Member of the Week April 17-23/05~ VESPACAT


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
So far it's been a blast... though I just saw Ryan's question, which I'm due to answer next!

My favourite music to dance to would be a combination of many things... I like Brit pop because I've been into it for years and know all the songs
, I like classic rock because again, this time with thanks to my parents... I know all the songs, and hip hop/R&B because I can really get into the groove and I've got the booty for it!
Originally Posted by yayi

Congratulations Jenn!

Oooh, you said you loved to dance! So, what's your favorite? Ballroom, disco, rock, latin, ballet, etc.?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by Hydroaxe

I can't believe your spotlight is over already Ashley, but great choice on this week's member!
We'll start with some easy questions.
Ryan, I just knew you'd make it difficult for me, but of course I'm always up for the challenge!

1. Do you like to shoot pool/billiards?

Yes, I love it! My brother actually plays pool competitively and is at the top of his league, so I've learned a thing or two from him. Actually, you can't beat an evening of pool, a few cold bevvies, with good tunes on the jukebox.

2. How would you describe your use of things like shampoo and hairspray?

a) I use half of the bottle. Then I start another one.
b) I use the whole bottle until it runs out. Then I buy some in the next day or two or borrow some from a friend.
c) I use the whole bottle until it runs out, but I have a new one ready to go when that happens.

I would have to go with C for shampoo. I generally use the same stuff because I've learned through trial and error what works best with my hair type. No hairspray for me... I like to be able to comb through it several times a day and a whack of hairspray would be defeating the purpose.

(Okay, so much for the easy questions

3. What color is the underwear you have on as you're reading this?

Black... and that's about all I'm wearing.
You asked!

4. You've offered to let a friend take your Vespa for a lengthy joyride. Later that day your friend comes back and thanks you. As your friend leaves, you notice a scratch on the tank that absolutely was not there. The friend had said nothing about it. How do you react?

a) I say "halt!" and demand to know how the scratch got there.
b) I politely ask the friend to come over to the Vespa for a moment and begin to talk about the scratch to see what the friend says.
c) I grab the not-so-friend by the hair and drag him/her over to the Vespa forcing the jerk into a butterfly kiss with the scratch. Then I ask if the jerk sees anything.
d) I don't say anything to the friend, but I never call the friend again.
e) I bring the scratch up the next time the friend calls.
f) I don't worry about the scratch and don't mention it to the friend.
g) I don't worry about the scratch, but I mention it to the friend anyway.

Okay, my option wasn't there (never lend ANYONE your scooter!
), so I would likely choose A, although C gave me a good laugh!

5. How did you feel when the friend was walking away and was not going to tell you about the scratch?

a) I think the friend might not have noticed, so it doesn't matter.
b) I think the friend might not have noticed, and that makes me mad.
c) I think the friend was trying to get away with it, but it doesn't bother me much because it's just a scratch.
d) I think the friend was trying to get away with it and it makes me angry that the friend was not going to tell me.

Well... seeing as I would only lend one of my scoots to someone I trusted THOROUGHLY, which doesn't include a whole lot of people, I would have to go with A. My friends are an honest bunch, who I've actually trusted to look after my meowies, which is why I've kept them as friends.

6. Do you know what a butterfly kiss is?

Yeah... the last guy I dated (though NOT my last boyfriend) tried doing that and it totally turned me off seeing him after our fourth date.

7. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you weren't physically attracted to?

Although I was somewhat attracted to my last boyfriend when we first met, frankly I've been more physically attracted to other men. However, I didn't look at other men when I was with him (and I could have enjoyed the *ahem* company of a couple of really HOT men while we were together
), as there were a lot of positives in the relationship that I might not have been able to find with someone else. I loved him for his "true colours" as cliche as that may sound.

8. Have you ever wanted to take revenge for any personal wrongdoings towards you? Did you succeed? What happened?

No. If there's one thing I'm NOT, it's vengeful. That said, I've had people hold grudges against me for months or even years (including the ex boyfriend mentioned above). As I am direct with people, and don't have any hidden agenda/motives, I would expect reciprocation if they had concerns with some personal wrongdoing of mine. But alas, things don't always work that way and I think being passive-aggressive is a sad way to live life.

9. You're in a restaurant with a girlfriend. You came to this restaurant in particular becuase you were in the mood to order dessert after the meal. Your friend passes on dessert, but when yours comes, suddenly, (it's always suddenly in these questions) your friend asks you to split the dessert in half with her. You had an exceptionally light meal and really wanted the whole dessert. What do you do?

a) I'm glad that my friend wants to try. I know she will like it. "Waiter... extra fork for my friend please?"

b) I'm a little annoyed. NOW she wants dessert? I tell her she can have some, but not half.
c) I'm a little annoyed, but I give her half and try to act natural.
d) I laugh and say, "No way Jose!"
e) I get haughty and say, "Fine!!! Have the whole darn thing why don't you!?"
f) I pretend that I am full and insist that she has the whole dessert.
g) I catch the waiter and ask for an identical dessert for my friend.
h) I start crying.

I liked the last one...
Too funny.
I was hoping my answer would come up in this multiple choice question since the options were running out... and it DID!
I would choose G, because obviously if she's hungry enough for dessert, she's having her own... and we're both going to enjoy that moment and feel guilty together later.

Great questions, Ryan.


TCS Member
Jun 10, 2003
I enjoyed reading your answers Jenn!
Here's some follow up questions:

1. Youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re playing pool with a date and heâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s winning every game. Youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re having fun, but you really wish you could win. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s your last game and your date knows how much you want to win. What do you expect him to do?

a) I expect him to let me win, but put on a good show pretending he tried.
b) I expect him to beat the pants off me. I will win or lose without help!
c) I expect him to let me win, but make it obvious that heâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s letting me win.
d) I expect him to not try as hard during this last game.
e) I expect him to fall off the face of the earth if he wins one more time! No more dates!

2. Can you respect a man you can beat?

(I think I know the answer to these questions... or do I?


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Good morning Jenn!
Congratulations for the nomination!

Let se what we have to you for today!

1.- ¿Do you know MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico? wich part then?

2.- ¿Can you speak spanish?

3.- ¿Do you like Mexican Food? have you ever tried?

4.- ¿Do you have indoor plants?

Have a nicely begin of week Chick!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by Hydroaxe

I enjoyed reading your answers Jenn!
Here's some follow up questions:
The NEXT round... eh?

1. Youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re playing pool with a date and heâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s winning every game. Youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re having fun, but you really wish you could win. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s your last game and your date knows how much you want to win. What do you expect him to do?

a) I expect him to let me win, but put on a good show pretending he tried.
b) I expect him to beat the pants off me. I will win or lose without help!
c) I expect him to let me win, but make it obvious that heâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s letting me win.
d) I expect him to not try as hard during this last game.
e) I expect him to fall off the face of the earth if he wins one more time! No more dates!

During the course of the many evenings I've spent playing pool, I've always won at least one game.
So I guess I would hope for the best, say my prayers and fight to the end! B is the more likely choice than the others.

Having said that, if the guy is a pool shark like my brother, and he was kicking my a** in every game and figured he'd win again, he's just being an arrogant jerk, so my answer in that case would be E.

2. Can you respect a man you can beat?

(I think I know the answer to these questions... or do I?

Well, if he doesn't TRY, then there's no way I would respect him. However, if he's got a bit of a competitive, fighting spirit, then I would definitely respect him.

Thanks again Ryan!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by CoolCat

Good morning Jenn!
Congratulations for the nomination!

Let se what we have to you for today!
Hi, and thanks Rigel!

1.- ¿Do you know MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico? wich part then?

I've never been to Mexico though my brother partied it up with a lot of tequila on his recent visit there!
However, I remember as a kid I had an obsession with the Mayan ruins and Aztec culture. It's an interesting study of civilization, that's for sure.

2.- ¿Can you speak spanish?

No, though I wish I could. I love languages, but unfortunately I don't pick them up too easily... The grey goblins could probably learn Spanish faster and better than me!

I attempted to learn German as an adult, but any knowledge I had is long gone as I had nobody around to speak German to.
I also learned Hebrew, and although I can read basic Hebrew, I'm not fluent enough to speak.

3.- ¿Do you like Mexican Food? have you ever tried?

I like some Mexican foods... although some Mexican foods don't like me!
Nachos are about as far as I go with Mexican cuisine these days.

4.- ¿Do you have indoor plants?

I did... but they died!
Although I don't really like my place anymore, and I think the plants noticed that.

Have a nicely begin of week Chick!

Thanks Rigel, you too!


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by vespacat

2.- ¿Can you speak spanish?

No, though I wish I could. I love languages, but unfortunately I don't pick them up too easily... The grey goblins could probably learn Spanish faster and better than me!
I love that Answer Chick!

Let see for today!

1.- Please tell us how many cats have you been in your enterely life and say us their names please...

2.- Are you religious?

3.- What would you prefer Pepsi or Coke?

4.- Choose one Sunrise or Sunset and say why!

5.- You has a big love for the Vespas, that is something that we can see..., tell me have you know to drive a car? wich is the most big vehicle that you have to drive????

Have a nicely day chick!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
Just one easy but long question.
My husband says we should get a scooter for me to commute to work. I have requested info from Vespa (last week). Now I live in a rural area and it would be a 11-12 mile commute. So how long would this take. I'm prone to injuries-is this the right vehicle for me??? Are they easy to learn how to ride??? I can ride a atv (4-wheeler)



TCS Member
Jun 10, 2003
Hello Jenn!

1. It's 3:00 am and the phone rings. You hear it, but you've already been asleep for many hours and you're tired. Do you answer it? Who do you think it would be?

2. You're at a movie and see that the youths in front of you are slowly becoming obnoxious. What do you say to them if anything?

3. How many hours of sleep do you think is vital for you to function well during the day. How many do you usually get.

4. What best describes how you feel when you wake up in the morning? Why?

d)\tmore tired than you were when you went to bed
g) angry at the world

5. What is the longest time youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve gone voluntarily without a bath or shower? Why did you do that?

6. When in a relationship, what do you wish to be most loved for?

7. How do the grey goblins like to wake you up in the morning?

8. You are eating dinner at a friend's house. Suddenly, you feel a strand of hair in a mouthful of what you're eating. You feel a bit disgusted. What do you do?

a) I immediately drop my jaw and let the mouthful of food drop on my plate in sheer horror. I try not to freak, but I must get it out. Then I apologize for disrupting the dinner.
b) I carefully pull the strand of hair out, disguising the act with the shielding power of a napkin. I keep eating the food, so I don't scare anyone.
c) I nonchalantly lift the napkin to my face and stealthily forward the lump of food into said napkin. However, my appetite is done with and I try to carry on some dinner conversation.
d) I do my best to keep chewing and attempt to swallow the hair. I will not risk upsetting anyone else at the table.
e) I do my absolute best to talk as if there is nothing in my mouth, as I politely excuse myself from the table. I will deal with the hair in the bathroom. When I come back to the table I continue to eat.
f) Same as "e" except when I come back to the table I either eat something separate on my plate or I don't eat at all.
g) I go totally nuts and cause a big ruckus because I'm so disgusted and offended. Then I storm off from the table in a huff demanding an apology.
h) Some combination of the above. (Please indicate and explain in gory detail)


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by Hydroaxe

8. You are eating dinner at a friend's house. Suddenly, you feel a strand of hair in a mouthful of what you're eating. You feel a bit disgusted. What do you do?

a) I immediately drop my jaw and let the mouthful of food drop on my plate in sheer horror. I try not to freak, but I must get it out. Then I apologize for disrupting the dinner.
b) I carefully pull the strand of hair out, disguising the act with the shielding power of a napkin. I keep eating the food, so I don't scare anyone.
c) I nonchalantly lift the napkin to my face and stealthily forward the lump of food into said napkin. However, my appetite is done with and I try to carry on some dinner conversation.
d) I do my best to keep chewing and attempt to swallow the hair. I will not risk upsetting anyone else at the table.
e) I do my absolute best to talk as if there is nothing in my mouth, as I politely excuse myself from the table. I will deal with the hair in the bathroom. When I come back to the table I continue to eat.
f) Same as "e" except when I come back to the table I either eat something separate on my plate or I don't eat at all.
g) I go totally nuts and cause a big ruckus because I'm so disgusted and offended. Then I storm off from the table in a huff demanding an apology.

h) Some combination of the above. ([B]Please indicate and explain in gory detail[/b])
This is good!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by CoolCat

I love that Answer Chick!

Let see for today!
Rigel's taking me to task!

1.- Please tell us how many cats have you been in your enterely life and say us their names please...

I brought home Midnight when I was 7 years old, and in negotiations with my father, I told him we HAD to keep Midnight because I already gave him a name.
Funny reasoning 7 year olds have!

I got Gizmo when I was 17, but my mom kicked me out of the house when he was still a kitten, so he's been with my mentor for 15 years and is still as healthy (and feisty!) as a cat half his age!

Now I have Mik and Lex... and I'll probably have many more cats as time goes on.

2.- Are you religious?

I'm not religious, however I am spiritual.
My birth records state Protestant and my grandparents were Lutherans in Germany, but I didn't grow up with any religion at all. My parents were free-thinking hippies.
However, as I got into my 20's, I started to learn about many different religions, and studied Judaism formally for 2 years, as I found that many of the concepts encompassed in Judaism reflected my own personal beliefs. Would I convert? Not at this point, but who knows what the future holds.
One of my favourite religious books of all time is the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (translated). There's a lot of practical wisdom contained there.

3.- What would you prefer Pepsi or Coke?

I LOVE Coke! And especially Coke slurpees!

4.- Choose one Sunrise or Sunset and say why!

I think if I could actually be up in time for a sunrise, I would enjoy that, to see the new day begin and looking east... But I would choose sunset, because I like to see the vivid colours in the sky, enjoy the transition from light to dark, and I find the night to be a tranquil and soothing time.

5.- You has a big love for the Vespas, that is something that we can see..., tell me have you know to drive a car? wich is the most big vehicle that you have to drive????

Yes, the first vehicle I drove was a car. However, when my dad died, the car went with him. Long sad story.
I'm not one for driving anything too big... the only vehicles I've owned to this point have been scooters!

Have a nicely day chick!

Thanks Rigel! You too!


TCS Member
Jun 10, 2003
Originally Posted by vespacat

I be back this evening to face it head on!
Are you calling me the worm?
Well, whatever the case... the worm is waiting... always waiting.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 20, 2005
Savannah, GA
Yay yay yay!
Conga-rats Jenn! I'm sending the Banana Boys to do a dance for ya in celebration of the TCS spotlight being on you:
(You know....if you play that Gwen Stefani song "Hollaback Girl", the bananas appear to be dancing in time to the beat of that song....
This site is bananas...B-AN-AN-AS...OK...I've probably lost y'all by now...
Here are my questions (Though just about everything pales coming after Ryan's hard-hitting and throught-provoking queries. Boy, you should've been an investigative journalist Ryan. Har har

1- Ever seen BNL perform live?
2- Is Canada proud of Shania Twain?
3- What is the farthest you have traveled?
4- What is your favorite memory of your father?
5- Do your kits have middle names?

Again, congrats! You've become such an awesome and active TCS-er in a relatively short amount of time; way to make your voice heard!!!


TCS Member
Jun 10, 2003
Some quick questions...

1. What was the last chocolate thing you had to eat?

2. What toppings do you like at Subway?

3. What toppings do you dislike or hate at Subway?

4. What's the most messed up movie you ever liked?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by GailC

Just one easy but long question.
My husband says we should get a scooter for me to commute to work. I have requested info from Vespa (last week). Now I live in a rural area and it would be a 11-12 mile commute. So how long would this take. I'm prone to injuries-is this the right vehicle for me??? Are they easy to learn how to ride??? I can ride a atv (4-wheeler)

Not a problem, Gail.

Well, getting in touch with a Vespa retailer is a good first step. If you plan on commuting such a long distance, I would suggest a bike that is at least 125CC. The Vespa ET4 may be a good choice for you as it will go 100km/hour or will easily reach the speed limit on rural roads in the US.

If you're prone to injuries, I wouldn't encourage buying a scooter, but I also wouldn't say it's out of the question. Perhaps you could go to a Vespa dealership and get an initial feel for a scooter, as there are a number of different models. If you don't feel comfortable, I wouldn't do it, and I wouldn't advise you in buying a vintage Vespa. Also, if your roads are mainly gravel, I would advise against buying a scooter.

They are fairly easy and fun to ride... especially the new Vespa models. They're automatic, so you just twist the throttle and go. There are no gears or a clutch on on the ET2 and ET4 model and there are 2 speeds... speed up and slow down.

Feel free to PM me if you would like more info.
And good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Originally Posted by Hydroaxe

Hello Jenn!
Hello Ryan... again!

1. It's 3:00 am and the phone rings. You hear it, but you've already been asleep for many hours and you're tired. Do you answer it? Who do you think it would be?

Gee, at that hour it would most likely be the idiot I went out with YEARS ago who should have this phrase integrated into his name... "I like calling my ex and hanging up when she answers".

2. You're at a movie and see that the youths in front of you are slowly becoming obnoxious. What do you say to them if anything?

Shut up already... you're not in your :censor::censor::censor::censor::censor::censor::censor: living room! And no, I haven't said it... yet.

3. How many hours of sleep do you think is vital for you to function well during the day. How many do you usually get.

Good one. Well, now that I'm finally OFF the sleeping pills I'm trying to establish some normal sleep patterns... Lately I've been getting anywhere from 5-8 hours a night, which is a big accomplishment for me considering I've been hooked on the blasted things for years!

4. What best describes how you feel when you wake up in the morning? Why?

d)\tmore tired than you were when you went to bed
g) angry at the world

My moods are so volatile, that I really can't give you a straight answer on that one. Sorry!
Although this morning I woke up feeling... A, C and G, simply because there was construction directly outside my bedroom window.

5. What is the longest time youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve gone voluntarily without a bath or shower? Why did you do that?

The little luxuries you give up for camping. It was about 3 days.
When I had surgery a number of years ago I was begging for a shower after the first day... and finally got one on day 3.

6. When in a relationship, what do you wish to be most loved for?

All of me... the good and the not-so-good.

7. How do the grey goblins like to wake you up in the morning?

Mik will literally walk on me all the while meowing loudly at my head... Lex is no less direct by standing directly above my head and staring at my face until I get a funny feeling there is actually something there...

8. You are eating dinner at a friend's house. Suddenly, you feel a strand of hair in a mouthful of what you're eating. You feel a bit disgusted. What do you do?

a) I immediately drop my jaw and let the mouthful of food drop on my plate in sheer horror. I try not to freak, but I must get it out. Then I apologize for disrupting the dinner.
b) I carefully pull the strand of hair out, disguising the act with the shielding power of a napkin. I keep eating the food, so I don't scare anyone.
c) I nonchalantly lift the napkin to my face and stealthily forward the lump of food into said napkin. However, my appetite is done with and I try to carry on some dinner conversation.
d) I do my best to keep chewing and attempt to swallow the hair. I will not risk upsetting anyone else at the table.
e) I do my absolute best to talk as if there is nothing in my mouth, as I politely excuse myself from the table. I will deal with the hair in the bathroom. When I come back to the table I continue to eat.
f) Same as "e" except when I come back to the table I either eat something separate on my plate or I don't eat at all.
g) I go totally nuts and cause a big ruckus because I'm so disgusted and offended. Then I storm off from the table in a huff demanding an apology.
h) Some combination of the above. (Please indicate and explain in gory detail)

No gory detail this time... although yet another slight variation.
I would choose C (though A was pretty amusing!) if it was indeed a friend's dinner, but if I was at a restaurant, it would likely be H... but probably not so extreme.
I'm not one for causing scenes in public, period.

Whew... another round done!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
How funny you remembered!

Sam, yours is a quick one so I can answer tonight...

Cheese Canneloni!
If you can get it over in New Zealand, give it a try!
Originally Posted by WellingtonCats

What is your favourite Lean Cusine Meal?