My cat as diabetes


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I would reiterate everything @LTS3  has already said (thanks for the tip about the thread!).

Our Casper was diagnosed with diabetes around last July, 2016. It was quite a shock but in retrospect made sense.  We had him at the vet for his bi-annual wellness visit.  He had turned 15 at that time a few months before.  He had been steadily losing weight and it finally got to a point where it was clear that he was losing muscle mass in his hind quarters.  His behavior had changed dramatically too - he was always a very social cat and had started to hide away from us and our other cat quite a bit.  He stopped playing a game which he started with us years ago - a much loved bed time ritual. He didn't have the energy apparently.  

He was also suddenly drinking huge amounts of water. And peeing huge puddles.  I mentioned that to one of the vets who happens to be slightly more cat oriented than others in the practice (although, all are great vets) and she had literally just been through the same thing with one of her own pets, but a dog.  She immediately recognized the symptoms and while we were there tested his glucose. It was way higher than it should be.  

We were sent away with a crash course in administering his insulin and other instructions.  He started on 1 unit and eventually after several more tests, leveled out at 3 units 2x a day of Vetsulin.  Once he was stabilized he started behaving like his old self, was eating better and drinking a lot less.    

A few months later, on a Friday night he had a hypoglecymic attack.  I recognized it quickly.  He was unsteady, nearly falling over, confused and his pupils were completely dilated.  I first went to see if he'd eat something and gave kibble since it's high in carbs.  He ate a bit, but then walked into the corner of the wall and I realized he couldn't see. I was going to give him something high in sugar to help combat the state he was in but knew we were really close to the ER hospital. That, was frightening and I called out to my fiance to get his carrier STAT.  Within 5 minutes we had called an Uber to get us to the ER - and another few minutes were there.  I was in no condition to drive and my partner doesn't so the cab was necessary.

I had called in advance so as soon as we came in they whisked Casper away to deal with him while getting info from us.   As it turned out, he had gone into remission but, we had no idea since we were not home testing.  FYI, home testing really is recommended but with out personal schedules out of the house for long hours it really wasn't possible.  Instead, I chose to bring him into the vet every couple of weeks and let them do it with "curve" testing. Anyway, he must have gone into remission only within a day or so of this event, and since we didn't know, he got overloaded with insulin between what his body was making again and the injection we gave that night.

They kept him overnight to monitor him and I took him to our regular vet the next day where they retested him.  Since then, he's been fine.  They say that many times, especially if a cat is diagnosed older, remission is possible.  Unfortunately, he was recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease so it was only a short honeymoon period that we had with him.  

I too would suggest you join the group mentioned above, the Feline Diabetes board and website. I can't begin to say how wonderful that community is and the help I got was invaluable.  It really helps to be able to have somewhere to vent, chat, exchange ideas and information.  
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Sydney Australia
  I found this holistic product sold by amazon as well as others and the reviews were good.  It can be added to water.  

You might want to check it out.  Easier on animals and safer than insulin.
I am a human doctor, not a vet but I have to intervene here as this product, DIA-ioNX, apparently contains phosphorus, white arsenic and metallic lead, as well as relatively harmless, vinegar, lactic acid and chalk.  (See the Latin list of ingredients in the ingredients tab on the website) 

Apart from the fact that none of these substances have any therapeutic effect on diabetes, I would NEVER use white arsenic, phosphorus nor metallic lead on cats as they are highly toxic.   DO NOT USE THIS "HOLISTIC" PRODUCT as it is NOT safer than insulin, and is completely useless. 

In fact do not use any "holistic" product for the management of diabetes and preferably never use "holistic" products at all - even if the ingredients are written in Latin!

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2015
A few members I found who have experience:

(posted this great thread


There are more members who have posted looking for advice on diabetic cats but they have not posted in a long time and may not even come to TCS anymore.

Did you join the message board? You'll get more tips and advice from members there. It's a really active board so you'll get respones pretty quickly.

Long time, I did join their site thank you so much. I unreal dedicated group of individuals!
They are there with you at any hour!
Thank you so much for the referral !
I have become a lot more knowledgeable when it comes to feline diabetes.
In most cases I'm know more then the vets.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 7, 2017
Quebec, Canada
Hoo my goodness!!

I should of come here years ago...This is my first time with "post" stuff. I never thought that I would get so much info and feed back...

http:// fastnoc I feel for you...Yes a good vet is so important, I myself tend to try and get the young ones; they are full of energies and do not rebuke at new research. I feel they are fresh and open minded...I have been lucky I guess.

As for food... Hooo the food!! Both dry and wet in my case and for 2 cats because they all eat in each other bowls and not just any ordinary food noooo its EXPENSIVE. And then there is the insulin the syringes and the vet. I personalty do not have I say to is still less expensive then sending a couple of kid to college and the bottom line is...I love my furry felines!!

Thank you for the note on variation of the injection sites I will do that more now.

I do not check the blood sugar levels of my cat every day...I tend do do a glycemic curve in stead about once a month and half ...

On a week end when I know that I will stay home I take tests every 3 hours (more or less) for a least a day and a half writhing down time of testing time of feeding time of injection and food, very much like diabetic people do at regular intervals.

I send the result in a cool little Excel sheet to my vet by e-mail...If I get no news then everything is ok until next month or so.

The insulin that we use is insulin glargin Lantus for humans. Funny I did try to ask my vet if I could share MY insulin (I use both fast and slow acting)

But of course not...specially since my cat insulin is 4 time the price of mine.

I did cheat once!!

One day, all the vets in my area did not have syringes any more: big back order, no more syringes...ho boy, so I tried to inject my cat with a human kind of syringe witch is a pencil type system for a couple of weeks:


It would of been perfect !! The problem with that is:

1- The needles are too small...with all the cat hair I sometime could not see if I was in the skin

2- The precision of the clicker is 1 can not go half units. So less precise. Too bad!!! Because this system is sooo much better!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2015

Hi guys, I replied without reading the whole tread. Sorry!
To the guy who thinks feline diabetes is a joke. You are clearly uninformed and uneducated on this sucject. I would advise you to educate yourself to this subject.

Sorry I have not posted on here in a long time. I'm currently a member on the feline diabetes site that someone on here as already posted and referred me there.
Willow our kitty has had debities for just over a year now. We have had a roller coaster of a ride.
When it comes to her food? I have become an expert with Willow and what different kinds of food do to her blood sugar. I was even able to prove that food we bought in the store compared to the same online food was different. Her blood does not lie! The online food would spike her blood every time. I contacted the manufacturer to inquire if this company is buying the food directly from them. I was told yes. I asked is their food different? Rejects or something? I was told no. Then why is my cats blood higher from the online food?

A note to anyone who is not giving your cat lantus insulin you seriously need to check into it. It is the only safe insulin for our cats. The fast acting ones could kill your cat.

Willow also has stage one kidney disease. This poses another problem, We had to find a food that is low phosphorus below 1% high protein and low carbs, not an easy task.
I test will her blood a dozen times a day. Why? You need to know what the food is doing and how the insulin is affecting them. If your cat gets low blood sugar all you need to do is give her some medium carb or high carb gravy cat food to bring their blood up. This in itself has a learning curve because you don't want to give your cat too much gravy food because it will send there blood sugar really high and this could be deadly if they stay there too long.

To the person feeding your cat dry food. That is the kiss of death to cats. If your cat is in the 100 range all day and your insulin is below 1iu you have a good change of reversing your cats diabetes quickly. You also can't check your cats blood every three days. You ALWAYS check their blood prior to their shot. Their one, two and three hour numbers are very important. Why? Because if their Pre shot number is higher then you 1-3 number there is a good chance your cat could go to low later on.

I hope this helps others.
If you have questions pop over to the site I'm on and there are some really good experts on there that will gladly help or answer your questions.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2015

I was reading your post. I'm using the same insulin as you. We get the 5 pen pack from Canada. Where we live it cost $300 for what we get in Canada for $150.

Question. Did you say your not testing pre shot? This is REALLY dangerous for your cat. The vet almost killed our cat doing this. The pre shot numbers are extremely important. I can not stress this to anyone enough. Just doing a curve is not safe.

Glad to hear your using the spread sheet, if you hop over to the site that someone posted on here they have a great spread sheet for you to use. They are also a wealth of knowledge and help.

With their spread sheet the numbers are color coded. This can and will give you a clear ideal how the food and insulin are working and as to if a increase or decrease is needed.

I have yet to find any dry food that is not high carbs. This is the kiss death to our cats. Hope your feeding them wet food

Have to run


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Insulin pens can be used in cats but you have to use insulin syringes with the pen to measure the little doses, even half unit doses, a cat needs. The pen only measures in whole units which is great for Humans but not so much for cats. And those needles are so short that it's hard to tell if you've gotten it through a cat's skin or not.

@Toxon you can buy U100 insulin syringes at Human pharmacy. A prescription from your vet may be needed. You can also buy the syringes online. If you ask on the board, the Canadian members will recommend pharmacies and online places to buy the syringes from. They can also tell you where to get your cat's insulin for the lowest price and how to keep a food budget in check with multiple cats.
A note to anyone who is not giving your cat lantus insulin you seriously need to check into it. It is the only safe insulin for our cats. The fast acting ones could kill your cat.
Humulin R should never ever be used in cats unless under the strict supervision of a vet and only in certain circumstances. R is never given on it's own, only as a booster in addition to regular insulin. A few drops is enough to be dangerous to a cat.

Let's not hijack this thread again and question how others manage their diabetic cats.  Dry food and not hometesting regularly aren't ideal but maybe some people have no other option for some reason or another. Let's just have a general discussion about experiences with diabetic cats and may offer a tip or two


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 19, 2015
I would like to have recommendations of foods that cats should be fed to avoid diabetes.  I understand that physical inactivity in indoor cats plays a role.  The discussion has turned to treatment instead of avoidance since I know first hand that diabetes in humans is bad.  To me (as a non-insulin diabetic) sometimes the disease makes no sense and there is also the factor of insulin resistance.  I would also like to point out that the scientific method SHOULD be unbiased. When we state a hypothesis the goal should be to seek the truth not bend it. Unfortunately, few want to state something and then find out they were wrong. It is called CATharsis.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
As for food... Hooo the food!! Both dry and wet in my case and for 2 cats because they all eat in each other bowls and not just any ordinary food noooo its EXPENSIVE. And then there is the insulin the syringes and the vet. I personalty do not have I say to is still less expensive then sending a couple of kid to college and the bottom line is...I love my furry felines!!

Thank you for the note on variation of the injection sites I will do that more now.
Same here. No kids so we can afford to care for our cats quite well 

As for the injection sites, we were rotating areas.  In the morning, he got his injection on the right side. Dinners, the left side. This to avoid build up of scar tissue.  I'd give him the injection just as he started to eat his food and he never flinched.  It was very easy to insert under the skin - just pulled up slightly to make a tent, and it would slide in.  Took only a couple of seconds.  

Never insert the needle into the scruff of the neck area. It has very little blood supply and the insulin will be absorbed poorly.  We'd use the skin between the shoulders well away from the spine and closer to the stomach area.  


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I would like to have recommendations of foods that cats should be fed to avoid diabetes.  I understand that physical inactivity in indoor cats plays a role. 
There's good info here about the relationship between diet and diabetes:

A life long diet of junky 20%+ carb dry food is usually the culprit. My diabetic was fed a premium brand of dry food for most of his life. The vet I was using at the time didn't have much to say on nutrition. When my cat became diabetic and I found the FDMB and learned about diet, it came as shock that the supposedly good dry food was the cause. The food has 28% carbs and nearly 500 calories per cup
Like most people, I was just free feeding dry food. No wonder he was overweight and pretty much a slug.

I'm not sure if a diet of only high carb canned foods, typically those that are gravy and sauced based, would also cause diabetes.

A low carb diet is best for diabetics and non-diabetics should ideally be fed this way, too. Sticking to foods that have under 10% carbs is best. The occasional higher carb food as a treat is fine for non-diabetics. No dry foods have less than 10% carbs per cup (the Young Again brand may be an exception. I'm not familiar with the brand) but there are many brands of canned foods that meet the 10% criteria. The main chart most diabetic owners use to find low carb foods is For non-US people, the FDMB has this chart that covers Europe, Canada, and Australia: Both lists are little old so for the most current recommendation of low carb foods, one should ask on the FDMB.

Some people limit their cats to like less than 5% carbs but the choices of commercial food is very very limited. This may be a helpful read:

If dry food has to be fed, either in addition to canned food or as the only food, some brands are more favorable to use than others. I'm not sure what the currently recommended ones are. My diabetic briefly ate Nature's Variety Instinct Original dry food while I worked on getting him onto canned. He would eat canned right away, I just wanted to take the food transition really slowly to avoid hypoglycemia. I believe he was on 4 units BID of Humulin N at the time. Once the dry food was gone, his blood glucose levels dropped and he needed less insulin as a result.

Raw foods tend to be on the very low end of carbs, especially homemade ones that are basically meat with organs and liver and bone or meat that has been properly supplemented. I think homecooked diets are pretty low carb, too.

Low carb treats are best, too. The best treat is pure meat, whether it be freeze dried meat or fish treats from the pet store (PureBites, etc), raw meat, or plain cooked meat.

Just my two cents about diet and what I had learned during my time on the FDMB and experience with my diabetic
It's ok if someone out there disagrees. What works for one cat and the owner may not work for another.

@frajude I hope this is helpful to you. Is there anything in particular about diet that you need more info about?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2015
Good morning

On the food question and this is a great question. Dry food for our cats is not really good. I'm guilty of giving even our current cats who are not diabetic dry food because it's simple and easy. If our cat who is diabetic even has a few bites it sends her blood sugar skyrocketing.

Fancy feast fish, BFF fish are the two we use, anything with gravy is high carbs. Science diet ? Supper high carbs. I'm told the best food is Raw and it is really expensive. Our food bill with three cats is already way too high.
If you check out the site someone posted they have a food chart to look at. It can be overwhelming at first.

On the insulin pens, sorry I did not clarify myself on this. The reason for the five pen pack is you will not have any waste. We expearanced the 10cc bottle had gone bad and was no longer working. When using the pens you do need to use insulin syringes. The 10cc bottle had cost us $320 and when it went bad I was not a happy camper.
The syringes we are using 30 G x 5/16" (8 mm) 3/10 cc/mm with the half marks. The half marks are supper important. We currently are waiting on ours, trying to do a half unit without the marks is a joke.

The biggest thing to remember is if you find out your cat has diabetes is not to panic and educate yourself!
Your vet is not going to be very smart with this problem. I'm not saying all vets are not educated with feline diabetes. I have not met one that where I don't know more then them at this point. This sounds really harsh, right? Well we had four vets at two different veterans office almost kill our cat, told us to put her down a few times and ran up our bill between the two places to over $12k in a three week period. I took a crash course on the feline diabetes website. That group of crazy cat lovers are there for you! When I say they are there for you here is what I'm talking about. On more then one occasion Willows numbers were dropping too fast and dangerously low, members on that site stayed up with me all night walking me through keeping our cat safe. The next morning I was passed off to another member who stayed with me until Willow was safe. Can anyone show me another group of folks who would do this for a complete stranger? I have had my disagreements with some of the sinor members in the past, the only reason was I know my cat better then them. They are extremely knowledgeable group.

One of the biggest problems with having a cat with diabetes is most vets only get 4 hours of training two for dogs and two for cats while they were in school. Most people will not do what it takes, mostly because of the cost and just put their pet down. this is a big reason as to why most vets do not have a lot of experience with treating this.

Remember to ask questions!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
@Jamesharvey   I have to say, you hit the nail on the head about vets not being that educated in some cases. the vet I was using, I found out after 2.5 years, and just about to move across the country the vet there (who was not young) had only treated 3 cats with diabetes in her entire career.

My little wilbur had I'm going t5o guess 20 seizures over time. Broke both upper canines off in separate seizures and each time he had one it took several days to get him back to normal because he was afraid. it still breaks my heart. Had I known all this I'd have changed vets right then and there and probably saved him 18 of those seizures. Not to mention he was on phenobarbital for 2 years which made him groggy and just kind of 'blah'.  and God I don't want to even go into the harm this had to do on his little organs. he has cataracts in both eyes.

Thank GOD my new vet has a cat of his own that is diabetic so i'm very comfortable with him.

Honestly, as a side note. those seizures Wilbur had were probably as hard on me or worse than they were on him. i would stare at him every time he moved for days after he had one. I got to where i would see him start crouching and drooling and I knew one was coming so I could pick him up in a position that I could hold him through the whole thing. it still makes me very sad.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
One more thing I want to add. As far as being helpful that's so awesome that people stayed up all night with you. BUt I want to mention too, when i first started fostering I was posting here (2008) and I had a pregnant mom with what turned out to be 8 babies. I was terrified when she went into labor, and I had the same thing happen to me. Two members here stuck with me through most of it. one of the 8 wasn't breathing and she turned cold. I dind't know what to do. I put her in my hands and cupped them and softly blew warm air over her. After that I put her in the pile of kittens nursing and called the group to ask what to do with a dead kitten. I came back in a couple minutes later and she was nursing!!! I named her lucky. but had it not been for the wonderful people here on this forum I would have been in big big trouble. Just as much as when I first got my two rescues that caused me to join here anyway (one of those is Wilbur who is the diabetic)

And here is lucky

Here's Wilbur

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2015
What a great story, thank you for shearing

Your story with your vet is not uncommon, I have found it to be the norm. Are veterinary office is constantly changing veterinarian. The new one a few weeks ago looked at me like a deer in headlights. She tried to advise me that I should never change our cats insulin does without first consulting a vet. This is where I had to educate her with doses and why we had to increase or decrease the amount of insulin.
The same thing happened when we were looking over the blood results numbers and X-rays. I had to explain to this vet why keeping our cats phosphorus number below 1% was so important. Afterwards she was nervious about what to tell me, clearly I have taken the time to learn about the numbers and how one number could affect another.
Great job on your kitty!
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  • #36


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 7, 2017
Quebec, Canada
Goodness!! I am so frustrated that it take me one hour to right correctly in English her.

Praises Google corrector!

But no matter i am reading you religiously,

As for food, my Toxon is very difficult.

He just wont eat anything at all if he do not like the food. This certainly poses some problems controlling is blood sugar.

So I compromised. I give canned (wet) food at 12 hours interval. At first was this one 

But after one year he did not want it AT ALL any more so my vet gave me this option and it works for now...

To complete the food situation I make available all day the dry food

I put it in a toy that make him work to get at the food I do not simply put it in a bowl.

The food is a big concern for cats...I did look into home made, raw, semi raw, cooked...It is complicated and labour intensive. And you have to go full or not at all about it....

I know that dry food is not the best...but it is better then having a cat that will not eat at all.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The food is a big concern for cats...I did look into home made, raw, semi raw, cooked...It is complicated and labour intensive. And you have to go full or not at all about it....

I know that dry food is not the best...but it is better then having a cat that will not eat at all.
Yes, feeding any food is better than a cat who is on a hunger strike cause he / she doesn't like what you are offering. Cats can be picky

Most people on the FDMB don't like the prescription foods for diabetes. The ingredients are very poor quality and there is nothing magical about any of the ingredients that will help a diabetic cat. The vet who originally created Purina DM doesn't even recommend the food. It's perfectly fine to tell the vet that you do not want to feed prescription food.

Raw and homecooked foods don't need to be complicated or time intensive. There's a forum  here on TCS that discusses raw and home cooked diets in more detail: There is this thread about Canadian raw food suppliers: There are easy ways to make a complete balanced raw or homecooked diet that don't require more than 15 minutes of your time for a big batch.

I fed my diabetic various brands of low carb canned food: Nature's Variety Instinct Originals, a few Weruva varieties, Innova EVO (both the kitten / cat one and the discontinued 95% meats), Merrick Before Grain (discontinued), SOrganics (discontinued), one ProPlan seafood variety. I know many people just feed inexpensive Fancy Feast Classic / Gourmet pates and Friskies pates and other brands. There isn't one brand that is better for diabetics than another. The most important thing is that it is low carb and the cat will eat it.

Finding a vet who is knowledgeable in treating diabetes can be hard. I believe the FDMB has a list of questions to ask potential vets about their experience with diabetes. I started off with one vet who was ok but my cat hated. The vet actually recommended Fancy Feast Classics over prescription food and encouraged home testing. I later got a referral to another vet by someone on the FDMB who lives in my area. The new vet was awesome
We worked together as a team to manage my cat's diabetes. I was constantly emailing him the latest blood glucose curves and my thoughts on the dosage and if we needed to adjust. I still use the vet today for my current cats who are not diabetic.