My cat is acting strange after taking the drugs the vet gave us

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  • #21

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Vets often won't press for additional testing, especially if they get the sense that the pet owner can't afford it or doesn't want it. In light of the fact that more intensive - and expensive - testing would be needed to have a better chance at determining asthma, I do believe the vet gave you the best default treatment to see if that could improve the situation. And I hope it works.

An 11yo cat is by no means elderly, but that is about the age when illnesses and diseases start to show up. Things can begin to brew with no outward signs that they are occurring, and a cat will carry on as if nothing is going on, until they reach a point. Allergies, which can be a chief cause of asthma may begin at any point in time in a cat's life, and perhaps that is what is happening to Elsa.

You are right to try to decrease dust from the litter, as that can be an irritant to cats with respiratory/lung issues like asthma. An air purifier is another thing you could consider to help remove additional particles from the air in your home, and aid in moisturizing the air as well. Keeping dust down to a minimum level, with increased vacuuming and dusting can also be helpful.

Please keep us posted on Elsa's progress.
jan burns jan burns - first, a very warm welcome to the forum!

Please, don't use "Vicks" when you are giving her extra humidity - cats' senses are far more delicate than humans' - the odour of the Vicks product is really vile to cats. Plain vapourized water is just fine.
Ok, I cleaned the humidifyer and I don't think she actually got close to it anyway, she seems obsessed with water over the past few days, I just took her outside for a different environment and she went over to sniff the water can and then went back inside.
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  • #22

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
So this keeps going on and on and i'm so weary I cried myself to sleep last night. On one hand she isn't vomitting anymore but she also isn't drinking any water that I know of and we did get the one half pill in her last night but she hates that syringe so i'm not sure what to do about that, that is the flagl but she isn't taking in any water or food but she must have had some water because she peed in the litter box. It was hard giving her that pill, its a small pill to begin with and the vet cut them in half and I held her in a towel as my daughter tried to get it inside her but we did succeed, I held my fingers gently over her mouth so she wouldn't spit it out and then walked her around swaddled in the soft towel and we walked outside which she likes and then finally came in and then she sat in front of Kira's toilet and I don't understand why she's obsessed with toilets and bathtubs with water in them when she won't drink out of her water bowl but maybe she did, she still seems congested in her nose but she isn't heaving where her body would go in and out, but I just don't know what to do about the food. Just now she was on my bed so I brushes her with her special brush, but am I just doing these things until she passes away?


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I don't know what to say about the bathroom/water obsession thing. The places she is going to are normally cooler, so maybe it isn't so much the water as it is that she is too warm. Check her ears to see if they feel overly warm to the touch - it could denote a fever.

There are tons of ways to give a cat a pill without forcing it down them. Maybe you can find some approaches that would be to your liking in these articles.
Pilling Cats: Must-Know Tips For Hiding Pills - TheCatSite
How Can I Give A Pill To My Cat? [Stress-Free Techniques] - TheCatSite

If she has an infection, an antibiotic is not going to be very effective if not given consistently. And food will help reduce any stomach distress from the antibiotic, as most of them can cause digestive distress. If norhing else, see if she will eat baby food meat (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut).

If you had success with the steamy bathroom for her congestion before, why don't you continue it?

I think your cat is far from death, if she can be treated properly and appropriately.

EDIT: I added another article about giving pills to a cat.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2023
I know. My cat would fight me for the water coming out of the faucet in my bathroom sink. We also had to tape the coffee machine down during the night, because he would open it and get the water out while we slept. He had bowls of water all over too. I thought he was just being himself but a little "extra," but I am pretty sure now, it was the beginnings of the kidney and thyroid disease.
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  • #25

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Vets often won't press for additional testing, especially if they get the sense that the pet owner can't afford it or doesn't want it. In light of the fact that more intensive - and expensive - testing would be needed to have a better chance at determining asthma, I do believe the vet gave you the best default treatment to see if that could improve the situation. And I hope it works.

An 11yo cat is by no means elderly, but that is about the age when illnesses and diseases start to show up. Things can begin to brew with no outward signs that they are occurring, and a cat will carry on as if nothing is going on, until they reach a point. Allergies, which can be a chief cause of asthma may begin at any point in time in a cat's life, and perhaps that is what is happening to Elsa.

You are right to try to decrease dust from the litter, as that can be an irritant to cats with respiratory/lung issues like asthma. An air purifier is another thing you could consider to help remove additional particles from the air in your home, and aid in moisturizing the air as well. Keeping dust down to a minimum level, with increased vacuuming and dusting can also be helpful.

Please keep us posted on Elsa's progress.
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  • #26

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
I don't know what to say about the bathroom/water obsession thing. The places she is going to are normally cooler, so maybe it isn't so much the water as it is that she is too warm. Check her ears to see if they feel overly warm to the touch - it could denote a fever.

There are tons of ways to give a cat a pill without forcing it down them. Maybe you can find some approaches that would be to your liking in these articles.
Pilling Cats: Must-Know Tips For Hiding Pills - TheCatSite
How Can I Give A Pill To My Cat? [Stress-Free Techniques] - TheCatSite

If she has an infection, an antibiotic is not going to be very effective if not given consistently. And food will help reduce any stomach distress from the antibiotic, as most of them can cause digestive distress. If norhing else, see if she will eat baby food meat (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut).

If you had success with the steamy bathroom for her congestion before, why don't you continue it?

I think your cat is far from death, if she can be treated properly and appropriately.

EDIT: I added another article about giving pills to a cat.
So I talked to another vet and she made me take pictures of the paperwork and found cheaper places to take my cat but I got really depressed over the whole situation, this has been going on for almost 2 weeks, first she had diarhea and so I put antibiotics in her food and then she stopped eating and started gagging and spitting up and then we took her to a vet we couldn't afford and he said there was nothing in her stomach and no water in lungs and said possibly asma so then we gave her prescriptions to her as best as we could and now she won't drink water or eat at all, not even broth. Now they want me to go to another vet and spend money I don't have, its very depressing, before long i'm going to need some drugs!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 14, 2017
Sorry for this. It is difficult to treat a pet that can't communicate & not understanding what is happening ends up stressing you out!

She may be out of it as a side effect of Flagyl Which symptoms came first, breathing or inappetence? Does she have a fever (maybe your vet or a tech can check for free if you can't get a cheap thermometer)?

The first thing I'd do is to get her to eat - anything e.g. treats, baby food, cooked meat/egg. If your vet concurs, see if your vet will sell you a few cyproheptadine to try for appetite stimulation. If not, Zyrtec (I've used 1/4 of a std 10 mg pill once per day) will work for some cats.

How are you syringing food? It needs to be in the side of the cheek and you need to proceed very cautiously so that you do not shoot it down her windpipe causing her to gap/throw up. This can also cause aspiration pneumonia. Attached is a photo of a syringe I'm using to give my cat slippery elm bark. I attached a little bit of soft tubing to make it easier to administer. You're going to have to mix wet food with liquid to get it through the syringe. I straddle him from behind, gently lift his head & put this in his cheek. No too much, just enough for her to swallow. Be confident & non-stressed. If a syringe isn't working for you, put some wet food on your finger or a popsicle stick & gently open her mouth with your other hand & wipe the food inside her cheek/roof of her mouth Feeding kitten. To make sure she's getting enough fluids, Hydracare is a broth-like supplement that a lot of cats like.

If you can get some empty gel caps (#4 or #5) to put her meds in (even liquids) it may make it easier to give them to her & stop her from gagging/rejecting from the meds in her food. A health food store nearby may sell them or maybe you can empty some that have non-toxic stuff in them & reuse.


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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2022
Chicagoland area
I was also thinking that she might have a fever or feel too warm which might explain her sitting in the bathtub. Perhaps she has lost her sense of smell, which may be contributing to her not wanting to eat.
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  • #31

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Sorry for this. It is difficult to treat a pet that can't communicate & not understanding what is happening ends up stressing you out!

She may be out of it as a side effect of Flagyl Which symptoms came first, breathing or inappetence? Does she have a fever (maybe your vet or a tech can check for free if you can't get a cheap thermometer)?

The first thing I'd do is to get her to eat - anything e.g. treats, baby food, cooked meat/egg. If your vet concurs, see if your vet will sell you a few cyproheptadine to try for appetite stimulation. If not, Zyrtec (I've used 1/4 of a std 10 mg pill once per day) will work for some cats.

How are you syringing food? It needs to be in the side of the cheek and you need to proceed very cautiously so that you do not shoot it down her windpipe causing her to gap/throw up. This can also cause aspiration pneumonia. Attached is a photo of a syringe I'm using to give my cat slippery elm bark. I attached a little bit of soft tubing to make it easier to administer. You're going to have to mix wet food with liquid to get it through the syringe. I straddle him from behind, gently lift his head & put this in his cheek. No too much, just enough for her to swallow. Be confident & non-stressed. If a syringe isn't working for you, put some wet food on your finger or a popsicle stick & gently open her mouth with your other hand & wipe the food inside her cheek/roof of her mouth Feeding kitten. To make sure she's getting enough fluids, Hydracare is a broth-like supplement that a lot of cats like.

If you can get some empty gel caps (#4 or #5) to put her meds in (even liquids) it may make it easier to give them to her & stop her from gagging/rejecting from the meds in her food. A health food store nearby may sell them or maybe you can empty some that have non-toxic stuff in them & reuse.
I'm not getting any food into her, i've tried everything, putting some on the tip of my finger, we went back to the vet and of course he charged me $105 which I didn't have to spare and he gave me new medication in drop form for asma, he's a jerk. He said he did exrays but then we went back to him yesterday and he said he couldn't do full xrays when he told me there was nothing in her xrays and he doesn't even explain the medications right, he gave her a shot that he said was an antibiotic but this morning she can hardly breathe but is drinking water and peeing.
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  • #32

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Get some Delectable Lickabels, a lickable cat treat in the stew flavors. When my cats are sick, that is the only thing that works.
I did get the lickables, its her favorite and she won't touch it
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  • #33

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
I don't know what to say about the bathroom/water obsession thing. The places she is going to are normally cooler, so maybe it isn't so much the water as it is that she is too warm. Check her ears to see if they feel overly warm to the touch - it could denote a fever.

There are tons of ways to give a cat a pill without forcing it down them. Maybe you can find some approaches that would be to your liking in these articles.
Pilling Cats: Must-Know Tips For Hiding Pills - TheCatSite
How Can I Give A Pill To My Cat? [Stress-Free Techniques] - TheCatSite

If she has an infection, an antibiotic is not going to be very effective if not given consistently. And food will help reduce any stomach distress from the antibiotic, as most of them can cause digestive distress. If norhing else, see if she will eat baby food meat (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut).

If you had success with the steamy bathroom for her congestion before, why don't you continue it?

I think your cat is far from death, if she can be treated properly and appropriately.

EDIT: I added another article about giving pills to a cat.
Hi, I thought i'd give you an update, we took Elsa back to that same vet and I had to pay another $105 and all he did was give me bronchal medicine but when we gave it to her she seemed to get worse, this morning she's drinking water but not her delectables, in a lot of ways she's better, no more gagging and throwing up, we got the new medicine in her and I will give you to name of these medicines. OMG, i'm not really thinking clearly, i'm so overwheled with worry and I cried myself to sleep last night. Ok, so the new medications and drops since I told the vet she can't eat.One is Albuterol and the other is Clavamox and last night we gave her the Albuterol and not the other because he had given her an injection at his office.

I do have a little good news. My daughter went on facebook and implored her friend to contribute to her 'Go fund' and one friend contributed $200 and my friend who used to be my supervisor did $20 so maybe we can get bloodwork done because that vet quoted $250. There is a lot that vet isn't telling us, like how soon after the injection do we give the new medicine and directions, like on one you have to add water to it so thank God we didn't give her that one. I found another vet hospital that is actually closer to us and has good reviews so perhaps we will take her there with the money we got off of facebook because it doesn't seem like anyone else is donating to this cause.



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Please get all of her records from the other vets to give to the new vet. It is very important the new vet knows what all she has been given in terms of meds and what the results were of any tests (e.g.; x-rays). These records are yours and you have a right to them for free. Some of them may help to reduce redundant costs at the new vets and help the new vet in determining the proper next steps.
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  • #35

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Please get all of her records from the other vets to give to the new vet. It is very important the new vet knows what all she has been given in terms of meds and what the results were of any tests (e.g.; x-rays). These records are yours and you have a right to them for free. Some of them may help to reduce redundant costs at the new vets and help the new vet in determining the proper next steps.
There aren't any records, just the prescriptions and they can contact the vet for more info. I don't know how to get the records, i'm not going back to that vet, I do have the receipts they gave me with his scribbling on them


TCS Member
Staff Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Well, take with you what you have - vets scribbled notes and a list of all the prescriptions. You can also ask the new vet to contact the 'old' vets for any records/notes not given to you, in advance of the appointment. Not having it done before the appointment isn't going to be of much help to the new vet, you, or Elsa.
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  • #37

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
I'm not taking her to the vet. All it is more money out the window. I have the prescriptions so I'm going to go get chicken broth and baby food. I've consulted with 6 vets so far. I'm done.


TCS Member
Staff Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said you had found a vet with good reviews that you were going to take Elsa to with the Go Fund Me money.

If you are forgoing that now, then please go through this thread and make a list of all the suggestions you've been offered related to feeding, pilling, and home remedies. I previously gave you some articles about pilling options, and here is an article about trying to get your cat to eat. The latter article is related to cats with asthma, in case it offers any additional ideas for you.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite
Asthmatic Cats: Biddy's Story & How to Care for Cats with Breathing Challenges - TheCatSite
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  • #40

jan burns

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2023
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said you had found a vet with good reviews that you were going to take Elsa to with the Go Fund Me money.

If you are forgoing that now, then please go through this thread and make a list of all the suggestions you've been offered related to feeding, pilling, and home remedies. I previously gave you some articles about pilling options, and here is an article about trying to get your cat to eat. The latter article is related to cats with asthma, in case it offers any additional ideas for you.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite
Asthmatic Cats: Biddy's Story & How to Care for Cats with Breathing Challenges - TheCatSite
So I have been forcefeeding her medication and last night and this morning doing it with food. Those squeezables delectables, which she loves ordinarily but not by the squeezable method, just in a bowl but my boyfriend who loves this cat as well went and got about 7 of them, all tuna and I took her and sat with her in a chair with a towel around her and I was able to get half of the tube of creamy delectables into her, of course it got on her chin and my hand but it did get into her and after that she drank some water. Also, I put simple chicken broth in a bowl and she had some. The GoFund is now up to $275 and my daughter Kira asked for $500. I'm not taking her back to that stupid vet who can't even tell me what's wrong and just keeps giving me different medications so the old ones he said to stop and these are more anitbiotics and bronchal in nature, he didn't even tell me that I had to put water in one of the vials with the medicine and if I hadn't read the small directions with a magnifying glass who know what would have happened?

I believe Petsmart, where I got her in the first place, has a plan for people and their animals that is a payment plan monthly and they will do exrays or whatever the animal needs and I am considering this because there is 3 plans and money off to take your cat there and it's just right up the street and I had made an appointment but got so worried that I took her to this odd vet (and often rude) instead but you know how that went.
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