Progress with Mama- tips?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 27, 2017
I am happy about the kittens congrats definetly![emoji]128515[/emoji][emoji]10024[/emoji] Anyway I think that you are making amaZing progress and should keep going with it also make sure that you keep doing the same thing everytime to get them or her used to it
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
Seem to have taken a few steps backwards. Had to go out of town for the weekend and hubby took over kitty care. She got all her basics (food/water/radio/litter cleaned) but not the long visits I had been doing. Then I was sick in bed upon my return, so out another day form her new routine. Home sick from work today, so spending it in her room with Mama. She's talking a lot, but hiding mostly. Last night marked one week indoors.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Don't worry, just continue to assure her and continue with the routines and build up her confidence.
It's very good that she is taking it well for a week. You're doing great!
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
Day 10- Mama let me pet her! I'm thrilled!

I decided a few days ago to use the spoon I had taped to an extendable fork (think roasting hot dogs) to try to pet her. She responded very well, and seemed to enjoy the back rubs. The next day I positioned the spoon by her face (it was at about 3 feet long) and she rubbed her face on it and I heard her first purrs. By my evening visit time after work she approached the spoon (still under the table, but came toward me) and was eager to get her spoon rubs. I let her smell my closed hand and she would quickly back away. Two visits with two of her kids didn't go great. She was eager- the kittens hissed softly and were not interested- her boy was obviously agitated and wanted to leave the room after a few minutes. So I focused on my spoon time.

By this morning she was walking back and forth to rub against the spoon and purring and I had it down to about 1 foot long, so despite her still being under the table, I was quite close to her. Just now I had the spoon to its shortest length and when she was purring, eyes closed with delight at the head rubs, I dropped the spoon and with my hand rubbed under her chin, behind one ear and got to rub her back a few times. She opened her eyes, saw it was me and backed up a few inches, but continued to purr. I continued with the spoon and she laid down, relaxed, and purred herself to sleep. Success! I am so happy! Mama has no interest in food or treats as a tool to connect with me, so having her relate so well to touch, especially as a former feral cat is unreal to me right now.

We have decided Mama needs an additional part to her name Mama _____. Mama is an important part to us since she brought her babies to us and we have now reunited the family, but we want to give her a special name too. She is such a smart girl and I sense she'll be a love.

Good day!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
That's very good to hear and a very good progress. She has finally put her trust in you. But do not stop there, continue with the routine as she needs to build up her confidence not only to you but to everyone In he house and also the surroundings in the room and later the whole house.
I'm sure her babies and herself recognizes each other.

Keep bringing her babies to the room. Also place her food further and further out to the center of the room so that she don't always eat at a corner. This will boost her confidence to coming out of hiding and hopefull eventually she'll eat where you wants her to eat.

Keep it up and you are doing real great! :clap:

Oh I forgot to add, how about naming her Mama Love? Since you sense that she'll be loved?
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
Mama continues to make forward progress. I have spent a good deal of time with her today, mostly under the table with her as she won't come out, but allows me to sit under it with her. She really enjoys getting a rub down and I have not had to use the spoon to touch her at all- just my hand. Under her chin, between her eyes, behind her ears and she really loves right at the base of her tail. She purrs and looks so happy! Today she alternated between a good 5 minute petting sessions and then her leaving to jump on the desk and look out the window for a while. Then she'd come back to her under table hangout- I'd crawl back under and we'd repeat the process. I was able to get the Advantage on her this afternoon. I really hope I did it right- never done it before. Tried my best to get it down on her skin, but I'm not 100% positive. I had to work quickly and was on my hands and knees up under the table where it wasn't exactly well lit. The vet said aim to get a dose on her and then work to gain her trust more to be able to get her in for a vet check up in a month, and they'll apply the next dose.

I got Capstar from the vet to take care of live fleas before we got her inside. No obvious signs of any fleas since she has been inside. I've not seen her scratch at all either. I'm thinking she surely must have worms having been an outdoor kitty. Hopefully the Advantage will help that. She's a pro at the litter box, so I'll be on the lookout for any worms now that she's had the Advantage. When I can get her to the vet she'll need the combo test and they said her first distemper vaccination was so long ago (June- at time of spay & rabies) that we likely need to do all in the series again. I hope they can cut her nails for me too- they are like razors- she has reached out and held my hand and sweet but ouch!

And we have settled on a name- Mama Mabel, Mama Mae for short. Mable means 'lovable'.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
That's wonderful! Guess she is using the spot under the desk as her safe place. Maybe you can clear up the place for her so that she is some sort in the open but under the desk

Mama Mabel is a nice name :clap:
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
So Mama Mae has no idea about playing and will not engage. I've tried quite a few of the kittens toys- balls, mice, wand, laser- nothing gets a second look.

She is very happy with our petting sessions, but must be under her table  to allow me to touch her. She purrs loudly in anticipation and lets me scratch all over, including her face, under chin, behind ears. She loves attention at the base of her tail- raises her rump high into the air. Her nose drips when she purrs- read that's normal- hope so. Never seen that before. I have to be down on the ground with her, I guess less of a threat, for her to allow me to interact. She gets confident, comes out into the room and up on the desk to look out the window. I crawl over (standing makes her immediately jump down and hide) and have been able to rise to standing near her slowly without freaking her out. She meows as she looks out, and after a few minutes, it's back to her safe space under the table.

Yesterday while she was at the window I managed to get to standing with her still comfortable. I put my closed hand on the desk. She seemed relaxed so I moved it a bit closer. I raised it to let her sniff and she hissed and swatted me. Too much. More time...

She's a dainty eater and still not interested in food much at all. Litter box use is regular and excellent, so I'm guessing she's eating enough. Not sure how long it's going to take to be able to get her in a carrier and to the vet. The vet's office said let's hope for a month.

I ordered some catnip toys and a hideaway cat cube off amazon that will arrive tomorrow. Hoping to tempt her with a better hiding place and maybe a new toy.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Mama Mable is not use to human interaction except for eat and run. As human pose a threat to her while she is outdoors.

Play peekaboo toys with her. Make toys or balls disappear slowly from her sight to arouse her hunting instinct. This will work her mind to react. Of course you have to try it several times in order to get he interested. Remember, it's patience with love. Never spook her ;)


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I have found with each of the feral/strays I have brought into the house that playing is not a top priority for them.  It has taken them all weeks to  even be interested.  I have had the best luck with a simple shoe string.  I hide a part of it under a small towel or wash cloth and then slowly pull it.  After interest comes with the string, you can move to some wand toys.  

I find catnip to be hit or miss too.  The cats I have brought inside, all loved catnip outside. Yet at first when they were inside, it did nothing for them.  Gradually they began to enjoy it again, but for awhile, they ignored it.  

I really think the cats just need time to adjust to inside living.  It takes all of their energy to remain calm and learn the sights, sounds and smells of a home that playing just cannot be done.  In time, most will settle and learn to enjoy play time.

As for the nose dripping, I have one of my outside feral boys whose nose drips when he purrs.  He gets really excited for his meals and often his nose will drip with the purr.  I too read that this normal and happens with some cats.  

Tips to get her to the vet:  One of my guys was in the house for 3 weeks before I could get him to the vet. I had done TNR on him a few months before, but he needed other vaccines and the all important viral testing.  I purchased a medium sized mesh dog carrier to use.  I started feeding him inside it.  After a few weeks he was used to it.  So on the morning of the appointment, I placed just a few morsels in the dish and inside he went.  I was then able to block the exit with a chair pad and zip it up.  Then quickly cover the carrier to calm him.  The carrier was quite large, but it worked so much better than stuffing a cat inside a small cat carrier.  I still use this mesh carrier today with this particular cat.
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
Some more slow bits of progress with Mama Mabel. She comes from her hiding safe places in her room as soon as I enter and call her name. She will greet me in the middle if the room with a few meows, usually rub herself on the edges of some furniture and a cat cube I bought her, and then she goes under the table to her favorite space. When I get down on my knees and approach her in her safe space, she now begins to purr and is ready for her rear end scratch and petting session. She still will not allow more than a brief pet out in the open part of the room, but craves attention and love to be rubbed down in her safe space.

Still not interested in food at all. I believe she does all of her eating overnight. Any wet food/tuna/chicken is only consumed at night. She'll eat a bit of the dry kibble on occasion after a petting session when she's very relaxed. Using food to lure her into a carrier does not seem likely. It will be 3 weeks inside tomorrow.

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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
More forward steps! Still under her table in her safe space, but when on my hands and knees with head bowed, Mama Mable gave me head butts and even went nose to nose with me, all while purring! She has moved closer to me under her table by about 10 inches on the other side of the table legs for her rub down sessions. She also now comes out from under the desk when I enter the room as soon as I call her name. She heads straight for her table space- but hey- progress! I'll take it.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
That's great news. She's finally trusting you and all the head butts and nose bumps with purring are very good signs. Keep callingher name when you enter the room and each time try to get her to play so that she'll stay out longer instead of retreating back under the desk.

Keep it up! :clap:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2016
Long Island, New York
She's such a beautiful animal....i'm pullin' for ya.  I know firsthand the interim period between entry and integration is so darn difficult and frustrating. 

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  • #37


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
4 weeks with Mama Mabel inside and we had a HUGE breakthrough yesterday. I had been away for 72 hours (hubby did litter, food/water and an eye contact and talking brief visit) and she missed me! After a quick visit with her that included purrs and a few head butts under her safe space table when I returned, I had to step out of her room for a phone call. When I came back she ran to greet me in the middle of the room. I got on my hands and knees and she began purring and rubbing her body on me and giving me tons of head butts. I had Mama hair in my nose and eyes and all over- she was all up against me. This lasted almost a solid 5 minutes. Then she laid down in the middle of the room. I got a magazine and sat with her and read for almost an hour before she headed back under her table to her fleece blankets for a more solid nap.

That was 2 days ago. I've not had the same excitement to see me again, but I'm getting steady purrs, kneading her blankets and head butts. She is afraid when I stand fully up, I know she is definitely more comfortable with me on my knees- but I'm spending time in her room standing and talking to her so she gets used to me that way too. She'll hiss if approach at all while standing. Drop to my knees and she starts to purr.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
That is just so wonderful!!  She is doing so well.  She is certainly progressing quite quickly, although I am sure to you it seems slower.  Yet only 4 weeks inside and she is doing so much.  

My guy has been inside 8 weeks now.  I am at the process of doing introductions with my other two indoor boys.  Today was big day.  I brought the new guy downstairs to our den as I had been for the past 10 days.  After 2 hours, I took him back to his room.  I have a gate at the door way and then a barrier I made so he can't jump.  Yet he can see and hear what is going on in the house.  Well, he started meowing up a storm.  He did not want to be in his room!  I brought him back down to the den and he was so happy.  I then allowed him some time out with my other two.  He was very very cautious and after 20 minutes, he was ready to go back to his room.  It's a slow process, but I know in the end it will all be worth it!

Keep up all the good work.  I am so happy Mama is doing so well. 
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 5, 2016
Richmond, Virginia
Mama Mabel has claimed me!
5 weeks inside and I've had 3 days in a row now of her rubbing her face and mouth/cheeks/nose up against my face and nose. She has been good on giving head butts for a little over a week under the table in her safe place, but over the past 3 days she has greeted me in the center of the room (yea for my back for not having to be under the table with her!) and I've received purrs, rubs and now all the face scent marking.  She has hissed a few times and swatted, but I have given her a sharp no and left the room (no more attention) for a few minutes. I've figured out that she doesn't like any reaching over her or having me attempt to pet her while I'm standing- that's when she has hissed/swatted. Have to admit I've been a bit nervous when I lower my head while she's purring and rubbing, but each time she been loudly purring and immediately has gone in for multiple passes of "kisses" and rubbing her face all over mine. I picked her up twice (loosely stated- just a few inches off the floor and only for a few seconds each time) but it's a start. In 4 days it will have been a month since I got a dose of Frontline on her. My vet said my goal should be to have her in for her combo test and vaccines and they'd do Revolution after a month had passed. She also really needs her nails trimmed (no interest at all in any use of flat cardboard or tall scratchers). I've had the soft carrier I use out for a day now, open on the floor with treats inside so maybe she'll investigate it- no luck yet. I'm feeling pretty happy.