Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Just found out a coworker who we really love is having a hard time. He has been ill and is now in icu on life support with some fever of some sort. evidently from a tick they are guessing? He was ill last week and called out sick. I was not here for a few days and missed it. They have him in icu on life support and he's having complications breathing and issues with his kidneys. This man is one of my very best friends. I really don't want to go to another funeral. I really can't handle anymore deaths right now. I am praying to the goddess that he pulls through!!

I also got an email from indexx online learning-you can take their online courses for free to learn about feline medicine-they have a seminar coming in mid august about kidney disease and I wont be able to do it as we wont have internet during that time. I really like their online classes as they help clarify things if you are into learning more about medical issues other than google search. I think this afternoon I will take one of those courses to refresh on issues..

I hope you all are having a good day. Its a rainy cool day for a change.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@foxxycat you are having a very rough summer.  I hope your friend pulls through. 

DH is at a conference in NH this week.  I have a lot of stuff planned to get done and no motivation. 
  It is supposed to be cooler this week, low 70's high 60's.  I need to sand down and restain the  outdoor table.   So the weather should be good.  Trying to figure out the best way to do this so Eclipse isn't walking in the dust and grooming it off his paws.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@foxxycat   You have really had a lot thrown at you.. wow. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. This really stinks. I am hoping that he turns around, fast. People do not realize how dangerous ticks can be. It kind of wants you to hibernate all summer long. It is terrible. I am sure he is getting good care and they are watching him like a hawk in there. more ((hugs)) being sent your way...

Well, the car adjuster came. Yup, need a new bumper. Yup, I am bull that I did not get the license number of the car.. Yup, I am mad that he got away with hitting my car. Yup, If the cops could have nabbed him, they would have him in jail for a hit and run.. Yup, mad that he got away....

hopefully I can get the official paperwork and get this done and over with next week. 

Now, what to do for the rest of the day?? It looks threatening rain outside.. very humid. House is clean, Artie fed, medicated, brushed and played with; all the laundry folded and put away, litter boxes cleaned on Friday, dishes washed, calendars switched over to new month with all appointments on them.

I Just had an apple, peanut butter and a cup of peach green tea for lunch. Supper salad is all made and sitting in refrigerator. 

Sitting here, listening to some music on Tune-in Radio. Don't feel like going out to spend money. Don't really need anything today.. wonder if this is a sign that I need to watch a movie.. Could go to the cinema--but do not feel like leaving the house...hummmmmm..... wonder.....

Do I pay to watch a movie on the On-Demand, or do I watch one of the several shows I recorded from the Winter. 

I pretty much caught up to a years worth of: Major Crimes, all of Father Brown, Grantchester..  I do have the entire season of The Blacklist to watch, and an Abbott and Costello movie I recorded, as I watched it in September of last year. Or do I pop in one of the Movies I have on DVD...

Tuff selection ......

Or I could start reading a book, with the music still on.......

Can you tell I am ready for a lazy afternoon of sitting on my butt, doing nothing....

I could wash the balcony door window--I can see lots of smears. Feeling lazy though..


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I'm about to start packing for my trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have to be on the plane in about 19 hours and have yet to pack a single thing. I'm a horrible procrastinator. I'm hoping I can do everything that needs to be done before I have to leave.

I'm going to Pennsylvania to see my boyfriend for his birthday. I'm hoping everything I have planned works out without any problems (but what trip or vaction plan doesn't have problems that arise?).

We're going to go see that new movie Suicide Squad (about the supervillians that team up and kinda become superheros). My boyfriend is absolutely OBSESSED with all things comic book movie related. And little does my he know that I got him a signed photograph of one of the main characters of suicide squad (with proof that she signed it, as it came with a a picture of her signing it)!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Actually my friend is at Layhey Hitchcock and I tried to look up visiting hours and looks like only immediate family. He works here as an engineer. Everyone is in shock. He is such a fire cracker that I never expected this. I suspect he got a fever and didn't pay attention to how dangerous it can be. Yes it helps the body but you don't want it going so high that things gets dangerous. It sounds like they have been flushing his body with fluids but his lungs filled with fluids-this worries me. This sounds like his heart cant keep up with the stress of extra fluids while trying to keep his body temperature down. I only hope things turn around but it surely doesn't sound like it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@bootse - if he did not really want the cat he would not feed her all this time. Since Micci eats like there is no tomorrow when your husband feeds her she must be hungry and the question is "do her "owners" feed her?"

When you first talked about it these neighbors were not all that excited about having her back, didn't gush all over the place like "we were so worried, we looked all over for her, we missed her so much, where did you find her? etc etc".  Apparently they did not even say she was theirs, just took her.

You may ask your husband "do you or do you not want her?"   If he says yes, then grab the cat; if he says no, then tell him to stop feeding her and otherwise making her welcome.

Then, if the cat keeps coming to your yard, take her back to the neighbors and say that she keeps coming to you and do they really want her? If they say they really want her then tell them to keep her inside so she can't keep coming to you, and if they say they don't care one way or the other or that they don't really want her then tell them you will take the cat off their hands. This should make everybody happy.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
@foxxycat   Darlin, you have had far more than your share of the bad stuff.  I put in an order for some of the good for you, told To Whom It May Concern, "Look, our girl here needs a break." 

Storming here again today.  Hope it cools off some later, I need to go drop my rent check in the night-drop.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Awwwwww foxxycat foxxycat . I'm so sorry about floey. I haven't been on here in a while and just found out about her. I second the motion for some good stuff to happen to you. Hugs


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@bootse  , I have an idea. (This is only my idea because it worked for a dog in the neighborhood in similar circumstances mind you.) Here's what happened; one street up a family got a golden retriever puppy (older puppyhood--more like teenage if dogs had such a thing) that they named Buddy. One day Buddy ended up in our yard and was acting much like Micci did with your husband. So, we went to Buddy's house (everyone knew when they got the dog and who the dog belonged to) to return him, but they didn't seem enthusiastic about it. The problem was that they were exhausted. The daughter had taken a tumble and broken her foot and its healing had to be micromanaged by going to the surgeon every couple of weeks, the son had come down with a violent version of the flu (as in they had to go to the hospital anyway to pump fluids into his body) the father was working two jobs and both of them wanted to be his primary  job, and the mother was working, taking care of the children (ferrying them to the hospital, taking care of them at home, and fighting with the homeschooling system--our state does not like having children out of school and actively works to keep them in it even if they're too ill to go). When Buddy began showing up in our yard we asked them if they wanted help taking care of the dog--and they greatfully agreed. They loved the dog, don't get me wrong, but they just didn't have the time or emotional resources to look after him at the moment, so we helped looked after him until the flu passed and the father's work schedule stabilized. (He couldn't drop the job because of hospital bills, but they worked hard.) Maybe your neighbors are in a similar situation. Of course, maybe they don't really care about the cat. Either way, ask if they need help and their reaction should give you all the information you need before making a decision on what to do.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
We went to Olive Garden for dinner tonight.  It wasn't my first choice but it was doable.  I ordered the Herb Salmon w/o sauce and the broccoli w/o the garlic parm. cheese.  While we were waiting for our food the waiter came over and said there was no salmon. 
    I asked if I could get the gluten free kids meal - gf pasta, meat sauce and chicken.  When the food finally arrived (they were really slow tonight) the waiter says 'Oh I need to get the broccoli you asked for'   I don't like broccoli but i did eat half of it since they made it special for me.  It was pretty good.  Better than DH makes and it didn't smell yucky.   Even though I didn't have gluten I felt bad because gf pasta is not Whole 30 compliant.  Oh well,  Tomorrow is another day!

@Tallyollyopia   you're story of the customer complaining about your prices made me laugh. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Oof. I am super tired today. That shift was really really long. The volunteer coordinator was really interested in talking a lot. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Off to the elections today. I'm an election official now. My first time. It's going to interesting to see how things work behind the scenes. So glad I'm in a small town, so it shouldn't be too crazy.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I'm boarding my plane to Philadelphia right now! It was stressfull getting through TSA because I accidentally left a bottle of spray conditioner in my carry on bag, so my bag was pulled [emoji]128551[/emoji]. They told me I could put it in my checked bag but there was no way I'd have time for that so I just said screw it and said goodbye to a perfectly good (expensive) bottle of spray conditioner.

But at least I got here just in time to board!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
We went to Olive Garden for dinner tonight.  It wasn't my first choice but it was doable.  I ordered the Herb Salmon w/o sauce and the broccoli w/o the garlic parm. cheese.  While we were waiting for our food the waiter came over and said there was no salmon. 
    I asked if I could get the gluten free kids meal - gf pasta, meat sauce and chicken.  When the food finally arrived (they were really slow tonight) the waiter says 'Oh I need to get the broccoli you asked for'   I don't like broccoli but i did eat half of it since they made it special for me.  It was pretty good.  Better than DH makes and it didn't smell yucky.   Even though I didn't have gluten I felt bad because gf pasta is not Whole 30 compliant.  Oh well,  Tomorrow is another day!

@Tallyollyopia   you're story of the customer complaining about your prices made me laugh. 
Tomorrow is indeed another day. 
 (And he made me laugh too.)
Off to the elections today. I'm an election official now. My first time. It's going to interesting to see how things work behind the scenes. So glad I'm in a small town, so it shouldn't be too crazy.
One of the most important thing to remember is that you can not  ask people how their going to vote. One of the volunteers working in our town got arrested for that last year. By the way, congratulations! 


TCS Member
Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
Well I am able to get back around a little. I have missed everyone and the stories about all the fur-babies.

I have finally moved into my house after a lot of work to paint and repair stuff. It is still a mess thanks to all my collection of junk, LOL. We are slowly going through boxes and getting rid of all unnecessary items. We've already gotten rid of a lot but still have several to get through.

I am having my internet turned on today so hopefully I will be able to get online and join all the night people (US) and everyone else I don't get to visit when I'm not at work. Speaking of work. I will be slow for a while but in a couple of months things will be busy again. That's the fun thing about warehousing, it's like a roller coaster.

Anyway, it will take me some time to go through everything I have missed and will be putting in my 2 cents in as I see something. BTW- I will start fostering in a couple of weeks so I'm sure I will be needing lots of help and advise.

It's so good to be back!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Angua has been super cuddly all morning. I woke up to her crawling into be with me and rubbing her head against my hand. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I've been away for a few days while trying to get used to a new medication and it looks like I have missed a lot of babbling.   Chula and Paul have been real sweethearts keeping me company in bed.  Meanwhile I am feeling guilty because the many, many pieces of their new cat tree are still  spread out on the floor ready to be assembled.   I hope everyone is doing well. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
The city has been here all morning excavating around the manhole in one of my parkways. Huge truck that looked like it was from Cape Canaveral sprayed water on the ground and sucked up the mud. Now there's a hole in the parkway about 6 feet across with the manhole in the middle. I was worried about dressing because the guys were right in front of my bedroom windows. Suddenly, all the noise stopped, and the truck and men left, leaving the huge water tube in the hole, and hats, spades, and what looks like a chain saw strewn about on the lawn. And I was going to have the lawn mowed today.

The city left me a note a couple of months ago telling me they were going to do this, then had the underground lines marked and left. They waited so long they had to have it marked twice. I wonder how long it's going to be before they come back. Better throw some clothes on.
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