Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Well that was interesting. We seem to have a pretty good system for voting. I did a little bit of each job today. And I was very careful to follow all the rules. Only one person refused to show his picture ID, but it turned out he was just teasing us. So it went smooth. I'm going to work the November elections also. That should be much busier.
feeling much better BOOTSE too even though it is time to go to bed

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Sooo much going on this month.

The rest of the weekdays this week are fine. Saturday starts my first cat sit!!! So excited! Heard back from the client today telling me she moved the food bowl because of ants. They're rampant in the general area so not shocked (our visitors started making a reappearance lately - replaced all the bate discs!!). Saturday my nephew is holding a bbq, and I'll be bringing my mom, so we probably won't be there long. Sunday there's a fundraiser at the shelter I'm going to.

I really want to wash my litter boxes this weekend. They haven't been done in ages (waaaaay too long) and they kinda reek. Stuck my head in and WHEW! So yeah, need to do that. And I think it's supposed to be nice this weekend. I'm kinda afraid to leave them out in the sun though. People tend to think you're putting stuff out because you're throwing it away (which actually is the case most of the time) and will take it. Sometimes they'll ask, but not always. Anyway, thinking I'll do it Sunday. I have to go take care of my client's kitty, so I'll position the other car (of the lady upstairs) so there is room behind it for the litter boxes to dry, and they'll be kinda hidden. That area gets a lot of sun so that is good.

I am gonna buy some 20-gallon bins to put in the place of these litter boxes for now. Will bring switch them out later. Need to cut some openings in them too. Been thinking I'll make it a bit higher of an entrance, since these cats OFTEN jump over the high side of it. I want to make it at least as high as Pea-Pea's butt. This morning, in the litter box in my bedroom, she had her butt all the way in the box, but was standing up, so the pee went all the way out and onto the pee pad (thank goodness I have those there!).

Oh, and listen to this. This is how smart my cats are. I was running very late and couldn't change the pee pad immediately this morning. They dragged the pee pad over from the side and put it on top of the two that got peed on. Perfectly centered too. I have mental images of coordinated efforts, with Maple overseeing the project from her chair

And finally started brushing their toofies again. Maple's checkup reminded me of why I started doing it to being with, so back to that. Decided to bust out the CET. Had been using the Drs Foster and Smith brand. The consistency was SO much thinner than I was used to! I got it all over the place as a result. Didn't do a great job brushing but then again, I need to get them used to it again. So mad I slacked on it for so long. I'd even gotten them to the point I was able to get their back teeth.

Oh, and my nephew's birthday is tomorrow. There's a bunch of us who all turn the same age and he starts the cycle. He's going to be 40 tomorrow.
Again congratulations on your first cat sitting job. I hope it leads to many more. When you get going a bit more you should invest in a few t shirts with your company name on them. It IDs you as someone who should be there to neighbors and is a conversation starter.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Artiemom   I think you need to have your thyroid levels checked.    You should ask them to check for Hashimoto's as well.  Artie really misses you when you're gone.  I think he needs a friend or you'll need to start taking him with you to your volunteer work. 
I did have my thyroid done, last week during my yearly physical. It came back fine. I am hypothyroid. I will see the endocrinologist in November. I have to go for repeat sodium and chloride level on Friday. Those were low. My pup had me discontinue a BP med (fluid pill). 

What I should do is take my blood pressure when I am feeling really tired. It has dropped so much since I started exercising. Discontinuing the fluid pill may have a difference, so who knows. My BP has never been this low in my life. It was 111/74 , that is low for me; usually it is high about 130/90... last year I did get it down to 120/80..

Artie tried waking me three times last night. Once, I heard him digging to China, in his litter box, then he had to wake me to tell me it was dirty! and the third time he wanted me to get up!!!

I ignored him completely. He ended up sleeping on my pillow for a long time. When I got up, he was curled up ontop of his Chewy box, which came in yesterday. 

I cannot afford another cat! I really can't.. As far as food is concerned also. Artie free feeds his Rabbit food. I cannot have another cat who may eat his. I really monitor Artie's food intake. 

@Donutte    Good luck on your first job!! Will be thinking about you!  Have fun with the BBQ!!!

         Can you leave the litter boxes in your back yard, in the sun? That way no one can see them. 


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
My mother was in the hospital, so I am a bit behind on playing police in this thread. ;) I've seen some rules being broken so it is a time for a reminder of a few of them -

Minimum of 15 words per post. Don't bother with counting words. Just make sure your posts are longer than one line and you should be ok.

No consecutive posts. You can't add a reply if yours is the last post in the thread. If anyone starts talking to themselves to speed things up, they risk getting banned from this thread.
The bigger threat is that if you continue to not follow the rules, you will get a PM from me. ;)

I do admit I was reading one of the IMO threads and saw I post that was less than 15 words and almost posted a warning in that thread. :lol3:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
What I should do is take my blood pressure when I am feeling really tired. It has dropped so much since I started exercising. Discontinuing the fluid pill may have a difference, so who knows. My BP has never been this low in my life. It was 111/74 , that is low for me; usually it is high about 130/90... last year I did get it down to 120/80..
That's is something you should do, esp if you have a home BP cuff.

When I am at a reasonable weight, my BP is fairly low. Not low enough that I can go completely off the BP meds, but the meds can be deceased to the bare minimum. As soon as I gain weight, my BP increases and I have to have my dosage increased as well.

Right now, I'm losing weight. And I know that my BP meds are too high. I'm really tired and, sometimes, when I stand up after sitting for a while or lying down for a while, things actually get black. I know I need to get my butt into the doctor for a BP check and to get the dosage adjusted.

Discontinuing your fluid pill will have an effect on your BP as will your exercising. You might want to speak with your doctor.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
That's is something you should do, esp if you have a home BP cuff.

When I am at a reasonable weight, my BP is fairly low. Not low enough that I can go completely off the BP meds, but the meds can be deceased to the bare minimum. As soon as I gain weight, my BP increases and I have to have my dosage increased as well.

Right now, I'm losing weight. And I know that my BP meds are too high. I'm really tired and, sometimes, when I stand up after sitting for a while or lying down for a while, things actually get black. I know I need to get my butt into the doctor for a BP check and to get the dosage adjusted.

Discontinuing your fluid pill will have an effect on your BP as will your exercising. You might want to speak with your doctor.
Thanks, I am in contact with my doctor. She is the one ordering the repeat blood test and the discontinuing of the the fluid pills. I will hear from her next week, when the results are back. I will tell her how tired I feel in the afternoon. 

I do, periodically check my bp, as well as my blood glucose. My dad had to routinely check his bp at home, so I have an accurate kit. I have a strong family history of diabetes, so I check mine periodically also. 

She did say my bp was now perfect, but did ask if I was feeling any low bp symptoms. I guess maybe I was. 

The only way to know is to monitor it. I guess going from high to such a low level for me, would take my body a while to adjust to this new normal. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
@NewYork1303   It looks like Ruby is going to fit in just fine.  I love the pictures of Ruby and Angua together.  Plus, with all the boxes, your place looks a lot like mine.  

I came across the following "article" in my internet journeys.  It's pretty funny.  http://www.theonion.com/article/cat-congress-mired-in-sunbeam-2814
I think everything is going okay for the most part. The main problem is that Ruby really really really wants to play with the other cats, but since they aren't there yet her playing is mostly them being chased and tackled against their will. I remove her when she does this, but she just has so much energy. I have never seen a 1 year old cat with this much energy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@NewYork1303   It looks like Ruby is going to fit in just fine.  I love the pictures of Ruby and Angua together.  Plus, with all the boxes, your place looks a lot like mine.  

I came across the following "article" in my internet journeys.  It's pretty funny.  http://www.theonion.com/article/cat-congress-mired-in-sunbeam-2814
I think everything is going okay for the most part. The main problem is that Ruby really really really wants to play with the other cats, but since they aren't there yet her playing is mostly them being chased and tackled against their will. I remove her when she does this, but she just has so much energy. I have never seen a 1 year old cat with this much energy.
Too bad Honeybee isn't close to you. Honeybee is 5 and she is ALWAYS playing or chasing something. Last night we had a fly tormenting her. She was jumping and leaping trying to catch it. I normally kill them asap but I was having too much fun watching kitty tv.

Honeybee slept in Jon's box of bills-she climbed in then curled up and went to zzzzzzz.

She didn't sleep with me last night-too hot. I should have opened the windows but left the ac on at 71 and I still sweaty.

I never did anything last night. I layed on the couch watching judge Judy and not much else. facebook and watching the drama unfold concerning this current presidential arguments between the trumpeters and clintonites. quite entertaining.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
@Artiemom  - My "normal" blood pressure (before I gained weight) was 110/70. That's not too low. When the doc put me on blood pressure meds, it was 160/90. High blood pressure runs in my family, so in my case, it's very stubborn and difficult to get dodwn.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@AbbysMom   I hope your mom is ok.  Will she be able to attend your niece's wedding?

@Artiemom   good to hear you are on top of things.  thyroid issues are annoying but BP can cause real problems.  Take care of yourself.

Eclipse is playful this morning.  He doesn't want to play with toys though. He keeps hopping up to look out windows.  Why do cats have to be as close as possible to the window.  I have a short shelf by one so they can sit and look out, but they have to have their front paws on the sill.  all my windows have cat nose prints on them.  DD says they're cute, don't clean them off, but now there are so many it's getting hard to see though the glass in that area. 

Fluffy has realized it's okay to drink from the cat fountain.  When we first saw her using it she would give us the same look we get when we catch her rolling in the cat litter. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
LOL! I just realized there are nose prints on my windows, too. Never noticed them before. Mingo generally likes the windows open so he can sniff all those wonderful scents from outside, but it's been hot here for days, and I've had the AC on. The city is back with their huge trucks, digging up the parkway, and now the water is off. I filled a bucket last night so I could flush the toilets. Mingo has a lot to keep track of outside.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
forgot to tell everyone I actually slept last night!! whoo hoo!

I pilled pumps with the new pill popper meant for Floey
 and got the dasquin into her no problem=-she has bad bad arthritis and we are trying liquid oral gabapentin on her and Ive been trying to get her to eat the dasquin but she wont. so going to pill her every evening then give the liquid gaba. she gets drowsy for the first 2 hours then I see her wandering around. She is my shy shy kitty. Each morning the food dishes were empty-no wet food yet. just trying to keep everything the same for the next week before I make too many changes.

I don't know if she misses Floey and I just don't want her to stop eating. IF we can get her pain managed maybe she will play more. she does walk around outside a bit but she doesn't go far. Hoping this helps make her more comfortable.

We go to Concord MA in September for her senior bloodwork. and see what other things we can do for her pain wise.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Nose prints on the window! we know all about those. We have loads and loads of frogs near our house and for whatever reason, they like to hang out on the windows. Are they mocking the cats? Who knows but you can hear them hit the window with a little thud. As soon as the cats hear that, they head for the windowsill. At first, the frogs would get scared and leave but I guess they figured out that the cats can't do anything and they are no longer even fazed by them. The cats used to actively paw at the frogs and try to chase them if they moved around the window but now they just sit and watch them. I guess they figured out that they can't get them through the glass. 

It's so cute. If I hear them land on the window before the cats do, I always tell Lily that her frog friend is visiting and she almost always goes to investigate. 

We also have small lizards in the back screen room that I swear like to mock the cats. I've seen them come right up to the slider and get nose to nose with Lily through the screen or the sliding glass door and they just stare at each other. Lily glares out and the lizard looks in like, 'You know you want some of this but you just can't have it , can you?" 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Honeybee loves frogs and toads. At camp we have a small pond man made and they are tons of toads etc. She was so funny the first year she went with us-she hopped around behind them just like a frog. She would chase them into the woods and sit for hours waiting for them to stick their heads out of a dead log. There is a big log she sits on top waiting for the next snack to show itself. I don't think I have seen her actually catch them. they are too fast. hehehehe!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
feeling much better BOOTSE too even though it is time to go to bed
I've been watching the trumpeters and the clintonites too and I think it is halarious and a disgrace at the same time but like you I can't wait to see what unfolds next


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
So, I'm feeling what you've all been feeling with the heat. The 90 degree Temps really suck when the humidity is almost as high. I can't stand to feel my own skin. Sticky, sweaty and stinky! Supposed to be 98 tomorrow with no breeze and 80% humidity. Yuck! But, on the plus side, I don't have to work and we've planned a day at ocqueoc falls with all the grandkids.

Ocqueoc falls has a swimming hole and is very accessible for walking up and down the falls. It is such a fun place and absolutely gorgeous. If any of you ever get to Northern Michigan, you have got to visit Ocqueoc falls. It's worth the trip!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Leroy turned 6 years old yesterday

I did yoga for the first time today. The session was only half an hour long. I cold not balance during one of the poses
We started in a table / cow pose and then stuck one leg straight out behind and the arm on the opposite side straight out in front.  Even though I had one hand and one knee on the floor, I wobbled and fell over
There's a longer session late tomorrow afternoon which I'm planning to go to even though that means I have to stay an extra two hours at work.
You are far, far braver than I.  I keep seeing things like beginners' tai chi or yoga for the elderly, and thinking, well, maybe...but then I look at what they are doing and my body whispers, "I will kill you if you make me do that!"
@NewYork1303   It looks like Ruby is going to fit in just fine.  I love the pictures of Ruby and Angua together.  Plus, with all the boxes, your place looks a lot like mine.  

I came across the following "article" in my internet journeys.  It's pretty funny.  http://www.theonion.com/article/cat-congress-mired-in-sunbeam-2814
     Also, LOVED the link!  Shared it on FB...
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