Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, so I'm at a bit of a quandry. I'm waiting for the background check to come back for the job I interviewed for (they won't send me for my drug test until the background check comes back), but it's been a week (not counting the holiday). So--is it better for me to call and check on my background check (no pun intended), or is it better to keep silent and wait?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Call and ask about the background check. That way, they will know you are still interested in the job. You can also ask when they expect it in if it hasn't come in and when they expect to make a decision. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Call and ask about the background check. That way, they will know you are still interested in the job. You can also ask when they expect it in if it hasn't come in and when they expect to make a decision. 
Okay, when do you think would be a good time to call? I'm afraid it'll leave a bad impression if I call when the store's busy with customers. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I hope it works out for you! Gets your foot into the door and maybe networking with other pet places would get your name out there. I am sure you are excited-keep us posted! Good job for getting off the hamster wheel!

I admire people who go after their dreams-keep up the good work!
Thank you! I'm so nervous! Golly, I have no idea why, but I am. Probably because I've not have anything remotely interview-like with a place outside of my company in over 10 years.

My company isn't bad. I don't want to give that impression. It just doesn't fit me and what I'm looking for in a company anymore. I think I outgrew it a long time ago, but definitely about six months ago is when it hit me like a brick wall. They've given me experience which is absolutely priceless in this day and age - for that I'm definitely thankful. But, it's just not fitting me anymore, and it's time to move on.

I actually sent my resume to a friend of mine who completely uprooted her life and moved to California to manage a vet clinic out there. She's gonna pass it along to some folks she knows.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Okay, when do you think would be a good time to call? I'm afraid it'll leave a bad impression if I call when the store's busy with customers. 
Any time. Unless it's a small store, there will be a personnel department, and they don't usually handle customers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Any time. Unless it's a small store, there will be a personnel department, and they don't usually handle customers.
It's a convenience store, and the hiring is done on a store level, not corporate, so--I don't know. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
afternoons or mornings..I would think around 2ish is good.

Donutte-go for it-I have thought about doing the same since I seem more comfortable with 4 legged animals than 2 legged. but something tells me to wait..my job is not a bad job but the company is not has friendly towards personnel as it used to be. If you have dependents then you would have trouble here. I think I am just waiting to see what happens come the fall in regards to other contracts for us to stay in business. Its not looking good right now but hopefully someone gets us some new business and build some more products. otherwise I am not sure what they plan on doing. We are one of the last custom weld/machining shops around not considering the shipyard.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
 We are one of the last custom weld/machining shops around not considering the shipyard.
Speaking of ancestors and welding shops, when I was a child, my next-door neighbors' children had a pool put together by the Navy Shipyard in Washington, DC. I was born during WWII, and we moved back there after the war was over. One of the neighbors was a welder at the Navy Shipyard, and he put together a pool about 8 ft. long by 5 ft wide for his children. They then moved and gave it to the people next door. This was in the days before air conditioning, so a pool was the only possible way to cool off during the hot and muggy Washington summers. We absolutely loved that pool and spent many happy summers in it. As we got bigger, we and the water got heavier, and sometimes the bottom weld would break, dumping all those gallons of water on the grass. It then took some time to get the pool repaired. Eventually, we got too big to swim in it at all.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
My sister went to walmart last night around midnight and she saw this little girl pushing this kitten around in a cart. Apparently she was with an elderly man, presumably her grandfather. My sister was in line behind them and she kinda followed them out to where they parked. Apparently the little girl just picked up the kitten and got in the car.

She doesnt know if they just found the kitten outside the walmart or if the little girl just randomly decided to take her kitten to walmart. But my sister said the poor thing was just shaking and cowering in the corner of the cart. It looked stressed or ill.

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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Omg, the terror and nausea over this phone call is seriously setting in. I honestly don't remember the last time I was this nervous about something.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Omg, the terror and nausea over this phone call is seriously setting in. I honestly don't remember the last time I was this nervous about something.
Hang in there. The anticipation is worse than the actual deed. Take a deep breath and go pee! You don't want to have to go in the middle of the call! Lol


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Hang in there. The anticipation is worse than the actual deed. Take a deep breath and go pee! You don't want to have to go in the middle of the call! Lol
So funny... I did pee, then had to again anyway during the call! The call went well, I have an in-person interview on Thursday. I better take my meds early that evening, if I wait until 6, there's no way the shakies will be gone by 6:15! And I should probably eat something beforehand... Omg, so terrified. Haven't done an actual interview face-to-face with an external company since 2004.

One thing they mentioned at this place that I found quite intriguing - the room for growth. It's a growing company (in maybe 20 states?) but they keep the "local" values.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
So funny... I did pee, then had to again anyway during the call! The call went well, I have an in-person interview on Thursday. I better take my meds early that evening, if I wait until 6, there's no way the shakies will be gone by 6:15! And I should probably eat something beforehand... Omg, so terrified. Haven't done an actual interview face-to-face with an external company since 2004.

One thing they mentioned at this place that I found quite intriguing - the room for growth. It's a growing company (in maybe 20 states?) but they keep the "local" values.
One thing that was recommended to me when I (finally) started getting interviews was to eat something that I felt was comfort food (as long as it wasn't something that would ruin my breath) before going to help calm my nerves. I gained three pounds, but it helped!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
donutte donutte that's wonderful news. Maybe this will turn into your dream job. Lol on the peeing part. I always have to go during interviews too. Must be nerves.
I like the advice tallyollyopia tallyollyopia gave. Makes sense to me. Also eat a banana before. Helps your brain think fast. I always made my boys eat one before tests. They always got awesome gradea. Now they make their kids eat one on test days.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Oh my. I think it may be English muffins with butter and jam then! Maybe without the jam, that might be too much sugar beforehand... And I was thinking about a banana too! Depending on when I get out of work, I may or may not be going right there from work, but hopefully can stop at home for ten minutes.

A good friend of mine thinks I'm just going through a phase in wanting to do this. I've felt like this for over six months. It just feels so right and can't explain it to people that don't get it. The fact that I'm willing to take pay less than what I'm making now is very telling to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Oh my. I think it may be English muffins with butter and jam then! Maybe without the jam, that might be too much sugar beforehand... And I was thinking about a banana too! Depending on when I get out of work, I may or may not be going right there from work, but hopefully can stop at home for ten minutes.

A good friend of mine thinks I'm just going through a phase in wanting to do this. I've felt like this for over six months. It just feels so right and can't explain it to people that don't get it. The fact that I'm willing to take pay less than what I'm making now is very telling to me.
If it feels right, it feels right. The doubters don't matter; it's not their  life. (I had to tell myself that a lot...)


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@Tallyollyopia   I agree it is best to call:  place I used to work had terrible problems with the place HR check things were sent loosing them, or not processing and recruitment took way longer than it should.  It was always best for people to call and check up because then it would get noticed sooner if there was a problem.  Just ask if they're OK to talk when you phone or if you should call back, that way you show appreciation that they can be busy.  Hope it all goes through smoothly for you.

@Donutte   That sounds like a great oportunity with the vet practice.
   Hope the next part of the interview goes well. I've always taken the approach that honesty is best because people will figure out if you make things up.  That comes from me as someone who has been interviewed, but also interviewed other people.    If someone is genuine in what they say it usually shines through, and if you can be positive, and not come across as blaming everone else for any problems you have had then why should it be a bad thing if you want to move on to somewhere you feel would be more interesting and maybe people around who would have similar interests?   As for less money - that fits with the same outlook.  Money is important but it isn't everything.    I got very unhappy and stressed the last place I worked, I was off sick for a long time and decided staying wasn't good for me or my health and left with nothing lined up.  I gave up on my former line of work completely and went for work where I would take home about 1/3 or what I did before.  I was completely honest in the interview about why I was leaving, what my sickness record was and why and told them what it had been before (ie I didn't have one), and got offered the job right off.  It would have looked very strange if I hadn't been honest and doubt I would have been offered the job that way.   Money is tight for me now in a way it has never been before, but I am also much healthier and less stressed than I was and have no regrets at all about the changes I made.  Go for it.  
   Like Tallyollyopia says, if it feels right, it feels right.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Oh my. I think it may be English muffins with butter and jam then! Maybe without the jam, that might be too much sugar beforehand... And I was thinking about a banana too! Depending on when I get out of work, I may or may not be going right there from work, but hopefully can stop at home for ten minutes.

A good friend of mine thinks I'm just going through a phase in wanting to do this. I've felt like this for over six months. It just feels so right and can't explain it to people that don't get it. The fact that I'm willing to take pay less than what I'm making now is very telling to me.
Since you are leaving your present company and are willing to take less pay it's nobody's business anyway. My daughter on the other hand did something really stupid: first she turned down a promotion from junior buyer to senior buyer because she did not "want the extra responsibility", 6 months later a totally different job with less responsibility was written up which would get her away from the desk and up on her feet walking around the whole plant but with less pay, she applied and got that job. 2 months later she was laid off because the company was downsizing. You would think this was done by some teen or early twenty-something. My daughter was past 40 and had worked for the company for over 10 years. I am still not understanding what was so bad about the job she had had. Now she has taken a course in medical transcribing and I can't see how that job (yes, she has one doing that) is any better than what she had, it still keeps her tied to a desk and the pay is less than what she had and the benefits aren't that great either. But it's her life, not mine, and she has to live with the consequences. I don't say anything to her about her life choices, I just shake my head and she can't see that as she lives in another state. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay: note to self: when you use pineapple juice instead of water in a pineapple upside-down cake, refigerate it. AWM went to have some of the cake I made for her birthday today--only to discover that half of what was left had molded and the other half had fermented. Ooops. (In my defense, I've never had a pineapple upside-down cake last so long before. They're usually gone the same day I make them.) This is what it looked like after it came out of the oven.

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I had a little bit of trouble flipping it. (I have no after picture. I just wanted to remind everyone what it looked like when I made it.)
@Tallyollyopia   I agree it is best to call:  place I used to work had terrible problems with the place HR check things were sent loosing them, or not processing and recruitment took way longer than it should.  It was always best for people to call and check up because then it would get noticed sooner if there was a problem.  Just ask if they're OK to talk when you phone or if you should call back, that way you show appreciation that they can be busy.  Hope it all goes through smoothly for you.
I hope so too. Finances are really tight and the job will really help--if I get hired. (I'm not going to jinx things by saying I've got the job in the bag, because I don't consider myself employed until I'm physically working for the company.)
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