.  One day we will get to her belly.  Luckily her fur doesn't get matted.  She leaves gray fluffy tumbleweeds everywhere.

Eclipse is a gentleman.  He loves to go out on a leash and harness and roam the front and back yards.  He especially likes dusk when there are bugs to catch.  If I tell him it's time to go in he will keep moving away from the door so he can stay out longer.  It's very hard to get him to come inside when night is falling.
awww.........such sweet cats! 

my mickey
and little snick
were both long haired, and they also used to leave fluffy (grey and white) tumbleweeds everywhere! 
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Catness- she's our little feral rescue found her outside of work under a building. She was still blue eyed and fuzzy. She's a strong one a calico/ torte lived on canned Friskies since she was three weeks old approximately. Litter box perfect even though found feral. Catness is a talker and meows at me in the mornings till I feed her. She's very food motivated and meows at the treats shelf too. She fetches a particular toy that is no longer made ( I contacted the Manufacturer) . Since she was found so young she likes to nurse on my armpit of my shirt if I let her. She's a drooler when she suckles. She only occasionally snuggles on my lap. She'd rather be just petted. She likes a single visitor at a time else she will hide if the room is to roude. She likes to be in the room beside you sleeping.

Rose- a total lap cat follows me around the house doing chores. Sleeps on my lap or on my pillow at night. She's a medium haired black & white cat with green eyes and white whiskers. Loves everybody especially new people in the house. Even put up with my niece pulling at her fur yelling Cat at 2 yrs old. She loves to chatter at birds in the window and chase flies threw the house. She comes when I yell her name. The only kitten in her litter that didn't hiss at me during inspection.

These cats are 3 1/2 years old
awww...that's so sweet that your Catness likes to nurse on the armpit of your shirt! 
   i adopted my mickey
very young too (about 4 weeks old), and he loved to nibble on my nose and especially my earlobes. i always believed that was because he'd been weaned too early.

your Rose sounds like a real sweetheart! 
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Ruby- I love how much she loves people (especially us)! She might very well be the friendliest, must outgoing cat I've ever had. When we have company, she's right there. If she sees anyone when we're outside (particularly kids), she gets super excited and rubs all over their legs. And when we're home alone, she's so snugly sometimes! She gets this look, completely focused, like "I'm gonna snuggle right there and you are going to like it."

Onyx- She's such a sweetie. She loves to burrow under blankets to snuggle up next to my leg. But I think what I love most about her is her energy! She's so talkative, and she always wants to play and explore. She always leaps and flips all over the place when you play with her favorite father wand toy! Plus, I love having a noisy little shadow following me around.
your Ruby and Onyx sound like such wonderful girls! 

our punkin loves to follow me around while i'm doing things, to help/supervise. 