Memphis, Tn tornados- Anyone hear from Nikki? (StarryEyedTiger)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Hey everyone, just wanted to update you guys on what has been going on! This past week or so has been insane around here! Sorry it took so long for me to post- we have had soo much going on recently. I just got my internet hooked up this morning- so i've been without it since the beginning of the move.

I was attacked by one of the dogs at the shelter on Saturday, so my right leg is pretty torn up at the moment. I had to go to the doctor and get all of that taken care of so i'm just a little slow moving around the house this week. The dog is being held on a 10 day rabies quarentine and then is going to be put down.

The tornados and storms that hit here were pretty bad. We are counting our blessings we were not hit or without power. The morning of the tornados, all of the local schools announced they were getting out at 12:30pm so since i was off work that day i raced over to the schools and picked up my niece and nephews and kept them until my sister could get off work to get them. Fortunuately the nasty weather didn't start till after she got them home and was able to get into shelter.

I spent most of the night in the guest bathroom hiding out in the bathtub with the dogs, cats, and the weather radio. When the tornados first started and i was running past the window to get to the bathroom- we saw a huge funnel cloud heading away from us. Thankfully, it didn't hit eithor of our homes. We were very blessed- the weather was quite bad. We never lost power during the storms, it just flickered every now and then.

Unfortunately the Hickory Ridge Mall (i used to shop there when i was a little girl before that area of town got too rough) got trashed. The Sears store is gone and the entire area of Hickory Hill (a little part of the city of Memphis) is going to have to rebuild a lot of homes/stores. Everyone around here is just amazed that there were not more fatalities- that area was hit horribly. Fortunately for us though, Bartlett (just up the road from Memphis where we live) was not hit bad at all. We did however get a lot of debris. The news stations were talking about how the debris from the mall is showing up all over the place (including the neighborhood i moved out of! that's about a 30 minute drive from my old house to that mall- so the winds were pretty strong!) We were worried for a while though that the tornados were going to hit the animal shelter- so we were all on stand by ready to go and clean up if it did. thankfully that did not happen and we are all safe and sound! My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones during all of the bad weather though

We started moving in last weekend. The lady who moved out completly trashed the place before she left, so not only have we had to move- i had to clean everything top to bottom before we could move our things in.Thankfully everything for the most part is moved in at the moment! Colin has taken a few days off work here so we could move. We've got about two more hauls to make (all things in the garage) and then we'll be all done moving things in our new house. (i couldn't get any time off work so i've been moving after work) My sister Kimmy and her family are moving into our old home we moved out of so we've also been over at the old house cleaning everything and getting it prepared for them to move in. Today we're getting the carpets cleaned and ready for them.

In addition to the bad weather and moving, i've also got the wedding fastly approaching- so i've been running around all week trying to get stuff taken care of for that as well. I picked up my wedding dress (had to get it altared) two nights ago -it turned out lovely!
Today i'm trying to unpack the house some more and work on the invitation list and all that stuff so it's just chaos around here.

The animals are doing ok since the move. I kept the cats in the new laundry room for about 5 days and then slowly introduced them around the house- they seem to be doing pretty well
Kojak is a little freaked out (i wasn't expecting him to have issues) but he's doing alright. The dogs are doing great- loving all of the extra space!

And the most crazy thing of all this week- we had a massive puppy mill bust recently and my shelter took in a ton of dogs, so we've had to deal with all of that recently. Fortunuately every single one we took in has been adopted now! They were all spayed/neutered and fully vetted on wed & yesterday and went to their new homes! I adopted one of them for my sister Kimmy
He's a 5 yr old Chinese Crested named Ching. (i think they're changing it to Toby) She has another rescued crested and is AWESOME with that breed so she is currently working on getting him back to where he needs to be. These dogs were kept in horrid conditions and have been in pretty bad shape- him especially, he's been burnt multiple times (they were kept out in the elements in tiny cages) and all of his teeth are in bad condition. He's covered in blackheads- so we're working around the clock to rehabilitate him and get him in better condition- he's a sweetie- and is already fitting in perfectly with his new family! I've been "doggysitting" him at my house while they start moving in.

So well, that's what has been going on recently! Sorry i was away for soo long. I missed TCS soo much! I wasn't able to get online at my sister's house eithor as they're moving as well so their internet is disconected too. Thankfully now my internet is hooked up so i can get back on regurally! I
will be updating more later on! If i'm not on as much the next week or so as i normally get online- it's because i'm trying to unpack the new house and also get my sister and her family moved into theirs.

Originally Posted by Pami

I called Colin at work, but he has taken some time off and they didnt know when he would be back, probably for the move. The lady who answered said they didnt get any damage there, though.

So they are probably just in the middle of the move with no internet.
Thankyou Pam for trying to check up on us!
Colin took off several days recently (including today and tomorrow) to help us move since i was unable to get any time off work. He's also taken off some time to help my sister and her family move into our old house as well that they're renting from us.

Not sure if you spoke with one of the receptionists or dispatchers - but they are right- not much damage at all here in Bartlett. Memphis got the brunt of it as did Arlington (just up the road from bartlett/lakeland area). We are all ok though
Thanks for being a sweetie and trying to make sure we were ok! I appreciate it!


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Nikki, I'm so glad you are ok. They had pictures of the mall in the national news and I can't believe the devastation.

I'm also hoping you're leg is doing better. You've definitely had a lot of drama packed into one week.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by katachtig

Nikki, I'm so glad you are ok. They had pictures of the mall in the national news and I can't believe the devastation.

I'm also hoping you're leg is doing better. You've definitely had a lot of drama packed into one week.
Thanks sweetie
I'm just glad the mid south was not hit any worse than what happened. Everyone in this area who was not hit has a lot to be thankful for this week, especially when you think about the families who did loose loved ones and their homes/etc. I'm sooo greatful we were not hit and were able to stay safe!

My leg is still in pretty bad shape at the moment. I got a tetnus shot on Monday and i am on a topical antibiotic for it as well as a pain pill for the pain/inflamation. The dog got me pretty good, fortunately i recieved some really good training from where i work so i knew what to do and how to get him off of me quickly before he could do worse. I just hate that it happened period. I was trying to move him up from the back of the kennels to the front to make room for all of the puppy mill dogs when he violently started attacking my leg. I was able to get him off of me pretty quick, but the damage was already done. He was completly unprovoked too

I've also been back and forth to the hopsital since the move started. My best friend Renae has a massive kidney stone and infection so she's had to have a stint and stuff put in and she's FINALLY home as of two days ago so she's on bed rest until they can use the ultra sound waves to break it up. So i've been going back and forth to visit her and cheer her up a little bit. Thankfully though she sounds like she's going a little better- she's not through with all the stuff yet- she is going in once the infection is gone to two different visits to see if they can break it up with ultrasound waves somehow (i've never had a kidney stone before so i'm exactly sure how it works!). Tonight i'm going to pick her up and bring her over here to see the new house and feed her dinner if she's up to it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Thankyou ladies! I'm sooo glad to be back and have my internet running again! I've really missed TCS this week! Looks like i have a lot of catching up to do!


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2006
Nikki what a relief to see you back and posting and YAY your internet is back!

Im so glad that you guys finally moved. Thats too bad the lady left the place trashed, she seemed like a decent person, but at least you guys are there.

It sounds like you have had a week full of everything. Im sorry about your leg, sending quick healing vibes

Sending more vibes for Renae

When I called Colin's work, I called the non emergency #.

So glad that you guys didnt suffer any tornado damage


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2005
Chicago suburbs
Wow, Nikki, you sure have a lot going on right now. I'm sorry about your leg and Renae, and I'm sending vibes your way for both.

I'm really glad to hear you and the rest of our TCS members in the area are all OK!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by Pami

Nikki what a relief to see you back and posting and YAY your internet is back!

Im so glad that you guys finally moved. Thats too bad the lady left the place trashed, she seemed like a decent person, but at least you guys are there.

It sounds like you have had a week full of everything. Im sorry about your leg, sending quick healing vibes

Sending more vibes for Renae

When I called Colin's work, I called the non emergency #.

So glad that you guys didnt suffer any tornado damage
Thankyou again Pam
I am really glad to know how much our fellow TCS members care about us!
It's definitely been a crazy, crazy week to say the least! Hopefully things will simmer down a little!

I'm supposed to pick Renae up (she's feeling a little better! Ya!!!!) in a little while to let her see the new house and keep an eye on her.

Originally Posted by Tari

Wow, Nikki, you sure have a lot going on right now. I'm sorry about your leg and Renae, and I'm sending vibes your way for both.

I'm really glad to hear you and the rest of our TCS members in the area are all OK!
Thanks hon! I especially appreciate the leg vibes- my leg hurting soo darn bad it's not even funny
The actual puncture wounds look a lot better though- the anitbiotic cream must be helping. The doctor said it might take a while for it to be 100% again. I'm just glad it was not worse though- it only happened in a matter of seconds but it seemed like an eternity. I was able to get the dog off of me very quickly, but in the short time he did attack me he did a lot of damage


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Nikki, wow, what a week! Here's hoping things calm down a bit, your leg heals quickly, and a plum new job opens up for you. Can't say I like much of what you've mentioned about how they treat you!


Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Oh Nikki Nikki!! I'm so glad to hear you guys are ok!! We've all been so worried about you. I saw the footage and it was so bad
. I'm sorry to hear about your leg and the puppy being PTS, i hope you recover soon.

I can't believe that woman trashed her own house!!

*hugs* so glad you're back!! I hope the wedding and settling into the new place goes smoothly


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Thankyou guys

I was able to have a nice time with Renae earlier- i made a little coffee and we just hung out for a bit and she got to see the new house
(and i got to take a break from the housework
) She is still feeling bad but is at least up and walking around a good bit now! She finds out on Valentines Day if they'll be able to break up the kidney stone with ultrasound waves or if it needs to be surgically removed (keep your fingers crossed they can use the ultrasound waves!) She also told me they found multiple cysts on her other kidney so i'm praying nothing bad pops up with the other ones anytime soon.

After she left my mom came over and helped me for a bit with the wedding/shower list so that was a massive help
Then i cooked up some dinner and have just been unpacking some more. I had to sweep off the driveway/yard as best as i could from all the debris that came over from the tornados. (They didn't hit us, but the winds were strong and carried dirt and debris for miles.)

My leg is still hurting, but the pain pill is helping a bit. The dog that bit me had been a little "off" since he arrived there and i never did fully trust him. i'm just sad this happened though. He must have been mistreated at some point- poor little guy. Sad thing is though he's completly unadoptable.....since he bit me he's been gnawing and snapping at everyone who walks near his he's got a caution sign and will be put down at the end of his quarentine. I hate that we can't save them all....but this one would be a threat to others if he were adopted out.
He's still young too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2007
back home in VA!
Nikki so glad your ok!!! I was worried about you and Colin and your houses and everything...Its nice to know that you guys are safe as is your property! Sending for quick healing on your leg!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 12, 2007
In the land of Fur
Good to know that everyone is okay!

Sad that the doggy has to be PTS!! Someone must have raised him to be violent, or mistrated him or something! Sorry you had to go through that! Its not easy, Did they make you take the rabies shot series?? Those shots suck!! Good luck to everyone!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by Brandi

Nikki so glad your ok!!! I was worried about you and Colin and your houses and everything...Its nice to know that you guys are safe as is your property! Sending for quick healing on your leg!!
Thankyou Brandi for the leg vibes
I'm soo relieved our homes were not damaged as well. I was worring not only about the one we just moved into but also the one we moved out of as we own both of them and my sister is starting to move into the other one this week -so i was worrying if something happened her and the whole family wouldn't have a place to stay. Thankfully that didn't happen though and we're all ok here

They've been holding fundraisers all week long for the families that have been affected by the storms. Everyone in the area is really pitching in and trying to help out so that's wonderful.

Originally Posted by glitch

Good to know that everyone is okay!

Sad that the doggy has to be PTS!! Someone must have raised him to be violent, or mistrated him or something! Sorry you had to go through that! Its not easy, Did they make you take the rabies shot series?? Those shots suck!! Good luck to everyone!
No i lucked out and didn't have to get any rabies shots myself. (i remember him because i had to muzzle him to draw blood and vaccinate him- he was growling a bit then and it took two of my coworkers to hold him for me). The dog came in on the 8th of January and i personally gave him his rabies vaccine when he came in and did all his lab work/etc so we had him in our custody long enough that we would have noticed any signs. So since he had been vaccinated by me and we had him for about a month with no signs of rabies i didn't have to get any shots aside from Tetnis (thank goodness! I HATE shots!)