Not sure what to do!

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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Give us an update on the kittens when you get a chance! Hoping things are going well. :)
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  • #42


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
OK, day 1.  I feel like I'm writing a blog!  : )

Rewashed the kittens with dawn.  Lots of lots of fleas came off.  The kittens fought at first but seemed to like it by the time I was through.  Stayed away from their face with soap but washed with a washcloth.   The corner part of the eye of second kitten was still attached but I tried to wash it gently.  Lots of what looked like blood came off their little bodies.  Was it blood and what is dermatitis?

One kitten liked the cat food/milk mixture, ate about three bites.  I then gave it the bottle and he really liked it.  Grabbed hold and wouldn't let go!  Second cat didn't like the mixture.  So I tried the milk again.  Didn't like that either.  I tried rubbing against her mouth but she refused.  I'll try again before I go to bed tonight.

Both are in a bedroom in the back.  I have them wrapped in towels and closed the air conditioner vent.  I keep it pretty cold at night so I wanted to make sure the room wasn't cold.  Will probably get up around 3 or 4 to check on them (get up at that time every night anyway)

I want to say thank you to everyone for helping me through this.  I've never had animals and didn't know what to do.  ; )  My sister told me she was glad I never had any children.  She said I would have been wacky by the time they reached a year old! 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
C clw01

Nice work!!! :)

You'll want to give the Dawn bath again in a couple of days in case there are other fleas or flea eggs. You can wash the tops of their heads with the cloth too. Dermatitis is a skin condition (inflammation) caused in this case by flea bites. The stuff that came off that looked like blood was flea poop.

They will likely have tape worms because of the fleas, so the next step will be to get some flea medicine from the vet, such as droncit, which is safe for kittens but will kill the worms. They need a dosage appropriate for kittens.

So glad one kitty ate AND drank his bottle. (Can you tell sexes yet?)

I hope the other kitten will soon eat and drink. If not, try to get some in the side of the mouth for tonight. Kittens digest their food in about 2 hours at this age, so they need frequent feedings. Therefore, I am glad you will be feeding again before you go to bed, as well as again around 4am.

Make sure the reticent kitty sees the sibling eating. It may motivate it to eat also. Try smearing a little on its lips. If no luck, try getting drops in. The kitten must eat or it will cry all night and get weak. Try the Gerber turkey baby food that I mentioned earlier with this one tomorrow. It may do the trick in the interim. Hope it will take the bottle soon. Do you have a dropper or syringe to use on the one who won't eat? It may make it easier to get milk in.

Very good thinking to shut A/C vent. Do you have a heating pad or water bottle you could put in with them tonight? A little stuffed toy to cuddle with?

You will need a litter box tomorrow to show to the kittens. They should be able to use it soon. Cats have a natural instinct for digging, but since they learn this from mama, you will have to put them in and take a little paw and show them how to dig. They will wee and poo in their bed for now, so you'll have to change it out.

I just want to ensure that the reticent kitty stays hydrated. Try to get what you can in her, and you can always smear some honey or Karo syrup on her mouth for energy. I'm worried about her not eating. She really needs a full meal!

I think you would have made an excellent parent! Kids don't come with instructions either - we learn from others, through reading, and mostly by doing - trial and error. You are doing quite nicely with the kittens!

How was mama kitty tonight? Be sure to include her in your updates. Did she eat? Did you get flea medicine on her?

You get an A++ tonight! :) What a great, feel-good report! :)

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I agree you would make a great parent.   Not stopping until you find a solution goes a long way with kids.
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  • #45


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Some sad news this morning.  When I went to feed one of the kittens I realized it had died sometime early this morning.  Last time I fed them she took a little food but I guess her little body had just had too much.  I'm trying to console myself by saying I did all I knew to do but it's still sad.  The other cat is moving around and eating like crazy.   I did want to ask if I can give it another bath?  There are still so many fleas.

I'm going to take care of momma cat today.  She's so thin I'm afraid to put the flea medicine on her.  Last cat I gave the medicine screamed for 30 minutes afterwards.  Found a low cost vet and will try to get an appointment for today.   I'm hoping they can get her back into shape. 

My other question and I hope this doesn't sound selfish.  I originally was going to get momma fixed so I could find her a home.  Unfortunately none of the feral/rescue agencies I contacted have called me back.  I can't handle another cat.  I was thinking of taking her to the ASPCA.  I feel terrible doing that but I just hate to see these cats just roaming my backyard.  What kind of life is that?  They need homes not to just exist. 

This stuff isn't for the faint of heart.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
C clw01

Oh. I am so sorry for the baby who passed. You DID do all you could and more. She passed knowing she was cared for, warm and safe, which is better than passing alone under the house. When mama is not healthy the babies are not healthy. Glad the other is a fighter!

Yes, go ahead with the Dawn bath. You can do it daily until the fleas are gone and his skin is healed. The bath is far better than being eaten alive by fleas!

I will write more about mama shortly.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
C clw01

I am really glad you plan to take mama to the vet. She needs attention, and definitely worming, flea treatment, and spaying.

Which flea meds did you purchase? I have found that the cheaper, OTC meds like Hartz brand cause a great deal of skin burning, which is why I recommended Advantage. More expensive but much safer and more effective.

I would not take her to the ASPCA, especially in the condition she is in. They will likely not choose to rehabilitate her (!), regardless of what they tell you. She deserves a decent shot at a quality life.

I would recommend that you attempt to bring her in your house after the vet visit. The ideal situation would be to keep her with her baby for a few weeks while getting her healthy enough to re-home. She may need some ongoing meds as well, and certainly a chance to eat well and build her coat and immunity. She may continue to nurse, and she needs a bath (may take two people - one to scruff her and one to wash, rinse, and dry). Bath does not have to be today, but flea meds should.

She sounds skittish, but will know you are caring for her. She may hide at first, but should quickly adapt. She needs to be socialized or she will be put down if you hand her over to an agency.

I know that you do not want the longer term responsibility, but perhaps you could do this much for her now, until she is in better shape, and you can seek a suitable home for her and her kitten.

If the vet spay is too expensive, the local Humane Society performs it much more cheaply. If you keep her inside she won't get pregnant, and can be spayed in a couple of weeks when she is healthier.

Please let me know your thoughts, as well as how the vet visit goes today. I really appreciate all of your efforts, and the cat/kitten surely do as well! :)
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Well, I just took the little kitten that passed to the animal shelter.  The lady behind the counter said she was about 7-8 weeks old but that doesn't fit with when momma cat lost her belly.  I assume they were very weak from the fleas so they were not progressing as well as they should.

The other kitten is doing well this morning.  I'm going to feed it and give it a bath in a minute. 

I know you keep telling me to bring momma cat inside but I cannot.  I have another cat in the house and this his her home.  I've had her for almost 8 years.  She is also a semi-feral, very territorial and is scared of everything.  She is going nuts as it is. 

Again, I hear what you say about the flea medicine but I'm living off of credit cards and I'm getting pretty close to my max on all my cards.  I just can't afford to spend another $60.00 for flea medicine in addition to a vet.  We have to make choices sometimes.  I'll get my courage up and apply the flea medication I have shortly.  I have an appointment to get her spayed in July through a TNR program. 

I've sent out so many emails and made calls but no one is interested.  Its very sad, she just needs a family.  I also have another cat that came from across the street.  The woman decided she didn't want her anymore and just left her outside.  She is a very loving cat too.  I would love to find her a home but in the very least I want to get her spayed too.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I understand. I did not realize that you had a cat already in the house. Just do what you can afford to do.

I don't see how the kitten who passed could even look 7-8 weeks old. From all you've said, I'm guessing about 4 weeks old, maybe 5 at the most.

Is mama kitty eating better now? And glad to hear the kitten is okay. Hope this next flea bath helps even more.

PS: A vet will usually sell a single tube of Advantage if you ask.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
That's awesome you have the July TNR spay appointment. She will probably be pregnant by then, but they will terminate it when they spay her.

I get very upset when I hear that people just leave their cats outside when they no longer want them. Grrrr.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Rescues are staffed by volunteers who have regular jobs.  Sometimes it takes a few days for them to respond to emails and calls.  It is frustrating but hang in there.  You may hear back from them.
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Yes, momma cat has been eating for several days now.  She's gained a little weight back but still very thin.  I keep giving her food but she is now picky!  One of the bad things of giving them tuna fish is that they don't want anything else after that! 

Sounds stupid but I didn't know how bad fleas were.  After seeing these kittens and how the fleas destroyed them I now understand.  I'm guessing the little scrawny cat was just too anemic to survive.   Sure has changed my views on things!

I'll update about momma when I know more.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Mama probably has worms and won't gain much weight until the worms are gone. Fleas = tapeworms. She may have other parasites inside as well. Once treated, you'll be surprised by how much healthier she becomes.
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Unfortunately the other kitten passed last night.  I went in to feed it at 2:30 and it had died between the 11:30 and 2:30 feedings.  They were both just so covered in fleas it was all I could do to get most of them off.  I did all I knew to do.  I know so much more now about kittens but I don't think I could go through this again with other kittens.  Its very painful to watch sick little kittens die.  I just didn't know how much damage fleas go do. 

Momma cat has an appointment with the vet on Friday.  She will be getting d-flea'd and all her shots, plus they are going to check for worms.  She has an appointment to be spayed the first week of July.  I want to find her a home and will tackle that once she is fixed.   

Thank you again to everyone for all the help.  Its been an incredible couple of days. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I am so sorry to hear you lost the second kitten. It is nothing that you did. They had a poor start in life, and probably suffered from more than just fleas. Again, he passed feeling loved and cared for, and not under the house alone.

Thanks for all you have done and are continuing to do for mama kitty.

Let us know how the vet visit goes.
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  • #56


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Well, more bad news.  I've been trying to get momma kitty back to good health and paying extra good attention to her.  She was starting to look much better.  I haven't seen her since yesterday but that's because they came and cut my bushes.  The cats hate all the loud noises!  She didn't come up this morning to eat which is really unusual.  I went looking in her hiding spot but didn't see her.  Figured she come up when she got hungry.

This morning I went outside to do some chores and something in the grass caught my eye.  I realized that it was momma cat.  Sometime in the night she was killed..  She is small and was probably easy prey.  At first I thought it was two kittens we missed but then I realized that it was her torn in two.  Wasn't a very pretty sight.

Unfortunately with it being July 4th weekend our animal services is closed today.  I had to talk myself into it but eventually I went back out there and picked everything up.  I guess its true we really don't know what is out there at night. 

I just found someone to build her a home for my porch too.  I feel really bad that this happened to her - it makes my heart hurt.  I know its the law of nature but it still sucks.

If this is the wrong forum I'm sorry.  Just thought those of you that helped me on my journey would want to know.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I am SO very sorry mama kitty was attacked and killed. I know that must have been difficult for you to see. You don't think she got caught up in lawn equipment, do you? She knew you loved her and that she had a good home. I know you will miss her.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
What a sad update.   You did an amazing amount to help this mama kitty and her kittens and she was incredibly lucky to have your love and care helping her through these past weeks.  Your kindness gave them every chance of life and I am sorry you did not have longer with them.  

The TCS team would like you to know that we are so very sorry for your loss. Threads are locked after such losses, as a sign of respect.   We invite you to place a tribute at  as an enduring testimony to this mama cat and her kittens.  Alternatively you might like to make a tribute Cat Page for them so you can share what you know of their lives:

May this little family be reunited and run free of pain where ever they are.  
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