One Of My Strays Has U.t.i....need Advice !!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
Looks like i have a stray (Oatie) a 3-4 yr old tomcat that has UTI he is one of nearly 15 strays that i'm currently caring for so i want to start off by saying "please" don't say take him to a vet, i have limited funds in the first place and i'm already putting out around $120. a month on care for all these cats, i do this because i care and that nobody else will, but here's what i got going on with Oatie, i've dealt with a lot of stuff but never before a case of UTI, it started showing up on him about a month or two ago, i did'nt know what was happening till i talked to someone that has dealt with UTI and he told it was UTI for sure. all i've been able to do is hit him with the best UTI pills i've got (mixing in his wet food) everyday for about a week or so now and it seems to have slowed the infection down a little but not curing it totally, he seems to slowly be slipping, his current condition is getting skinny, always half soaked with urine on the back legs and does'nt look happy, the best thing i have going for me is that he still has a great appetite but i need any advice i can get short of taking to vet not posssible on my income, is there anything i can put in his wet food or something to help, i feel really bad that i did'nt reconize this earlier, would have made all the difference in the world i'm sure........Oatie is a fixed and friendly male(TNR) that i see every morning when i feed the strays, i'd hate to have to bury him over this but i think that's what i'm headed for so that's why i'm posting for any advice...................
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
I've heard of both but never carried either, it's a wonder that i've made it this far without any far as getting him home to the bathroom, even just to clean him up some, he's not grooming so well of late, would be difficult, he's over a mile down the road along with about 8 others that i care for once a day, i'm caring for 8 here at the house in which i have more time to contact with were as the home group is always in best shape cause i'm always nearby.........if things were any different, i'd put Oatie on my back porch for a while with some ICU care like i did years ago when the cat traffic was much lighter here but it would probably cause issues now, so i guess i'm looking for something to put in his wet food for a cure while he still has an appetite before he either gets too skinny or lack of proper grooming causes any more unwanted issues...........Question, this Fishmox/amoxicillin, is it available at wal-mart and is it something that can be put in wet food ??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
You have to buy fishmox online, it is no longer available in local stores. At least not in my area-- it wouldn't hurt for you to call around some pet stores in yours . A pet store that sells tropical fish would be your best bet. Hopefully Foxxycat has PM'd you the info, if not I can do it later. You can mix it in wet food or tuna to disguise the taste. If you are feeding 15 cats, you need to be sure he is the one getting the food with the medicine in it. I do have to recommend that you try to get him to a vet. Is there one in your area who would let you pay in installments? Many vets accept Credit Care, which you can apply to online and immediately get a printed out card. I believe the first time you use it it is interest free if you pay it off when you are supposed to. I say this because urinary tract infections are extremely painful for cats and can be fatal. So if ever there was a time to try to get a cat to a vet, this would be it. But if you can't take the cat to a vet, try to get hold of the Fish Mox.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
first off, i'm way out in the woods here, no pet stores, i do have a wal-mart almost 20 miles from here, that's why i asked about them having it, if money or credit was not an issue, i would have had him at the vet days ago but vet is not an option for me, and i know the end result for this type of infection, that's why i kick myself in the *utt for not knowing what was happening to him a month at the house, i treat these male's with UTI prevention pills every other day but can't afford to do the same to the one's a mile down the road, but it looks like the best i can do is get a hold of this Fishmox online which will take some time and hope he can hang-on, appearently he has for quite a while.............thank you both and future members for responding, like i said, it's a wonder i've made it this far without Fishmox...........i'll still need them Fishmox dose amounts......


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Carecredit is no interest for 6 to 12 months depending on how much is charged. I've used it many times. Yes I sent info about fishmox. I figured if she cant handle cat it's better than nothing. Some people put cranberry supplement in wet food too. I had some in capsules and I poured a bit into wet food daily for a month when my pumps had urinary tract infection. She was on antibiotics n pain meds too. If you can get him to get they can do injected antibiotics if it's the appropriate medication for that infection.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
When my cat had a UTI, it cost $100 at the vet, he got an antibiotic shot, then antibiotic liquid for 10 days. But if you can't afford the vet, the Fish Mox is $10 at Chewy. Their shipping is pretty quick. I have a bottle right now, I haven't used it yet, so I can't comment on it's effectiveness. But it's Amoxicillin, so it should work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Are you a customer with any vet in your area? I've been a customer at my vet clinic for so many years that they often help me with telephone advice at no charge, and for my pets who have a file there, the vet sometimes prescribes medicines that I can go pick up without taking the cat/dog in. Knowing my vet, they probably do that for people who aren't even clients.

Barring that, trying FishMox or some other OTC fish antibiotic is probably your best hope to save the cat. The fact that he is peeing down his legs is at least a good sign that he is not completely blocked by crystals or a stone. Neither WalMart here, nor any of the big pet supply stores, stock FishMox any more. An aquarium/tropical fish shop or online may be the only places to get it.

I've only owned one cat who had UTI's. She had three in her 16.5 years, spaced out over the years. I think they did treat with antibiotic, but that has been too long ago and my memory is bad. Whatever the vet prescribed, she cleared up within a few days.

:vibes:Good healing vibes your way that you can figure out how to get Oatie over this rough spot and back to good health. Bless you for helping so many homeless kitties. :grouphug:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
Thanks to everyone who offered advice, i knew i could get it here, i'm gonna try getting that fishmox soon as posssible even check with chewy, i hear they ship quickly.........i too hope Oatie makes it, i only wish i could do more but i'm doing what i can and yes, sad he is peeing down his back legs but i too thought at least something was making it out........and if Oatie does'nt make it, he gave me important info on UTI that maybe a cat in the future would'nt have to suffer so !! got to go now, have cats to tend to, thanks all for your input and dose info, will let all know of the outcome...........


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Chewy has cipro and amoxicillin in their fish section (Thomas Labs). The amox is 250mg, the cipro is 500. The amox is cheaper, but Cipro is stronger. I would take Msaimee up on her kind offer to mail you the Fishmox. Any of these anti-bacterial agents should work. I once had a cat who got UTI's and he was usually prescribed Clavamox, which I believe is a form of amoxicillin.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
I will take Msaimee up on her offer, Oatie needs help and because of money, it would probably be nearly two weeks before i could get a hold any Fishmox, "BUT" been try'in to figure out how to PM on this site and still can't figure it out, if someone could tell me how to do that ???.........i got to go out for a few hours this morning and on way out feed the down-road group and check on Oatie, was'nt able to do that yesterday because of rain, hope he's still there and hungry, but i'll get right back on here when i get back !!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It's under Conversations, the little envelope on the top right. Then click on Start a New Conversation and type in her username under Participants.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
thanks for that info, i did what ya said and hopefully msaimee got the mailing address, i'm running late and got to go, cats will be hungry down the road but i'll be back and get back on here !!
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
To All Involved, Thank You very very much, i never need thanks to try to improve these stray cats lives, it just seems like the right thing to do even if i can't really afford it......that's why i gotta say that it's not a habit of mine to take handouts but i'll accept any help i can get on these strays down the road, i can hold my own on the 8 i'm caring for here, which get better treatment than the one's down at the dump but even there i've been able to feed, flea treat and some terramycin and L-lycine were needed for about 3 years now, for what i'm able to do, they all look pretty good up there except for Oatie and by the way on my way out , stopped by up there and did daily feed and Oatie was there still looking the same as of late, a little skinny, soaked back legs but had a big appetite............Once Again, i want to thank all concerned and helped out with this matter, i knew this site was were i could come to when i ran out of options and start asking for advice..........


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Please update us as to how he is doing once you begin treating him. Our members have given you great advice. Thank you for caring for all of these cats in your home and down the road! :)
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
Update, Oatie is still hanging in there, As of yesterday morning(Sunday), still eating good, still half-soaked back legs......hopefully the Fishmox will arrive today or tomarrow and we can start treating him maybe Tues. or Wed. morning.............