new rescue cats...Can I get support and advice?


TCS Member
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Jun 16, 2012

2 cats moved in with me a week ago. They are full grown and one has had kittens. They are sisters and strongly bonded to one another. They were outdoor cats who were fed and then brought inside by their previous owner. They stayed inside for approximately 3 months. Both cats were comfortable around her. They have been fixed, gotten their shots and are microchipped. I had 2 rescue kittens before but they adjusted quickly and Im in new territory here.

Like I said they have been with me for one week and are in a bedroom with the door shut. They have a cabinet with a hole cut in the side that they are holed up in. They are eating and using the litter box and there is evidence they are playing with toys I've left in the room. I havnt seen them out of the box yet. I change their water and clean the litter box every morning at 9am. THey have a constant supply of food. They have a nightlight and pheromone diffuser. Before I enter, I knock and tell them Im coming in and I sing babyish songs to them and speak in loving baby type talk.

Also, their previous owner cam over the other day and she wanted to check on them and so she opened the top lid to see that they were all right. The one was hidden under a blanket and the other looked terrified. Should I let her do that again? Im afraid that may be terrifying for them and slow down the process of getting used to me and the space.

Am i doing all the right things? Im concerned that I still havnt seen them outside of their box.

I appreciate your feedback and support,



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
WELCOME!!!!!! Wonderful of you to take in these two sister kitties :hugs: YES - you are doing everything right!!!! Doing a great job. They have a private, safe room. You have a nice place for them to hide - great idea btw - the cabinet with the hole for entry and exit :clap::clap::clap: IF the cabinet has a door, I assume, then I would start opening that slightly when you are sitting in there. Don't look at them, just let them watch you!! They must visually get used to seeing you work about the room, caring for them and cleaning up. Right now they are just using their sense of "hearing" when you come into the room - which if fine for the first couple of weeks. But then, they must be able to "visually" see you but still feel safe that you don't really see them. This socializing process can take a very, very long time depending on the cat. With two of them scared together, then it makes it a bit more of a challenge because they will feed off of one another's fears. It can be done though - just tons and tons of patience. Spend as much time in the room as possible each and every day. Reading aloud, talking soothingly, working on the computer, and even watching TV, if there is a TV in that room. Play some classical soft music. I would also suggest going in a few times a day to offer some really enticing wet/canned cat food!!! Food can be your helper right now as far as getting then to trust you a wee bit more :D :vibes::vibes: Here is an extremely helpful article written by a long time TCS member and feral expert. Has some great tips, advice and suggestions. Also a link for some great music for ferals
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Agreeing with Feralvr and her advices.  You are doing just great and just need time. I suspect the sisters, although said to be comfortable around the previous owner, werent really socialized. They managed to be inside, nothing really more. (adult semiferals are seldom completely socialized in just 3 months, so nothing peculiar nor wonder with this).  I agree with Feralvr you should have with you some treats. Food is a mighty weapon in these situations.  A dirty trick is if you do have ALL their food with you... Dirty, but it may be useable.   :)

How are your residents, these ex-rescuees?   Are they well socialized now?   In some variations you may use them as ambassadeurs, newbees seeing you are interacting with their pals, or at least, with other cats...

Welcome and good luck!
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TCS Member
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Jun 16, 2012
The 2 new cats are my only cats. The others I referenced were adopted by new owners when I moved out of state. Right now I only give them dry food which they have a constant supply of. The first couple days I put out a small amount of wet food and they didnt touch it.

Should I continue to put out wet food even though they arent eating it?

Should I continue to have a constant supply of food or should I start feeding them daily?

I propped open the lid of the box about an inch so they can see me when I'm in there. I'm planning on just leaving it open that way all the time because it seems like it would be scary for them to have me open every time I spend time in there and then close it when I leave. Any thoughts?

I;m not sure what you meant by this "A dirty trick is if you do have ALL their food with you... Dirty, but it may be useable." can say more about that?

thanks for the support. It's great to get feedback and not feel like I'm all alone in this!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Right now I only give them dry food which they have a constant supply of. The first couple days I put out a small amount of wet food and they didnt touch it.
Should I continue to put out wet food even though they arent eating it?

Should I continue to have a constant supply of food or should I start feeding them daily?

I propped open the lid of the box about an inch so they can see me when I'm in there. I'm planning on just leaving it open that way all the time because it seems like it would be scary for them to have me open every time I spend time in there and then close it when I leave. Any thoughts?

I;m not sure what you meant by this "A dirty trick is if you do have ALL their food with you... Dirty, but it may be useable." can say more about that?

thanks for the support. It's great to get feedback and not feel like I'm all alone in this!
Them not touching the wet food the first two days doesnt really prove anything.  If they as newbees are nervous - they surely were, they wouldnt touch anything the first two days...  This is common enough, sometimes even with home raised, bought cats.

So, as it is no big deal for you, please try out some wet food anew. With any luck they will like it... And with even more luck, they will want it as treat.   :)

  It is easier to make decent quality wet food than decent quality dry food, so it is usually our recommendation for main food if you can choose.   (MY residents for example, they dont like wet food.  ;(    )

Yes, it is surely a good idea to have the lid open one inch the whole time...  They wont mind, they will prob even prefer it, to be able to observe the outside, but not be bothered themselves, being almost invisible.

Dirty tricks?   It is of course nice to let the have food the whole time.   I remember a big tread once where I defended it wholeheartly, as the decent thing to do.

The fosterer coming in just with treats, them having always own food.

The dirty trick is to use the food itself as the fostering method.  You come in three or four times a day, the same time, and have their food with them.  Talking friendly etc... After your hour there, you take the food back, or at least - most of it.

Very soon they learn YOU are their food source. And even both meek and friendly food source, easy to please...

Not so very honorable, not giving them their total freedom and right to choose, but very effective...

Something like that.   :)

Good luck!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I agree with Stefanz and see he explained about the "dirty" tricks. :lol3: YES - I would go to scheduled feedings only and not leave food out day and night. Same time each day and that way their internal clock will tell them the time is near and will start looking for you. :nod: Food is a good motivator to get them trusting you. I would leave the food in there for about 30 to 45 minutes each time and then take it away for the next meal. Believe me, they will soon learn about these meal times and will begin to eat readily. You have to play this by ear though in the beginning, try it for a few meals and it no eating, then leave some dry out or leave the canned food in there for a few hours. Then try again. As the days go on, they WILL learn the routine and will begin to appreciate the routine.

I would leave that cabinet open a little bit as you say, then you will be easily visible when you enter the room. :bigthumb: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
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Jun 16, 2012
I am keeping the lid to their cabient open and inch all the time now. I just put food in and will do that 2x per day for 45 minutes. If they don't eat it then I will leave it out for a few hours tomm. night. Any word on the previous owner? I know she wants to come in and check to make sure they are all right but I'm wondering if it would be better for the cats to just get used to me for now. She thinks it is reassuring for them if she comes and visits with them but I wonder if its just confusing for them. She is going to come over later this week and she agreed to not open the lid. I dont feel comfortable cutting her off but Im not sure what is best for the cats. Any thoughts?


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
OH absolutely, let her come over again! I forgot to address this earlier :doh3: There are certain situations where I don't advise this, but with these two girls and their background of just being newly socialized to this other owner, then I think it might be a good thing. Don't have her open the cabinet, but have it open so the cats can see, hear and smell her. It might bring them some sort of comfort because she is someone, something familiar to them. It can't hurt! I think those two girls are VERY, VERY lucky to have "two" people who want the best for them :hugs: Don't worry... really..... if they warmed up to her they will soon warm up to you but it could take a few weeks. Hang in there - in time they will start to relax and feel more comfortable. ;) :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: