My cousin's baby just died


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Apr 5, 2005
Right now is a really sad time for my family. Around 3 CST this afternoon, my cousin called and said that she had some bad news from her doctor and had to be taken to the hospital. She and her family live in Oklahoma and I live in TN so i couldn't get there in time to meet her at the hospital. She was 5 months pregnant, and at a time when the baby (it was a little girl) was supposed to weight at least only weighed 8 ounces. They said that it had started loosing weight for some reason. My cousin went in this morning with her husband for what was supposed to be a routine ultrasound at the doctors office, she had no complications before this aside from knowing the baby was underweight (she had been taking the proper vitamines and eating right) . The doctor alerted her that the baby was not gaining weight and had actually lost a significant amount of weight due to problems with the placenta and the fluid. He advised her that she needed to be admited to the hospital ASAP to recieve steroids for the best chance to try and streanghten the babys lungs so that they could preform an emergency c-section within the next two days and deliever the baby early. They said that was the best chance for the baby's survival. When she got to the hospital- they saw that the baby was in worse shape than they had thought- they gave my cousin the steroids for the baby's lungs and preformed an emergency C-section. The baby was alive when it was it was delivered...they laid her on my cousin's chest for her and her husband to see and then as fast as she came into this world..she was gone. She died in her parents arms. Please pray for my family- everyone is devistated. My cousin has two other children- Zach (10) and Breanna (8) from a previous marriage.They were really excited about having a little sister- now someone is going to have to explaine to them that their little sister is in heaven and won't be comming home. My cousin has only been married to her new husband a year and a half- he has adopted her children and this would have been his first biological child. They are all devistated. They had the nursery and everything ready..../ Please send some vibes and prayers out to her children- they don't know the baby didn't make it yet..... My cousin's name is Christie- and her husband is Clayton- please keep them in your prayers. I can't think of a more devistating thing than going in for a routine check up one minute thinking your baby is alright and then loosing your baby a few hours later. I'm at least glad that they got to say goodbye to her and see her before she passed away. I think it would have been worse had they not seen her.They named her Savannnah Renae. They took her footprints and fingerprints and a picture of her. They are allowing the hospital to do tests on her to see why she passed away and if Christie will be able to have any more children. To make matters worse- My cousin, just like me, is a florist- She works at a flowershop in Oklahoma that her ex. MIL owns
(they're very close to each other) -It is the only flower shop in town, so that means our family and extended family will have to do Savannah's funeral...That's going to make it even harder. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. My aunt is driving to Oklahoma as i'm typing this to go see them. We are all devistated.
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Apr 5, 2005
Thankyou. I appreciate your prayers. We're all devistated- I can't think of any other way to describe it. It's horrible. I feel so bad for my carry a child in your body for 5 have that life growing inside of you , to feel it kick, to see that baby and hold her and then to watch her die..i can't imagine a more horrible thing. I know God has a plan for everything that happens and that the death of this little one was part of a part of His soverign plan and while i don't have a reason for it and i can't understand why she died...i trust in that....i just wish it didn't happen. We all wish it didn't happen.


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Sep 16, 2005
Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry. There are no words that can help you, but I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am so so sorry.


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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2006
I am so very very sorry for your loss. I will keep them in my prayers and thoughts through this horrible time. I wish there was something I could do...I am just so sorry.


TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
I am so sorry for your family's loss. What a tragedy! How touching that they did footprints and a photo of Savannah. I pray that God grants your family peace about this terrible loss.

Rest in peace, little angel.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. How awful. I know Savannah is in Heaven right now, happy and healthy and waiting for her Mommy, Daddy, Brother, and Sister to come be with her someday. My prayers are certainly with your family.
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Apr 5, 2005
Thankyou everyone for all of your prayers. I can't tell you how much my family and i appreciate them. I talked to my aunt a few minutes ago. She's been crying the whole way up to Oklahoma. I told her that all of my friends on TCS were praying for our family right now. It helps to know that others care. I've also put our family on the prayer chain at several of our local churches. My aunt still has a few more hours before she'll be there. Not much has changed. Christie's in a bit of pain from the C-section as can be expected. They're taking it as best as they can. I'm not sure if they've told Zach and Breanna yet. I was going to go to Ok. too, but i can't get off work- (i'm sincerly glad i'm leaving my current job in 2 wks...but as for right now, it's no help.) I'm not sure what kind of tests they're doing on the baby...I imagine a little of everything to try and find the contributing factors to her death. I'm just glad my cousin and her husband got to hold their little girl before she took her last breath.It's just so devistating./ I'm really glad they did the finger/ footprints and the picture...that should at least help with the grieving process a little. Clayton said little Savannah wasn't even as big as half the size of a can of Coke. She only weighed 8 ounces. For some reason she had just started loosing weight- something was wrong with the placenta we think. Christie is taking it really hard- we're all worried about her. Please continue to pray for my family through this rough time. We really appreciate it. Also, if anyone's experienced anything like this before, please feel free to share- Any words of comfort i could offer my cousin and her family would be much appreciated. Thankyou everyone. I'll keep you posted as soon as i hear anything. No word on plans for the funeral yet....This is just so unexpected.


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Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
Originally Posted by StarryEyedTiGeR

Christie's in a bit of pain from the C-section as can be expected. They're taking it as best as they can. Christie is taking it really hard- we're all worried about her.
Although as friends and family we want to be able to stop the pain, I think Christie and Clayton will be hurting for a while. Honestly, I would be more worried for them if they were acting like they were just fine. Continue to offer your support, and give them time to cry. And remember, Christie still has those "pregnant" hormones that make her more emotional anyhow, so she will definitely be feeling extreme grief.

I would recommend getting a book called Tear Soup for the family. It is a good book about grief and loss. Here is a link.

I'm so sorry for their loss!
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Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by Beckiboo

Although as friends and family we want to be able to stop the pain, I think Christie and Clayton will be hurting for a while. Honestly, I would be more worried for them if they were acting like they were just fine. Continue to offer your support, and give them time to cry. And remember, Christie still has those "pregnant" hormones that make her more emotional anyhow, so she will definitely be feeling extreme grief.

I would recommend getting a book called Tear Soup for the family. It is a good book about grief and loss. Here is a link.

I'm so sorry for their loss!
I didn't even think about the pregnancy hormones she must be experiencing...everything has just been so crazy. We're just trying to stand by them right now and give them all our love and support and be there (even if it's through a phone right now) to give them a shoulder to cry on. Thankyou for the link to the "Tear Soup." When my next pay day rolls around i will order a copy and send it to them. Also, do you know of any books or things that can help walk children through the grief process as well? Her two children are going to have a lot of questions and emotions going on when they tell them about their little sister. I'm completely open to suggestions to try and give them the best support i can. Thankyou soo much for your kind words and help. I really appreciate it.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
I am so sorry. How awful for your cousin and all your family. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by menagerie mama

I am so sorry for you and your family. I will keep you and them in my prayers.
Thankyou so much for keeping my family in your prayers. We really appreciate it.