My kitten is having kittens.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2014

I read the the Rules of Conduct, TCS Resources and the Personal message threads. I am very pro spay/neuter and I have very minor animal shelter/fostering experience. However, I haven't found an answer for my situation and I don't know if I am simply overwhelmed/over reacting. I just love my little cat. My apologies, but this will be lengthy.

(A few days after I found her, 03/15/2014.)

About three weeks ago, I found a kitten on the street. The neighbors on my block refuses to fix their animals and every season there are more kittens than there were previous. I adored this little one and she took all of three minutes to accept my home as my home. She's very smart, knows certain words (no, wait, Key/her name and come) and she follows whatever direction my hand is when walking. I love her entirely. I've taken her to the vet, got her dewormed/medicated and even a set up a spay appointment to have her spayed. I figured she was about four months because she was so small. My vet informed me she had all of adult teeth and aged her to eight months minimum. (I have never seen an eight month old cat so small in my life.)

(A couple of days ago, 04/08/2014. Even larger today.)

Well, about three days ago I found her belly to be much larger, bulbous on the sides, and larger, pinker teats. I was already certain she was pregnant. The vet agrees and has confirmed at least two kittens via ultrasound. They say she is six weeks pregnant at minimum but possibly eight weeks. She growled at me for the first time tonight when it came to feeding (definitely ravenous.) Varies between seeming exhausted, a bit restless, uncomfortable and very high instincts to hunt things although much "slower" than usual. She frequently wants to be near me and no one else.


So, my dilemma. I have three options:

1. Wait for clinic. I already paid the clinic for her spay and the appointment is next Wednesday, the 16th. Spay, pain killers, all of her shots, tests and microchip- the works for $110. I asked around and out of over thirty responses I have heard two complaints (one being my vet's clinic.)

2. My vet's clinic has offered to do the spay/abort plus FIV/Leuk test for almost $300 without standard shots, other exams or microchip. They told me that because she's smaller that she may not survived the pregnancy but assures me there's no risk if I go with them for the spay/abort. And refereed to the clinic as a "chop shop" while I have not heard that from anyone else including local shelters. They told me it was impossible for a cat to be pregnant any younger than 8 months- is that true? I've heard otherwise.

3. Prepare for kittens. I agree, there are so many strays in the world and I have seen what happens to them personally. I have dealt with newborns before and I know how to look after them. I am extremely willing to find them homes that have them fixed.

I know no one can tell me what to do- this is clearly a hard decision for me. I lost a black cat who bonded close with me like this one to FIP without warning. Obviously,  I don't want my cat to die. I feel that my vet is biased and wants me to go with them.

I would simply and sincerely appreciate as much information for guidance. Her safety is my priority. Thank you so much for your time and patience.

Oh, her diet is Blue Buffalo "Healthy Living" dry food at my choice and Purina "Veterinary Diet" OM wet food at Vet's request due to her diarrhea and extreme "clear the room" gas yesterday. She's also on Metronidazole/Flaqyl for the same reasons as of today.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
So, my dilemma. I have three options:

1. Wait for clinic. I already paid the clinic for her spay and the appointment is next Wednesday, the 16th. Spay, pain killers, all of her shots, tests and microchip- the works for $110. I asked around and out of over thirty responses I have heard two complaints (one being my vet's clinic.)

2. My vet's clinic has offered to do the spay/abort plus FIV/Leuk test for almost $300 without standard shots, other exams or microchip. They told me that because she's smaller that she may not survived the pregnancy but assures me there's no risk if I go with them for the spay/abort. And refereed to the clinic as a "chop shop" while I have not heard that from anyone else including local shelters. They told me it was impossible for a cat to be pregnant any younger than 8 months- is that true? I've heard otherwise.

3. Prepare for kittens. I agree, there are so many strays in the world and I have seen what happens to them personally. I have dealt with newborns before and I know how to look after them. I am extremely willing to find them homes that have them fixed.

I know no one can tell me what to do- this is clearly a hard decision for me. I lost a black cat who bonded close with me like this one to FIP without warning. Obviously,  I don't want my cat to die. I feel that my vet is biased and wants me to go with them.

I would simply and sincerely appreciate as much information for guidance. Her safety is my priority. Thank you so much for your time and patience.
Who told you a cat can't get pregnant younger than 8 months?? That is 100% untrue.  Most can certainly get pregnant beginning at 6 months, and I have seen some pregnant at five months. 

The other information I need to advise you is whether the $110 clinic knows she is pregnant or not.  If not, you have to know there is a good possibility they will not do the spay when they realize, particularly  if she really will be 7-9 weeks along. Cat pregnancies only last 9 weeks, and to do such a late term spay requires some skill. The shelter I work for won't do a spay after 6 weeks, though some vets in my area will.

GIven what I know at this second I would probably choose option #2. I agree with your vet she looks quite possibly too small to give birth safely, and I would not want to wait a week for the other appointment even if they would also do a late term spay because if kitty really is 8 weeks along she may have had the babies by then. 

Please if possible don't choose option #3.  I really am worried for her safety if she has to give birth, quite separate from the fact that, unfortunately, the world doesn't need more kittens.

Generally speaking, if you don't trust your regular vet (which it doesn't seem you really do) I'd look for a new one once this ordeal is over.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2014
Who told you a cat can't get pregnant younger than 8 months?? That is 100% untrue.  Most can certainly get pregnant beginning at 6 months, and I have seen some pregnant at five months. 

The other information I need to advise you is whether the $110 clinic knows she is pregnant or not.  If not, you have to know there is a good possibility they will not do the spay when they realize, particularly  if she really will be 7-9 weeks along. Cat pregnancies only last 9 weeks, and to do such a late term spay requires some skill. The shelter I work for won't do a spay after 6 weeks, though some vets in my area will.

GIven what I know at this second I would probably choose option #2. I agree with your vet she looks quite possibly too small to give birth safely, and I would not want to wait a week for the other appointment even if they would also do a late term spay because if kitty really is 8 weeks along she may have had the babies by then. 

Please if possible don't choose option #3.  I really am worried for her safety if she has to give birth, quite separate from the fact that, unfortunately, the world doesn't need more kittens.

Generally speaking, if you don't trust your regular vet (which it doesn't seem you really do) I'd look for a new one once this ordeal is over.  
The vet tech who said she's had experience for over ten years said that cats can't get pregnant before eight months of age. "... Because their organs haven't fully developed until eight months. That's why we get them fixed by six months." It didn't sound right and I had never heard that before. The vet techs and receptionists (some whom are vet techs) all seem to vary in opinions. I wasn't distrusting of my vet until that comment and seems to be slightly behind on the times. They did an ultrasound her without discussing it with me but said it was free because they wanted to test it out. They rarely use computers and every vet tech had to run back and forth due to confusion on information as well as taking over an hour to get me any idea on price of the spay/abort. The vet wants me to exclusively feed her a specific OM diet by Purina and I can only buy/find it at his clinic. It seems a little off? I picked this vet because of the reviews and being a street away.

The $110 clinic does know she's pregnant. They are working with their waiting list and will contact me if there's a cancellation. I have emailed them about how far along she is since that was unknown until today.

I'm just very concerned that it may be unsafe to have her spayed so soon or let her birth because she's so small. Rock. Hard place. I'm there. I agree about more kittens in the world, that's why I took her in.

I'm worried about her safety also. I will be calling more vets tomorrow (it's almost 3am here and now.)

Thank you.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
The vet tech who said she's had experience for over ten years said that cats can't get pregnant before eight months of age. "... Because their organs haven't fully developed until eight months. That's why we get them fixed by six months." It didn't sound right and I had never heard that before. The vet techs and receptionists (some whom are vet techs) all seem to vary in opinions. I wasn't distrusting of my vet until that comment and seems to be slightly behind on the times. They did an ultrasound her without discussing it with me but said it was free because they wanted to test it out. They rarely use computers and every vet tech had to run back and forth due to confusion on information as well as taking over an hour to get me any idea on price of the spay/abort. The vet wants me to exclusively feed her a specific OM diet by Purina and I can only buy/find it at his clinic. It seems a little off? I picked this vet because of the reviews and being a street away.

The $110 clinic does know she's pregnant. They are working with their waiting list and will contact me if there's a cancellation. I have emailed them about how far along she is since that was unknown until today.

I'm just very concerned that it may be unsafe to have her spayed so soon or let her birth because she's so small. Rock. Hard place. I'm there. I agree about more kittens in the world, that's why I took her in.

I'm worried about her safety also. I will be calling more vets tomorrow (it's almost 3am here and now.)

Thank you.
It is not unsafe to have a late-term spay as long as the vet knows what they are doing.

Regarding the rest, I'd speak to your vet about the vet tech, who is very wrong and should be stopped fro giving out false information.  If your vet agrees a kitten can't get pregnant before 8 months (clearly she seems not to as she told you both that the kitten is 8 months and that she's been pregnant for at least a month and a half) I wold run.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I can't give you any advise, because I feel it is a HUGE decision that should be made by you alone. and believe me, I feel very sorry for you to have to do so. I just wanted you to know I'll keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers.I hope you are at peace with any decision you make. Good luck and keep us posted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
I would go see a different vet and have the spay/abort done asap. Your vet does have a few red flags. The very uninformed vet tech, and the old "special food" trick. Most of that veterinary food is nothing but corn. It's pure profit for the vet.

Do you have any friends who own cats who could recommend a vet?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 8, 2014
Greenwich London
I personally think you should find new homes for them. Everyone deserves a life and if it is a possibility, i think you should give them that opportunity. This is your choice and i am merely giving my opinion! I would love to raise a kitten because i have heard that older cats usually accept the younger ones!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2014
First, thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. I am very aware this is a very tough decision and I have definitely felt the weight of it.

@tulosai, I do appreciate your directness. I needed more information than feelings. I have plenty of feelings.

Here's what I did:
I researched as many vets as I could locally. I prescreened them based on any reviews I could find on them and wouldn't accept anything under 4 stars overall (some are upset about pricing which I understand. Safety/knowledge or price? I went with safety.)

I called three of the best vets, told them the situation and asked for advice/information. A lot of vets are upset with the $110 clinic, SAAF of Springfield, MO, but it either sounds like upset about missing out on business or general concerns about infection at incision (which I personally know can happen with many cats/situations but I kept it in mind.) It was more rumors, scare tactics or personal agenda. I understand everyone has a right to earn money yet I believe that shouldn't be the primary focus on this situation.

With one place, I had the option to pay $300 for C-section, FIV/Leuk test, rabies shots and spay with the works (pain killers, pre blood test, monitoring, IV, anesthesia, take home pain meds, you name it.) They said that they would try to save the kittens if possible as that is their preference. I said, Okay, I've raised kittens before but give me an hour to consult about this.

Next, I contacted the local Humane Society because I figured they had seen it all. They strongly recommended SAAF, were blunt, to the point and assured me that she would be safe with SAAF and that's what their staff uses with little issue. No guarantees but strong confidence in SAAF.

I called SAAF last. They went the extra mile for information, communication and told me they would discuss any concerns when I picked her up if I went with them- including take home pain meds, one of my concerns. No pressure, no attitude, no guilt.

I did decide to abort and spay her tomorrow morning. All I did was look at the Humane Society's list of animals, I'm well acquainted with the shelters, I see several strays on my street everyday and I have personal experience with strays and sheltered animals in various parts of the country. I, personally, cannot contribute to that.

Thank you for your information as well. I wouldn't have been able to feel confident without all of your point of views and experience. Thank you.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Thank you so so much for the update.  I am so glad you did some good research and that you now seem to feel comfortable with your decision- that is the most important thing. 

I hope you will stick around the site and also that you will let us know how everything goes tomorrow. 
 for a safe and healthy procedure and future for your kitty!


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
I think you made the right decision after careful research. Many vibes for Key and her surgery.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2014

She seeks out all the heat vents in the house when it comes on so I've had this set up of two folded towels for her for the past week. She's always at the heat, close to me or in my lap. I stopped her OM because she doesn't have diarrhea anymore. And I know not to feed her after midnight. :D She is a bit like Kirby when her appetite increased- with vacuum and occasional snorting noises. She did go as far to drag her jaw across the floor to pick up several pieces of kibble (I started to scatter it on the tile because she was eating so fast without any chewing. And she eats about two and half cups a day now. Our adult fixed male doesn't even eat that much, he's almost three times her size.)

I'll update either tomorrow evening CST when I receive her back or Saturday.

The primary vet does do emergency care since Key's established but I have the local emergency clinic's information just in case.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I am glad you have reached a decision you feel is right for your cat. Just want you to know prayers going up for her. Please do let us know how she is.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
I'm glad made a decision with your baby's health, and population control in mind.

Please don't feel any guilt for doing what your doing. It just is, it's no one's fault, it just is.

Vibes for your kitty's quick recovery.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2014
Thank you, I appreciate your words. I am trying. Signing the forms about if I want her euthanized if she tests positive for FIV/Leuk and if I want the "body." It's tough.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Lots of :cross: for her today and :hugs: for you.

It really is a difficult, personal decision and one not to be made lightly. Members here will often suggest spay/abort and I never knew if I could make that choice if I were in that position. I found out a while back that yes, I could. I had a stray show up in my yard and brought her to be spayed. They thought she was pregnant and I agreed to a spay/abort without hesitation. It turned out that she was already spayed. :rolleyes:

Please let us know how she makes out. :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2014
I think you have made a very hard and brave decision for the good of your gorgeous little cats health, she looks like a sweet little thing, hope everything goes well today :vibes::vibes: