Question of The Day. Saturday 15th of August


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I remember the dreams I have shortly before I awaken or the ones that wake me up, but I assume there are many that my conscious mind just doesn't register. My husband talks in his sleep a lot, and when I ask him later what it was he was dreaming, he generally has absolutely no recollection of having dreamt at all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
It's really not that scary. I find it more scary coming back to this body and dealing with the physical world, tbh. I actually try to project nightly.
It wasn't scary, it was interesting, but I've never pursued actually trying to have one. Back when it happened, I had no idea what it was. I read something later about astral projection and it clicked.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I have two recurring dreams.

In one, my GF and I are riding bicycles down an old road. We come across a very old, creaky house. But it has "good bones" if somebody would just care for it. We decide to go inside to investigate. We check out the downstairs and I could tell you everything about the downstairs area: the woodwork, what kind of windows and doors, the flooring, etc. I decide to go upstairs and walk up the stairs. As I get to the top of the stairs, I turn around and call out to Lori, "Hey! It's fine up here! C'mon up!" And just as I'm ready to turn back around, two strong hands come around my throat and start choking me. Just as I pass out, I see his face and think, "It's you! Why?" But I don't know who it is, although I do know him. My dream won't tell me who it is. And then I awaken. I have had this exact dream more times than I even care to think about in the last 40 or so years. Always with Lori, always the same house. Always the same man.

In the second dream, I'm reviewing plans in my office (I was a planner before I retired). Over 20 years ago, I worked in a paper wasn't pretty, I hated every minute of it and couldn't wait to get out of there. Anyway, in the dream, I'm working on a plan review. Two guys from the paper plant barge into my office, grab me, and pick me up to take me back into the paper plant. I scream, "Wait! This is a mistake!" And one of the guys says, "No, we're taking you back! You need to go back!" I'm wearing a dress and heels, which I don't wear at the office. And I'm shrieking and screaming for help. I get back into the paper plant and everybody gathers round and they're all saying, "You thought you'd get away. You didn't! You'll run this machine in Hell!" I always wake up crying. I must have hated that place even more than I realize.