My cat literally slashed my mother - Please Help :(


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 1, 2015
Yes I was ororried about Grizzly but it seems he turned out just fine. I'm a special needs intellectual.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Who took care of Grizzly while you were in the hospital?  I was concerned your mom wouldn't want to take care of him.
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  • #543


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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece
No she took care of him, but she wouldn't sit with him in the same room. 

The appartment was still divided when I got back. Until then, my mom would just come to my side to put food and water for Grizzly and change his litter.

They interacted a bit but not as much as they did after I got back.. She made sure she wore sweatpants everytime she would come to my side, cause the wound was located on the front side of her lower leg (don't know what's the word - it's the opposite of calf).

But from what she told me, Grizzly wouldn't move much when she came to the room. He would sit silently and looked a little depressed. I guess it was from the fact that I wasn't around and that he was alone for so many days.. He didn't even meow at the closed door, which he did while I was still there.. Maybe he got frightened by the fact that I was taken away?

Because when I got back, I couldn't get him off me 
 And to tell the truth, I expected that he would act "weird" after being alone for so long.. 

I'll never forget his look when he saw me.. He tilted his head like he didn't believe what he was seeing or something.. I lowered my hand to let him smell me (just in case.. you never know) and he immediately started whinning on my t-shirt.. Poor guy had a really hard summer..


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2015
Dallas, Tx
So, it took so long to be manifested, I guess. Well, it's never too late to have a surprise! They never cease to amaze us! 

(Yeah, I do know what hermaphrodite is - I have no choice - it's a Greek word :D  )

All this time I was offline, I was worried you guys might think that something had happened to Grizzly, or things didn't turn out well.. And I was so anxious to log back in, to write an update. But, boy... All of you had things going on :paranoid:  
We WERE worried. About BOTH of you!
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  • #546


TCS Member
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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece

Actually, more of a question..

As you all know (all of you that followed the thread from the beginning), Grizzly was neutered on the 30th of July.. This means that he was neutered at 16 months old. 

It's been 3 months since the operation. Before being neutered, his only "mating companions" would be some fleece blankets or bed sheets that would be left in an untidy manner on the sofa or a bed. Not intentionally for Grizzly.. It's just that, sometimes my mother gets too bored to fold them and place them properly..

So Grizzly would go up there and "do his thing".. 

Also, before neutering, he would have erections pretty often and he would lick his.. uhm.. "thingy" until he'd "cool down".. 

Another thing he did, was that, when he climbed up on my lap to sleep, he would knead on my sweatpants for a bit, get erected, licked it and then went to sleep..

Now, AFTER his neutering, none of the above had happened again.. 

Although, today, he did 2 of the above: at noon he made a blanket his girlfriend.. and a few minutes ago he climbed up to my lap and kneaded the heck out of my pajama top.. I looked down and I saw his "thingy" erected... He licked it and slept..

So... I'm a bit confused.. 

Don't male cats "cool down" after the neutering? I mean.. do they still have the need to mate? I know that they cannot impregnate a female. But, do they even have the "desire" to .. you know... "get the party started"??

The vet told me that his testicles were empty and that in time he would cool down.. That his testosterone levels would diminish, because of his neutering..

Is there something I missed or misinterpreted? 

If he still needs to mate, then why the heck did I get him neutered??

I have to remind you that, I got him neutered because the vet reassured me that his aggression was related to this issue.. And that he would no longer be aggressive. On the other hand, the behaviorist told me that neutering had nothing to do with it and that there are no studies that actually prove this. He said that it was strictly a matter of behavioural modification..

Your thoughts? Ideas? Recommendations? Advice? 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2015
Dallas, Tx
My thoughts.... neutering most definitely affects hormones, which also affects behavior.

He shouldn't have a desire to seek out females, but erections are not always the product of "desire." He will still get those.

The "mating" with the blanket may be something he does as more of a comfort thing, or showing dominance. I wouldn't think this would happen much, and since you said it hasn't been happening, he may just have been stressed out and went back to an old habit for a bit. But, it doesn't mean he is needing to "mate"

Edit to add that I wouldn't worry about this too much. For now, I'd just let it go, since it doesn't really sound like much of an issue. If his behavior gets out of hand or becomes a problem, then I'd worry about a "solution"...but not until then.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
My thoughts.... neutering most definitely affects hormones, which also affects behavior.

He shouldn't have a desire to seek out females, but erections are not always the product of "desire." He will still get those.

The "mating" with the blanket may be something he does as more of a comfort thing, or showing dominance. I wouldn't think this would happen much, and since you said it hasn't been happening, he may just have been stressed out and went back to an old habit for a bit. But, it doesn't mean he is needing to "mate"

Edit to add that I wouldn't worry about this too much. For now, I'd just let it go, since it doesn't really sound like much of an issue. If his behavior gets out of hand or becomes a problem, then I'd worry about a "solution"...but not until then.
I agree with KKoerner - it's a 'guy thing'. 

You might want to keep a toy close by and next time he starts his 'licking', distract him with a toy or something. If that doesn't work, show him the credit card bill, LOL  That ALWAYS deflated my ex-husband!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi It is called "Air humping" My boy did it on a fuzzy blanket or fuzzy toy.He was neutered at 10 weeks and remained that way not hurting anyone for all his almost 16 yrs.Hugs C.
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  • #551


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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece
Oh well.. So you're saying that this is normal.. Alright then..

He might be stressed out, but from what?? Nothing's going on.. I am not stressed out at all.. My dad's doing fine.. My mom is fine.. I'm fine.. My bank account is suffering, but then again, what's new?? 

So, we're experiencing "The Re-Surface of the great Ding-a-Ling" 
I hope he tucks it back in soon.. LOL

I guess I got a bit alarmed, cause I have been considering the possibility of adopting a new kitty again. So that he can have a companion..

A lot of factors have contributed to this..
  1. I found out that his beautiful baby sister died.. And I feel guilty I didn't adopt her when I had the chance.. The poor thing would be alive if she were with us.
  2. He doesn't have a playmate when I'm too tired to play with him - my mother plays with him like crazy, now that they've bonded again. But I feel like it's not enough.
  3. I tried to catch an injured kitten the other day but I missed her and I haven't seen her the last couple of days.. And I cought myself making plans on bringing her home after I got her to the vet.. Which means, I am somehow preparing myself subconciously for a 2nd cat..
  4. I've read that it's better for a male to have a female playmate, rather than a male one - hence my fear when I saw he was air-humping.
  5. It would be good for him to socialize with another cat, as part of his training to stop the biting while playing..
I don't know.. Am I an idiot? 

This must be more effective than the "Honey, I've got a headache" line.. 
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 1, 2015
Grizzlsapien? Omri has never done anything like that. Hes only kneaded my chest twice in months apart episodes. Six actually. Its possible that he does none of what you describe because he's in my arms constantly. Just a guess but I dont know.
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  • #554


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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece
Thanks @sarthur2, I read it. 

So, is it dangerous to adopt a female kitty? Or adopt any other kitty at all? Cause, I don't think spraying the cat with androsterone on a daily basis would be such a good idea?

What if this generates territorial issues and he starts marking, not only my place, but the whole neighborhood? 

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Two kitties are twice the fun!  It really boils down to the personalities of the cats.  We fostered to see what it would be like to have two cats and wound up adopting Fluffy because they got along so well.  I was planning on getting a short haired male, not a long haired female.  My sister, who has had cats most of her life, says males play all their lives so if you have a male, get another.
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  • #556


TCS Member
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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece
Two kitties are twice the fun!  It really boils down to the personalities of the cats.  We fostered to see what it would be like to have two cats and wound up adopting Fluffy because they got along so well.  I was planning on getting a short haired male, not a long haired female.  My sister, who has had cats most of her life, says males play all their lives so if you have a male, get another.
Thanks @Handsome Kitty  

I was under the impression that 2 males will have territorial issues or be really competitive etc.. Everyone I know has said so..

On the other hand, my opinion is closer to yours.. Who could handle better Grizzly, a really energetic young male, than another male who shares similar behavior? 

I was thinking of adopting a kitten. But I'm afraid he/she will grow to be the "undercat" in the future.. And end up being miserable..

On the other hand there are cats (male or female) of the same age, that do know how to put an "aggressive playing" cat in their place.. 

So, I'm a bit confused.. 

One way would be to foster and see how they would get along.. But it would break my heart to return the 2nd cat if things didn't work out well.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
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Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Make sure you get a cat the same size as Grizzly.  Fluffy is the same size as Eclipse, maybe a little bigger. 

The cats switch off being in charge.  We currently have a foster cat, Jennie, who is about 1/3 the size of the other two (not really, but it seems like it).  Eclipse is afraid of her but has begun playing with her, gently.  Meanwhile he has been playing roughly with Fluffy, too rough.  The kitten is afraid of Fluffy, but will stand her ground and has actually been the one to start trouble.  Eclipse has also been pushing Fluffy around a little bit.  He has previously always been a gentleman.  We are working on the introductions.  Jennie has been here about 2 months.  Fluff arrived in February.

I don't think it will be hard to let Jennie go to a Furever home.  I will be happy that she has a family to play with and love her.  Three cats is a lot of work!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
I have two neutered boys and they are perfect with each other! 

They do have two totally opposite and distinct personalities and temperaments, but they complement each other. One minute they are cuddled together grooming or napping, and the next minute they are fighting like two 8 yr old boys on the playground! Keeker is a bit more dominant, but Kricket holds his own when they get rough, LOL 

​I didn't choose their gender - they just came that way, LOL. But I would think Grizzly would do better with a male of compatible age and size. That way they would start out on even ground with each other.  Talk to the staff at the shelter and ask if you could 'borrow' or 'foster' a cat, with  the option of exchanging it, to see if they get along. A sort of trial and error kind of thing.

I had a co-worker visit one day and my Boys got into a rumble and she gasped and said, OMG! They're fighting! I just laughed and said, Nawww, they're just playing and being boys. Cat's are like people - we might love each other, but we don't always get along. That's to be expected!

Here is a typical 'fight' between my boys (which happens at least once a day!) and you can see how they actually pause mid-fight to taunt each other. If it was a REAL fight, they would stay locked on each other until one of them lost. Right after I stopped filming this, they both jumped on the window sill and started grooming each other.

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  • #559


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Jul 10, 2015
Athens, Greece
LOL they are clearly playing 

Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem.. That's what I am actually aiming for. Grizzly doesn't get to do that with another cat. He tries to do this with us. And when he gets overexcited, he bites.. We have tried to stop him, but he doesn't stop. But I'm thinking that if he gets what he's asking for, from an equal opponent, maybe he'll tone it down a bit?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
I think if he (Grizzly) had a playmate  - same gender, age and size - he would deplete a LOT of his pent up energy with him. 

I got Keeker when he was 6 weeks old. Kricket came a week later when they were both 7 weeks. At first, Keeker showed dominance (even at that young age, he was a bully). But by the second day, when Keeker provoked Kricket, Kricket hauled off and slapped Keeker upside his head and knocked him for a loop! He got tired of Keeker pushing him around. Now, they take equal turns at starting and finishing their 'fights'. 

There is no way I could keep up with just Keeker by myself - I'm too old to be playing cops 'n robbers all day! LOL. He is pretty active and always wanting to play. They chase each other and literally wear each other out! Having two of them is a blessing! 