Over weight???


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Originally Posted by stampit3d

I`ve lost a lot on Atkins low carb diet before....but got really sick of so much protien all the time....and when I went off...I NEVER GAINED SO MUCH BACK SO FAST IN MY LIFE!!!!
The South Beach sounds like it is more healthy.....with using the glycemic index and using mostly only the "good carbs"....is this like that???
Thanks for the info.
No not really. It is a balanced carbohydrate plan...using the glycemic index doesn't work for the folks who need this kind of eating plan, though some do choose their carb options from the lower end, and we all seem to differ in what carbs we can have without triggering cravings etc. I.e. I can have a certain brand of chocolate covered macadamia nuts for my one meal where I have complex carbs and have weight loss and good blood sugars, but give me a white flour roll...forget it!
It works on controlling post-prandial hyperinsulinemia.

It is the most amazing change in my life. I can eat and be satisfied, no more feeling hungry 'for something" and picking my way through the kitchen. No more getting sleepy and foggy after a meal. I've lost over 76 lbs. in the past 2 1/2 years, and kept myself pre-diabetic versus tipping over into Type II.

I love it. I don't love that my life is changed but it is possible to eat out and be on plan, to continue making favorite family recipes. It's just a question of balancing the complex carbs, and restricting them to one meal a day. You do have carbs at the other meals or snacks, but they are from the low carb veggies from an approved list which is part of this eating plan.

I honestly would have cravings and probably gain weight if I did South Beach - I use no artificial sweeteners for one, which I think they allow, as the Dr's Heller's research (and that of others) found that if something tastes sweet, you will release insulin. So sugar-free gum, diet sodas..just as bad as having sugar...for me


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 20, 2005
South UK
I'm about 160lbs, but I'm 5'9 so it's not classed as overweight (BMI is under 24). I'd still like to lose some though, just so I can fit back into a lovely pair of trousers in my wardrobe!

Huge Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight, I know how hard it is


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
Michigan USA
Originally Posted by Pat & Alix

No not really. It is a balanced carbohydrate plan...using the glycemic index doesn't work for the folks who need this kind of eating plan, though some do choose their carb options from the lower end, and we all seem to differ in what carbs we can have without triggering cravings etc. I.e. I can have a certain brand of chocolate covered macadamia nuts for my one meal where I have complex carbs and have weight loss and good blood sugars, but give me a white flour roll...forget it!
It works on controlling post-prandial hyperinsulinemia.

It is the most amazing change in my life. I can eat and be satisfied, no more feeling hungry 'for something" and picking my way through the kitchen. No more getting sleepy and foggy after a meal. I've lost over 76 lbs. in the past 2 1/2 years, and kept myself pre-diabetic versus tipping over into Type II.

I love it. I don't love that my life is changed but it is possible to eat out and be on plan, to continue making favorite family recipes. It's just a question of balancing the complex carbs, and restricting them to one meal a day. You do have carbs at the other meals or snacks, but they are from the low carb veggies from an approved list which is part of this eating plan.

I honestly would have cravings and probably gain weight if I did South Beach - I use no artificial sweeteners for one, which I think they allow, as the Dr's Heller's research (and that of others) found that if something tastes sweet, you will release insulin. So sugar-free gum, diet sodas..just as bad as having sugar...for me
Is that right about the art sweetners? I`m remembering that even Atkins said something about that....but I don`t think they bother me that way as i did use them when I was on that diet and they did`nt trigger cravings....but with the white "anything" (except cauliflower) I start WANTING to put anything and everything in my mouth. I DO know that i am addicted to carbs...don`t even need to "take the test"...and I already do have type 2 diabetes....so good for you if you are able to get it under control before it gets out of control.
Of course part of my problem is that I don`t actually have to be hungry to eat...a lot of it is habit...plus I think I also still use food to shove down unpleasant memories from childhood ....even though i have dealt with many of them....(Just when I think I`m "DONE DEALING" ,and that life is returning to normal ,I get sneaking suspisions that maybe something more is trying to bubble back up.)
I wrote down the info about the book you suggested and am going to ckeck it out to see if they have a web site I can look at to get some idea of how the food plan works before I buy the book....oh gosh! Here I go again...seems like it is an endless Roller Coaster ride...almost makes me leery about getting aboard the thing again....but then ..what if i don`t at least try, right? I keep telling myself not to give up hope...that someday something is going to work long term for me....and who knows...maybe this is it?!
Thanks for responding to me again on here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2005
Windy City Kitty :)
Honestly, I would reccommend a well-planned, balanced vegan diet for anyone here who is trying to lose weight. It gets you thinking about the content of the foods you eat, not just the amout of fat, carbs or calories. I mean, I pretty much live on unrefined carbs (multi-grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole brown rice), legumes (nuts, beans or seeds HAVE to make an appearance at every meal if you're vegan), and of course, fruits and veggies. Taking away meat and dairy takes out not only most of the fat one consumes (especially the "bad" fats), but it also takes out a lot of harmful additives. Also, since you need to get protein, fiber, iron and calcium from other sources, you'll tend to look a lot more at ingredient labels and be all over more aware of what's going into the body.

And you don't have to eliminate meat and dairy 100% of the time, but just try going vegan for a few days. Also, drink a glass of yerba mate (it's a really good argentinian tea...with cocoa beans in it!) with every meal...it stimulates metabolism naturally, therefore giving you more energy and helping you lose weight. I guarantee that you'll feel a lot cleaner.

Also, some good reading is Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I'd also reccommend that for anyone who wants to know more about how to stay healthy in terms of the food they're eating.

Good luck everyone!

And, as a side note, since going vegetarian and adding excercise into my life 3 days a week (this was in 2002), I've lost 25 pounds and it has stayed off for 3 years. Never felt better and I did it without all of those silly fad diet plans!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2004
Morrisville, NC
I am 78.8 lbs overweight. That said, in August I was 109 lbs overweight, so I say I'm doing pretty darn well my my count
By my anniversary next year I want to be at 135

My starting BMI was 44.6 and my current BMI is 39.1 I am now Obese rather than Morbidly Obese. That said, BMI is not accurate for athletic people and honestly, probably isn't 100% accurate for me.

If you are a woman , with a natural waist LARGER than 35 inches, then you have a higher likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes, and cirrosis, due to the fat between your internal organs. If your natural waist is less than 35 you are more or less healthy. I have a 37 inch waist, but I'm working at it.

I'm doing the WW plan because it's EASIER to count points than it is to count everything and keep track of it all the time. I'm also circuit training 3 times a week, and once a month I go to the wellness center and do the different machines that I don't generally have available to me. And I swim.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Originally Posted by stampit3d

Is that right about the art sweetners? I`m remembering that even Atkins said something about that....but I don`t think they bother me that way as i did use them when I was on that diet and they did`nt trigger cravings....but with the white "anything" (except cauliflower) I start WANTING to put anything and everything in my mouth. I DO know that i am addicted to carbs...don`t even need to "take the test"...and I already do have type 2 diabetes....so good for you if you are able to get it under control before it gets out of control.
Of course part of my problem is that I don`t actually have to be hungry to eat...a lot of it is habit...plus I think I also still use food to shove down unpleasant memories from childhood ....even though i have dealt with many of them....(Just when I think I`m "DONE DEALING" ,and that life is returning to normal ,I get sneaking suspisions that maybe something more is trying to bubble back up.)
I wrote down the info about the book you suggested and am going to ckeck it out to see if they have a web site I can look at to get some idea of how the food plan works before I buy the book....oh gosh! Here I go again...seems like it is an endless Roller Coaster ride...almost makes me leery about getting aboard the thing again....but then ..what if i don`t at least try, right? I keep telling myself not to give up hope...that someday something is going to work long term for me....and who knows...maybe this is it?!
Thanks for responding to me again on here.
Hi Linda,
They do have a website http://www.carbohydrateaddicts.com/ and there is a superb support group that I would highly recommend as well. Several members have full blown Type II diabetes, it has been wonderful to see one members results from using CALP (the abbreviation for the plan I follow).

There is an earlier book which I do not recommend (CAD - Carbohydrateaddicts Diet which doesn't reflect their later research as CALP does and one since CALP for those with cardiac issues/concerns.

I love to cook, love food and this has allowed me to still enjoy both while losing weight and improving my health. I took a quick look at the website (hadn't been there in a bit!), they do have a quick quiz and quite a bit of information about their plans, so it should be very helpful to you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Originally Posted by turtlecat

I am 78.8 lbs overweight. That said, in August I was 109 lbs overweight, so I say I'm doing pretty darn well my my count
By my anniversary next year I want to be at 135

My starting BMI was 44.6 and my current BMI is 39.1 I am now Obese rather than Morbidly Obese.
Congratulations to you - awesome!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I chose 20-40 lb overweight. I'm not sure exactly where I am 'supposed' to be. But at 5'5" I looked my best at 130-135. I'm now somewhere between 150-160. My co-worker thinks I've lost some but I refuse to own a scale!

I'm not into any 'dieting' plan either. I'm just trying to watch my consumption level and add some physical exercise. Cardio always causes some health issues to come up for me so I'm trying pilates which I like becaus I've gotten back a ton of flexibility. DH is a health nut so he's pretty much shown me that if I want to stick to a healthy weight a diet won't help if I stop it. So I'm going with the skinney one (in my family) oe this!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 14, 2005
San Antonio
I'm 5'3" and last I checked I weighed in at 150 pounds.

Now, having said that: I am hourglass shaped and consequently naturally have large boobs and a big butt. I also dislike how very waiflike the American weight-standard list ideally demands people to look--someone right at BMI 20 at my height is supposed to be all of 113. So I'm apparently very lovely as snuggly and curvy as I am right now, according to the person this matters to, but the weight-standard list would have me listed as being quite a bit overweight.

So. I will be exercising a little bit to firm up a tiny bit and get rid of some of the excess belly pudge (not too much). I will be content to go down to 135-140 pounds and stay there--and this is my own choice, not because some idiot decided to put numbers on a chart. Besides, any more than that and not only would I look utterly silly, but he wouldn't have tummy to snuggle anymore.

*Directs a very rude hand gesture at the BMI charts*
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Aug 12, 2005
Originally Posted by Tabaqui

I'm 5'3" and last I checked I weighed in at 150 pounds.

Now, having said that: I am hourglass shaped and consequently naturally have large boobs and a big butt. I also dislike how very waiflike the American weight-standard list ideally demands people to look--someone right at BMI 20 at my height is supposed to be all of 113. So I'm apparently very lovely as snuggly and curvy as I am right now, according to the person this matters to, but the weight-standard list would have me listed as being quite a bit overweight.

So. I will be exercising a little bit to firm up a tiny bit and get rid of some of the excess belly pudge (not too much). I will be content to go down to 135-140 pounds and stay there--and this is my own choice, not because some idiot decided to put numbers on a chart. Besides, any more than that and not only would I look utterly silly, but he wouldn't have tummy to snuggle anymore.

*Directs a very rude hand gesture at the BMI charts*

menagerie mama

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
I have been getting fatter by the year! Haha! Not really a laughing matter. I have always had a poor self image, and as unhealthy as it may sound to say this, the guy I have been seeing really knows how to make me feel better about myself. I know another person's opinion is not what I should base my self image on, but I have never had a guy make me feel so loved, just for exactly who I am. Maybe not enough guys told me I was pretty just the way I was, I don't know, but once you have someone who celebrates who YOU are, and not what they want you to be, it makes a world of difference to your frame of mind! I feel like a million bucks, and I am starting to work to improve myself, not even just for the "looks" factor, but for my health.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Originally Posted by menagerie mama

I have been getting fatter by the year! Haha! Not really a laughing matter. I have always had a poor self image, and as unhealthy as it may sound to say this, the guy I have been seeing really knows how to make me feel better about myself. I know another person's opinion is not what I should base my self image on, but I have never had a guy make me feel so loved, just for exactly who I am.
wonderful...that's the way it should be. I have never felt so cherished as I have by my dh - who met and married me at my heaviest. He has not yet seen me at my goal weight, it doesn't matter to him, except for concerns for my health.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 4, 2005
LOL, I hate that stupid index too! It's just numbers, for crying out loud. It certainly isn't the last word on how healthy someone is.

Is it just me, or does it seem like being overweight has become the character flaw du jour?
I mean, not everyone has the perfect, skinny body type. We are all different, and I think it gets frustrating and counterproductive when the American public keeps being nagged about an ideal weight that many may never be able to achieve.

FWIW, I gained about 25 excess pounds over the last few years. It was horrible, and it seemed like nothing I did made the slightest bit of difference. It turned out that I had an underactive thyroid, which was slowing down my metabolism and making me really fatigued. Once I started on medication, things improved a lot. I lost over 10 pounds in just the past couple of months, mainly just by walking more during the day. There are a lot of different mechanisms that regulate people's weight and metabolism and how they process calories, and one size is never going to fit all.

That's my rant for today!