Question of The Day. Saturday 27th of August


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Good morning. Welcome to the weekend.

It's almost the end of summer! Although in this part of the world we are already well into typhoon season and Number 10 is currently storming it's way overhead.

Are you or were you ever married? What kind of wedding did you have? 

I'm married but we didn't have a wedding. We thought about it, but the prospect of arranging a wedding and a reception and dressing up like a doily was too much for me. We snuck off to the town hall to get an official "Married" stamp and then went out for dinner in a fancy restaurant.

That was as much as my nerves could stand.

How about you?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
I had the same Town Hall wedding.  

We got married on a very humid September day in NYC on a Friday.  NYC Town Hall is just what you'd think, unclean. LOL  Most people take pictures of their hands with wedding rings against flowers etc, and we took ours against the coffee stain rings on the table and my hand against bubble gum that was smushed into the carpet. LOL  if you can't laugh, what's the use...

After, we went to my friends Spanish in the West Village, and while my friend was taking our order, my husband turned white, passed out and went splat on the floor.  My favorite wedding picture is us in the back of the ambulance me holding my flowers and hubby hooked up to the ekg machine.

Proud to say, Sept 15th will be 16 years.

Wow, time flies.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
We celebrated our 36th anniversary in June. We got married in Germany, where civil ceremonies are required. That's all either one of us wanted, but my in-laws were so upset about us not having a "real" church wedding that we agreed to have one if we could get everything over with in one day. The civil ceremony was in the morning and the small church wedding in the afternoon. The first went smoothly, except for our witnesses and photographer showing up late due to an accident on the autobahn and the registrar messing up my name. We had explained several times that I wanted to keep my maiden name as my middle name, but he gave me a double (hyphenated) last name, so I refused to sign until the documents had been made up again; I ended up with no middle name. The second was more of a mess. The elderly priest actually started marrying me to the wrong brother (who was in the U.S. at the time) and had to be corrected. Then he had an absolute fit because my maid of honor had never been baptized in any religion. A few people were very unhappy because I chose to wear an aqua "street" dress rather than a white wedding gown and told my family they didn't have to bother traveling thousands of miles to watch us sign a document. I hadn't actually told anyone except my brother that we were getting married till it was way too late for them to make travel arrangements. They were understanding, because I'd always told them I was going to elope.

I knew we should have skipped the religious ceremony. :lol3:
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I'm on the Elizabeth Taylor plan 

First wedding, when I was in my late 20's, was fairly large - about 150 people.Wore the typical big poofy wedding dress. Was in a catering hall.  I didn't care for it much. 

Second wedding, in my early 40's was about 85 people, and was held in a more intimate setting - an historic Victorian mansion.Had my own dress created from an off-the-rack dress which a seamstress added onto.  Had a pretty good time at that one - was so much more manageable.

Now, engaged and planning eloping. We're 57. There's just no need for any of that hoopla anymore. If I could do it in jeans and a t-shirt, I would but my fiance does want it to feel at least a little special. He was married in his very early 20's and divorced soon after so it's been decades for him. We're trying to figure out the when/where/hows.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Married 26 years.  Had a small wedding with 70 people, immediate family a few work friends and some kayaking friends.  I wore a tainted 2nd hand wedding dress (the original owner's wedding was called off), groom wore a suit as did best man and my maid of honor wore a purple dress.  I told her she could wear anything she wanted.  We were married by a Methodist minister at a lodge followed by an afternoon reception at the same location.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Not now,  I have a wee problem with co-dependency.  I'm better off with the pussycat.  I was, though.  Twice. 

My first marriage was a Christian ceremony on Panama City Beach, in Florida.  Only two invited guests, other than my parents, but about 800 onlookers who cheered when we got to the "kiss the birde" portion of thing.  There may well have been more than 800, there were cars stopped all along the highway above the beach, and a ton of people ON the beach itself.  Thank goodness I didn't have to feed then all!

The second one was a Pagan Handfasting, much more to my own wishes (Mom had the final say on the first one).  It was very pretty, in the fall of the year, and there were about 20 guests, and we had a wonderful feast afterwards that all the women in our little group got together and fixed.  The officiating High Priest brought several bottles of his homemade mead, and a VERY good time was had by all!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I was married once many many years ago.  We were married in 1977 and divorced in 1986.  We were both in the Army and married in Germany.  We just had the legal civil ceremony.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick was 19. I was 16. And I was pregnant. We had a very small, family only, wedding, followed by a very small reception at home. My mother wanted more of the family to attend and I really do think that my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc would have attended. But Rick's mother said that was in very bad taste and she refused to attend had we done it that way. Similarly, Rick's dad said that if Rick didn't shave his mustache off, he would refuse to attend. Well, Rick didn't shave and his father did attend. *SMH* We couldn't please anybody.I remember the music at the church was perfect.....for a funeral. Rick's mom cried through the whole thing; she had talked to her minister about the girl who was ruining her son's life
 (I didn't know about that until my SIL told me a couple of years after we were married. She did everything but have a nervous breakdown.). The whole ceremony lasted about 15 minutes....maybe. The girl who was my maid of honor made a bet with a friend who thought it wouldn't last a year; she thought we'd make it at least two years anyway. She knew I didn't want to get married, but my parents said I had to go through with it.

We will be married 45 years in April 2017.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
We had the big church wedding in December 1995. DD was 9 months old and stole the show.

The wedding was nice. DH and I got hammered. Why? We had a waitress just for us and every time I turned around, she was handing us fresh drinks. It was fun though. My aunt wanted to announce her daughter's engagement during the reception. Our parents said hell no. She got offended. No one cared.

DH passed away in September 2011.

Will I ever marry again? I seriously doubt it.
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Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I had the same Town Hall wedding.  

We got married on a very humid September day in NYC on a Friday.  NYC Town Hall is just what you'd think, unclean. LOL  Most people take pictures of their hands with wedding rings against flowers etc, and we took ours against the coffee stain rings on the table and my hand against bubble gum that was smushed into the carpet. LOL  if you can't laugh, what's the use...

After, we went to my friends Spanish in the West Village, and while my friend was taking our order, my husband turned white, passed out and went splat on the floor.  My favorite wedding picture is us in the back of the ambulance me holding my flowers and hubby hooked up to the ekg machine.

Proud to say, Sept 15th will be 16 years.

Wow, time flies.
That is such an awesome wedding!
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Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
The second one was a Pagan Handfasting, much more to my own wishes (Mom had the final say on the first one).  It was very pretty, in the fall of the year, and there were about 20 guests, and we had a wonderful feast afterwards that all the women in our little group got together and fixed.  The officiating High Priest brought several bottles of his homemade mead, and a VERY good time was had by all!
Oh, I've been to one of those. The bride and groom had to hold hands and jump over a broomstick 3 times. It was held at the bottom of Glastonbury Tor in England, underneath the Gog and Magog trees. It was lovely.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I have only been married once. I was 19 and just had a miscarriage. My mom had found out and insisted on us getting married. I wanted to but didn't at the same time. He was only 18. Any way we decided one day to get married and did the next. I wore a white dress from the dollar store and him a blue dickies outfit. There wasn't but a hand full of people there. My mom cried the whole time me, my ex and my grandmother laughed because the way mom acted. Not long after he went to the Army and being apart for so long in a new marriage being so young it didn't work. 

Me and Larry plan on it one day but don't know when. I would like something simple with close family, maybe 20 people. But he just wants to go down town. I'll get my way I always do. 


TCS Member
Aug 25, 2016
I've been married for almost two years now. I didn't want a ceremony, but agreed to a small one if my husband planned it all. All of the planning and notification to family occurred two weeks prior. We had a small ceremony in front of a pavilion with about 15 people present. We were going to get married on the beach, but it was a tad too cold. It took about 15 minutes as well. I wore a short white dress and my husband dress pants and a sweater. Our parents took the entire wedding party to a fancy restaurant afterwards. I am actually happy we had a small ceremony instead of getting married at the courthouse.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Happily single, too
Never been married or even dated a guy and don't ever plan to. Dating and marriage are just not on my "list" of things to accomplish in life. Just call me crazy cat lady for life
But if I were to ever get married, I'd do the same as Norachan: city hall to get the paperwork done and make it official by an officiant there and then a small gathering with immediate family only. The gathering may not even be on the same day. I'm not into the whole typical traditional wedding and dinner thing and all the expense involved. Plus I'm a complicated introvert with anxiety issues so the last thing I want is a huge party and being in the center of attention


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
We've been married for 7 years. I was almost 23 and we'd been together for 7 years already. It was a typical medium size wedding around 115 people. Ceremony, dinner, drinks and dancing. Then a late night pizza party in the best man's room unail almost 5 am.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I was married in a church in a lace wedding dress. About 100 people came, including lots of out of town relatives. We had a punch and cake reception in the community clubhouse, and went on a honeymoon in the Shenandoah Valley.

It didn't work out. After 22 years, he found someone else, and we were divorced.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 21, 2015
Dublin, Ireland
I'm not married, so I'll answer this about my sister.

First thing I'll say is that my sister is... special. I say that with great affection. She is an incredibly bright, creative, curious person with an engaging personality that people warm to right away. She also likes what she likes and if she doesn't like it, you (and everyone else within hearing) will know. I often say that she lacks that thing that most of us have in our heads to tell us "Maybe now isn't the best time to say what I'm thinking". All of which made her wedding planning a bit stressful for the family. By "a bit" , I mean "indescribably".

She wanted an outdoor wedding in Northern California, where our parents live. She wanted a Caribbean band. She wanted us all dressed in traditional Indian clothing (her husband is Indian). She was living on the east coast at the time, so our parents had to make most of the arrangements (although she sourced the Indian clothes for us). She wanted a professional hairstylist for us on the day, who had to come to us. There was so much potential for so many things to go wrong. We were all sure that something would - it had to, right? And then we were fully prepared for her to complain in the middle of her own wedding, so all her guests could hear, about how her wedding was ruined, most likely by something really minor and petty.

It went perfectly. Every single thing about it. Not even the slightest hitch.

And when it was all over, my parents told me: "If you ever get married, we'll pay you to elope." 
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