Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I do have pumpkin and Miralax to help with constipation. A probiotic may be helpful for general digestive healthl. I know to avoid the ones with sugar and other stuff. I've been reading this http://www.rawfeedingforibdcats.org/probiotics-for-cats---why-and-which-ones.html I've asked the vet and he is only familiar with FortiFlora but is ok with me trying something else.
Do you think people really laugh and make comments to people who are so depressed? 
Yes, they do. I was told by a manager that I had "mental and emotional issues". My supervisor at that time said I had "inner demons" and treated me differently from everyone else (basically like a 3 year old who constantly needs to be scolded and reprimanded). The constant stress of being in that job and working in that kind of environment affected my health to the point where my anxiety got worse and I developed depression as a result. I ended up leaving that job just wo months ago for a job in a different department at the same company.
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I had a very nice chat with the manager at my vet this morning. They don't have any positions open right now (didn't think so - I'm sure I would have seen in in my many searches otherwise!), and typically they don't like to hire clients mainly because they don't want to chance negatively impacting the vet/client relationship. Which I'll admit, that thought was there on my part, so I did understand. However, with that said, she didn't want to necessarily have that be a reason to automatically discount me. So, she will let me know if anything opens, and also will keep her eyes and ears open for any other positions. She said they've seen how I am with my pets and think I'd be an asset with any vet. And can't beat getting your own vet's recommendation!

She also mentioned another thing I could do is volunteer. I've told her that I've already planned on going to orientation at the cat shelter in the city on June 30th (I'd planned on doing it in March, but Sara got sick the weekend before). She brought up one that really caught her heart, and I have to say after looking into it, it has caught mine as well. I have a special spot in my heart for seniors, and this rescue works only with seniors. I'm actually considering looking into that shelter in ADDITION to the other one because I'm a little crazy. They have what they call "the sanctuary" which is critters they've deemed unadoptable due to health issues. They either live their lives at the shelter or ideally with a foster.

Anyway, regardless, I do need to find something that PAYS. So worst case scenario, if I go the shelter route, maybe I'll take a job working at the grocery store to help with the $$$ aspect. It's literally right next door to me (vet's on one side, grocery store on the other). Can't beat walking distance. And maybe I'll get a store discount.
You're smart enough to know that insider recommendations can be priceless. That's one foot in the door. Volunteer work at a shelter , especially with special needs/ senior cats would be pretty close to OJT.  Kudos to you for asking.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
You're smart enough to know that insider recommendations can be priceless. That's one foot in the door. Volunteer work at a shelter , especially with special needs/ senior cats would be pretty close to OJT.  Kudos to you for asking.
I honestly was terrified. My stomach was doing flips this morning, and I was shaking as I dialed the number. I almost forgot how to use my phone. But it really was a very nice conversation.

Following some things on the rescue's website that she mentioned, I ended up on a site where their cat adoption center is located. I just sent in an application there also (they don't have specific jobs listed, but you just fill out the application and if you're a fit, they contact you).

In other news, we were actually able to get some test execution done today. I was so happy about that.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I am going to drop in tomorrow, on my way to pick up Artie's medicine. I picked up a shift at the shelter on Sunday. It is 12-2 pm. That is the shift where I can play with them and show the to potential adopters.

I am thinking of taking Monday morning also.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Little more from Magic School and Egg.

Yarey wasn't sure she wanted to get closer to the headmaster's soulling. It looked frightening enough from far away; what would it look like close up? Still—it did belong to the headmaster. She'd heard stories about his conduct during the war with the Drar; about how he'd done everything he could to make sure that his men got out safely—or at least weren't taken prisoner alive. She'd overheard someone complaining about Zachi's pull with the king to Isdel once, and Isdel had said that he'd had to be a monster for the war and that it left a mark.

Perhaps the shape of the soulling was the mark. The woman, probably a teacher, had told her that it was only dangerous when it was hungry—perhaps it was the shape of the monster he'd had to become during the war to keep people alive.

Perhaps she was over-thinking. Kaldin was always warning her about that. He told her that one day she'd be so busy analyzing a rock that it would hit her on the head and kill her. She wasn't sure if he was trying to be mean or supportive when he said that, but she did take note.

She couldn't help but notice that the potential students in line were much quieter than the potential students had been when Virik had been talking to them. She guessed that they were thinking about Zachi's announcement.

The stage was built with three small steps leading to it, so that it was easily accessible. It was made of some kind of light colored wood. She wasn't sure what kind of wood it was made of, but it wasn't the same kind of wood as the floor. The grains were farther apart and in a looser swirling pattern than that of the floor.

Reluctantly she lifted her eyes to the headmaster's soulling. It was long, sinewy, and had six legs with clawed feet. Staring at the red-tipped claws a tiny, calm part of her mind noted that all the feet had opposable thumbs. The rest of her froze as her eyes traveled the black scaly body with red highlights. It had a long snout with lots and lots of very sharp, pointed teeth. The yellow eyes watched her under red brow ridges over them, and two thin black tendrils—like whiskers—flowed out from either side of the thing's nose, framing those teeth. Each tooth was easily one to two inches long, they protruded from the scaly lips of the creature, and there seemed to be more than one row of them.

Slowly she became aware of two sounds; a smothered choking sound and scattered giggles and laughter. She was having trouble breathing. Why was she having trouble breathing?

A black robe dropped between her and the headmaster's soulling. She looked up at the headmaster, and saw that his eyes were kind. “There will come times in your life when you face something that terrifies you to your very core. You will learn to function despite the fear, but not, I think, today.” He leaned forward and handed her an egg before turning her around to face the other way. “Let her pass,” he ordered the three potential students behind her. They parted and she took herself down the steps and away from the headmaster and his soulling.

Ban'cha came up, egg cradled in one arm, to put an arm around her to pull her away. “What happened?” he asked. “You froze!”

A tiny portion of her mind noticed that he wasn't speaking with an accent at the moment. The rest of her remembered the soulling and she swallowed. “Do you know what a serim is?” she asked.

“Isn't it a type of snake?” asked Ban'cha. His voice sounded confused.

“It is type of snake. A snake with a really, really big head. It has lots of teeth that rotate to rip flesh.” She remembered it well. She had actually been able to see the muscles inside the mouth turn the teeth in anticipation of them tearing into her.

“Hey!” Ban'cha gave her a little shake.

Her egg started to slip and she changed her grip on it as she took a deep breath. That incident was behind her now, and she had things to do. She smiled at Ban'cha. “Thanks. The headmaster's soulling—kind of looks like a serim.”

“Must be some snake,” said Ban'cha grimly as he led her to a group of adults. She guessed they must be teachers, and one of them was the adult that told her the headmaster's soulling was only dangerous when hungry.

“The student dorms are divided into male and female,” the woman said looking pointedly at Ban'cha and Yarey. “Each teacher takes a group of four, and you'll have time to socialize later, after you've settled in.”

Ban'cha released Yarey and winked at her. “See ya later,” he told her.

His accent was back in full force and she smiled at him. “See you later,” she replied timidly.

The woman pointed to Yarey and three other girls. “You four with me.” Yarey obediently fell into step behind the woman as they walked through the campus.

The buildings were amazing. All of them were different, almost as though they had been made by different hands. One of the buildings looked as though it had been made of interlocking arches, another looked like bubbles stacked on top of each other. The ground of the campus was perfectly manicured, and she wondered who was in charge of the gardens.

“Before we go any further, are there any questions?” asked the woman.

Yarey spoke up as she clutched the warming egg. “When I crossed the gate there was a feeling of someone brushing my hair out of my face.”

“Everyone experiences something different as they cross the threshold,” the woman said calmly. “The campus guardian likes to make itself known to all potential students coming in.”

“What kind of guardian does the campus have?” asked a girl. Like most of the potential students, she seemed to be about Yarey's age. She was wearing a dark yellow court gown that perfectly off set the light brown of her skin. Yarey wondered if she was from the Artasurn region.

“An earth spirit, At'ess, is the guardian. She settled here the moment the stones for the wall were completed, and she created the gate.” The woman smiled at them. “That's one of the reasons why there are so many roses here. They're her favorite flower, and we like to thank her for protecting the town from the students here.”

“Are the Drar really going to return?” asked another girl nervously. She was a small tan thing; thin, in homespun rags that were the same light brown as her hair and eyes.

The third girl in the group was the one in blue that had rebuffed Yarey's friendly overtures. She snorted. “The Drar were all killed during the war. Everyone knows that,” she said bitingly.

“The Drar were not killed,” said the woman angrily. She glared at the girl in blue. “I don't know who gave you such a notion.”

The girl in blue met the woman's gaze squarely. “Everyone in court has been saying it,” she said defiantly.

“Only the morons who think to oppose the King's Law,” commented the girl in yellow bitingly.

“Um,” Yarey said. The two of them turned to look at her. “According to Isdel—my uncle,” she added hurriedly, “at the end of the last battle the Drar said they would return.” When no one made a cutting comment she continued, “He said that not everyone believes there was enough of them left to be a threat.”

The woman closed her eyes and Yarey could see the pain on her face. “The Drar,” she said slowly, “are shifty, sneaky, and treacherous. It isn't just safe to assume they'll be back stronger than ever, it's survival.” Her eyes opened and she regarded the girls in front of her sadly. “Working together the humans, fairies, and elemental spirits barely managed to beat the Drar back—and there are some species that are now extinct and human populations are still recovering from the damage. Probably fairy populations too,” she added. “I don't know much about them.”

“I heard that fairies were sly and treacherous,” said the girl in blue.

Yarey was beginning to dislike her. “That's ridiculous,” she protested. “Those are all traits associated with the Drar which, if you'll remember,” she added viciously, “the fairies helped humans defeat.”

“I can see that this is going to be fun,” said the woman brightly. “Come along; we need to get the four of you settled into your rooms and then get your measurements for uniforms.”


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
tallyollyopia tallyollyopia . I'm sorry, but I haven't read your story yet. I keep meaning to, but the past week has been so busy that I haven't gotten a chance. Whenever I get on here, it's just a quick catch up and comment. I will read it though. So far, everyone that has seems to enjoy it. Maybe by the time.I get to read it, you'll be done and I won't have to wait for the ending!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
oh no not another one!!
  Words can't express how sad my soul is. All I can do is try to listen to others when they feel lost and alone.The mind plays dirty tricks telling you all kinds of BS that is just that-BS! I really hope this raises awareness and hoping people find the strength within to keep going. There are some scary battles people struggle with. IF  the bullying would stop and more compassion maybe people would speak up. But they know they will be susceptible to the snickering
 at work or in their personal life. Respect. Where has it gone? Why are people throwing in the towel? Why don't we fix the issues? Isolation is the biggest enemy. So very sad for those who have lost their way.
Do you think people really laugh and make comments to people who are so depressed?  I know this is talked about in high schools as part of the Health courses.  In Palo Alto CA, which is a very affluent town in Silicon Valley, the High School has had so many suicides that there are studies being done.  Many of these are bright students who can't take the pressure to succeed or to get into a certain college.  They have everything, but still can't cope. 

Unfortunately, yes.  It's worse with children, but it even happens with adults.  Look at Trump making fun of a journalist with a disability.  Look at Leno making fun of overweight people (and, BTW, he could afford to lose a few pounds himself!).  In all fairness, they don't always know about the depression, but it's fairly easy to extrapolate.
I suffered from depression for years, school was never fun for me I have no depth perception which is pretty much a brain injury from being born 3 months early , I've always had issues with my weight, I'm unable to drive and I don't always understand things the way other people do. Kids stole things from me all the time, would chase me home from school, call me names and throw things at me. I closed up starting in elementary school, I had friends off and on but no one stuck. Junior high wasn't much better and than in high school I made friends because they wanted to be friends with a "freak" which lasted about a year. I was asked out on dates as a joke and I'll admit my self esteem was basically none existent. I was in an abusive relationship for almost 3 years from 18 to just shy of 21. My dad passed away from cancer months before I graduated high school at 19 and other things happened into my 20s with all of that I had dark thoughts constantly  I developed severe anxiety I only feel safe if I'm out of the house with my dog Rein she's very much my protector, my mom or my boyfriend which still to this day the fact I'm in a relationship again is amazing to me. For the most part though I'm a hermit I can't answer the door without having severe heart palpitations that last for a very long time, if people have to come to fix something I'm usually standing by my dogs kennel and as much as I really need a job the prospect of being around people scares me. I won't say that bullying did all of that I think it's a combination of things but I do wish that people would really consider the other person before they do something because you just don't know what long term affects they will have. Life is hard enough without having other people making you feel like dirt.
I'm so sorry to hear this.  Have you spoken with your doctor about the ongoing anxiety and depression?
I am sorry you went through all that and are still suffering.  Most of my problems were home related and I moved out at 18.  Life got better.  Adults are usually more accepting of people's 'quirks'. 

I had a very nice chat with the manager at my vet this morning. They don't have any positions open right now (didn't think so - I'm sure I would have seen in in my many searches otherwise!), and typically they don't like to hire clients mainly because they don't want to chance negatively impacting the vet/client relationship. Which I'll admit, that thought was there on my part, so I did understand. However, with that said, she didn't want to necessarily have that be a reason to automatically discount me. So, she will let me know if anything opens, and also will keep her eyes and ears open for any other positions. She said they've seen how I am with my pets and think I'd be an asset with any vet. And can't beat getting your own vet's recommendation!

She also mentioned another thing I could do is volunteer. I've told her that I've already planned on going to orientation at the cat shelter in the city on June 30th (I'd planned on doing it in March, but Sara got sick the weekend before). She brought up one that really caught her heart, and I have to say after looking into it, it has caught mine as well. I have a special spot in my heart for seniors, and this rescue works only with seniors. I'm actually considering looking into that shelter in ADDITION to the other one because I'm a little crazy. They have what they call "the sanctuary" which is critters they've deemed unadoptable due to health issues. They either live their lives at the shelter or ideally with a foster.

Anyway, regardless, I do need to find something that PAYS. So worst case scenario, if I go the shelter route, maybe I'll take a job working at the grocery store to help with the $$$ aspect. It's literally right next door to me (vet's on one side, grocery store on the other). Can't beat walking distance. And maybe I'll get a store discount.
Oh, good.  That sounds wise to me, a different vet might be a better fit for you, and you can give your current vet's office as a reference.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
My cats are really enjoying the sunshine today. I have been thinking about taking them out on their harnesses. But I may wait until tomorrow since the weather will be better tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@Tallyollyopia. I'm sorry, but I haven't read your story yet. I keep meaning to, but the past week has been so busy that I haven't gotten a chance. Whenever I get on here, it's just a quick catch up and comment. I will read it though. So far, everyone that has seems to enjoy it. Maybe by the time.I get to read it, you'll be done and I won't have to wait for the ending!!!!
Take your time. If you like, I'll PM what I've posted of the story to you so you can read it at your heart's content and free time. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
My cats are really enjoying the sunshine today. I have been thinking about taking them out on their harnesses. But I may wait until tomorrow since the weather will be better tomorrow.
I really need to start taking Paul and Chula out for walks.  I bought them a harness and leash but have been too big of a wuss to put the harness on Chula because she gets so unhappy when I try.  Meanwhile, she's had a few adventures out in the hall up on the fourth floor where we're located.  She checks out all the doors carefully and I think may have found another cat.  Now when she gets out, she bolts right for that door and starts sniffing.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@Artiemom, did you get to see sunshine today? I, as well as many others, I'm sure, can't stop thinking about her. She enters my thoughts numerous times a day.
Yeah, tell us tell us, how is Sunshine? I have never just "babbled" before I prefer more erudite comments, but here goes. Who is in my thoughts regarding pussycats? Besides my own of course. There is Carpet who lives in Japan and Sunshine and Mouse who lives in the UK. Oh gee, I have had one more loaded punch that I should have and remember all the beautiful pussycats, there is one in Mexico City, and another in New Hampshire whose name I can't remember and Luigi  who lives in San Diego who used to be my cat and was called Kattopu and his newly adopted sister Lollipop but called just Lolli because their mom loves Italian names. Yeah, I think this called "babbling", saying not much of anything. @Tallyollyopia, how are you and your new job? Has AWM found a job yet and applied for UI benefits?? I ought to get off here, I think I'm a little tipsy. We finally got some heat today, about 80F, it's about time, my tomatoes are still green and the Dragon Fruit is just now making the first attempt of pushing out buds. Those of you who have never heard of dragon fruit, it's also called Pitaya, from Central and South America and Cuba and now grown in all warm/hot climates, especially Asia.  
Take your time. If you like, I'll PM what I've posted of the story to you so you can read it at your heart's content and free time. 
Please PM it to me also, pretty please, with ice cream on top and a cherry? I think that's enough words to qualify, yes?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Yeah, tell us tell us, how is Sunshine? I have never just "babbled" before I prefer more erudite comments, but here goes. Who is in my thoughts regarding pussycats? Besides my own of course. There is Carpet who lives in Japan and Sunshine and Mouse who lives in the UK. Oh gee, I have had one more loaded punch that I should have and remember all the beautiful pussycats, there is one in Mexico City, and another in New Hampshire whose name I can't remember and Luigi  who lives in San Diego who used to be my cat and was called Kattopu and his newly adopted sister Lollipop but called just Lolli because their mom loves Italian names. Yeah, I think this called "babbling", saying not much of anything. @Tallyollyopia, how are you and your new job? Has AWM found a job yet and applied for UI benefits?? I ought to get off here, I think I'm a little tipsy. We finally got some heat today, about 80F, it's about time, my tomatoes are still green and the Dragon Fruit is just now making the first attempt of pushing out buds. Those of you who have never heard of dragon fruit, it's also called Pitaya, from Central and South America and Cuba and now grown in all warm/hot climates, especially Asia.  

Please PM it to me also, pretty please, with ice cream on top and a cherry? I think that's enough words to qualify, yes?
I have never had a Dragon Fruit before but have always thought they sounded delicious.  Plus they're beautiful  It sounds like you are actually growing them?   I'm a big cacti fan though living in Maryland that has meant growing them indoors.  I remember going to the Southwest U.S. and thinking I'd died and gone to heaven. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Yes, the dragon fruit grows in my community garden plot. It's a fearsome looking thing because I did not know how to grow it so it is all over the place. A properly trained one looks almost like a palm tree with a trunk and the branches coming out of the top and hanging down like palm fronds. Here's my monster at  4 years old they grow really fast, this is from an 8 inch cutting:

View media item 355081   it's about 4 ft tall here and has several fruit on it

View media item 355082   this is its flower, as big as my hand,no scent, and only                                                                                                                                                                          lasts ca. 3 days, it opens at night

View media item 355100   a different view of the flower, it's quite beautiful

View media item 355083   this is the fruit, still on the plant with the dried-up parts                                                                                                                                                                         of the flower at one end

View media item 355086   closeup of the fruit on the plant

View media item 355088   cut open, it has the consistency of custard with tiny                                                                                                                                                                                seeds like a kiwi fruit, just scoop it out with a spoon. It                                                                                                                                                                         has a delicate taste, vaguely sweet

Last year I had 10 fruit, not all the flowers set and then somebody came along and STOLE 3 of them by just reaching across the fence.

View media item 355099
This is the monster last week, it is taller than in the first picture and I have put up the netting to foil the thieves this year. The top of the net is about 7 feet from the ground. And yes, that is corn on the left. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Take your time. If you like, I'll PM what I've posted of the story to you so you can read it at your heart's content and free time. 
That would be wonderful! Thank you. Then it wiLL be seperate and I won't get overwhelmed with all the catching up to do on this thread. It will be like getting a new book!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
That would be wonderful! Thank you. Then it wiLL be seperate and I won't get overwhelmed with all the catching up to do on this thread. It will be like getting a new book!
Well, please don't get too happy just yet. Like I said, this one's not finished yet. (Although I am glad to be working on it; Yarey is a character whose perspective I enjoy writing from.)


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
  it's about 4 ft tall here and has several fruit on it
View media item 355082   this is its flower, as big as my hand,no scent, and only                                                                                                                                                                          lasts ca. 3 days, it opens at night

View media item 355100   a different view of the flower, it's quite beautiful

View media item 355083   this is the fruit, still on the plant with the dried-up parts                                                                                                                                                                         of the flower at one end

View media item 355086   closeup of the fruit on the plant

View media item 355088   cut open, it has the consistency of custard with tiny                                                                                                                                                                                seeds like a kiwi fruit, just scoop it out with a spoon. It                                                                                                                                                                         has a delicate taste, vaguely sweet

Last year I had 10 fruit, not all the flowers set and then somebody came along and STOLE 3 of them by just reaching across the fence.

View media item 355099
This is the monster last week, it is taller than in the first picture and I have put up the netting to foil the thieves this year. The top of the net is about 7 feet from the ground. And yes, that is corn on the left. 
These are some wonderful photos and I love the way you put this all together. 
  I hadn't seen pictures of the flower before but they're gorgeous.  They look  similar to the Night Blooming Cereus that open only for one night a year but have a wonderful fragrance.    I had one of those for many years that I grew inside - it flopped all over the place.  I guess I didn't realize it could be trained.  Your garden is so beautiful.   It must be a lot of work.  And then to have people rip off your fruit. 
  Hopefully that fencing does the job.    My Night Blooming Cereus got caught outside in a frost - this makes me want to go out and get another plant. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I want to say that yes people do laugh. I have heard the snide comments from coworkers concerning this latest disaster. They don't understand. But I do. I just keep my mouth shut. I see it on facebook all the time. I see bullying at the store. on the road. At work. Everywhere. All because people don't have respect. I admit I was foolish when I was younger. I let things bother me. I was sad and angry. Everyone didn't want to talk to me because I was grumpy. I still am but I try to hide it better. Kids can be little creeps and their parents are to blame. my mother would have cuffed me if I did any of the stuff other kids did. She ran the household and my dad backed her up. So to answer the question about do people actually snicker? YES they DO!

Segelkat-I loved that little dippy of a song/babbling. And I almost bought a dragon fruit but they were $6! I wasn't sure if that was what they really cost or the grocery store is marking them up..now I have to try one. I don't know if I like kiwi. Never had one. I am bland and like safe foods..strawberries bananas etc. love oranges. They have these exotic ones that are a cross between an orange and grapefruit-love them. don't care for mangos. but that starfruit plant looks interesting.

this morning spent 15 min watering my poor strawberries-looks like we got mostly those wild ones. I have a few larger strawberries but the plants I just bought got hit with powdery mildew so I think I may have to trash them.

Honeybee got soaked by the sprinkler. I set it up last night so all I had to do this morning was turn it on. I think she was sitting on the strawberry bed. and then when I came out back to attend to the water-she was no where. after I was done she came back and sat on one of the stones I put on the stone walkway-they hate those loose stones-so I put patio stones in various areas-they love laying onthem. She sat looking at me like, "What the heck?! Its all WET!!" she left in a huff. I guess she wanted to lounge on those stones but they were wet. never stopped her before. She sits in the rain too dippy cat!

when I got ready to leave for work she was fast asleep next to Jon on her red velvet blanket. I asked why is she in? he says too cold. She usually stays out for an hour or two then sleeps all morning and afternoon. Cats!


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go in his girlfriend's place to the show tonight (she's also a friend of mine - she can't make the show tonight though). Or it's the other way around, he confused me a bit. Either way, getting to go to the show tonight for free, yay! Dead Kennedys are playing, I was considering not staying for them, but they're pretty big, so I probably should. But I get to see Bollweevils and get to see Squared Off play in a place that has a good sound system!

I need to get out, and to something that reminds me more of the life I used to live. Even if I don't do it often, I need to do it occasionally. Although I'll be doing it twice this weekend which will feel like soooo much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I miss going to concerts. I used to go all the time. I will have to look into the local shows and maybe start going but its hard when I work all the time. I hate not getting enough sleep. And all the stuff I have to take care of around the house. And of course the cats like to get in my way and trip me. Jon texted me a photo yesterday of Honeybee and Floey curled up together. The other night floey actually licked honeybee's foot when I stuck it in her face. Usually she hisses at Honeybee.

Margd - Pumpkin face was trained on a harness  and leash. Floey rolled around trying to bite it off of her. Honeybee I haven't tried. The harness I have is too small. I want to try one of those Velcro ones someone had posted on this site-they look much easier to get on and off. I want to walk Honeybee but she is petrified of strangers. I want to get one of those kitty strollers and walk around down town with her in there. She LOVES car rides. She looks out the window like a dog and wags her tail!


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I started really going to shows a lot back in early 2011. Like, every weekend. Multiple shows usually, and sometimes even during the week! Last year though, I just didn't go to as many. Didn't feel like it. Something about last year just irked me and I could never place it. I think I somehow knew I was going to lose one of my babies last year. It was actually Sara that was very sick at the beginning of 2015, so losing Lucky was a really big shock for me. Then of course I didn't expect to lose her this year but, well... Anyway, not gonna pass up a free show. Especially one I really want to go to.

I really need to see a show at my local dive bar again one of these days. My friend asked me if I wanted to go see a show there on Wednesday, but I was tired and it was Wednesday, so didn't go. I haven't been there in so long though, I miss the people there and the place. If you can imagine a punk-rock version of Cheers, that's what it's like.
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